4--The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 11, 1997 U>ij.EIijag 420 Maynard Street nn Arbor MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH WHITE Editor .in hief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily' ~ditorial board. All otherarticles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DA LY Emergency extension U' must remedy applicant decline NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'I wasn't scared, I was having fun. I was canoeing around and fishing in my front yard. Didn't catch anything, but I was getting some bites.' - Twelve-year-old Phillip Sharp, of Birdsville, Ky., explaining how he turned his town's devastating floods into an afternoon ofplay YUKI KUNIYUKI G ROUN E UPS EQmaifS CARCo PLANES lrO 5K IPEoPLF PARE M T5 ANDb STpEraT RE MA" ,s . 1 PU T r $. Am- BYE* Mons ! To LETTERS TO THE EDITOR -.I he composition of the 1997-98 first- year student applicant pool fell consid- rably short of University expectations this year. Missing from the swarm of prospective Wolverines were the substantial numbers of miinorities and high-achieving academic scholars sought by admissions personnel. In an emergency.effor to secure applications from such students, the University extended the application deadline by one month. Admissions officers then messaged some 4,000 of these students who had requested applications or submitted test scores but had tdot yet completed the procedure, encourag- ig them to submit core applications by the extended deadline. Moreover, the University allowed these students to submit the essay domponent of the application separately after the new deadline. While the University proved wise in compensating for the compositional short- domings of the applicant pool, foresight and oareful planning would have eliminated the need for such drastic action. The University should better anticipate such problems with suture incoming classes to make the dead- line extension a one-time action. 2 Reports reveal that the numbers of minorities and top students applying dropped sharply from last year. In fact, minority applications - mainly those from 14ative Americans, African Americans and Latino/as - fell 14 to 18 percent. The declining trend in top scholar applicants ,roved so evident that, this year, the University even investigated the prospect of etablishing a school for the academic elite 1o attract such students. The magnitude of the declines - and the fact that the drops represent part of a recent nationwide trend made them' predictable. occurrences. Because of the length of time it had to rec- ognize and address the problem; the University should not have had to resort to last-minute emergency tactics to attract stu- dents. Earlier action would have doubtless proved preferable to the deadline extension - an act that demeaned the University, making its rules appear lax and its image one of desperation. As the volume of applications - from all students - has declined in recent years, the University should intensify its overall recruitment efforts. Possibilities for such action include more summer programs offered to high school students that expose them to the University campus and earlier mail or phone contacts with high school students viewed as potential qualifiedappli- cants. The University could easily slant such'efforts to intensely target the specific. segments of the high school student popula- tion they wish to attract - in this case, minorities and the academic elite. Though the University does offer a limited number of these programs for minorities - such as the long-standing King, Chavez, Parks Program - they have apparently failed to produce the desired effect. The University could either augment these programs or explore other recruitment avenues. The University's lack of anticipation cost the institution both a number of valued applicants and, because of the deadline extension, a share of its esteem. More care- ful planning and heightened recruitment should prevent a repeat of this year's episode and should make certain that future appli- cant pools better reflect the broad spectrum of students the University hopes to attract. Automatic politicians Ex-officio MSA seats defy democracy If the students approve the Michigan Party's latest brainchild, the small Room 3909 in the Michigan Union could become a lot more crowded at every 7 Michigan Student Assembly meeting. In its last meet- i g, the assembly approved a ballot ques- tion that would amend the All-Campus Constitution to give large student groups - of 400 members or more - direct ex-offi- do representation on the assembly. MSA" works with student groups a great deal and their input is important. However, giving them an automatic seat on the assembly cre- ates more problems than it solves. The group representatives would be unable to vote but could take part in debates and would have all other representative Rtowers. Presently, any student interested in eipressing their opinion - on behalf of a group or otherwise - can speak during. qonstituents' time at the beginning of MSA ,meetings. Representatives can also allot time for constituents to enter into the regu- lar debate. There are avenues available for student input into MSA business - creat- ing new seats is unnecessary. The students elect MSA representatives Mbr a reason - to pursue students' best interests. Adding ex-officio members who .. _ .. . squabbles worse and creating severe con- flicts of interest. Debates over important issues like the annual budget and student group allocations could rage out of control with group representatives stifling mean- ingful debate while vying for a bigger piece of the pie. MSA debates often run long with dozens of representatives taking time to speak. Injecting inexperienced, partial rep- resentatives into the situation would enlarge the problem - leading to longer, more con- fusing debates. Moreover, the group repre- sentatives would be uninformed about many of MSA's issues and the parliamen- tary procedures under which it operates. MSA meetings