4- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 18, 1997 able £idh4&un &dig 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief Edited and managed by v , .ERIN MARSH students at the Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan. Unless otherwise noted, unsigned edit rials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Shaky ground MSA committee must stick to issue at hand NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'Awesome. It's the secretary of state.' -An American student in Italy, upon spotting US. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in Rome YUKi KuNIYuK GROUND ZERO W Ake o i Co A Net'tj of D tFFF ePJGrES eT405 aFFE CE 10N T PAAJ KE &kEA 1iJEY'RE-. NE Soi.'*cE OFof ou, sr~J4-4.... 11F 6 t sfkoN i sNo- W E C-.A"E N E... ( WWTCAme f. - _P 1 tJ' H~ktWE + Abr4F w AK.tlEZ*** - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR tudents often perceive the Michigan Student Assembly as an arena for future politicians to practice their craft - espe- cially when scandals arise. In an effort to improve its name, MSA voted to create a committee to investigate Vice President Probir Mehta's $500 transfer to the United Asian American Organization without assembly approval. Last Tuesday, a divided assembly passed LSA Rep. Andy Schor's resolution one week after it initially failed in a secret-ballot vote. The committee's search for the truth is paramount - the investigation must not become a political instrument of any MSA faction. Several students attended Tuesday night's meeting to complain about the assembly's secret-ballot vote. As a result, Engineering Rep. David Burden moved to reconsider the resolution and hold a roll- icall vote - stating he was "tired of the image of cowardice" cast upon MSA as a result of the secret ballot. After a short 10- minute debate on the issue, the assembly voted to form the committee by a narrow margin of 13-12, with 2 abstaining. The extraordinary conditions surrounding the vote make its integrity questionable. MSA's composition on Tuesday was dif- ferent than at the resolution's first vote. Not only were there fewer members present, but the investigative committee's most vocal opponents were absent - preventing both sides' original intensity. While the first con- sideration of the resolution held an hour- long debate, 'Tuesday's was short and unin- formative. Representatives absent the previ- bus week did not have the benefit of the entire discussion -- making their decision difficult and clouded. The committee will investigate Mehta's actions and recommend a proper conse- quence - ranging from acquittal to recall from the assembly. The committee must make impartiality its primary goal and avoid personal or partisan attacks. Representatives resorted to bitter spats over the investigative committee. LSA Rep. Ryan Friedrichs resigned from his appoint- ment to the investigative committee, "dis- gusted" at its formation - Schor stated he felt the same way when the resolution ini- tially failed. The vote to form the committee was nar- row - indicating a strong division on the issue. In such a hostile atmosphere, bias could turn the investigation into a series of personal vendettas - further damaging stu- dents' perceptions of MSA. It is imperative that committee members investigate all information from both sides of the argument. The committee should focus on serving the student constituency Allowing partisanship and personality dif- ferences to rear their heads would accom- plish little and would make MSA, as an institution, look foolish. The committee's power to recommend punishment is signifi- cant; it must prevent rash judgments from blocking the goal. The investigation into Mehta's actions faced a rocky road in its formation. The vote to form the committee was shady - especially considering the circumstantial conditions. For the committee to fulfill stu- dents' wants, it must prevent bias from being a factor in its decision - students' faith in MSA depends on it. Into thin air Gore's plan should improve air safety As spring break travels grow closer, air- line safety may be on student travel- ers' minds. In lieu of recent aviation tragedies, it is indeed on the minds of mem- bers of the Clinton Administration. Last Sweek, a panel headed by Vice President Al Gore presented President Clinton with dozens of new proposals to heighten air safety and security. The panel made clear that the United States has been too lax with security measures in comparison to other countries around the world and that many changes are necessary. While some contro- versial items need to be carefully imple- mented, these new proposals are necessary for safe travel and peace of mind. One item would radically change how the nation's air traffic system is funded. It urged spending $100 million a year on cap- ital requirements identified by the Federal Aviation Administration. This would include a highly technical overhaul of the FAA's aging air traffic control computers. While lawmakers have already raised ques- tions about where this would fit into the federal budget, money should not be the issue. Aviation security is a national securi- ty issue and the federal government should provide substantial funding for capital improvements linked to American citizens' safety. "Safety at all costs" was the issue at hand during the panel report. Clinton said the government was already installing 54 sophisticated bomb-detection machines at key airports and training and deploying more than 100 bomb-sniffing dog teams. He also said that the FAA was hiring 300 new agents to test airport security, and that the FBI was adding 644 new agents and 620 recent air disasters warmly