2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 13, 1997 King Hussein moves tU oost talk The Washington Post JERUSALEM - Jordan's King Hussein, piloting his own helicopter from Amman to Gaza to Tel Aviv, staged a diplomatic rescue mission yesterday for the deadlocked talks between his Israeli and Palestinian neighbors. The unexpected intervention of the monarch, who has had uneasy relations with both parties, came as Dennis Ross, the Clinton administration's special envoy, announced an empty-handed departure from the region - and then, for the second time in less than three months, decided not to fly home after all. Instead, Ross, the U.S. special Middle East coordinator, huddled until nearly midnight with Hussein and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Israeli Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. A top aide to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat told reporters in Gaza City that a long- delayed accord on Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank city of Hebron could be initialed as soon as today, but Hussein announced no more than "a fresh beginning" for the talks when he emerged last night. "We're not there yet, but there is no question that we are closer than we were," a drawn- T ere looking Ross told reporters waiting question outside. Israeli Foreign are close Minister David Levy captured were.,N something of the spirit of the labori- ous endgame of U.S. spec the talks by declaring it "a matter of astrolo- gy by now" to attempt a prediction on their close. He made reference to Israel's contention that the decision is entirely Arafat's, adding, "If someone thinks that by creating a stalemate he will improve the situation, he is mistaken." Israelis and Palestinians have negoti- ated intensively for months to complete that we ar than we - Dennis Ross dial Middle East coordinator now on Arafat's more than three their first accord u n d e r N etanyahu, which amounts to an irnple- mentation plan for Israel's pre- vious agree- ment to with- draw its army from most of the West Bank city of Hebron. The deal has been stuck for some weeks suspicion that areas of the West Bank. Netanyahu is refusing to say he will honor Israel's signed commitment to a redeployment schedule that would leave all but Jewish settlements and Israeli "military loca- tions" in Arafat's hands for limited self- rule by September 1997. The two sides were said to be bar- gaining last night over a compromise date in mid-1998, and over Israeli demands for extradition of Palestinians wanted on criminal charges by the Jewish state and defini- tive changes in the Palestinian National Covenant. Before flying to Tel Aviv, Hussein spent seven hours with Arafat, with whom he has fought many skirmishes and one all-out war over the years. Not so many months ago, Hussein told an Israeli newspaper that Arafat "is your problem, and mine." But yesterday the two embraced and kissed like the warmest of friends. Clinton's lawyers ask to delay lawsuit WASHINGTON - It comes up one week before President Clinton's second inauguration and it has the potential to tar- nish, perhaps even ruin, his second term in office. It is the sexual-harassment lawsuit filed by Paula Corbin Jones, which will be heard before the Supreme Court today with a ruling expected by June. The president's lawyers are asking the justices to reverse two lower courts and to block all further action in her law- suit until Clinton leaves office. They argue a "temporary deferral" of civil litigation involving the chief executive serves "the public interest in protecting the presidency from Clinton disruption." But they face an uphill fight in the high court, which has been stingy about granting legal immunities to public officials. If the court were to rule against the president, Clinton and the Arkansas state troopers who once served him could be ordered to answer questions under o h from Jones' lawyers and eventually forced to stand trial. Even the pretrial depositions could prove embarrassing and politically damaging if, as is likely, they were released to the public. Netanyahu will stall or renege on subse- quent Israeli withdrawals from rural 0f ti ;U 4°v C .0 C 4 s C Pre-inauguration to showcase speakers, performers WASHINGTON - A wide variety of speakers and performers, ranging from Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel to the fuzzy red Sesame Street sensation, will appear next weekend in two days of free, pre-inaugural festivities on the Mall. Wiesel, Harvard professor Cornel West, historian Ken Burns, actress Whoopi Goldberg, feminist activist Betty Friedan and pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton are among the "great thinkers" scheduled to discuss issues and share their life stories, the Presidential Inaugural Committee announced. "When I first read about it in the paper - the thinkers talking about some of the big issues and possibilities - I thought, 'That's great,' "Friedan said yesterday. "Then I thought, 'As usual, they're not going to invite women,' but they did. It was women who elected Clinton. I was terribly pleased to be invited. I think I should have been invited, and I was!" The speakers and entertainers, select'.. ed to appeal to adults and children, will perform in huge, heated tents on .the Mall and at the Holocaust Memorial Museum and three Smithsonian muse- ums. Whale improves, but prognosis is cautious SAN DIEGO - As veterinarians kept an around-the-clock vigil at her tankside, a baby gray whale who had been near death Saturday night and& was brought from Los Angeles'. Venice Beach to San Diego's Sea World showed improvement yes* day, but officials warned it could be weeks or months before it is known, whether she will survive. The calf, which arrived at Sea World dehydrated, underweight and- suffering from low blood sugar, began swimming unassisted an demanding to be fed. Intervals between feedings wer lengthened from every two hours to every three hours. lished in 1985 to guard against cross border guerrilla attacks, has a pre- dominantly Shiite population of4 200,000. .-.. , , .. .. - . ... , _.w , 'F ,Vr7"* :, , 1 "..v"" ; 25 ;.a,, 3-. .:y ,r td' Q n 'F' ,: x ... Guerrillas attack Israeli-backed militia outpost RASHAYA, Lebanon - Guerrillas attacked Israeli-backed militiamen in southern Lebanon yesterday with mor- tars and rocket-propelled grenades, security officials said. Israel responded with artillery fire. The officials, speaking on condi- tion of anonymity, said they had no reports of casualties from the attack by the Iranian-backed Hezbollah guerrillas on the Zoummaraya out- post just inside Israel's self-styled "security zone" in southern Lebanon. Shortly after the 3 p.m. attack, Israeli artillery blasted suspected guerrilla tar- gets near the villages of Maidoun and Ein el-Tineh southeast of Zoummaraya, they said. Guerrillas of the Shiite Muslim Hezbollah want to drive out the 1,200 Israeli soldiers and 2,500 allied Lebanese militiamen from the south Lebanon border enclave. The enclave, which Israel estab- Bulgarian Socialists agree to talks , :: =.yYi J SOFIA, Bulgaria - Faced withl Bulgaria's bloodiest uprising since the,, end of Stalinist rule, the governing ex- Communists agreed yesterday to hold talks with opposition leaders demaod' ing early elections. Georgi Parvanov, leader of the Socialist Party, said on television thats talks could start today. He made it clear however, that he expected his party to, stay in power for at least another year to "stabilize" Bulgaria, which is undergo- ing its worst economic crisis since 1989. The opposition vowed to keep up daily protests until the government sets an election date. Yesterday, 100,000 peo4 pIe demonstrated in Sofia to bacl; demand for an early vote that could d - the current government from power. - Compiled from Daily wire reports? as . 7 Q,4wLtLLL LL The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, star ting in September, via U.S. mail are $85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus st scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press. 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