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February 07, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-02-07

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One hundred sbcxyears of editorialfreedom

February 7, 1997

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Ludget in
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton sent Congress yesterday a
five-year plan to balance the federal
budget for the first time since man
foot on the moon, even as he pro-
posed a bounty of middle-class tax
cuts, sizable new social program
spending and a vastly expanded
national role in education.
During a news conference with
his senior economic team, Clinton
talked little of the sacrifice and pain
required to restore fiscal order in
Washington. Instead, he maintained
most of the hard work already has
b n done and vowed to leave the
ernment's ledgers in such good
shape when he
k leaves office that
deficit spending
will be eradicat-
. 1 ed for decades to
"My plan bal-
ances the budget
while maintain-
4, ~ ing the balance
of our values,"
Clinton Clinton said.
Although finish-
ing the task "will not be easy," he
said, "the lion's share of the savings
that we needed to make from the
nightmarish projections we had four
years ago have been put in place
already and it remains for us to take
the last steps."
Clinton's five-year budget plan
*es on $100 billion in savings
from Medicare and $22 billion from
Medicaid; $76 billion from extend-
ed or new taxes on businesses and
airiine tickets; $47.3 billion from
new user fees; $36.1 billion from
the sale of broadcast spectrum
licenses; and a host of cuts in
defense and general government
spending. .
While the president spruced up
latest budget proposal with $98
billion in tax breaks and high-pro-
file spending initiatives for educa-
tion, health care and welfare, it is
largely the same plan he offered a
year ago that the Republicans reject-
Yet in contrast to the past two
years, when Republicans berated
Clinton's balanced-budget proposals
as hollow promises and twice closed
W government in protest, his latest
p an received a polite, though skep-
tical, reception on Capitol Hill.
Stung by the public backlash to the
shutdowns and Clinton's re-election,
House and Senate leaders signaled a
willingness to accommodate large
chunks of the president's agenda,
provided the budget is shorn of what
some describe as gimmicks and
overly optimistic economic fore-




$7.5M raise
Engler allocates 2.5-percent
increase for all state colleges

*~ 4 ~. ~



By Jeffrey Kosseff
and Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporters
Gov. John Engler allocated
$309,454,933 to the University in his
proposed budget for the next fiscal year
- $7.5 million more than the University
received last year.
All of Michigan's public universities
received a 2.5-percent increase over last
year's appropriations.
"I think one should be pleased with the
effort of the state to increase the alloca-
tion to help with inflation," University
President Lee Bollinger said last night.
The 2.5-percent hike is based on the
government's inflation projection for the
next fiscal year. Engler did not grant an
additional $3 million the University
requested last fall to fund an undergradu-
ate research initiative.
"It is still possible that we can lobby
for the money," said Provost J. Bernard
As in past years, the University
received the largest proposed allocation
of any public college in the state.
"It has been that way historically,"said
Mark Murray, Engler's budget director.
"It will continue to be the best-funded
Some University officials said the
increase fulfilled their expectations.
"We have been receiving indications it
would be around this amount," said
Cynthia Wilbanks, associate vice presi-
dent for University relations.
University Regent Olivia Maynard (D-
Flint) said the increase is a positive one.
"We got our fair share," Maynard said.
"I'm always pleased when it goes up."
Engler's proposal would give the
University's Dearborn and Flint campus-

FY 1998 State Funding
Gov. John Engler's proposed-
fiscal year 1998 budget calls
for a 2.5-percent increase for
the state's public colleges.
Numbers in millions.
Central Michigan University
Eastern Michigan University

Source Proposed FY 1998 State Budget
es $22 million and $19 million respec-
Despite its larger student body,
Michigan State University received a
proposed allocation of $274 million -
about $35 million less than the
University of Michigan.
"There has been an imbalance there,
and some of it may not have been prop-
er," said state Rep. Harold Vorhees (R-
Wyoming). "It should be looked at."
Some House Democrats also called
the difference unfair.
"There ought to be equity" said Rep.
Lingg Brewer (D-Holt).
Vorhees, however, cited one of the
University's reasons for receiving a larg-
er allocation than Michigan State.
"It's a premier research and develop-
ment university," Vorhees said.
In Engler's budget proposal for fiscal
See BUDGET, Page 2

Gary Smith, Marion Howell, and James Parren, who were part of a group trip, look over an AIDS quilt panel last night at the
opening ceremony for the Ann Arbor viewing of the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, which will be on display until Feb. 9.
Menoral Quit unfolds

