The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 18, 1997 - 3
Seeing the future
B.A. degrees not
needed for success
Patient dies of
drug overdose at
'U' Hospitals
A person claiming a drug overdose.
as brought to the University
Hospitals' emergency room last Friday
afternoon, but died in the waiting area,
according to DPS reports.
The patient was wheeled into the
triage area and then died, according to
the report. When the patient died, the
person who had brought the victim into
the hospital left.
DPS officials have no description
of the driver or the vehicle he was
riving. University Hospitals' securi-
ty was asked to pull security video-
tape on the emergency room parking
The person who brought in the
deceased later called the Ann Arbor
Police Department and reported that he
and the deceased had bought heroin in
Detroit earlier that day.
His friend died after taking the hero-
n, he reported later. The suspect was
terviewed by DPS officers and DPS
its continuing the investigation.
Assault, robbery
occurs on Diag
A person was assaulted by an armed
robber on the Diag this past Saturday,
DPS reports said.
The victim was assaulted on the
fiag and robbed of $10 in cash. The
suspect was taken into custody by the
A warrant check on the suspect was
negative. After being interviewed, the
suspect was released pending investi-
Mother has DPS
heck daughter
A caller reported to DPS last Sunday
that she was concerned with the where-
abouts of her daughter, DPS reports
The caller said her daughter had
moved to an unknown room in East
Quad residence hall on Sunday.
The daughter had called her moth-
er earlier to report that she had con-
sumed four bottles of an unknown
ubstance. The conversation ended
nd her mother requested she call
DPS officials performed a well-
being check after the daughter had not
returned the phone call. Officials found
the girl upset over a recent breakup
with her boyfriend.
She had taken 30 Bufferin tablets
and vomited. Huron Valley Ambulance
transported the girl to University
*ospitals' emergency room for further
medical assistance.
Child injests
Meijer plant food
A 911 caller told DPS Saturday that
her baby had eaten Meijer-brand plant
food and was vomiting, DPS reports
The caller reported that the child had
eaten an unknown amount of the plant
food. HVA was sent to the Northwood
lV address and the poison control cen-
ter was contacted.
The toxicity of the plant food could
not be determined and the baby was not,
taken to a hospital.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jenni Yachnin.
By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
A bachelor's degree may not be nec-
essary to land a well-paying job,
according to a recent University study.
The study listed as many as 23 occu-
pations that do not require a four-year
degree but pay a median salary of at
least $33,000 annually.
Louis Glazer, one of the study's
researchers, said he was not surprised
by the findings.
"We weren't shocked, because we
had been hearing this from employers
for years," said Glazer, a member of
Michigan Future Inc., a non-profit
organization designed to help society
move from the industrial age to the
information age by teaching resi-
dents about Michigan's changing
value in a college education.
"There are individuals without col-
lege degrees who have very success-
ful careers, but the overwhelming evi-
dence of many reputable studies
through the years shows that college
education adds real and substantial
value, on average, to lifetime earn-
ings'" Goldenberg said. "Of course; a
college education adds immeasurably
to life in many other non-monetary
ways as well."
The study considered 158 occupa-
tions in the Great Lakes region and then
narrowed them down to 54 that exhibit-
ed annual earnings of $33,000. w
Glazer said he and Grimes used dat
gathered in a 1995 census of housd-
holds. They did not compare or contrast
these findings with any other year. This
was merely a "point-in-time study'
LSA sophomores Sara Frankish and Kim Sterner team the art of reading tarot cards at a mini-course offered in the
Michigan Union. Tarot card users believe the cards can predict the future.
Papers consider strikers' offers
In recent
years, employ-
ers have been
scrambling to
fill positions
that do not
require a bach-
elor's degree,
Glazer said.
These jobs still
demand ade-
We had been
hearing this ... for
- Louis Glazer
Michigan Future Inc.
Glazer said.
The study only
took into consid-
eration full-time,
year-round job$.
