4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 13, 1997 Ole £idig a Egil 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSHi WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Fresh look Clinical faculty offer a new spin on learning NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'I'm getting fed up with the idea that everything we do is a violation of the agreement, and everything the Palestinians say is in compliance with the agreement.' -Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in response to Palestinian accusations that Israel is violating the peace accords YUKl KUNIYUKI .}:;.1 ';' L1',Rf LTE LETTERS TO TH E EDITOR T he "real world" of employment that graduating students encounter often requires insights that classes and textbooks may not offer. Clinical faculty - non- tenured professionals who teach the practi- cal applications of their fields - have the potential to equip students with knowledge to ease the transition from the academic to the professional world. Increasing the num- ber of clinical faculty - which currently exist in areas like medicine, pharmacy and law - is important to broaden the University's academic offerings. The admin- istration must take advantage of the new fac- ulty's skills to their utmost potential, creat- ing a better educational environment. At Monday's meeting, of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, Provost J. Bernard Machen recommended the expansion of clinical faculty. At present, four of the University's graduate programs utilize clinical faculty. Six additional schools and colleges petitioned to bring in clinical faculty; Machen stipulated that these schools should submit a detailed artic- ulation of need to his office. The University Board of Regents must approve the expan- sion before hiring can start. Education should enhance students' intelligence and should include information from a variety of perspectives. Clinical fac- ulty have much to offer students. Their experience with real-world applications of academic knowledge can be valuable to augment the information presented in text- books, discussions and lectures. Clinical faculty usually teach part-time while holding jobs in their field of exper- tise. Due to the area's small window of opportunity for some professions, some of y the new faculty may need to hold full-time w teaching positions to attract them to the University. The University should make certain that it attracts the most qualified faculty possible - even if it does require spending extra money on their recruitment. Critics fear the supply of Graduate Student Instructors may grow thin if clinical and research professors battle for teaching assistance. The administration should fol- low careful guidelines to ensure coopera- tion between research and clinical profes- sors - the groups should not have to battle for resources. The administration should make efforts to prevent divisions from forming after the hiring of the new faculty. Traditional research faculty have more teaching experi- ence while clinical faculty have more prac- tical application experience. Cooperation and teamwork between the two groups is paramount to ensure that students can get the benefits of both worlds. Without it, the University will be unable to fulfill its com- mitment to providing students with the best education possible. At Monday's meeting, some SACUA members expressed concern that the new faculty might harm or dismantle the present tenure system. However, the new faculty could not achieve tenure and would not impede research faculty seeking tenure. Furthermore, Machen stated that the num- ber of tenured faculty is the same now as it was before clinical faculty members first came to the University. The University should commit itself to providing students with a broad variety of educational experiences. Increasing clinical faculty is an excellent way to ensure that students have the opportunity to gather a number of perspectives within their fields of study. The regents should enact the pro- gram's expansion as it benefits the students and increases the University's educational capacity. Need a ride? Hug-a-Bus is a valuable community service A t first, the name "Hug-A-Bus" might sound like a club for public-trans- portation-loving folks, perhaps cousins of the "hug-a-tree" nature lovers. Don't be fooled: Hug-A-Bus is actually an innova- tive, supportive, community-friendly orga- nization that will have a positive impact on the lives of low-income individuals with HIV. It provides free transportation for Washtenaw County residents with HIV, offering assitance to and from doctor's appointments, errands, or even visiting friends. Such day-to-day activities can be difficult, if not impossible, due to the med- ical or financial restraints of many area res- idents. Treatment costs for HIV patients are high; Hug-A-Bus meets the needs of these individuals who cannot afford public trans- portation. Hug-A-Bus is a non-profit organization that will serve all of Washtenaw County; Ann Arbor's system is a pilot program that will aid a larger national effort. The Rev. William Stein, president and founder of Hug-A-Bus, said that participants have to meet certain welfare requirements to prove that they are poverty stricken. Furthermore, only HIV-infected Washtenaw County resi- dents, their immediate families and person- al health aides are allowed to take advantage of the free transportation. Hug-A-Bus should prove to be a much- needed help to county residents with HIV or AIDS, as well as benefiting the commu- nity as a whole. People who use the bus sys- tem will no longer have to worry about from the community. Hug-A-Bus also attempts to maintain the dignity and priva- cy of its riders. In order to protect partici- pant's anonymity, each person receives a coded access card to use when scheduling a ride. Only the transit administrator, dis- patcher and referral agency will know the client's true