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February 04, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-02-04

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One hundred sax years of editor Wfreedom

February 4, 1997

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2 ders
By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
With only seven members present,
the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs elected two new
officers yesterday to lead the facul-
ty's governing body during the next
eginning in May, physiology
Prof. Louis D'Alecy will chair
SACUA and Nursing Prof. Carol
Loveland-Cherry will take over
D'Alecy's current
position as vice
The elections
were informal -
there were no
nominations or
speeches before
SACUA mem-
bers scribbled
their votes on
D'Alecey pieces of white
"I've never seen an election with
such eager candidates," sociology
Prdf. Donald Deskins said sarcasti-
Despite the lack of emotion during
tO.lections, both incoming officers
said they are excited about starting in
their new positions.
"I'm going to miss (current chair)
Thomas Dunn," D'Alecy said.
"There's a bunch of these guys that sort
of introduced me to this process and
I'm still going to need to lean on them
for counsel.L
Loveland -
Cherry said she is
looking forward
to working with
"I think it's an
important role to
play and I'm
looking forward
to having a more
active role,"
Loveland-Cherry Loveland-Cherry
said. "I see (my
i position) as a liason between
SACUA and the University."
D'Alecy said that although the
pressing issue of the University's
presidential turnover will be over
when he assumes the chair position,
there are a number of serious con-
cerns that SACUA will need to
address during the next year. '
D'Alecy said he is concerned
about implications surrounding the
r nt attention given to the issue of
uiting and retaining exceptional
faculty and students.
"Once you start deciding before the
fact which faculty and what students
are brilliant, you should be put in a rub-
ber room," D'Alecy.
Among his other plans, D'Alecy
said he wants to look at the Department
of Public Safety and discuss ways to
make it more people-oriented and
*orse. "There's no good model in any
or university for a university police
force and I think that's what we want to
structure," he said.


opens Asian American lounge

By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
For the first time ever, a residence hall lounge in
honor of an Asian American graces the University.
Last night, the West lounge of South Quad was
renamed the Yuri Kochiyama lounge, in honor of
her years of activism in both the civil rights and
black nationalist movements.
"I hope this renaming will bring to light the
diversity involved with the civil rights movement,"
said LSA junior Haley Macon.
Kochiyama, a 75-year-old Japanese American
and grandmother of eight, reminded students that
she is only one of many Asian activists.
"I am but one of countless thousands of Asians
involved with activism," Kochiyama said. "I'm
very flattered. I can't believe it."
Kochiyama's place in history is signified per-
manently by a photograph of her cradling
Malcolm X in her arms after the black nationalist
was shot in Harlem's Audobon Ballroom.
While a picture is said to be worth a thousand
words, the image of her holding the slain leader
may fail to fully capture the story of
Kochiyama's impact. It does, however, reflect
her attempts to transcend racial barriers in her
"She is a person who has been an activist

through the years and who has never drawn a line
between the cultures to achieve what she has
done," said Wilfred Little, the oldest brother of
Malcolm X. "She's Asian herself, but she repre-
sented all of us."
Rackham student Daniel Mzarazua, who led the
effort behind the lounge's renaming, called
Kochiyama an inspiration.
"It's inspiring to see someone like her to be
respected all around," he said. "She broke down a
lot of boundaries working at the struggle."
Kochiyama, a second-generation Japanese
American, hails from San Pedro, Calif., where she
was born and raised as the daughter of a fisher-
On the night of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in
Dec. 1941, about 1,000 Japanese Americans were
arrested and detained by the FBI. Kochiyama's
father was one of those arrested.
One year later, after completing her studies in
journalism, Kochiyama was ordered to move to a
Japanese relocation camp in Arkansas, where she
was detained for two years.
"The government called them relocation cen-
ters," Kochiyama said. "We called them concen-
tration camps. I felt anger and shock - I couldn't
believe America could actually do it. I thought it
See ACTIVIST, Page 7

I :.

Wilfred Little and Yuri Kochlyama greet students and answer questions yesterday about activism and
multiculturalism at the dedication of the West lounge in the South Quad residence hall.


offers love


By Kerry Klaus
For The Daily
Jerry: "I slept with Elaine last night, and I'll
tell you, it was pretty passionate."
George: "Better than before?"
Jerry: "Yeah, she must've taken some sort of
Using clips from TV's "Seinfeld", an excerpt
from the movie "Wayne's World" and showing
a wide variety of slides, sex expert Jay
Friedman attempted to simplify the sometimes
confusing world of sex in the 1990s.
"Welcome to what may have been Elaine's
seminar," Friedman
said, referring to the
popular sitcom char-
acter in a lecture at the
U-Club in the
----__ Michigan Union last
Fb ary 1 8 Wek night. "I'm here
because learning
about sex is a fun, lifelong process ... all of us
are sexual beings, from the womb to the tomb."
Friedman's lecture, titled "Sex Matters:
Insights and Outbursts on Love, Sex and
Dating; was sponsored by the Michigan Union
Program Board and University Health Service.
It featured multimedia insights into safer sex,
AIDS and a host of other sexual issues.
Friedman combined the sexual wisdom of
pop icons such as Jerry Seinfeld and Wayne
and Garth to create a forum for students to dis-
cuss various topics.
"It was a different approach than you get in
high school or from other educators," said LSA
first-year student Barbara Mann.
"He really gets the whole audience
involved," said John Mountz, program coordi-
nator for the Michigan Union. "He's got a mes-

