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February 28, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-02-28

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One hundred six' years ofeditorialfteedom

February 28, 1997

EO rallies
or unity
GSis, faculty and students on cam-
us celebrated 'National Day of
ction' to honor graduate student
lanet Adamy
y Staff Reporter
Bertha Louise Poe quoted labor leader A. Phillip Randolph
she spoke to nearly 150 people who attended the Graduate
ployees Organization's "National Day of Action" yester-
y afternoon on the Diag.
" t the banquet table of nature, there are no reserve seats,"
*d. "You get what you can take and you take what you can
Id ... and you can't take anything without organization."
Poe, secretary-treasurer of the Michigan AFL-CIO, battled
ld winds to speak to graduate student instructors, students
d faculty to celebrate graduate student teaching and union
powerment. Graduate students held similar demonstra-
ons and activities at 26 universities nationwide.
GEO handed out popcorn, cotton candy and song sheets
hile members of the University community listened to
eakers, gospel singers and a bagpipe player.
The centerpiece of the rally was a 320-square-foot "black-
" monument to graduate teaching onto which GSIs sta-
teaching memorabilia, including collages and pictures.
Speakers focused on the strength of the University's GEO's
ion-the second oldest graduate workers' union in the coun-
- and stressed the need for graduate teachers to form
ons on dozens of other university and college campuses.
"We have the strongest, most participatory graduate union
the country and dome of the best working conditions in the
ountry," said GEO President Michelle Mueller, noting that
raduate students at other universities are -fighting to get
ealth coverage and adequate compensation. "We have these
its. It's our role to show the rest of the nation what a
ra uate union can do."
Alan Wald, an English and American culture professor,
Id the crowd that University faculty should support GEO.
11 employees have the democratic right to combine to pro-
ct and preserve their economic rights and working condi-
'ons, he said.
"Propaganda that some administrators and a few misguid-
See GEO, Page7

'U' rankings
hold steady
in report

By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
When U.S. News & World Report
released its annual rankings of national
graduate and professional education
programs yesterday, a slight variation
from last year's rankings was the only
noticeable trend.
The magazine ranked the
University first in the categories of
health services administration and
social work.
William Weissert, the University's
health management policy depart-
ment acting chair, said the depart-
ment has been ranked number one
for the last four years, and has
remained consistent.
"Certainly everybody (in the
department) tries very hard to stay
at number one," Weissert said. "We
continue to be ranked number one,
and if you ask people in the field, I
think that they'll tell you that."
Associate Vice President for
University Relations Lisa Baker
said the University is happy that its
programs and schools continue to
rank near the top of the list.
"As always, we are pleased to be
ranked highly on the U.S. News &
World Report survey," Baker said. "We
continually rank high in academic rep-
utation, which is a key measure for us."
Baker said that although the rankings
in the survey are high, they still may
not be the best evaluation system.
"We are in good company, but this
is, after all, a magazine survey and
there are other more rigorous evalu-
ations that are obviously more
important," Baker said.
The University's School of
Engineering moved down from its
fifth-place ranking in 1996 to a sev-
enth-place ranking this year.
Associate Engineering Dean

1997 'U" Rankings
by U.S. News &
World Report

No. 1

No. 8
No. 9
No. 12

Health Administration
Social Work

William Martin said the drop does
not concern him.
"It doesn't make any difference if
you are going up or down one or two
spots," Martin. said. "If you are in
the top group, that's all that is
Martin said the rankings indicate
that the school is consistently in a
respectable range.
"We'd like to be number one,"
Martin said. "We'd like to be better
and we are working on it."
The School of Business
Administration, the School of Law
and the School of Medicine all
retained the same rankings they
received last year.
The School of Business tallied in at
No. 12, the School of Law at No. 7, and
the School of Medicine at No. 9.
School of Business Associate
Dean Edward Snyder said there is a
discrepancy between the results of
the U.S. News survey and the
Business Week survey -- which
ranked the University's MBA pro-
gram second in the nation. The stan-
dards of review each magazine uses
may affect the resulting rankings
they produce, he said.
See. RANK, Page 7

Elyse Bryant of the Center for Labor and industrial Relations rallies the crowd of more than 150 gath-
ered on the Diag yesterday for a Graduate Employees Organization rally.

