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One hundred six years ofeditorialdfeedom
March 14, 1997
supporter may have given cash to players
By Alan Goldenbach
Daily Sports Editor -
Several University officials spoke out yesterday on
allegations published by a Detroit newspaper that sev-
e current and former Michigan basketball players
a epted cash payments from a Detroit booster.
According to a report in the Detroit Free Press, two
anonymous sources linked closely with the Michigan
basketball team said that Ed Martin, 63, of Detroit had
a long-standing history of giving money to players.
The article stated that players received hundreds of
dollars from Martin. The cash was sometimes given to
them after games and within the confines of Crisler
Arena. Other scenarios described the players receiving
the payments hidden in cake boxes or through their
The University's course of action remains undecid-
ed because officials said they cannot contact the
unnamed sources in the articles.
"We have no idea of what our follow-up plan is,"
Michigan Athletic Director Joe Roberson said.
"Unnamed sources are difficult to follow up on.
"If anyone has anything to report we ask them to
inform us or the NCAA, Roberson said.
Senior Associate Athletic Director Keith Molin said
he was displeased that such potentially damaging alle-
gations came from anonymous sources.
"But it's not a level playing field," Molin said. "We
have to bare our soul under freedom of information.
We have to reveal absolutely everything we have,
which is one of the reasons why goodly numbers of
people are reluctant to talk to us about this kind of
thing, because then they have to be laid open to pub-
lic exposure and judgments"
Molin said the Athletic Department was aware of
the allegations before they surfaced yesterday.
University President Lee Bollinger said the story
was reported within the realm ofjournalistic integrity,
See NCAA,Page 7
Regents speak to charges
By Heathor Kanins
and Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporters
University President Lee Bollinger
addressed the latest allegations Sur-
rounding the relationship between
Michigan basketball players and
Detroit booster Ed Martin at yesterday's
meeting of the Board of Regents.
"Any time there is a credible allega-
tion we will investigate it;' Bollinger
said. "W have to have a goal of no
violationm. We cannot have a policy of
no minor- violations. We should be
scruptlousand energetic in iivestigat-
ing any plausible allegations,"
Bollinger said he could not verify if
the charges made by an anonymous
source in yesterdayIs edition of toe
See MEETING, Page ,7
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Messy birds
murder for
'U' students
By Daniel Nolan
For the Daily
Caw, Caw!
A murder of crowd that circle each night
outside Angell Hall and around the Diag -
with their cackling calls and noisy flapping of
wings - has been plaguing students.
And then there's the droppings.
*The women who live in nearby Betsy
Barbour residence hall said they're especially
affected by the crows' habits.
"I think someone should get a BB-gun'
said Betsy Barbour resident and LSA first-
year student Melita Alston. "I've been pooped
on before - they are awful," she said.
Other Barbour residents said even a love for
animals doesn't stifle their scorn for the
"Betsy Birds."
"Normally I'm all good about birds and
gerything, but I think they're a menace;" said
LSA sophomore Rachel Klamo.
LSA sophomore Marie Dewitt, who also
lives in Barbour, said the crows have disrupt-
ed her sleeping schedule.
"I've been woken up in the morning by
them because they are really loud," Dewitt said
about the crows that stay until early morning.
Other students on campus said they are
alarmed about the crows as well,
Amanda Goodman, a Rackham first-year
udent, said she felt the crows were "follow-
ing her" because of their sheer numbers and
ominous presence.
The roost outside Angell Hall can be crowd-
ed with, "up to 10,000 crows," said Rackham
student Cynthia Sims Parr, an expert on the
Ann Arbor birds. Parr recently completed her
dissertation on the local crows.
"A lot of these birds are migrants, but local
birds participate too," Parr said. "They are more
social than a lot of birds, and very smart:'
George Kulesza, a researcher at the
niversity's Museum of Zoology, said a num-
ber of factors draw the crows to campus,
including protection from predators -mainly
owls. The lighting and tall trees outside of
Angell Hall also make it an ideal spot for
crows to land, Kulesza said.
But Kulesza said the crows' stay in Ann
Arbor is only temporary and the birds will
likely leave within a few days.
"They are winter roosts only," Kulesza said.
The campus crows, or Corvus brachyrhyn-
More students
reporting GSI
Program director confirms
sexual harassment reports
increased over last year
By Ajit K. Thavarajah
Daily Staff Reporter
Reports of sexual harassment from Graduate
Student Instructors to their students have risen
during the past year.
Dianne Jordan, director of the University's
Sexual Harassment Prevention and Resolution
Program, confirmed these reports.
