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February 07, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-02-07

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 7, 1997 - 3

No, %
Nurse assaults
co-worker for
*An employee of University Hospitals
reported that a nurse assaulted him
Wednesday night.
According to Department of Public
Safety reports, the suspect struck the
employee across the wrist and face with
a newspaper when he failed to help
transfer a patient to a different ward.
The nurse was warned and inter-
viewed by DPS officers. A hospital
Spervisor later called and reported that
e situation will be handled internally.
North Campus
exhibit stolen
A caller reported to DPS that a
poster exhibit entitled "Condom Man"
had been stolen from Pierpont
Commons. The poster, which was on
splay for AIDS Awareness Week, was
Solen early yesterday morning.
DPS has no suspects but is currently
investigating the incident.
Mother causes
disturbance at
Couzens Hall
A resident of Couzens Residence
tll reported to DPS that the mother of
one of her roommates was harassing
several residents.
According to DPS reports, the sus-
pect was causing a disturbance by
yelling obscenities about her daughter,
who she was trying to find.
DPS arrived shortly after and1
removed the suspect - who was
believed to be intoxicated - from the
'sidence hall. The suspect's daughter
lied DPS and reported that she hadt
contacted her mother.
Knife in paper
injures reader
A caller reported to DPS that the1
folded newspaper she picked up on her1
porch contained a sharp knife.1
The knife subsequently fell out of the
*wspaper and severely cut the caller oni
her hand. DPS transported the caller to
the University Medical Center emer-i
gency room where she received 201
The caller reported that similar
objects had been left in her newspapers
during the past two weeks. DPS has no
suspects but is currently investigating
the incident.
*Vife breaks beer;
bottle on spouse
A caller reported to the Ann Arbor
Police Department that his wife assault-
ed him Tuesday night in their home on
2000 Page St.
According to AAPD reports, the caller
had gotten into an argument with his
wife over infidelity. The suspect then
legedly struck the caller with a beer
The suspect stated that her husband hit
her earlier with a closed fist in the face,
according to AAPD reports. The hus-

band wanted to press charges the next
day but his wife was nowhere to be
found, AAPD reported. The suspect is
described as 5-foot-10, with blond hair
and weighing approximately 120
ompiled by Daily Staff'Reporter Ajit
K. Thavarajah.
What's ha
Q "The Ann Arbor AIDS Memorial
Quilt," sponsored by Ann Arbor
Jaycees Foundation, Track and
Tennis Building
Q "AIDS Awareness and Education
Through Art," sponsored by
University Health Service,
Pierpont Commons, Piano Room
Q "Architectural Student Exhibition,"
sponsored by The College of
Architecture, Jean and Paul
Slusser Gallery, Pierpont, 11a.m.-
4 p.m.
0 "Asian Pacific American Women's
Journal Reception," sponsored by
MSA,. Rack ham Auditorium,
Assembl Hall, 6 p.m.
I"Conversat os with Coune
Clixby," sponsored by Unions
Network Television, channel 24, 3
p.m. and 8 p.m.
Q "Kiwanis Sale,"Ksponsored by The
Downtown Kiwanis Club of Ann

By Alice Robinson
Daily Staff Reporter
Speaking to a group of people sit-
ting amidst colorful crepe-paper flow-
ers and streamers, LSA senior Maria
Alejandra Perez noted that there is no
definitive, annual event at the
University displaying the culture of
"Floricanto is probably the closest
we can get to something like that,"
Perez said.
At the open-mic, open-art, and
open-music session held at East
Quad's Half-Way Inn last night, Perez
suggested that those who gathered
"project some talent that we have here
to the rest of the community."
The night of community expression,
known as "Floricanto," was organized
by Alianza, the Latino/a Student
Alliance, as part of Chicano History
Week. During the open-mic session,
which started off the event, several stu-
dents read poems they wrote pertain-
ing to Latino/a culture, and Jackson
resident Andrew Lopez presented a
brief history of Latino/a poetry, from
pre-conquest Mexico to the present.
University graduate Darilis Garcia
read three of her poems. She said the
last one, "My Sisters," held special
meaning for her. "It's for all the
women that made me proud," she said.
Organizers said they hoped to create

Wayne Wolbert, an LSA senior, performed last night to a full crowd at the Half-way Inn as part of the open mic night cele-
brating Latino/a history week.

