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February 24, 1997 - Image 1

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February 24, 1997

Vit. c ; 3 Cx dd -:U' f

U 34-percent increase in
applications attributed
to school's reputation
By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
After being ranked No. I by
*inessWeek magazine this year, the
University's MBA program is attract-
ing more sheep to its flock.
Application rates for the School of
Business Administration graduate pro-
gram are up 34 percent this year.
"MBA application rates are up
tremendously," said Judith
Goodman, assistant dean of admis-
sions of the School of Business.
"The volume is higher and the qual-
Ssh higher."
ssociate Dean of the School of
Business Edward Snyder said that
although the increase is part of a
national trend, the University's rates
have increased far beyond other top
business schools.
"What we hear is that there is still
an upward trend to top business
schools," Snyder said. "It is a national
trend, but other top schools have only
mreased (their application rates) 5-
S percent."
Application rates are rising because
of increased visibility and the continu-
ing excellence of the program, said
Business associate Prof. Aneel
"People outside the Business School
are beginning to recognize our innova-
tion of curriculum design, quality of
faculty and instruction nature,"
Karnani said.
(arnani also said the school's posi-
tive image affects the quality of appli-
"The better the school is perceived,
we get a stronger pool of applicants,
which makes the Business School
even stronger and then makes the
quality of the school even higher,"
Karnani said.
Snyder said he would like to
ieve the increase in applications is
esult of greater appreciation for
the quality of the school - not just
the ranking.
School of Business second-year
graduate student Brian Tanis said he
believes the BusinessWeek rankings
have great implications for the
"One of the things that makes
Michigan unique is that people are
pretty well-rounded," Tanis said.
eople have a lot of different inter-
ests and backgrounds. As long as that
doesn't change, it can only help the

Regents hike
housing rates




6-2 vote Friday makes 'U'
housing rates the second-
highest in the Big Ten
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
Residence hall rates will increase by 4 percent
next year, after the University Board of Regents
approved the increase Friday at its monthly meet-
The proposal passed by a vote of 6-2, with
Regents Andrea Fischer Newman (R-Ann
Arbor) and Daniel Horning (R-Grand Haven)
"For the two years that I have served on the
board, I have been asking the housing committee
to look at alternative ways of cutting the cost of
student living expenses, such as private manage-
ment and private building construction of resi-
dence halls," Newman said. "I do not feel that they
have met my request."
The hike includes a 3-percent inflationary
increase to maintain current programs and service
levels. Another 1 percent was added as part of a
two-year plan approved last year to complete pay-
ment of the renovation projects to Alice Lloyd and
Couzens residence halls.
"Our residence halls are some of our oldest
buildings," said Vice President for Student Affairs
Maureen Hartford. "The buildings get a lot of
wear and tear that need constant renovation:"
Hartford also said she has started looking into
expanding the residence halls, but plans remain
The regents also approved a 3.9-percent
increase for family housing rates.
Director of University Housing William Zeller
said the role of the University's 15 residence halls
extends beyond a place to sleep - they provide a
variety of services to facilitate living and learning
for 9,248 residents.
"The 15 residence halls have a number of enti-
ties that really add value to the University of
Michigan," said Zeller, highlighting academic
advising and multicultural programs.
Hartford said University Housing has worked to
reduce costs, citing the proposed Hill Commons
dining facility as an example.
"We've looked at ways to reconfigure the
staff without reducing services to students,"
Hartford said. "We're building the new dining
commons, but it won't cost more to students
because we're reducing the number of dining
services by three."
Horning said he was not convinced the hike was
"It seems like we're always arbitrarily adding
inflation," Horning said. "We're adding costs
without justification. Inflation as an automatic
benchmark to increase costs doesn't make sense."
Room-and-board rates have increased by 20
percent since the 1991-1992 school year. With the
4-percent hike, the rate for a double room will
increase from $5,137.44 to $5,342.