could deteriorate from dis- order into chaos. The 400-member rule the ballot ques- tion imposes is problematic. A change to the MSA Compiled Code would be neces- sary to work out the details if the students approve the referendum. The Michigan Party has no system to validate student group sizes. Without such a mechanism, MSA could not guarantee that its ex-officio representatives are legitimate student group members. Small groups could submit mass meeting sign-up sheets containing dozens of non-members to gain representation - making the referendum irrelevant. The U.S. Congress does not have seats for large citizens'% groups like the National Organization for Women - similarly, large student groups should not have seats on MSA. Elected representatives should equal- ly represent all 'facets of the student body. By creating seats for large student groups, the ballot question could severely damage the integrity of MSA's work. Students Cloning will affect food production TO THE DAILY: I read with interest, as I'm sure most people have, about the cloning of a sheep in Scotland, reported in Nature this week. Regarding your article "Sheep clone raises issues" (2/27/97), Prof. Velleman makes an excellent point: A genetic clone, even of a human, would not pro- duce an exact copy of the person. The environment cre- ates a portion of who every- one is and in most cases, even geneticists don't know what proportion, in absolute numbers, genes contribute to a disease or personality trait and what proportion is con- tributed by the environment. I do not believe that cloning, whether of humans or of non-human animals, could possibly lead to any- thing worse that what already goes on in the production of non-human animals for "food" in the United States today. The Daily may believe that using non-human ani- mals in the production of enhanced food and drugs is not a common ethical debate, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be. As a veterinari- an, I have been repeatedly horrified by what passes for "housing" for non-human animals in "food" production. I am continually dismayed by my colleagues who perform painful surgeries on "food" animals without anesthesia, and by the abysmal way in which non-human animals are crammed into trucks for long journeys (for example, from New York to Wisconsin or from Wisconsin to Montana) in any weather, usually to end up in a slaugh- terhouse. The use of non-human animals for "food" is an ethi- cal question whose time has come. What are you having for dinner tonight? DR. NANCY BISCHOF SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Fisher is not to blame TO THE DAILY: Simply put, most Michigan fans need to grow up. Yeah, so the basketball team had a terrible Big 10 season, they didn't make the tournament and they didn't fulfill lofty pre-season expec- tations. But this is the time the real Michigan fans show their faces and the wannabes jump on the hockey band- wagon. It's easy to cheer for the blue when they go to hn4_n-s r .+ ame.,. n; h ., like Dean Smith. Don't expect him to be anybody but Steve Fisher. He's done just fine since he started; he's got the numbers to prove it: 179- 82. Are those the numbers a guy who can't coach would put up? Let's remember, Fisher took a group of under- classmen to the champi- onship twice in a row, to lose to Duke and North Carolina with what was considered the greatest recruiting class before the Fab Five. Second, even though the team under Fisher has been great, fans always expect more. If Michigan wins by one, they want it by 10. If they win by 10, they want a bigger win. Last time I checked, they all count as one win, no matter the final score. Fans don't do it with just scores, they do it with recruits too. There will never be a group of freshmen like the Fab Five, so don't com- pare every new face with them. Let them become who they are, instead of trying to be who they aren't. Finally, although an NIT bid is disappointing, Michigan and its fans should show the nation that they are a better team than what peo- ple think. If they can win the NIT, it will not only give them momentum into next season, but it can salvage respect. They won't be No. 65, but a top 20 team at the end of the year. Consistently, the NIT winner has placed in the final polls. No one expected the sea- son to turn out like it did. But the players and the coaches aren't going to give up on themselves and neither should the fans. Because the fans who don't give up are part of that team too. JEFFREY GoFF LSA JUNIOR Several reasons for team's trials TO THE DAILY: With all the talent the Michigan men's basketball team has, there are many good explanations for why they stink. I think the top two are coaching and recruiting. Steve Fisher and his staff are damn good at recruiting talent, but don't seem to do it very strategically. Before long, all the players realize that if they are going to prove to the world that they are the man, they had better shoot before the next guy does. The end result is no offensive scheme and repeated trans- fers to other schools. The answer is this: recruit some unselfish, fundamentally sound players and keep two nn.ta en..... mch a n,- depend on their size and ath- leticism way too much when a shot goes up. Michigan has averaged only one more rebound per game than its opponents. This is unbeliev- able and unacceptable. Fisher needs to refresh everyone's memory on how to box out effectively. Finally, Fisher needs to learn how to motivate his players. Since their opening eight-game tear, they have been flat and apparently indifferent. They didn't want to win as badly as their oppo- nents and that had a lot to do with their bonus free time. JEFF SIRAK LSA SENIOR Democrats are exclusive TO THE DAILY: I am responding to Sara Deneweth's letter ("Kirk inci- dent represents GOP demise," 2/25/97). The commentary brought up some valid points, but I feel compelled to refute her inaccurate stereotypes of both the Republican and Democratic parties. "The Democrats have always been inclusive," but only, it