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February 03, 1997 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-02-03

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 3, 1997 - 5A

ready for
Katie Piona
ly Staff Reporter
As University President Lee
Bollinger officially begins his first
school day in his new position on cam-
pus, University and community mem-
bers look forward to the start of a fresh
and promising administration.
"1 am very optimistic and hopeful,"
said Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon.
"I look forward to a good relationship
tween the University and the city -
d a very successful tenure for
President Bollinger."
University faculty members said they
are optimistic about Bollinger's leader-
"A large university is hard to pull
together," sociology Prof. Donald
Deskins said. "I think he's going to do a
lot to try to pull people together and
maintain a strong University communi-
'eskins said he heard positive feed-
back about the new president during
Bollinger's tenure as University Law
School dean from 1987-94.
Bollinger's track record makes him
look promising as University president,
said physiology Prof. Louis D'Alecy.
"The reputation that he had when he
was here before was that of someone
who listened and sought counsel from

'U' study finds
marnage prevents
drug, nicotine abuse

University President Lee Bollinger surveys his new Ann Arbor home from the top of Mason Hall. Bollinger takes the reigns
today as the 12th University president.

his faculty. If he can do that at the level
of the presidency, that'll be great,'
D'Alecy said. "I think it'll be excellent
to see him face up to that challenge."
Michigan Student Assembly President
Fiona Rose said the University should be
grateful for the Presidental Search
Advisory Committee's thorough search.
"I think it is safe to say the campus
community will welcome him with
open arms," Rose said. "It'll be, I think,
a very positive administration for this
Although the role of president will be

very challenging, colleagues say
Bollinger has several good attributes
that will help him rise to the challenge.
"(When he served as law dean), he
had an unusual ability to say what he
felt about people directly and say it
without alienating people," said Law
Prof. Sam Gross, adding that Bollinger
is "somebody with a very long and deep
attachment to the University."
"He's quite an introspective person
and thinks very carefully before he
comes to a concrete decision in his own
mind," Gross said.

Rose said she predicts that Bollinger
will take a hands-on approach in his
pursuit for a better University.
"He really wants not only to talk
about student well-being, but to do
something to improve it," Rose said, cit-
ing Bollinger's plan to teach an under-
graduate class.
D'Alecy said he thinks issues at the
Medical School will initially be one of
Bollinger's main concerns as president.
-Daily staffreporters Janet Adamy and
Heather Kamins contributed to this

By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
While not starting to smoke may be
the best way to avoid a nicotine addic-
tion, getting married may be the next
best preventative, according to a recent
University study that analyzes the link
between marital status and drug use.
The study, funded by the National
Institute for Drug Abuse, traced high
school seniors from the graduating
classes of 1976 through 1994, surveying
the individuals every two years about
their use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana
and cocaine. The researchers looked for
changes in drug use concurring with
changes in social life.
Jerald Bachman, University research
scientist at the Institute for Social
Research, said people who frequently
take drugs at a young age often contin-
ue their habits throughout adulthood.
"One very important conclusion
from the data is simply the stability of
the use of all the drugs," Bachman said.
"If you want to know what anybody's
drug usage is, usually the best indica-
tion is what the level of drug use was a
year or two earlier."
But the link between adolescent and
adult drug use is oftentimes broken by
marriage, according to the study.
Researchers found that both legal and
illegal drug use declined when an indi-
vidual got married.
"If somebody feels responsible to
other people, especially if those other
people are living with that person, then
the person is likely to reduce their use of
psychoactive substances," Bachman said.

Lloyd Johnston, an ISR research sci-
entist, said changes in social life con-
tribute to a decline in drug use. As peo-
ple grow older, their social settings
change from fraternity parties and sin-
gles bars to events with married couples.
"I think a couple of things happen,"
Johnston said. "You sort of have to live
up to the other person's expectations,
but more importantly, it's the social set-
ting that changes a bit."
The study indicates that drug use
declines during engagement, and rises
significantly after divorce. Yet while con-
sideration for a spouse and children may
move a person to lower levels of use or
end it altogether, the study found that
most people who begin smoking ciga-
rettes heavily during adolescence do not
break their habit as adults.
Bachman perceived this continuance
of smoking not as a cause for negativi-
ty, but as a reminder of the importance
of prevention.
"People seem less able to quit and I
think that what we might take from that
is ndt pessimism, but a renewed aware-
ness to prevention while the students are
in junior high and high school,"
Bachman said.
Johnston said the preventive message
is especially relevant today, as half of
the nation's eighth graders do not think
cigarette smoking is a serious health
risk, according to the University's annu-
al "Monitoring the Future" survey.
"We need to do a better job of pre-
vention in schools. Young kids have to
get the message and absorb it,"
Johnston said.


going to be a great era

...he's ready to roll'