a sense of unity through the evening of
sharing. "(We wanted) to bring every-
one together to show their artistic abili-
ties, expressions, and to eat good food,"
said LSA sophomore Nina Feliciaml.
LSA senior Wayne Alejandro
Wolbert read several poems he wrote,
including "Baby, baby, let's grow
together," which drew laughter and
applause from many of the 110 people
in the crowd.
"What I wanted to say in Latina Lit.
class but did not," was one of the poems

also read "Manifesto" and "On hearing
a Mariachi song recorded around 1945."
Upon entering the informal cafe
located in East Quad's basement, stu-
dents were greeted with tables of arti-
facts for sale, made by indigenous peo-
ple from Central and South America,
including beaded necklaces, candles
and books.
Those who attended the event said it
was a good opportunity for students to
express themselves. "It's something
that we needed because it never has

LSA junior Damaris Madrigal. "It's
cool. It lets us show our talent."
One student said the poetry was
very poignant.
"I thought it had a lot of passion and
you could tell there was a lot of suffer-
ing behind the authors," said LSA first-
year student Juan Iturralde. "It's a com-
mon theme for us to talk about our suf-
fering because the pain is still there."
In addition to the poetry readings,
students dined on a potluck dinner and
painted a colorful mural in the back of
the room.

* E-mail disabled at'U
sites, employees work
to restore use
By Greg Cox
For the Daily
Some frustrated University students
have been experiencing e-mail
headaches since early this week, when
they were left unable to access their
accounts due to a crash of e-mil servers.
The Technology Division of
Information reports that certain sectors
of the Institutional Files System server
AFS-0 have been down since early
Tuesday morning. Some students whose.
accounts are included in the disabled
parts of the server are still unable to
access their files.
LSA sophomore Keith Grafos said he
is usually able to check e-mail messages
from home. He said he fears his acade-
mics may be affected by an inability to
retrieve recent messages.
"I get a lot of information about -
assignments and correspondence with
professors through e-mail," Grafos said.
"Its being down has been a real pain."
Sectors A, G and o of AFS-0 were
restored as of 6 p.m. yesterday, but TD
employees were still working to fix sec-
tors B and F ITD employees have been
reconstructing files from backup tapes.
LSA senior Tracy Solow is among
those without the ability to check e-mail.
She said she is concerned with the
prospect of missing messages from
friends and family as well as correspon-
dence from potential employers regard-
ing jobs.
"It's a commentary on the campus -
it shows how much we rely on e-mail'
Solow said.
LSA sophomore Trent Thompson
said he relies heavily on e-mail in order
to keep up with various campus organi-
zations. "I would hope action would be
taken quickly when there's a problem"
he said.
All sectors of the server originally
were expected to be running again by 6
p.m. yesterday, said ITD employee Chet
LSA student Teresa Reid, however,
said technology carries with it possible
"It's mainly just a disruption of my
communications with friends. You basi-
cally just have to deal with it," Reid said.
Losing e-mail contact may not have
professional or academic consequences
for all of the system's users, however.
For some students, the inconvenience is
purely social.
"I don't communicate important busi-
ness on e-mail. I'm just anxious to get
messages from friends," said LSA
sophomore Brandy Johnson.

read by LSA senior Nora Salas. Salas happened in our community," said

Kellogg president challenges universities

By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
Pointing to a new era that has formed since the
end of the Cold War, William Richardson said yes-
terday that the state of higher education is at a
Richardson, president and executive director of
the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, challenged universi-
ties to delve deeper into the community and have
more person-to-person interaction with students.
In a speech titled "Adding Value and Virtue: The
New Challenge of Higher Education," delivered at
Rackham Amphitheatre Richardson said the days of

Part of this change would encourage universities
to conduct more community-based research in an
effort to strengthen social bonds while enhancing a
student's education. Richardson also asked for more
person-to-person education, which he called the
most effective way to learn.
University President Lee Bollinger, who attended
Richardson's speech, said he supports many of the
ideas it outlined.
"I am very much in favor of moving in this direc-
tion," Bollinger said.
Bollinger pointed out suggestions, such as clear-
ly defining the idea of community and making sure

boring; fact-based lectures or
"stand-and-deliver class-
rooms" should end.
"We no longer regard learn-
ing as a linear process,"
Richardson said. "Employers
value employees who can think
clearly and independently." .
Richardson, a former presi-
dent. of The Johns Hopkins
University, said universities
during the Cold War were
"conducted in a way that made

"Thi is not
going to be easy
to do.
-Michael Cohen
Political science Prof.