By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's Track and Tennis Building was cloaked in
silence last night, interrupted only by the whispers of the stu-
dents and local residents who gazed at the sprawling and col-
orful display of the AIDS Memorial Quilt.
With the quilt's panels draped on the walls, the opening
ceremony began with addresses by sponsor members. Mayor
Ingrid Sheldon read a poem illustrating the healing and hope
that counterbalances the suffering associated
with AIDS.
University Senior Athletic Director Keith
Molin reminded the audience not to forget the
messages symbolized by the quilt after the dis-
play ends.
"The next four days, for some of us, will be Feb ary
teaching moments:' Molin said. "For others it F
will be a learning experience. For all of us, it will be moments
of reflection.
"This is four days to let us think about what we'll do when
these four days are over," Molin continued.
After the opening remarks, the crowd stood on the out-
skirts of the quarter-mile track while volunteers unfolded the
panels lying in bundles on the faded green floor. The Ann
Arbor Boys Choir sang while the panels were unfolded
before the crowd.

Following a moment of silence that prompted the crowd to
join hands, onlookers viewed the panels as the names of those
commemorated were read.
"I came for a better understanding of what's going on, for
a little inspiration," said LSA junior Kimberly Yee. "It's real-
ly powerful. It makes a much more personal experience to put
pictures, words and mementos with the statistics.:
Stephanie Potter, a first-year student at Eastern Michigan
University, said she was moved by the display.
"I've never seen anything like it before," Potter
said. "I think it's a good idea to make the commu-
nity aware that the disease is still here and it's not
going away soon."
The turnout was high at yesterday's ceremony,
r, Swhich marked the beginning of the four-day dis-
-8 Week play. Kathy Szakatis, coordinator of the ceremony,
said she was impressed by the attendance.
"There are a lot more people than I had anticipated for the
opening night," Szakatis said. "I'm very pleased. We spent a
lot of time getting the word out to the community."
Szakatis said she hoped people would understand the
human aspect of the disease and be more tolerant of those
who have it.
"I hope the people will walk away knowing that AIDS is
more than just a disease. It's about people who had important
See QUILT, Page 7

NPR airs live
from 'U' to world

By Sam England
For The Daily
The smooth, trained voice of "Talk of
the Nation" host Ray Suarez echoed as
he spoke onstage. The audience at
Rackham Auditorium applauded and
National Public Radio listeners tuned in
around the world.
Suarez spoke on the air with
University professors, faculty and stu-
dents to address issues of race yester-
day afternoon.
"Today we've left the cozy and inti-
mate confines of Studio 3A in
Washington," Suarez said. "We're on
the road, coming to you live from

Rackham Auditorium on the campus of
the University of Michigan in Ann
The first hour of the broadcast
focused on author and activist W E. B.
DuBois, and featured a panel of experts
as well as interaction with audience
members. The panelists answered ques-
tions about DuBois' life and literature.
Sitting on the panel were two
University professors of history- and
Afro-American studies, Earl Lewis and
Harold Cruse. Lewis and Cruse joined
independent filmmaker Louis Massiah,
creator of the television documentary
See RADIO, Page 7


New college, special-expense
fund requested for recruiting

On different note

Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
The University may see a new col-
lege and a special-expense fund for fac-
ulty members if requests outlined in a

attracting the "best" students to the
University. The report said the quality
of students applying to the Honors
College has declined, the program
doesn't present its educational philoso-

recent faculty task
A report assem-
bled by "The Task
Force on Recruiting,
aining and
rturing the
Exceptional" targets
problems and solu-
tions to retain and
attract "exceptional"
students and faculty.

force report are phy adequately and the college presents
an imper-
so n a I
image to
the public.
"It may
fantasy that webe that the
should be Harvard" Honors
S Collegeis
- Prof. Ruth Scodel wonderful,
but (the
Director of the Honors Program University

person for every little quota. We're a big
place, and we're not doing that."
"I don't think it's the mission of the
University to spend large amounts of
resources to go scouring the country for
good grades and test scores," Scodel
The report focused on the fact that
only 40 percent of the students who
enroll in the Honors College during
their first year at the University gradu-
ate with Honors degrees.
Honors student and LSA sophomore
Stephanie Fried said she thinks the rea-
son people leave the Honors College is
not because they are unhappy with the
program, but because they don't want to

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