4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 21, 1997 ~Igh £tdicgunDlig 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor "NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'I happen to think this generation of students is outstanding. Obviously there are many idealistic students.' - - University President Lee Bollinger, in response to quotes that appeared in a New York Times story last week Reality bites: Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Safety check U' must aim for continued improvement 0 fraid of going alone to certain places on or near campus after dark? If so, you are not alone - 54 percent of the University community agrees. Yet this rela- tively high percentage is down 8 percent from 1989. While the numbers certainly reflect widespread concern, it is important to note the significant improvement in the perception of safety and security on cam- pus. In the wake of the report, it is crucial for the University to maintain close tabs on the Department of Public Safety. It is also important for the University to continue their efforts to increase personal safety on campus, for it is apparent that serious con- cerns remain. The Institute for Social Research, at the request of the University Task Force on -Campus Safety and Security, recently released a follow-up survey to their 1989 study. The surveys traced community atti- tudes, towards campus safety and security over the past eight years in hopes that the level of personal safety would increase. After the ISR survey in 1989 - a year when DPS heard 164 reports of physical assault and the Sexual Assault Prevention -and Awareness Center saw 85 cases of sex- ual assault - the University decided to expand DPS. The expansion added officers who patrol campus and control access to baildings. -E-One ISR survey question asked if the rispondent had ever entered a University ntilding after normal hours. If they had, the epondent was asked if University officials sand employees treated them courteously. inety-three percent of white respondents said they perceived courteous treatment, Y hile only 80 percent of black respondents s fHelpin w:Task force solutions n and 67 percent of Hispanics reported receiving similar courtesy. Although DPS's presence may explain the increased level of personal safety, the University must remedy infractions of individuals' civil liberties and rights. In several reported cases, DPS infringed on these rights in the past; the University must continue to keep close tabs on its actions. Another discrepancy in the survey results appeared between male and female responses. While 34 percent of the males interviewed expressed fear of certain places on or near campus after dark, 84 percent of women expressed such fears. In addition, when asked if there is any place on or near campus where respondents would be afraid to go alone during the day, 3 percent of men and 19 percent of women - up from 17 percent in the 1989 survey - said yes. While general trends may reflect increased feelings of personal security, the University must also explore reasons for the immense gap between male and female responses. In tackling the continuing widespread concern over personal safety, the University must take action to create a safer environ- ment. An overwhelming majority of respon- dents favored more outdoor lighting on campus. Seventy-six percent of respondents also favored the University providing more visible police or security personnel pres- ence on campus. While 87 percent of the University community agrees that DPS makes campus a safer place, the University must maintain DPS oversight. In doing so, the University must make certain that DPS does not violate students' civil liberties, and ensure that campus is a safe and comfort- able place for everyone. Shand oust come to fruition ous. Communities dealing with this prob- lem have been "discussing" solutions for too long while making few tangible improvements. The task force now must take action. Even Olaf Lidums, director of the Washtenaw County Shelter Association believes that the subcommittees' recom- mendations, while positive, only scratch the surface. Washtenaw County Administrator Bob Gunzel said that county and city administrators are looking into ways to keep the Washtenaw County Task Force on Homelessness a permanent part of local government. This step could improve the task force's legitimacy and overall produc- I tivity. However, it must Ii 3OLLINGER L /E-/T A ND URASLEr U/VLI6H/T AAI 22L//V/1S TATR 511OE. /VOW COWmrS /N 7 F-10,557f/PyV gFKO - ,r° HAVE 7c PU7 'OCIRZ FOT7- IN ou MOU 7~-/ ~~_ _ ~ f4 . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR T he reality of homelessness is all too prevalent in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. One encounters the effects of homelessness by merely taking a walk through the Diag or clown South University Avenue. However, the Washtenaw County Task Force on Homelessness recently released recommen- 4ations to curb the problem - at least loally. While the task force and its propos- ali are steps in the right direction, it needs t6 move toward more solid commitments for tangible results. Last year, the county board of commis- sioners and the city councils of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti created the Task Force on Pomelessness to investigate ways of better serving the Homele area's homeless. The task force Ann includes many subcommittees, A two- necessary to investigate specif- ic community issues, such as funding, A 'Top 10' list for 'U' To THE DAILY: No. 10. Union Basement lighting. Brought to you by the American Foundation for the Promotion of Braille. No. 9. Eight cents a page. When we spend what we spend to come here, we should not see a little eight cents per page sign every time we print something