Continued from Page 1A
Meeting and passing
Bollinger will begin his first day
* office as he has every other day,
by rising early in the morning to
work on reflective writing.
His move into the president's
office will halt the rotating doors of
the second floor president's office in
the Fleming Administration
Building, which by the end of the
year will have had three different
recent occupants: former President
James Duderstadt, interim President'
>mer Neal and now Bollinger.
"I had the benefit of being friends
with all three, which has mitigated the
difficulty," said Provost J. Bernard
Machen. "It hasn't been difficult, and it
won't be difficult."
Neal presided as interim president
for seven months after Duderstadt
resigned last June. During this peri-
od, Neal served as a bridge between
the 11th and 12th presidents, con-
i.nting volatile issues such as the
uncertain future of the Medical
Center, diversity among the staff and
student body, Duderstadt's recent
salary agreements with top
University officials and tension sur-
rounding the search for the new pres-
Now, it is Bollinger's turn to take the
reins of the University and lead it into
the 21st century. In a world where the
-erage term of University presidents
Is shrunk to about five years,
Bollinger will have to learn to play the
multi-faceted role of president, legisla-
tor, businessman and University cap-
"He is extremely intelligent, but
beyond that he has a strong understand-
ing of what the University is all about,"
Duderstadt said. "He has a strong set of
values that will draw people:'
Regent Daniel Horning (R-Grand
aven) said he is excited to begin a
new era under Bollinger's leader-
"I am overjoyed that he is here and
I am ready to begin work," Horning
said. "I think Lee has done a good job
already in this transition period. He's
warm, he's kind, he's got a great sense
of humor ... he's a real thinker."
Bollinger, who comes from a family

of journalists, has been categorized by
some as a liberal.
"I would prefer not to categorize
myself it! that way," he said. "I sup-
pose in political issues, some things I
would be considered moderate, some
things I would be considered conser-
"I would rather state my position
about things. Then people can decide
whether I'm liberal."
A time to talk
Although he does not intend to draw
a specific agenda, Bollinger has already
compiled a short list of priorities, which
includes- gaining an understanding of
the complex Medical Center and build-
ing relationships with regents, Gov.
John Engler and alumni.
"To get a whole sense of the institu-
tion will take several months of visiting
people and talking to people to get a set
of academic plans for the institution,"he
"You make many choices as a presi-
dent or as a dean. You can be an outside
dean or an inside dean. I plan to put
more emphasis on the inside. I am try-
ing to say I am in Ann Arbor. This is my
home," Bollinger said.
Machen said Bollinger's top priori-
ties should also include rebuilding his
administrative team.
"This is a process that might take
a year or so," Machen said. "He
must build his own sense of priori-
ties and discuss what their concerns
Machen, whose term as provost ends
in August, said he has not yet decided
what his future plans will be.
Other vacant spots in the adminis-
trative team include a chief financial
officer, executive vice president for
medical affairs and dean of the
School of Medicine. Search commit-
tees to fill these positions were
formed recently.
"In Lee's case, I think the big
issue is how rapidly he can get his
leadership team in place,"
Duderstadt said. "He has a strong
sense of values that earn the respect
of those around him. It is that sense
of value that I think will make him a
very good leader."
Bollinger also indicated his intent to
maintain the University's commitment
to diversity.
"To me it is inconceivable that an

Continued from Page 1A
tory of black America, Jenkins said an
"important point" in this loss comes
from past generations' reluctance to
discuss their experiences.
"They have stories to -tell, but they
are too afraid to tell them," Jenkins
LSA sophomore Adam Edwards said
Jenkins' speech cleared up some of his
confusion about black history -- a
topic he had previously questioned his
grandparents about on numerous occa-
"I found it very interesting, especial-
ly the part about the older generation
being too afraid to speak," Edwards
Jenkins said African Americans
should be given more prominence in
America's schools.

"Almost all of the people in this
country are without a clue;" Jenkins
said. "Contrary to history books and
movies, blacks played an important role
in history."
Jenkins said she does not like
Hollywood's version of black histo-
"I have never seen Roots;" Jenkins
said. "I refuse to get my history from a
Steven Spielberg or Oliver Stone."
LSA sophomore Sakinah Ali said
Jenkins raised some valid points.
"I thought she was great;' Ali said. "I
did not know a lot of the history she
spoke about."
LSA first-year student Karen Hodys
described Jenkins as a teacher.
"She is an educator who teaches
black history through her romance nov-
els," Hodys said.
Jenkins has published three novels.
Her fourth is due out in August.

"He's warm, he's kind, he's got a great sense of humor ... he's a real thinker."
-- Regent Daniel Horning (R-Grand Haven)

academic higher education institution
would not engage in special efforts to
ensure that women and minorities are
well represented in the institution,"
Bollinger said.
Bollinger's commitment to diver-
sity stretches back to his days as
dean, where he focused on the treat-
ment of minorities in the Law
As dean, Bollinger also banned the
FBI from recruiting at the Law School
after a court ruled the agency's promo-
tion policy had discriminated against its
Latino/a agents.
"Very high on my list of priorities
is the treatment of minorities in the
Law School," he said in 1987. "What
is the experience of minorities here,
what do we do, and what can we do
The self seeker
Maintaining and strengthening the
institution's academic excellence is
another priority for Bollinger.
"I have some ideas of academic
excellence, and where our depart-
ments should be compared to other
departments in the country,"
Bollinger said. "I have a sense of
what needs to be done. I am more
than anything interested in academic
Bollinger said he will take a
hands-on approach to upholding
academic excellence in the
University, by instructing an under-
graduate class on the First
Amendment, a course he also taught

at Dartmouth.
"You feel very close to him," said
Dartmouth senior Sashi Bach. "He's
one of the most popular professors. I
don't think I ever heard a bad thing
about him."
Duderstadt said Bollinger's extensive
knowledge of the First Amendment will
enable him to balance the roles of pres-
ident and professor, but he warned that
a president's schedule is often unpre-

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