LSA sophomore Cara Nadler studies in Ann Arbor's newest coffeeshop, Java House, on Saturday.
Java House, on South University Avenue, replaced Not Another Cafe.
Jaa Hoseopens
with. ice. credam, coffee

By Kerry Klaus
Daily Staff Reporter
In most Ann Arbor coffee houses, students
can find an assortment of items to comple-
ment their joe - muffins, bagels, scones.
But how about a hazelnut cappuccino and a
scoop of mint chocolate chip?
That's the twist that owner Mark Haidar has
concocted with the latest addition to Ann
Arbor's coffee scene.
The new Java House, which has replaced Not
Another Cafe on South University Avenue, fea-
tures a full line of Stroh's ice cream.
"It's a very high premium ice cream" Haidar
said. "It's homemade."
There are currently 18 rotating flavors of ice

cream to choose from, and 42 different coffee
syrups, he said.
Haidar added that Java House offers some ice
cream rarities. "We have both Superman and
Blue Moon," he said.
Though Java House has been open less than
a month - and does not yet have a working
phone line - it is already crowded with stu-
dents studying, talking and munching on
assorted ice creams.
LSA junior Kelly Fogarty said she has visited
Java House almost every day since it opened.
"It's a nice atmosphere," she said. "It's com-
fortable, and it's not so cramped."
In addition to the standard table and chair
See JAVA, Page SA

Residence Hall Association President Randall
Juip said the increase is relatively fair as compared
to other colleges and universities.
"I think it's an increase that's in line with, if not
below, other schools," Juip said. "It's financially
LSA first-year student Jessica Adams, who
lives in a South Quad converted triple, called the
increase a "ripoff."
"I think the University rips us off anyway;"
Adams said. "I don't think room and board should
be what it is now. I don't think they should be rais-
ing it at all."
But some students who live in residence halls
said the rate increase won't affect their decision
about where to live next, year.
"There's nothing I can do about it," said
Engineering first-year student Cheryl Cheng, who
lives in Helen Newberry residence hall. "It's easier
to find a place to live in the dorms than in an apart-
In comparison with peer institutions, the
University's room-and-board rates for a double
room fall in the middle of the scale, with Boston
College charging $7,500 and Iowa State at $3,700.
The University charges the second-highest rate
in the Big Ten for a double room. Northwestern
University charges close to $6,000 for a double
---Dai/y Staff Reporter Heather Kamins and
def iev Kosseffcontributed to this report.


,U' ranked
hmong top'
10 best buys
By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
Students wanting the best value for their dollar
ay be disappointed to know that six other public
universities may offer more bang for every educa-
tional buck.
The University recently placed seventh in a
ranking of top public universities for best value by
Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine.
The survey evaluated the universities by four
main criteria - affordability, admissions, faculty
access and achievement, said Laurie Baker, a
spokesperson for the Rosen Group, which pub-
*hes the magazine.
Kiplinger's then assigned value points to the
universities. The 10 schools with the highest
points received value ratings of five, Baker said.
University officials did not seem concerned
with the ranking.
"I am pleased that we received the highest rat-

Best Buys ins
Higher Education
1. University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
2. University of Virginia (Charlottesville)
3. University of Wisconsin (Madison)
4. University of California (Los Angeles)
5. Rutgers; State University of New Jersey
(New Brunswick)
6. University of Georgia (Athens)
7. University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
8. University of Hawaii (Manoa)
9. University of Iowa (Iowa City)
10. University of Washington (Seattle)
Source: Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine
Kiplinger uses a set of quantitative indicators that
are only very rough measures of quality,"
Goldenberg added.
Julie Peterson, director of the University's News
and Information Services, seemed skeptical of the
ranking criteria.
"Any individual rankings that attempt to mea-
sure quality, if taken alone, are not very meaning-
ful because small changes in their methodology
can make very large changes in the rank order of
the top universities," Peterson said.
Peterson said that although various ranking sys-
tems are often flawed, the University continues to
garner high rankings.
"If you look at all of the various rankings
-..L bT1 .antrnr oon ti."~aea h

iq uor shortag hits A
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
As a result of Gov. John Engler's new plan for privatiz-
ing liquor distribution, LSA senior Matthew Kirk's week-
end plans were stalled.
"We had a party last weekend and I had a lot of trouble
finding vodka," Kirk said.
Kirk is not alone. Many University students have noticed
that certain types of alcohol are difficult to find now that
the state no longer distributes liquor. _
Bar owners complained about the disorganization of the
new system, which places alcohol in the hands of private
"It's a disaster," said Rick Buhr, a manager of Good
Time Charley's. "We're not able to get a complete order
yet. We placed an order for 30 bottles and we only got
However, Phil Arthurhultz, chair of the Michigan
Liquor Control Commission, said that although the sys-
tem got off to a bumpy start, it is now working smoothly.
"They have all gotten their ordering systems perfected,"
Arthurhultz said. "There will still be little kinks, but there
will be minor ones.
Store owners also said they have serious objections to
private distribution.
"If you took a look at my shelves, they're virtually bare:'
said Chuck Haas, owner of the Maize and Brew conve-



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