out. If you have to raise tuition, do it. Do not insult students' intelligence by disguising tuition raises as printing charges. No. 8. DPS. Give little men and women uniforms with light blue stripes on the side, and there is no telling how important they will feel. No. 7. Resource alloca- tion. It would be nice if LSA students had access to the same quality of resources (e.g. computers) as did stu- dents in richer colleges (e.g. the business school). We are people too. No. 6. Alumni sections. Put them in the back - somewhere where they can sit during the whole game, talk about the weather and play bingo in peace. No. 5. Nike. Why don't we just rename ourselves "Nike U?'" We might get another $200,000! No. 4. Advising. "Here's 100 handouts, look at them, figure out a good major. Have a nice day!" No. 3. Career Planning and Placement. "Here's 100 books, look at them, figure out a good job. Have a nice life!" No. 2. Library. We have a first-rate collection, but not the staff to maintain it. No. 1. An administration with obsessive-compulsive building disorder. Gotta build ... gotta build ... gotta build! JED FRIEDMAN LSA SENIOR Mumia guilty and should be executed To THE DAILY: Last week, Micah Holmquist rehashed the same tired old arguments against the death penalty that contin- ue to give liberals the image that they are bleeding hearts and whiners ("States should abolish the death penalty," 3/12/97). Mumia is a convict- ed cop killer. As cold-blood- ed killers, Mumia and those guilty of murder are deserv- ing of capital punishment. Here is why: Nn I 1 At etrcn rthr murderers on the streets tak- ing away the lives of truly innocent victims. Do you really want mon- sters like Richard Allen Davis or John Wayne Gacy alive and able to think and communicate? Would society be better off if notorious rapist Ted Bundy was still alive? The death penalty is the states' ultimate tool to prevent horrific crimes. It is not fair that family of the vic- tims have to live with the fact that their loved one is gone, but the man responsible for that crime still is alive in a prison cell. The reason the death penalty costs so much is the numerous appeals made on behalf of the convicts by bleeding-heart lawyers. What would happen if one of these lawyers were successful and it turns out after all that the convict was guilty of the crime that landed him on death row? Get a grip, people. If you abide by the law and don't murder anyone, you don't have to worry about being executed. The death penalty is for those who murder with- out remorse. Like Davis. Like Mumia. DAVID TAUB LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT APA show celebrates cultural pride TO THE DAILY: When I was in Ann Arbor last Friday, March 14, I did not expect to be taken on a journey celebrating humor, beauty, history, power, strength and culture. However, that is exactly what happened when I attended the Gen APA show. It was, in a word, incredible! As a Chicana, part of understanding who I am and my reality in this world is understanding other people's realities. I truly believe that in order to truly know our- selves, we must know others. I liken this process to visiting people in your neighborhood. For example, I know my house (my culture), up and down, inside and out. I love my house ... but I could and should know my neighbor- hood as well. The Gen APA show was like visiting my neighbors. From beginning to end, I felt like I was invited into their home with open arms and given a tour of not one home but many homes. That night I witnessed dance, music, the- atre, video and song that expressed history and moder- nity, comedy and drama, individuality and collectivity, nnin ain czncnsa it a ri miss the same opportunity I did. She will be attending the University in the fall and I will be darned if she stays in her house as long as I did. MARISELA MARTINEZ UNIVERSITY ALUMNA Advertise URL for ballot To THE DAILY: With the start of the elec- tions of March 20th, it was nice to see mention of the online voting for MSA elec- tions ("Online ballot conve- nient for students," 3/19/97). However, one thing that you neglected to advertise was the URL for these sites. Whenever an article in the Daily mentions something online, I immediately scan the article, looking for the tell-tale "http" or "@" sym- bol for e-mail addresses. Instead, I am told the names of the pages, but not where to go. I do know where these pages are, but I am an experi- enced user of the University's Internet site; what about your average student? The only reference to the URL for voting that I saw was a campaign flyer on a wall this morning (the second day of elections) on North Campus. Speaking of which, are we North Campus people going to be neglected again? Judging by the lack of cam- paigning on this side of the school, the only issue that appears to be on the ballot is if the Lurie Bell Tower should either get a clock or be torn down, two highly sus- pect goals by MSA members. Certainly, some of the same issues affect us (such as the hike in the student fee), so why aren't we told what these are? The Daily's cover- age of this election has been relatively weak. Because of this, I do not know who the people are, what the issues are, or whom to vote for; hence, I do not plan to vote. Maybe if the candidates remember that North Campus houses a significant number of the student body, then I will vote, but not this year. MICHAEL NEYLON RACKHAM Talley is a poor source To THE DAILY: If sports writers are look- ing to inflame a situation, Michael Talley can always provide them with good quotes ("'U' hires finn to probe allegations,' 3/18/97). t :a ;c .