received the proposed improvements. Many more should welcome Gore's plans as vast improvements to national security and as a Clinton Administration promise kept. However, one counter-terrorism measure is causing controversy. The report endorses a computerized "profiling" system of all travelers to weed out potential terrorists, who would then undergo further inspection. With government officials instructing air- lines to collect data in dozens of categories, such as how tickets are purchased, the num- ber of traveling companions and flight des- tination, the proposal flirts with danger. It falls close to the fine line between public security and a violation of individual rights. Civil libertarians have already made noise. To alleviate the problem, the plan includes numerous safeguards that would bar airlines from collecting data on passengers' race, religion, or nation of origin; while height- ened safety measures are necessary, 'they must not unfairly target specific groups. The ultimate goal is to reduce the num- ber of fatal air traffic accidents by 80 per- cent within the next 10 years. If the govern- ment can improve air travel safety by heightening security measures, that is what it should do. Often, airlines allow travelers to board without asking a single question or searching a single bag. The new proposals attempt to change that. Proposals that could infringe upon per- sonal liberties must proceed with caution. However, with increased air traffic safety and national security as the goal, travelers should be patient when dealing with new security measures. What might seem like a hassle to travelers today could mean Oldest thrift shop omitted from story To THE DAILY: Your Jan. 23 Weekend, etc. cover story on used clothing should have includ- ed the oldest and, we think, the best used clothing store in Ann Arbor: the Ann Arbor Thrift Shop at 1149 Broadway Street, near North Campus. Because the shop is entirely run by more than 200 volunteers, including Mayor Ingrid Sheldon, 75 percent of our sales last year could go right back into the communi- ty - more than $95,000 to social service agencies and individuals who needed emergency assistance. Since the Thrift Shop has been in continuous operation since 1932, it is well-known in Ann Arbor and benefits from thousands of generous donations of high-quality, gently used clothing and household items each year. Resale prices average about $2 for a shirt and $5 for a suit. Your next article on resale stores in Ann Arbor should include the Ann Arbor Thrift Shop. LORNA PRESCOTT PRESIDENT, ANN ARBOR THRIFT SHOP ASSOCIATION MSA must fulfill its responsibility to students TO THE DAILY: I am writing about my concern with the action the Michigan Student Assembly has taken for the situation involving Probir Mehta. It disturbs me to see that MSA is taking one-fourth of this semester to investigate the actions of a specific person when this time would better be served to investigate its own fault in this case. MSA exists to represent students on campus, which includes the student groups in which many students are members. In this situation, MSA was not fulfilling its responsibilities during the summer months due to the lack of a mechanism to allo- cate funds with a reduced attendance. United Asian American Organizations, the group that was attempting to make the request for funds at the time, was not even allowed to make their request. It is not an issue of whether they were going to receive the allocation or not. The group was not even allowed to appear before MSA. The support MSA is supposed to be giving is extremely lacking during the spring/summer terms. This is significant consid- ering that this constitutes one-third of the calendar year and many groups take this time to do work for the school year. This is an issue of concern for all student groups on campus. PAoLo AQUwNO LSA SENIOR Affirmative action is good for 'U, To THE DAILY: I would just like to respond to David Jackson's letter ("Admissions should be colorblind") from last Friday's Daily. I think my roommate explained the situation best to me when he told me of his orientation experience. Some students were grumbling about affirmative action and the orientation leader explained to them that if the University only looked at personal performance, the University would be filled with mostly East Coast women. (Not that I have any- thing against East Coast women, in fact I would have no reservations in going to a school filled with them.) However, getting back to my point, we should feel for- tunate that we do have an ethnically diverse environ- ment. In having quotas and whatnot, the University is not only giving minorities a bet- ter chance at a good educa- tion, but self-proclaimed "angry white males" as well. ANDREW KIM LSA SOPHOMORE Morals play an important political role To THE DAILY: In Monday's editorial "Out, proud and unified," (2/17/97) the statement was made that "moral and reli- gious oppositions are person- al matters and should remain outside of the hallowed halls of America's legislatures." This is one of the many mis- conceptions people have regarding morality and poli- tics. Since morality really judges right from wrong, all politics really is a question of morality. Many of the stands that are made by people who oppose the morality of American conservatives interject their own morality into politics all of the time. Any anti-discrimination law relies on a moral principle that discrimination is wrong. Other questions of morals in politics include welfare (and other redistributions of money), environmental pro- tection and "animal rights." Even the Libertarian Party, a group that wants to reduce