Senate bar
Ban passes after concern of
trash from Toronto
y Jeffrey Kosseff
ly Staff Reporter
Some Michiganders are asking Toronto not to
rt one of its most plentiful goods - trash.
bill to ban waste from being imported into
ichigan from other states and countries was passed
y the Michigan State Senate's National Resources
d Environmental Affairs Committee yesterday.
Some local residents are concerned about a deal
tween Toronto officials and the Arbor Hills landfill
n Salem Twp. that would allow Toronto to send about
00,000 tons of garbage to the landfill per year begin-
g in 1998.
"It's a dumb idea to cart trash from Toronto to
ichigan," said Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon.
body wants a landfill in their backyard."
Some said the the Canadian city is looking to export
ts waste because of landfill fees. It costs $60 per ton
f waste in Toronto and it only costs $25-30 in

is importing garbage

Michigan to dispose of waste.
Many legislators are angered by other states and coun-
tries taking advantage of Michigan's low disposal prices.
"Michigan has worked sohard to recycle, reduce
and reuse," said state Rep. Eileen DeHart (D-
Westland). "It's win-win for them and lose-lose for us.
It's a shame."
The bill, proposed by state Sen. Loren Bennett (R-
Canton), is also aimed at controlling the large amounts
of waste from other states that Michigan currently
receives. Fourteen percent of Michigan's landfills are
comprised of waste from outside of the state.
The state's department of environmental quality has
been supportive of Bennett's bill.
"We very definitely support the bill," said Ken
Silfven, press secretary for the Department of
Environmental Quality. "It is the first step in address-
ing a serious problem. Senator Bennett should be
Ingrid Thompson, the press secretary for Norman
Sterling, Toronto's minister of environment and ener-
gy, said Toronto is exporting the garbage because

Browning Ferris Industries, the owner of Arbor Hills
landfill, placed the lowest bid for the city's business.
"There are landfill sites here in Toronto that were
competing for the business," Thompson said. "It was
completely economic competition."
Although Bennett's bill is aimed at giving the states
the authority to regulate waste importing, some legis-
lators who agree with the spirit of the bill said the leg-
islation is unenforceable.
"It's unconstitutional," said Rep. Tom Alley (D-
West Branch). "Michigan cannot regulate interstate
transportation. Until the federal government acts,
nothing can be done."
Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.) said the
bill was proposed only to make a statement, because
the Michigan Legislature already passed a law that
gives Michigan the power to restrict garbage imports.
That law was struck down by the United States
Supreme Court, but could be activated if the U.S.
Congress votes to allow it.
"This bill is a political game that is being played,"
See TRASH, page 2


o firstti

Growth rate drops

Vacationers warned
to behave abroad



ATLANTA (AP) - AIDS deaths
fell 13 percent in the first half of
1996, the first significant drop since.
* epidemic began in 1981, the
government said yesterday. Officials
credited better treatment and pro-
"This is one of the first bright
spots we have seen in this epidemic,"
said Christopher Portelli, executive
director of the National Lesbian and
Gay Health Association in
"But we hope it is seen as a call to
ins rather than a chance to relax and
breathe a sigh of relief."
The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention said about 22,000
people died of AIDS in the first six
months of 1996, down from the
24,900 deaths in the same period a

362,200 people are
diagnosed with AIDS, a 2-per-
cent drop from 1994
N361,200 new cases of AIDS
reported, a 5-percent drop from
There was more good news yester-
day: While the number of people diag-
nosed with AIDS continues to grow,
the growth rate is slowing.
In 1995, about 62,200 people were
diagnosed, an increase of less than 2
percent over the 61,200 new cases in
1994. The growth rate from 1993 to
1994 was 5 percent.
The first signs of the drop in AIDS
deaths came in January, when New
York City reported a 30 percent drop in
AIDS deaths in 1996.
"I think this speaks to the success
of the dual approach of counseling,
testing and treating people with H IV,"
said Patricia Fleming, the CDC's
chief of HIV/AIDS reporting and

By Ajit K. Thavarajah
Daily Staff Reporter
What may appear to be a tropical
paradise can quickly become a night-
This is the message the U.S. State
Department is trying to make clear to

The State Department reported this
year that more than 2,000 American cit-
izens are arrested abroad every year.
Arrests for violating local laws regard-
ing the use of alcohol in public and the
behavior associated with it account for
many of those incidents, the report stat-

students who
plan to vaca-
tion in foreign
countries next
A n y d a
Budig, press
officer for the
U.S. State
Bureau of
Affairs, said


fun but Ut's
worth kIli
myself ova
LSA first

Some students
to have said horror stories
and disturbing
Snot statistics made
them willing to
play it safe while
It, abroad.
"I want to have
ichael Brown fun but it's not
-year student worth killing
myself over it.
Last year a girl got hit by a bus and
was in a coma (while during spring
break). You have to be on guard-when
you're in potentially dangerous situa-
tions," LSA first-year student
Michael Brown said. "It's not hard to
let loose and be out of harm's way at

LSA first-year student Aaron Olmstead bites Into a burger yesterday at
McDonalds on South University Avenue.
Burger priCe may drop

some students come to foreign coun-
tries with the wrong attitude.
"Many students come to foreign
countries, especially Mexico, the
Bahamas and islands in the Caribbean,
with the belief that it is more laid-back
than the United States and any type of

By Peter Meyers
For the Daily
University students may soon be
able to buy a popular fast-food sand-
wich for just the change in their pock-

quarters will reduce the price of the
Big Mac to 55 cents.
Jancasz learned about the 55-cent Big
Mac from yesterday's evening news-
casts and his customers at the franchise's



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