From these job$,
23 were found tp
provide good pay
to people without
Some of these
Newspapers have five
days to respond to
union offers
DETROIT (AP) - Managers of
Detroit's two daily newspapers now face
a key decision in the 19-month-old strike:
whether they will accept unconditional
back-to-work offers by six union locals.
Tim Kelleher, Detroit Newspapers
Inc. senior vice president for labor rela-
tions, said managers would discuss the
issue after receiving the offer from The
Newspaper Guild Local 22 - the last
of the six to submit its offer.
"We'll have to sit down today and
decide what to do," Kelleher said yes-
terday morning. "When the time is
appropriate, we will be sitting down
with the unions."
Local 22 faxed the offer yesterday
afternoon, said union spokesperson
Nancy Dunn. Guild members had
approved it Sunday.
Newspaper officials have five days to
respond after all the offers are submit-
ted. But disputes, including whether the
strike is over unfair economic practices
or economics, are expected to drag on
for months in the courts regardless of
what the newspapers do.
And the unions have said they will
continue strike-related activities such as
leafletting and a subscriber and adver-
tiser boycott. Allan Lengel, a striking
federal courts reporter for The Detroit
News, said he thinks the unconditional
offer "applies more pressure on the
"The potential to cause disruption
from within is great," he said.
Dunn said yesterday that the disrup-
tions would not come from inside the
building, although last week she said
they would.
"When we take our jobs back, the
people who are going to be waging this
are primarily outside," Dunn said. "The
warriors outside the building will not be
taken back immediately."
Kelleher called plans to continue
strike-related activities "bizarre."
"As far as we're concerned when they
make an unconditional offer, the strike
is over. We're not sure what tactic these
guys are taking," he said.
Detroit Newspapers runs business
and production operations for the News
and the Detroit Free Press under a joint
operating agreement. The News is
owned by Gannett Co. Inc. and the Free
Press by Knight-Ridder Inc.
If the newspapers reject the offer, the
unions say they will ask the National
Labor Relations Board to seek a feder-
al injunction to immediately return
them to their jobs.
Rejecting the offer also could begin
the accrual of back pay for striking
workers - if the newspapers later are
found to have committed unfair labor
practices. An administrative law judge is
expected to rule on that matter in coming
months, and appeals are likely.
Newspaper officials have said that if
they accept the offer, they would bring
back striking workers as jobs become
available. They have said they do not
intend to displace the 1,300 replace-
ment workers hired during the strike.
Susie Ellwood, another Detroit
Newspapers vice president, said the
newspapers would set up procedures
for the hirings in conjunction with the
NLRB regional director William
Schaub said he would view it as
improper if the newspapers took back
only some workers. He said he would
consider seeking a federal injunction to
reinstate all workers - even if it wasn't
sought by the unions.
quate levels of
education, however.
"It wasn't something where people
would get a high school diploma and
get one of these jobs," said Donald
Grimes, a researcher at the Institute of
Labor and Industrial Relations who
worked with Glazer on the study.
"Overall, they did tend to have high-
er levels of training," Grimes said,
adding that he was "marginally
shocked" at the study's findings.
The training for people without a
bachelor's degree ranged from a two-
year degree at a community college to
an apprenticeship.
Even though the study showed that
significant success rates are possible
for non-college graduates, LSA Dean
Edie Goldenberg said she still sees
jobs included police officers, electronic
equipment repair, mail carriers,
plumbers, fire fighters and engineering
Railroad- and ship-worker posi-
tions, which earned an average of
$41,415 annually, were high-paying
jobs for workers without a bachelor's
Glazer said he estimated that 22-25
percent of the workforce has at least a
bachelor's degree.
The study also revealed that younger
workers were just as likely to be hired
for non-college jobs as older workers.
In addition, more than a third of
younger workers who held jobs that
didn't require a degree earned more
than $30,000 annually.
State fills more than 2,000 jobs
LANSING (AP) - Since announc-
ing a tightened state hiring freeze in
October, Michigan has approved more
than 2,000 new hirings, a move some
Democrats say shows the freeze was
just politics.