identify. This is an important and considerate feature, as some patients are uncomfortable with identifying their HIV-positive status. It is important that people with HIV are active in their community, to help shun the misconception that people living with the virus are "weak" or "helpless." Hug-A-Bus will assist them in continuing to have the opportunity to participate in cultural events or even go to the movies when physical or financial restraints might keep them home. Stein feels that community members have the responsibility to help each other. Hug-A-Bus appears to have laid down a good foundation from which the program could eventually expand. Hug-A-Bus cur- rently serves only individuals with HIV and their families, meeting a demand that has not previously been addressed. Other communities around the country have established similar transportation pro- grams for cancer patients, the elderly or others who find themselves virtually home- bound due to medical conditions or finan- cial difficulty. Programs like Hug-A-Bus should continue to expand - people impeded by disease or circumstance retain the ability and desire to participate in their CRs tender campaign resignations TO THE DAILY: On Wednesday, Jan. 27, a majority of officers of the University of Michigan College Republicans exer- cised their right to remove an elected president from office. The decisionto impeach Nicholas Kirk centered on his ethical violations, inabili- ty to satisfactorily delegate responsibility among the other officers, blatant disre- gard for the diplomatic process, unwillingness to assume accountability for his actions and crude behavior toward many members. To the campus community, Kirk's impeachment facilitat- ed a new beginning - a beginning of a group commit- ted to abhor all forms of dis- reputable conduct and ves- tiges of ineptitude. To our friends in the membership of the CRs, this was a triumph of honor and integrity over the improvidence and gross orga- nizational mismanagement that characterized Kirk's tenure and impeded the attain- ment of our ultimate goals. In an unexpected turn of events, Kirk was re-elected president to serve out the remainderaofethe term until the general elections on March 19. To those of us who worked tremendously hard to reform this organization from within, the re-election of Kirk indicates a failure to attain a heightened sense of responsibility on the part of the 20 or so active members necessitated by the occasion. As officers elected to serve in the best interest of the Republican Party at the colle- giate level, we no longer feel we can fulfill our mandate in an environment of individu- als impervious to the dictates of sensibility. We therefore resign our positions as vice president, treasurer, and sec- retary of the CRs. All that is left now is a hope that Kirk's successor will bring this group's maturity to a level commensurate with the chal- lenges facing campus Republicans ahead. It is wrong to assume the conser- vative movement is dead on campus. It is likewise wrong to assume our individual roles in the fight for smaller government and more per- sonal freedom have ended. Thank you to the many won- derful people who supported us and continue to encourage us. EuA XE1os LSA SOPHOMORE JENNIFER SKOMER LSA SOPHOMORE BECKY BEAMISH Organization. They were there speaking on the strug- gle for freedom for radical journalist and MOVE sup- porter Mumia Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther cur- rently on Pennsylvania's death row. Mumia Abu- Jamal's struggle for a new trial has received support ranging from the Japanese Diet (parliament) to South African President Nelson Mandela to the Ann Arbor City Council. Abu-Jamal was the victim of a politically motivated and racist COIN- TELPRO-style railroading stemming from a 1981 inci- dent in which a Philadelphia policeman was killed. Overwhelming exculpatory evidence - much of which was deliberately withheld in his 1982 mockery of a trial - has convinced millions worldwide of his innocence and demonstrated convinc- ingly that the American "jus- tice" system does not work if you happen to be poor, black or hold revolutionary politi- cal beliefs. While the Daily did run a photograph taken from the forum (although Carlos Africa was erroneously named as John in the cap- tion), as one of the main organizers of the event, I was disappointed that the Daily chose not to send a reporter. Ramona Africa is an interna- tionally recognized leader in the worldwide campaign for Mumia Abu-Jamal's freedom and both she and Carlos Africa are themselves former political prisoners. Ramona Africa is also the only adult survivor of the 1985 fire- bombing of the MOVE home in which 11 people - including five children - were burnt alive and/or shot and 61 homes were destroyed in a black Philadelphia neigh- borhood. She was imprisoned for the maximum seven-year sentence from that date until 1992 for "incitement to riot" and other bogus charges, hav- ing been told by authorities that if she renounced MOVE and her political and spiritual beliefs, her sentence would be reduced. This she coura- geously refused to do. The MOVE massacre at the hands of the notoriously racist and corrupt Philadelphia police depart- ment made headlines world- wide in 1985. Surely Ramona Africa's talk at U of M should have been considered newsworthy - more so than the opening. of yet another campus coffee- house, the "story" the Daily chose to run on the front page of the same issue in which our event received only a page five photo caption. Stories like Mumia Abu- Size affects 'U' experience TO THE DAILY: Over recent months, I have noticed a trend in the publicity of the reputation of our esteemed University. I look at articles - such as the one printed about this University having to court would-be applicants ("Deadline extended for 'U' applicants," 3/10/97) - and I am deeply disturbed. This is the first time I have ever heard of our school