universities educate students
in the classroom as well as
the workplace. Not all their
education should come from
on-the-job experiences, he
said. Bollinger criticized
programs conducted by
Harvard Law School, where
he said students spend most
of their time working for law
The University. however,
expanding community-based
said. "I think, in my time at

community. It is important to get "students more
involved in more important and messy ways," he
Many audience members echoed Richardson's
thoughts, but admitted that reaching them may be
"This is not going to be easy to do," political sci-
ence Prof. Michael Cohen said during a panel dis-
cussion after the speech.
Oscar Barbarin, a professor of social work and
psychology, said the University can achieve the
goals Richardson outlined.
"It's a challenge not just to think well, but to do
well. There are many problems we have to think
about as we reach out to our comnunity... I think
of Michigan as a can-do place with a can-do atti-
However, psychology Prof. Abigail Stewart,
director of the Institute for Research on Women and
Gender, said things can change that might alter the
University's hopes to expand community research.
"We cannot overcommit to predictions of where
we are going," Stewart said, adding that the improb-
able is as likely as the probable.
Richardson said the process of changing the
structure of universities to include community-
based research is not something that can be accom-
plished overnight.
"I would see it as a long-term process ... I don't
think it can be forced," Richardson said.

it hard for students

is moving toward
research, Bollinger

to benefit. It was a rather cloistered environment.
"We're asking the universities to change their
identity in a post Cold War environment,"
Richardson said.

Michigan, it has been a continual thing."
Richardson also pushed to get students involved
with hands-on experiences as keys to helping the

Detroit to demolish landmark

DETROIT (AP) - The former J.L.
Hudson's department store, which once
employed 10,000 people but has sat
vacant since 1983, will be demolished.
The Detroit City Council voted 7-2
Wednesday to raze the downtown land-
mark to make room for projects
deemed more viable than the many pro-
posals for the Hudson's building that
have surfaced since it closed.
"Hudson's symbolizes something
very real to the people of the City of
Detroit," said Freman Hendrix, Mayor
Dennis Archer's chief of staff. "But the

last 10 to 15 years, it has been a hulk
that was just there, an albatross that
deterred development.
"This is the signal of downtown
Detroit's redevelopment era. People are
going to sigh a big sigh of relief when
they know that this building is coming
Archer's office lobbied the council
to demolish the 25-story, 2.2 million-
square-foot building -- as did its
owner, Greater Downtown
Partnership Inc. The partnership, a
nonprofit group of corporations, will

pay $12 million to $15
demolish the building,

million to
a project

expected to take 18 months, The
Detroit News reported yesterday.
City officials acknowledged that
there are no specific plans for the
site. But, said Archer spokesman
Anthony Neely, "Demolition will
encourage realistic proposals for
major development downtown, which
is obviously what the Woodward cor-
ridor needs."
Wednesday's vote left some preserva-
tionists surprised and disappointed.
"Our concern is that the council
made a commitment to a public hear-
ing in June andapassed a resolution
requiring that the City Planning
Commission and the Historic
Advisory Designation Board be an
integral part of downtown planning
and has reneged on that," Kathy
Wendler, a city planning commission-
er, told the Detroit Free Press.

Formerly Silverman's



)pening in Ann Arbor this weekend.
SATURDAY J "Weekly Rummage Sale," sponsored
by Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor,
J "A Celebration of Caribbean Kiwanis Building, 200 South First
Culture," sponsored by The St., corner of Washington, 9 a.m.-
Caribbean People's Association, noon
Michigan Union, Kuenzel Room,
1:30-4 P.M. SUNDAY
J "The Ann Arbor AIDS Memorial
Quilt," sponsored by Ann Arbor ,-"
Jaycees Foundation, Track and The Ann Arbor AIDS Memorbal
Tennis Building Quilt," sponsored by Ann Arbor
CJ "AIDS Awareness and Education Jaycees Foundation, Track and
Through Art," sponsored by Tennis Building
University Health Service, -"gAIDS Awareness and Education
Pierpont, Commons, Piano Room Through Art, sponsored by
U "Architectural Student Exhibition," University Health Service,
sponsored by The College of Pierpont Commons, Piano Room
Architecture, Jean and Paul J "Architectural Student Exhibition,"
Slusser Gallery, Pierpont, 11a.m.- sponsored by The College of
4 p.m. Architecture, Jean and Paul SMusser
i: "Free MCAT," sponsored by The ," Gallery, Pierpont, 11a.m:-4 p.m."
Princeton Review, 1220 South . The D.C. Vigil and La Marcha,
University, Suite 209, 9 a.m:4:30 Slide-audio presentation,
p M. reflecting recent events in
J2 "Internship Search Triathlon: Washington D.C., sponsored by
- Iniversitv Health Service,

000' kg

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