"There has been an overall rise in number of
complaints of sexual harassment for not only
Graduate Student Instructors but for the entire fac-
ulty and staff of the University" Jordan said.
The increase in the cases may be due to several .
factors, Jordan said.
"One possibility is that, in general, people have
a better understanding because of the greater
attention to these situations due to media coverage
in the past years," Jordan said.
One student, who wished to remain anonymous.
said one GSI repeatedly harassed her last semester.
"He would constantly approach me and ask me
out, in and out of the classroom" she said. "When
I refused, he made several comments that were
very offensive and degrading. I also found my
grades dropping considerably in the class."
The student said she was upset by the GSI's
advances. "I don't know why he was taking his
rejection out on me. It was a really scary situation."
Tamara Joseph, staff organizer for the Graduate
Employees Organization, said the union tries to
preserve the rights of GSIs on campus.
"We make sure that a union member receives a
fair investigation" Joseph said. "I want to make
clear that we do not tolerate sexual harassment. We
have to protect their rights, too,"
Rackham student David Rivera, who is a GS for
Political Science 160, said GSIs should be cautious
about making romantic advances toward students.
"I would say, generally speaking, that it is a
good idea to divert any notion of dating activities
until you pass the time of the grading period to
avoid these situations;' Rivera said,
Jordan said it will take between one to two
months for her department to compile and present
all of last year's data.
"If the harassment involves any employee,
including students of the University, the complaint
is filed in our office," Jordan said,
"We work very hard to rectify situations as
quickly as possible without sacrificing fairness to
both parties involved," Jordan added. "Punishments
can range from counseling to termination of
employment of the employee who commits the
offense, or expulsion if (the offender) is a student."
Joyce Wright, prevention and education coordi-
nator for the Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center, said that a victim of sexual
harassment may face several problems.
"When a victim of this type of harassment
comes to SAPAC. we try to help them to function
in their normal daily life," Wright said.
Wright also said SAPAC provides full support
to students.
"Our policy here at SAPAC is to provide com-
plete advocacy toward the victim no matter what
decision they make" Wright said.
Wright said some victims are reluctant to come
forward about being harassed.
"Some victims of sexual harassment tend to
wait until after they graduate before they file a
complaint to the University" Wright said. "They
may feel that no one will believe them or they
could suffer negative repercussions in their classes
A flock of crows perch on trees near North University Avenue last night. The crows are a cam-
pus phenomenon that many students and experts say they find annoying.
Moving on up
chos, spend their evenings on campus from
November to about mid-March. They are diur-
nal and omnivorous, which means they will
eat anything and spend their days scavenging
for food, Kulesza said.
The birds even have their own daily sched-
ule, according to Janet Henshaw, coordinator of
museum collections at the Museum of Zoology.
Before dusk, the crows first gather in small
groups before coming together in the ceme-
tery behind Observatory Street. From there,
See CROWS, Page 2
Ku Klux Klan leader suing
city for $8M over injuries
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Ku Klux Klan National Imperial Wizard Jeff
Berry and his wife are suing the city of Ann
Arbor for $8 million, accusing the city of civil
rights violations during last year's nationally
publicized June 22 Klan rally.
Attorney Robert Wiggins, who filed the
lawsuit at the U.S. District Court in Detroit
o Monday, claimed the city did not ade-
ttely protect the KKK from a crowd of
protesters during the rally, where Berry's
wife, Edna, suffered a head injury and lac-
erations to the forehead. Wiggins said he
will call in experts during a hearing to
prove that proper protection was not provid-
named in the suit, said she will not comment
until she sees the lawsuit.
Ann Arbor City Councilmember Jean
Carlberg (D-3rd Ward) said the city provided
the ralliers with adequate police protection.
"It seems to me that we went out of our way
to protect them with officers on hand,"
Carlberg said.
Other councilmembers also commented that
Ann Arbor spent lots of money and time to
assure protection.
"The city went to enormous effort and
expense," said Tobi Hanna-Davies (D- 1st
Wiggins said Berry's legal counsel is also
looking into the possibility of a conspiracy
to violate civil rights under a federal code,
"I think someone intentionally tried to screw
up the rally,' Wiggins said. "I think that was
Wiggins said he plans to prove these allega-
tions during the civil case.
The lawsuit also alleges the city used
"ethnic intimidation" toward the Klan and
acted unfairly by billing the Ku Klux Klan
more than $36,000 in police protection
Jeff Berry was contacted last night but
refused to comment.
Wiggins said he is not a member of the
"My views don't necessarily coincide with
theirs;" Wiggins said, "but I'm a lawyer and
I'm defending their constitutional rights"
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