Mehta says
M.SA Icode
By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan Student Assembly Vice President Probir Mehta
misused funds and violated assembly procedure when he
handed over $500 to the United Asian American
Organization in September, some MSA members allege.
The $500 allocation came from the assembly's operations
account, funds that are primarily used to
cover office expenses.
The allocation violated MSA's
Compiled Code, which states that
money for student groups should come
from the Budget Priorities Committee
and not from the operations fund.
Also, according to the All-Campus
Constitution, Mehta was not allowed to
sign for money granted to a student
organization without assembly approval.
"I acknowledge that I made a mis- Mehta
take," Mehta said, adding that his only
intentions were to help a student group that needed money at
a "gray area" time of year when MSA's money was being
held in an operations account. "You learn from your mistakes
- that's part of the process.
Mehta said he did not get the assembly's approval because
MSA had not been reaching quorum after many members
left for the summer.
LSA Rep. Andy Schor, who will propose a resolution to
investigate Mehta at tonight's MSA meeting, said this is not
See FUNDS, Page 7
Clinton to speak
to nation tonight

Jay Friedman humorously discusses how to make wearing condoms more pleasurable. Friedman
shared his insights on love, sex and dating last night as part of AIDS Awareness Week.

sage that everyone can relate to in some way."
Friedman covered everything from mastur-
bation to homophobia. "It's not just a fear of
homosexuality, it's a fear of being perceived
as gay," Friedman said. "It's a disease of sus-
"I liked the way he handled the issues," LSA

first-year student Leah Thurm said. "He was
really fair in showing all sides."
Pleasure was also stressed as an important
issue. "The challenge to women is to get to
know your own bodies," Friedman said.
"Penile-vaginal intercourse is not the greatest
See SEX, Page 7

Threads of tradition

'U' racism case closes;
jury enters deliberation

By Ericka M. Smith
Daily Staff Reporter
Attorneys' closing arguments yesterday marked
the beginning of jury deliberations in a discrimi-
nation civil suit against the University and Dental
School supervisor Linda Vachon DeMarco.
Three black former employees - Delano
Isabelle, Theresa Atkins and Dawn Mitchelle -
claim racial motives were behind their 1995 termi-
University attorney Tim Howlett stood before
the court to contest the charges saying that the
three workers were suspended for time-card
"There's no indication that race was a factor in
those decisions," Howlett said.

bled you are about (other witnesses' testimony),
they're not on trial today," Howlett said. "They're
not supervisors and they're not being sued."
While Howlett told jurors only to consider the
facts in the case, plaintiff attorney George
Washington said they were making a decision for
all of humanity.
"You have been called upon ... to protect us all
from the kind of conduct which happened in this
case," Washington said.
Just before closing arguments began, members
of the National Women's Rights Organization
Coalition marched in front of the courthouse
chanting, "Dental School three under attack, racist
U of M, we'll fight back."
Howlett told the jury that the plaintiffs failed to

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton rides up to
Capitol Hill tonight in a black limousine to deliver his fourth
State of the Union address before a joint session of the House
and Senate.
In the warm glow of post-election harmony, it's likely to be
a night full of declarations of bipartisanship and cooperation
- followed by months of political gamesmanship and hard
"Judging by the previous ones, it's just not going to be
memorable or terribly important," said University of Virginia
political scientist Larry Sabato.
"In his entire four years in office;' Sabato said, "he has
only uttered one phrase that will be historically memorable:
'The era of big government is over."' That was in 1996 as
Clinton opened the campaign year. "It was a critical moment
for him in his political rebirth," Sabato said. "He's had one
home run."
"It's the nature of the flood of political communications,
said Brookings Institution analyst Tom Mann. "These are one
of many speeches given over the course of the year. No one
can be memorable that many times."
Mann said Clinton had a mixed record with these address-
es. "Set speeches are not the president's strength. He's much
better responding more spontaneously and extemporaneous-
But after four years, there is a record of victories and
On the loser list was the colossal collapse of Clinton's
sweeping plan to guarantee health insurance for every
American. Another major casualty was the president's $30-

h ..-




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