seems, to those who unquestionably back their rigid agenda. Individuals who retain firm religious convic- tions, push for less govern- ment intrusion and hold dif- fering policy views are not only unwelcome in the Democratic Party, but are often vilified as "fanatics" or oppressors:" A recent example of this pseudo-inclusiveness involves the treatment of Paula Corbin-Jones. Instead of merely denying her allega- tions, White House public relations personnel launched into an immature name-call- ing tirade by slandering Jones as "trailer trash" andmock- ing her "big hair." The party that claims to embrace the poor and oppressed wasted no time in labeling her with ugly stereotypes of the lower- middle class for its hypocriti- cal smear campaign. f Although Jones' charges have merit, many journalists and feminists have declined to speak out. It seems that the Democratic Party is only inclusive to those who desire to maintain the political sta- tus quo. Individuals seeking reform, justice and equality should go elsewhere. The Republican Party is "elite" only in the sense that it attempts to uphold the principles that allow American society to function; obviously, not everyone adheres to these tenets. Division within the Republican Party in recent varsc hsc ',acina sred a a Clinton sticket to historical praise: The arts S econd-term presidents typically have three central, over-arching priorities: to secure a place in history as a great leader, to leave a legacy of good policy and to ensure their party continued control of the executie branch. Our current president is surel motivated by these ambitions andche should be con- cerned that he might fall short on all three. As things currently stand, Clinton is likely to be remembered for a never-ending supply of scan- dals, for destroy- ing the social safe- AMUEL ty-net, for bring- GOODSTEIN ing poll-based GRAND politics to new ILUSION and disturbing levels and for causing the Democrats to lose control of Congress - and these are things 4'is supporters will recall. While he will deservedly be given credit for sound economic policy, for preventing mis- guided Republican budget proposals and for a relatively coherent foreign policy, the president surely could use some more issues with which to secure a positive place in history. To this end' I have a suggestion: Use the bully pul- pit to make funding for the arts a national priority. The president has been complicit - by using his pen and not his mouth- in Congressional Republicans' assault on funding for the Nation Endowment for the Arts. Funding for the NEA has reached a dangerously. low level and America's future as a country that values - and promotes - the arts is in jeopardy. The non-partisan President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities recently released a report noting that public cuts in funding for the arts, which have been accompa- nied by decreases in private and cor- porate support, are threatening the. well-being of cultural and educational. institutions in the United States. The committee - on which policy-mak- ers, academics and artists sit - pro- posed, among other things, raising funding for the NEA, increasing fund- ing for the arts in schools, requiring arts education for all high school stu- dents and encouraging philanthropy through the tax code. The committe} noted that while charitable giving rose by 11 percent last year, contributions to the arts remained constant - this trend exacerbates the damaging impact of Congressional cuts to the- NEA and other cultural institutio s- which have slashed funding for t arts by 40 percent. More specifically, the committee called on all 14 states currenlbr attempting to limit the tax-exempt s tus of non-profit organizations to give up such efforts. Indeed, tax-exemptions are crucial for non-profits to continue to provide services that, for obvious reasons, for-profit organizations will. not. Furthermore, the committee called on Congress to restore funding for culture and the arts to a level of $2 per taxpayer, or $550 million, up from the current level of $1.34 per taxpayer, or $358 million. One needn't be a' economist to know that an extra $192 million doesn't amount to a hill of: beans in the federal budget.' Congressional Republicans who claim that. cutting funding for the arts is in. any way going to impact the national'; debt are pulling a fast one on the pub-F lic; they are doing nothing to cut the deficit, they are merely using the bud- get as a veil to cover their ideological opposition to public support for th; arts and culture. Both the president and the first lady have indicated their support for these proposals. However, the president should do more than merely announce his support and leave it to artists and: academics to make the case for this issue. Here is the rub: To really have an impact on funding for the arts, and to make the arts a national priority, the Clintons must make an issue of th issue. This means giving speeches, making appearances at museums and calling for action, and, of course, giv- ing Congressional Democrats political cover to try to make things happen on Capitol Hill - something this presi- dent has never been very good at. If Clinton takes these steps and makes the arts a real national priority, he will be rewarded. Historians will remember him as the president w. saved the NEA and other cultural insti- tutions from fiscal oblivion, the public will respect him as the man who stood up for our cultural heritage and our~ artistic future, and artists will consider him a president "for the arts." The ..,-v PPA-d u ili n .:...li:inm ; represent a small portion of the assembly's constituency could cause uneven distribu- tion in representation. Small groups would IWse influence while large groups' power would increase disproportionately - creat- ing unfair representation. MSA's job is to represent the entire stu- dent body not individual student groups. Elected representatives' personal agendas and commitments already interfere with aCfimhlv hbuines .Ex-officio ron renre-