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February 21, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-02-21

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One hundred six years ofeditorzl freedom

February 21, 1997

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LSA pro
Jenni Yachnin
aily Staff Reporter
University English Prof. Emily Cloyd filed
uit against the University earlier this month,
l ing her rights were violated when she
aorced into medical leave in the spring of
"I am shocked. I'm outraged. My tenure
as violated. My academic freedom was vio-
ated," said Cloyd, who is 66 years old.
The lawsuit alleges that Cloyd's rights were
iolated under the American Disabilities Act.
he is claiming that she was placed on med-
cal leave without her consent after she had

f. claims 'U' violated disabilities act

requested additional accommodations for a
back disability in March 1995.
Cloyd is bringing complaints in the
amount of $50,000 against the University,
the University Board of Regents, English
Department Chair Martha Vicinus, and for-
mer LSA associate dean John Chamberlin.
Vice President for University Relations
Lisa Baker said the University did its best to
negotiate with Cloyd.
"The University has made a good faith
effort to work with professor Cloyd, and we
very much regret that she has decided to pur-
sue litigation," Baker said.

Jeffrey Herron, Cloyd's attorney, said Cloyd
only recently filed suit because she was wait-
ing for permission from several federal orga-
nizations. She has been involved in negotia-
tions with the University since January 1995.
"I thought it was a matter that could be set-
tled quickly and easily within the walls of the
campus," Cloyd said. "The administration's
view in recent years has been to put faculty
and staff members where we really have to
give up ... or go to court."
While she was on leave, Cloyd said she
was pressured to accept early retirement.
After she was put on leave, Cloyd alleges

she was subjected to unwarranted medical
testing - including a psychological exami-
"One of the things (the University) did was
to force me to go to a retirement counselor,"
Cloyd said. "There was no reason for me to
Herron said ADA protects his client
because the University is public property and
falls under the act's jurisdiction.
"The ADA prohibits discrimination under
disability for employees, government ser-
vices, and in public facilities like bars,
restaurants and hotels," Herron said. "Title II
See LAWSUIT, Page 2

"The University has
made a good faith
effort to work with pro-
fessor Cloyd."
- Lisa Baker
Associate Vice President
for University Relations

"The administration's view in recent
years has been to put faculty and staff
members where we really have to give
up ... or go to court."
-Emily Lloyd
English Pmf

w m - - .


emembering China's reformer

Regents approve new
compensation policy

By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Board of Regents
endorsed a new compensation policy
for executive officers yesterday that
sets clearer guidelines than previous
In the wake of confusion over secret
contract deals made by former University
President James Duderstadt, President
Lee Bollinger brought the plan to the
regents at yesterday's board meeting.
"I think it's terrific," Regent Philip
Power (D-Ann Arbor) said. "It's clear.
It's explicit. It makes sure we don't have
any secret funny business, and it's a
modern compensation plan that says we
are looking for the very best people we
can get and we will
pay market price
rates for them."
Power also
announced that two
executive officers
- Vice President
for University
Relations Walter
Harrison and Vice
President for
Development Duderstadt
Thomas Kinnear-
do not intend to act on stipulations con-
tained in employment deals they previ-
ously made with Duderstadt.
In fall 1995, Duderstadt made
employment arrangements with execu-
tive officers, which included retirement
furloughs and one-year administrative
leaves, without consulting with the
Duderstadt made the deals with then
Vice President for Research Homer
Neal, Provost J. Bernard Machen, for-
mer Chief Financial Officer Farris
Womack, Harrison and Kinnear.
"Dr. Harrison and Dr. Kinnear have
informed the regents they intend not to
exercise provisions having to do with

administrative leave that were con-
tained in employment agreements exe-
cuted between them and Dr.
Duderstadt," Power said.
In a letter to attorneys, Harrison said
all employment agreements made
between him and Duderstadt were legal.
Harrison wrote that he relinquishes all
benefits in the prior agreements because
Duderstadt did not consult with the
regents before making the arrangements.
"I have always valued most deeply
my relationships with all of the regents,
and I do not wish to serve without their
full endorsement of any arrangements
made between the president and me,"
Harrison said.
Kinnear said he relinquished his
claims to the Duderstadt deal last sum-
mer because the terms of the agreement
granted him a sabbatical and he already
has earned two sabbaticals based on his
years of service.
"The agreement was redundant,"
Kinnear said. "I (relinquished) it before
(the secret deals) became public. It did-
n't seem important at the time:'
Bollinger asked the regents for their
endorsement of the policy - his first
public request to the Board of Regents
since he took office two weeks ago.
Yesterday was the first board meeting
where Bollinger sat at the head of the
In a letter to the regents, Bollinger set
forth the principles of the policy.
"These principles may perhaps seem
stringent, but I can assure you they are
perfectly normal in the academic
world," Bollinger stated in the letter.
As part of the policy:
The University will compensate
executive officers at the market rate.
Executive officers should serve at
the pleasure of the president.
Non-faculty administrators are not
entitled to paid leaves.
See OFFICERS, Page 2

