8A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 17, 1997 'Dancing' By Stephanie Love Daily Arts Writer Attention to detail within a play does1 not always guarantee a great perfor- mance. But in the case of "Dancing atl Lughnasa," precision went hand-in-; hand with a high- quality perfor- . R E mance. The two-act play took place in and around the kitchen endels of the Mundy sis- ters. From the start, Patrick Moltane's nar- ration as Michael captured the audi-1 ence's attention. He kept all the charm of a 7-year-old, while he cleverly spokeJ as an older narrator. In reality, Michael; played a double role, looking back over his life and reliving it at the same time.1 The play's best performances were those of the Mundy sisters themselves.I Jenny Burleson's performance as Katel was outstanding. Not only did she1 express the anxiety of a woman looking : combines detail and drama out for her family, but her deadpan humor and optimism mingled with hopelessness made Kate come alive. Spending most of her time in the kitchen surrounded by wooden spoons and crockery, Kate watched over the actions of her sis- V I E W ters and her malaria stricken brother Dancing at (Jeffrey Bender) Lughnasa with all the worry ssohn Theater and love of a moth- Feb. 13, 1997 er. The irreversible course of the Mundy sisters' lives became clear after Rose (Elif Celebi) suggested that the sisters go to the pagan festival of Lughnasa. Rose attempts to unlock the family's happi- ness, which is hidden by the everyday burdens of trying to survive. Rose's character often became irritat- ing, and her sporadic nature seemed like a cross between immaturity and a learning disability. The play never revealed the reasons for her actions, leaving the audience wondering what was wrong with her. Strong .performances also came from Cadi Sutter (Maggie) and Heather Guglielmetti (Agnes). Maggie's love for Wild Woodbines contrasted with Agnes' innocent and reserved nature. Guglielmetti was poignant, portraying Agnes' delicate emotions and her unexpected humor- ous side with ease. In contrast, Sutter handled Maggie's whimsical character well. Spending her time smoking and feeding chickens, Maggie was by far the happiest of the sisters. At the same time, however, she seemed the most distraught. The sisters' reactions to approaching middle age without husbands revealed their individual characters. Perhaps the best example of this individuality took place as the sisters danced during the first act. The screeches of the women were irritating and confusing at first, but as one watched the intensity of their faces, it was obvious that the dancing was a necessary outlet for years of pent- up emotions. Chris' (Stephanie Bernstein) and Jerry's (Matthew Clifford) relationship exemplified the bursts of happiness the Mundy sisters experienced throughout their lives. Jerry, Michael's father, was the typical unreliable male. But the part was not quite on the level of the other performances, partially because of the unconvincing accent. Berstein's perfor- mance as Chris was solid, although not quite as stirring as those of Kate, Agnes and Maggie. Jeffrey Bender's performance as Jack was compelling. Especially convincing was the interaction between Jack and Kate. Their conflict revealed the tension between brother and sister as well as the contrast between Catholicism and paganism. Bender did an excellent job of showing Jack as a quirky man with little desire left for tradition, a change which frustrated Kate and revealed his illness at the same time. The second half of the play was the Many strong performances made "Dancing at Lughnasa" a success. highlight of the performance. Agnes made the second act come alive through her unleashed emotional torrents. Although Rose seemed to have the piv- otal moment in the act, it is unclear why she runs off to the festival and why she seems to deteriorate upon returning home. Michael's narration successfully set up the unraveling of events. The end, which included a scene freeze whi Michael revealed the characters' fate was effective. The chilling words of Michael's powerful closing speech were beautiful, exemplifying Friel's poetic use of language at its finest. - 1 Women's lit reading group begins at Borders TICKETS ON SALE NOW! By Uz Mills For the Daily Stephanie Hausman and Manon Beaudre, staff members at Borders, invite students to come to the first PR meeting of the W o m e n ' s Literature Reading R Group tonight at 7:30. An important goal of the group is to bring the Ann Arbor community together for the common purpose of reading and discussing literature. two groups that c Women's Lit eading Group Tonight at 7:30 Borders, Free discussion classes ften remain separate due to the store's size. There are several reasons people join book clubs, ranging from a desire to read more widely, a nos- talgia for college or wanting to meet Another of Hausman's goals is to establish a closer connection between the customers and the staff at Borders, vations come to equally varied groups, some directed toward a particular audi- ence through the themes of the books dis- cussed. Hausman explained that she and Beaudre chose six books they both have read and enjoyed. At the first meeting, they will present them as options for the following week. The first meeting will most likely involve introductions, discussions about personal preferences for books and goals for the group as a whole, Hausman said. Hausman talked about two possible methods of conducting the group, to determined by the miembers. The fit would be similar to a classroom setting in which there would not be as much communal discussion. The second would place emphasis on group participation and input. With the second method, the responsibility of leading the group would rotate, giving each individual a chance to control how to run the meeting. This tactic would encourage participation as well as per- sonal motivation to complete the re~@ ing and promote thought-provoking dis- cussions, Hausman said. new people with similar tastes in books. Interested people with these varied moti- I I' __________________ Hurry in. It's Bon I us Time at the Clinique counter. Perfect take-along for Cr.rNJQIi-J Spring Break, v dr ir 4 " Clinique's "Potentially Yours" Bonus. It's rnl - yours with any Cliniquef- purchase of $15.00 or more. No extra charge. You get: A zip-top makeup pouch filled with Clinique's y CUNIQUE special looks-makers. rinse-off Rinse-Off Eye Makeup <."eye makeup Solvent, Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion, Black Full - ? Potential Mascara, Totally Tawny Soft-"i Pressed Powder Blusher, Confetti Long Last Lipstick, r .** i Aloe Body Balm.:,h,:. . r One bonus to a," "" customer. While. BOOK supplies last. - ' - wTu w-~--- I