State Department of Management
and Budget figures cited yesterday by
Booth Newspapers show 2,093 new
hires were approved between October
and early February. Only 50 were
"It sounds like a thaw has set in
before the freeze even started," said Bill
Ballenger, editor of the newsletter
Inside Michigan Politics.
"It's ridiculous to say you have a hir-
ing freeze when you're hiring over 90
percent of the people. applying for
Democrats accuse Engler of using
the freeze to try to get the Michigan
Supreme Court to hear a case that could
cost the state $500 million or more.
"Let it be said, 'This is the hiring
freeze that never was,"' said Steve
Gools, spokesperson for the Michigan
Democratic Party.
"It's absolutely plausible that the gov-
ernor would use a maneuver like a
phony hiring freeze to accomplish a
political gain."
An Engler spokesperson denied such
"This was a prudent measure on our
part, something we felt was necessary,"
said Pat Masserant. "However, the facts
about how devastating this case could
be stand on their own"
The court case involves claims by 84
school districts that the state failed to
pay for state-mandated costs of special
education and other programs. Claims
could total more than $500 million,
with additional costs of $300 million to
$400 million each year, according to
state estimates.Last September, the
Michigan Supreme Court let stand an
Appeals Court judgment against the
In October, Engler announced he was
beefing up the hiring freeze begun when
he took office in 1991, citing the money
drain the case would cause. Instead of
department heads deciding what posi-
tions to fill, all vacancies would come
before state Budget Director Mark
Murray. The first exemptions were
granted in mid-November.
The high court then agreed to take
the case in December.
A court spokesman said justices con-
sider specific legal points when decid-
ing whether to take a case.
"To the degree that (the hiring freeze)
may have been a tactic, you'll have to
ask the governor's office," David
Gruber said.
Phi Beta Sigma won the step show competition at the Power Center on Friday. This fraternity was inaccurately identified in
yesterday's Daily.
U Alianza, 995-6732, Michigan Union,
Pond Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q Black Undergraduate Law
Association, Mass Meeting 332-
6122, Michigan Union, Wolverine
ABC Room, 7 p.m.
Ei Chaverim, Hillel, 1429 Hill Street, 7
Q Cleptomaniacs And Shoplifters
Anonymous (CASA), self-help
group, 913-6990, First Baptist
hurch, 512 E. Huron, Room 102,
7-8:30 p.m.
0 Domestic Violence Project Support
Group for LesbianrSurvIvors, 973-
0242, 4100 Clark Rd., 6:30.8
0 First Comity, 741-0287, GG Brown
Labs, Room 1504, 7 p.m.
U Free Mumia Coalition/ARA, 913-
0 "Architectural Student Exhibit," spon-
sored by The College of
Architecture, Art and Architecture
Building, Jean and Paul Slusser
Gallery, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
0 "Diversity In the New Testament,"
Bible study, sponsored by The
Lutheran Campus Ministry, Lord
of Light Lutheran Church, 801
South Forest Avenue, 7 p.m.
D "Fund for Public Interest Research:
Open Pre-Recruitment Session,"
sponsored by CP&P, Michigan
Union, Sophia B. Jones Room, 7-8
J "Information Resources, Inc.: Open
Pre-Recruitment Session," spon-
sored by CP&P, Michigan League,
Michigan Room, 7-9 p.m.
J "Internships In Phycology and Social
Services," sponsored b CP&P,
MLR eture Rnom 1 -1:0-630
U "The Law School Experience," spon-
sored by CP&P, Michigan League,
Henderson Room, 6:10-7:30 p.m.
U "Russian and East European
Careers," sponsored by The
Slavic Department, Lane Hall,
Room 240, 4-5:30 p.m.
L "Weird Science," Movie showing,
sponsored by The Institute of
Electronic and Electrical
Engineers, Michigan Union Video
Studio, 8-10 p.m.
U Campus information Centers, 763-
INFO, info@umich.edu, and
www.umich.edu/'-info on the
World Wide Web
C] English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, Angell Hall, Room 444C,
7-11 n m.
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