leave 'U
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
Two days after the University's top attorney announced
her plans to leave, its former top banker followed suit.
Farris Womack, former executive vice president and
chief financial officer, announced yesterday that he will
not return to teach at the School of Education as origi-
nally intended.
His retirement nullifies a compensation deal he made
with former University President James Duderstadt,
which included returning to the faculty. Earlier this week,
General Counsel Elsa Cole also
announced her intent to leave the ,
"Ann (Womack) and I have
enjoyed our years at Michigan and
look forward to the next chapter of
our lives;" Womack said in a written
statement. "There are a great many
things left for us to do, and we are
eager to pursue other interests."
Womack stepped down from his
position as University chief financial Womack
officer Dec. 31, 1996, with an intent
to begin working as a professor. Although his retirement
furlough is not effective until Feb. 28, 1998, Womack will
begin his retirement furlough on March 1, 1997.
Duderstadt, who hired Womack early in his presiden-
cy, said he was aware Womack had heavily considered
retirement in the past few weeks.
"I do know that he was giving retirement a great deal
of thought in recent weeks," Duderstadt said. "Primarily
because of a growing recognition that the things he was
interested in doing now lay primarily outside the
Womack struck a deal with Duderstadt in October
1995, which granted Womack a variety of benefits if he
returned to the faculty after leaving his administrative
post. Instead, Womack has received a substitute agree-
ment with the University.
See WOMACK, Page 2

Chinese man, sitting just outside the American Embassy in Beijing, learns of the death of
inese leader Deng Xiaoping, who died Wednesday evening.

Low fares
flot taking
BrIn Holmes
F e Daily
While most of America is singing
Rocky's theme "Gonna Fly Now!,"
University students are sticking to the
tune of "On The Road Again."
Since American Airlines unveiled
new low fares early this week, other
airlines have also been slashing
fares - leaving travelers across the
country scrambling to make reserva-
Mt University students are not
among those crowding airport ticket
counters and gobbling up cheap seats
at up to 50-percent off the regular
Discounted fares at four major air-
line cmmanine - Continental-

Celebration raises funds for memorial

Flying for peanuts
American, Continental,
Northwest and United Airlines
have all reduced many rates by
up to 50 percent.
range planning and lack of knowledge
about the changing fares.
"I think too many people made plans
too far in advance to change arrange-
ments and try the new fares," LSA
senior Allison Kile said.
LSA sophomore Pete Schlenker said
he was not a big fan of airline travel at
any cost.
"I'm never a big flyer so I don't real-
ly pay attention to the new rates,"
Schlenker said.
Jonathan Chaffer, an LSA first-
year student, said he plans to travel to
Indianapolis for spring break but is
driving "because everyone else is,"
and because his plans are already
Chaffer also sid he had nn knnwl-

By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Reporter
University students and community
members joined together last night to
celebrate life and the memory of LSA
senior Arati Sharangpani.
About 200 students, family and
friends attended the memorial benefit,
which intended to raise money for a
fund bearing Sharangpani's name.
"Raising money is an underlying
purpose but not the main goal," said
Harprit Bedi, one of the show's orga-
nizers."The main goal is to do as much
as you can and to feel a little better
about what's happened."
Acts included traditional Indian danc-
ing, a dance performed by the Mary
Markley residence hall staff, singing by
the a cappella group 58 Greene, a date
auction and a game show.
LSA senior Ashish Goyal, co-host of
the event, said he was pleased with the
show's large turnout.
"People put in so much time and
effort tonight," Goyal said. "I am very
happy with tonight's event. I was really
impressed with all the acts"
The event raised more than $3.000

adviser, Maria Alejandera said being an
RA was an important part of
Sharangpani's life.
"Part of the Markley staff decided to
get together and do something,"
Alejandera said. "We wanted to convey
part of her life to the audience"
Alejandera said their dance poked fun
and exaggerated an RA's experiences.
"We are doing a little dance that
mocks the ups and downs of an RA's job
in a good-hearted way" Alejandera said.
LSA sophomore Ajay Malhotra said
that after the recent tragedy, it is time to
"celebrate life"
"I walked away feeling better,"
Malhotra said.
University alum Sangeeta Naik,
another of the event's co-hosts, said the
main goal for the benefit was to pro-
mote unity.
"Basically the goal was to pull
together and celebrate life, which is
something people don't normally do,"
Naik said. "We pulled together a bunch
of upbeat performances."
University alumnus Deepak Malhotra
said he was inspired by the benefit.
"I think it was a very nositive experi-


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