- fta A-...ar sih Life after the 'U' Al right, so I admit it. I have become a virtual caricature of that stereotypical, angst-filled senior with graduation threatening to sneak up on her and change her life. And let me tell you something: It is not pretty. People I know have gotten themselves real live not-just-for-summer jo They are getting location costs move to different cities to begin their ascent up the cor- porate ladder. People I know are getting married. I wish everyone' all the congratula-. tions in my heart, but how on God's Earth didlget old ' enough to have working or mar- ried friends? Sic HEATHER weeks and count- GORDON ing until I am a RIDE WITH bona fide adult, ME and I am left won- dering how it happened to me. Of course, I am convinced that I am dealing with the impending Earth- shattering transitions quite well. fielding the ever-popular questi about my intentions when I graduateI sigh exasperatedly, snarl and bear my teeth, glare at the questioner as though he just decapitated my favorite aunt with an ice pick, and inform him that I do not have the slightest shred of a clue. I used to think I knew, but all of a sudden when the choice I had made started to become real, I got cold feet and decided rather to just be a mess of frayed nerve endings with no el# route to the future. So, instead of hav- ing a fabulous career awaiting me like a perfect sunset on an island vista, I have some gigantic void in the shape of a harrowing undirected job search to cheer me up after I move away from these halcyon days of my youth. Much better than having my path all mapped out for me, don't you agree? Instead of having my own place, I to live the dream of moving bac with Mommy and Daddy. I know you all wish you were me. I know many of you are me. Four years of answering to no one, and now I get to re-enter the Eden-like existence of calling home to announce my plans of being home for dinner or detail the specifics of my intended evening's debaucheries so that my parents can alert the police when I turn up missing. "Well, officer, first she was going to 'foam night' at that clue the Combat Zone ... oh, what was U called? "Love and Pain," I think that was it. And then she said she was going to sleep in her friend Meatface's trunk ..." Fortunately, my parents are rea- sonable enough to allow me my free- dom in a very "don't ask, don't tell" type of way, but that does not always cut it when you just want a beer in the fridge. I know I could quit my pissi and moaning and make up my mi Move tothe Yukon and bring religion to the bears or something, right? Right. And I will tell you that I am trying. But it is so hard with all these markers of The End glaring in my sad little face. When I parted from every- one I visited over break, they said with a menacing grin, "See you at gradua- tion!" I responded simply by spitting at them. I look at all the Michigan paraphernalia I seein all the stores I realize with a sinking feeling th can no longer take it for granted. Pretty soon I will no longer be living in the land where all clothes, folders, pens, trash cans and houses have big 'M's on them. Every buffalo wing from Mr. Spot's is my last buffalo wing. Every beer I have at Mitch's is my last beer. How can I exist in a world undecorated by Michigan pot holders, vacant of special sauce totally devoid of any worthwhile b . How, I ask you, can I go on? I feel like a bizarre combination of Ferris Bueller and Jesus (yes, the delu- sions of grandeur are finally setting in). Like Ferris, I am nearing gradua- tion and about to probably never see again some people that are quite dear to me. As for Jesus, well, aside from being your well-loved Friday colum- nist, I also dabble in stage managing and this term I -am workingU MUSKET's production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" (shameless plug: See it tonight, tomorrow night, or Sunday afternoon at the Power Center). Jesus has some lines like "My time is almost through / Little left to do" that sum up how I am feeling right now quite well (albeit on a much less grandiose scale). Even this show, which has been my life for two months, will be-over a this weekend. Just another marke how the time is rushing away from me, every breath another precious second gone. So, I am doing my best to enjoy every second I can. I spend so much time at Mitch's, I think I am getting an honorary olaaue on my usual seat. I essness in Arbor. part series become and remain an active organization. Another obstacle the task potential shelter sites and volunteer needs. Tuesday, all seven subcommittees convened for the first time to discuss the various teports' results and proposals. Along with presenting assessments of the immediate heed of the homeless and reviewing current programs and shelters, representatives from the committees also offered recommenda- tions they felt should be implemented to improve the overall shelter association. These recommendations included more appropriate staff-to-guest ratios - which ire currently 3:100 - separating substance abusers from non-substance abusers in shelters and more frequent meal distribu- tion. While the reports discussed the over- uxhelmincr neeA n r more shelter mace- I force faces is the lack of long- term funding. Realistically, the ideas that the task force would like to carry out require money that may not be easily attain- able. To acquire the necessary funds, local government must remain supportive - both politically and financially. Ideally, city administrators should develop funding plans on a long-term basis. A communitywide effort would help raise funds for improvement and give the area businesses and individuals a chance to contribute to the task force's goals. Improving living conditions for members of the community is a cause in which every- one can take an interest. This entails a strong commitment to the problem of homelessness. If there are to be any solutions, recom- mendatinns or nronosalsc arriedo ut cnm-