the government to almost nothing, takes a stand on morality; they state that the use of force in pursuing social objectives is immoral. The bottom line is that any political question con- cerns what is right and what is wrong. The difference between political associations is not morality vs. amorality. The real difference is in which morality you choose to uphold. MICHAEL ENRIGHT LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Shuttle story misreported k facts TO THE DAILY: I was very pleased to see that you wrote about the space shuttle Discovery's suc- cessful launch in last Wednesday's Daily ("Discovery crew chases ail- ing Hubble," 2/1297), espe- cially since it occurred at 4 a.m. that day. However, I am very disap- pointed in the way you cov- ered the event. First, the title of the article is very false: "Discovery crew chases ail- ing Hubble." This is not true. The Hubble is not ailing at all. Instead, the Discovery crew is on a mission to replace some outdated instru- ments on the Hubble. Those instrument packages have been on the telescope since its initial launch and are being replaced with more advanced models. Also, your last sentence states," ... will try tomorrow to replace two of the shuttle's original scientific instru- ments." This may seem a bit picky, but it is the Hubble's instruments that are being replaced. America's manned space program has gotten very little media coverage over the last couple of years. Please, when you do cover an event, be sure to get all your facts straight. I suggest you sub- scribe to the daily press releases from Kennedy Space Center for day-to-day accu- rate information on the.shut- tle fleet. ED VAN CISE ENGINEERING SOPHOMORE The UJA Half- Shekel drive: Because every one counts And the Lord spoke unto Moses. sa'- ing. When thou takest the sum of the children of Israel after their number This the shall give, every one th passeth among them that are num- bered, half a shekel ... as an offering to the Lord. - Exodus 30: 11-13 '2 (~od's directive to Moses - to take acensus of the children ofs Israel and to col- lect from each a SAMUEL half-shekel - GOODSTEIN helped establish a GRAND strong sense of ILSO c o mmnun ity among the Israelites. In ancient times, each Jew in the world was expected to give a half-shekel annually to support the Temple in Jerusalem; the money was important, but so was the sense unity, of inclusion, that the half-shekeT represented. Today, after millenia of persecution, that same notion of community. of inclusion, remains vital to the survival of the Jewish people. Indeed, each generation of Jews is faced with the same challenge: to maintain a sense of community and identity. Without this identity, without the knowledge that Jews will stand by each other, how could the Jewish people survive? My generation of Jews, like count- less before it, is always searching for ways to maintain important traditions, to be strong both in spirit and in num- bers, and to foster a sense of Jewish identity. In the diaspora, this is no small challenge. A group of University students, along with Hillel Executive Director Michael Brooks, have developed brilliant response to this challeng The Half-Shekel Campaign. With the campaign logos - a blue and yellow circle with the words "Who Cares" or "Because Every One Counts" printed beside it - already the most common sight on campus, the month-old cam- paign is steadily working toward its goal: Receiving a contribution of at least $1 to the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) from each Jew - and many non-Jews - on campus.0 To accomplish this means tackling the gargantuan task of identifying all 6,000 Jews in the University commu- nity and contacting each one. All con- tributions will be collected through face-to-face interaction; the drive will employ no phone banks and no solici- tations in the mail. But the student-run campaign is about much more than raising mone its objective is not only to raise fund but to raise people. The plan is to achieve total participation (meaning every Jewish student, faculty and staff-member contributes) within a few years; 70 percent is the target for this year. To be sure, if total participation is achieved, the campaign will raise a large sum for charity; but there is much more going on. This is about community, about inclusion and abo campus Jews of all stripes grapp in with the question of what it means to be Jewish. Of course, the money raised will go to a very worthy cause. A cause that is, incidentally, focused on assisting Jews and non-Jews alike. The UJA - the, recipient of the funds raised in the Half-Shekel Campaign - helps pro- vide emergency counseling and shelter for abused women and children, send doctors and medical supplies to refugees in Rwanda, supports homes for the elderly, helps resettle immi- grants fleeing distressed countries, supports Jews, Moslems and Christians in the former Yugoslavia, among many other things. In theory, at least, the Half-Shekel campaign could unite Jews around the world; as they were in ancient times. Ani Nisman, the campaign chair, to me as much: "If it works at Michiga it could work at any other campus. Eventually, the Half-Shekel Eampaign could touch Jews, and non-Jews, everywhere:' Whether or not this campaign becomes a national effort, it should have an important impact on the University's Jewish community. At the end of each academic year, the cam- paign will run an advertisement in tg newspaper, thanking all contributors by name. The point: To make this cam- paign a part of the Jewish social fabric on campus and to tell the world that being Jewish means being charitable and looking out for others who are in