having to resort to these measures to attract a diversified and well- qualified incoming class. Moreover, I recently read the U.S. News and World Report reviews of our under- graduate program, an opinion in particular written by a for- mer Daily editor, that criti- cizes the size and complexity of this fine institution. What is wrong with this picture? I look to policy decisions made in the past few years that dilute and weaken a strong University. I realize that in today's financial world, many universities are strapped for money. I believe that the University's leaders have placed too much emphasis on maximizing the size of the student body to maximize the inflow of much-needed tuition. When looking at colleges, I wanted a large school - I appreciate the diversity and benefits that a large school has to offer. However, I also wanted a school with a repu- tation for excellence. I feel that the recent trend toward an ever-increasing student body has harmed the atmos- phere and reputation of the University. This fact is evi- denced by drops in applica- tions, disparaging remarks made by student leaders to national publications and the size of undergraduate classes. Furthermore, I realize the economic benefits of maxi- mizing size to minimize costs. I am speaking of the proposal to build a giant din- ing hall in the area of the Hill residence halls. This facility will capture the economies of scale of a large facility, but at the expense of part of the undergraduate living experi- ence. I lived in Couzens Hall my freshman year and some of the best memories I have of that year were made in that dining hall. I ask the Housing Division: What memories will future undergraduates have of eating with 1,500 others in a giant barn? I think not. At what point is "big" big enough? I think we have already passed that point. I think that it is time that we rethink our plans to increase the size of the University year after year without regard for the harms Extensions ma help improve U's climate of diversity O nly 40 years ago, the University, like most American institutions of higher education, was a very white place. "Diversity" was just a w buried in the dictionary; it was not on the forefront of administrators' But things have changed, thanks in> part to educators' drive to diversify the student body,=i both racially and socio-economical- ly. A few weeks ZACHARY M ago, the University RAIM undertook another $moKE & attempt to ensure an3r diversity. The admissions office decided to extend the undergraduate application deadline for minority and exceptional high school students. The University made a wise decision to extend the deadline its pursuit of diversity benefits entire community. The extension Administrators were concerned with sharp drops in the number of applica- tions from minority students, partici- larly members from the black, Hispanic and Native American com- munities. Applications were down between 14 and 18 percent for these groups. Overall, the University received about 4 percent fewer ap cations this year than previous years. The University decided to extend the application deadline by a few weeks, to March 1, for 4,000 of these high school students. Specifically, the University targeted minority students with minim grade-point averages of 3.4, American College Testing scores of 24 and Scholastic Assessment Test scores of more than 1,000. And, the Univer also targeted top scholars with mini- mum grade-point averages of 4.0, ACT scores of 30 and SAT scores of 1,480. In addition, the admissions office granted these students permis- sion to send in their essays later, under separate cover. Diversity The decision to extend the deadline caused a stir among some members of the University community, local me* and Michigan residents. Many critics claim that this move gives certain groups preferential treatment and that the pursuit of diversity has ended up undermining the University's desire to treat everyone equally. But these crit- ics are misguided. Such criticism over- looks many important aspects of the decision, both on a macro and micro level. The overall benefits of a diverse 4 dent body cannot be underestimated. The University is comprised of stu- dents from all different racial, ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds. Professors and administrators are try- ing to create a community where its members explore their similarities and respect their differences. From this vastly diverse population, people can expand their minds, ideas and points of view. It brings more voices to t table and enriches our intellect exchanges. It better equips all students for a diverse work force. When diversity is threatened, the University has a responsibility to com- bat the problem. Its decision to extend the application deadline is an impor- tant move to protect one of the University's valuable resources: its diverse student population. A misguided debate Not only do critics overlook the b efits of diversity, they fail to see that the deadline extension is harmless. No one was hurt by the University's deci- sion, and everyone stands to benefit. No group was barred from applying to the University. No quota systems are in place to keep certain groups out. The University is just tring to expand and enrich the applicant pool. It is also important to note that the academic standards for the potent minority applicants are quite high. A common misconception, surrounding affirmative action is that institutions routinely enroll or hire underqualified minorities and discriminate against relatively more qualified white people. These numbers demonstrate other- wise. A minimum 3.4 GPA suggests that a student has at least some natural intelligence and a solid work ethic. Moreover, a 1,000 or higher on, SAT is abovethe national average and a respectable score. (It's certainly above mine.) To say that these students are unqualified, as some critics have charged, is wrong and harmful to the