'' r t N R 't " a I . f i 19 0 V The Iv jchga4avWeeketo 'Star Wars' a hit at Briarwood EISound and Furyr 'TAR WARS': SOMETHING TO B.ELIEVE I BY DEAN BAKoPOULOS y....*._. ... ..._ * This article first appeared in the June 16, 1977 edition of The Michigan Daily. By Dense Fox It has been called a "fantasy," a com- bination of an Abbot and Costello com- edy and a Romeo and Juliet story, a movie for children, "the best picture of the year," "superb," a movie for every- one, a "fairytale" and much more. Crowds have to be turned away in every city it has played in. Many say that they will see it two or three times. So far it has made more money in its first week than any other movie in his- tory, including "Jaws." The movie is "Star Wars," and the stock in 20th Century Fox had t soared in value since the picture has been released. "It was like a sleeper," says the manager of Briarwood Movies, Steve Klyun where "Star Wars" made its debut last night. "It wasn't expected to do real well." "Star Wars" is a movie that appeals to everyone from your ten-year old daugh- ter to your eighty-year old next door neighbor. Both science fiction fans and the people who hate the stuff swear by the movie. At Briarwood, people could only buy their tickets a half hour before show time to avoid the long lines. Many had to be turned away, or get tickets for a later showing. "We saw the commercials on TV and knew it would be great," says "ex trekkie" Randy Foley. "People I know went all the I way to Southfield to see it," he says. Another waiting in line, Doug Clinksrales, said he heard so much about it and could hardly wait to see the movie. "I'm filled," he explained. "Star Wars" is a movie about good and evil, and it doesn't leave you in doubt about who the good guys are. They naturally wear white and the evil ones wear black. The plot is simple enough. The heroes must rescue the Princess and save the uni- verse from Lord Darth Vader and his evil cohorts. The hero is a cross between Flash Gordon and Prince Weekend~ Valiant and 'the Princess S M departs from the tradition- al princess role by doing battle herself instead of screaming in despair. The movie is a fanta- sy, and creatures of every shape, color, size and origin imaginable appear, some speaking with accents, some just grunting or bleeping. Throughout the movie, the audience clapped, cheered and hissed and when the heroes got into a tight situation, the audience was pulling for them, at the edge of their seats in anticipation. "It was fun, it was delightful," responded Edie Williams about "Star Wars." "We will have to bring our five- year old daughter," she said. Another viewer, Cindy Briggs, who was wearing a "Star Wars" tee shirt, responded, "It was really good. Every scene was something new." About its universal appeal, she said, "You can be relaxed and entertained. They have con- quered the world." It's back and I'm giddy. And so is everybody else. "Star Wars," one of the most groundbreaking films ever made, returns to the big screen some 20 years after its debut. The country is in a frenzy. How can this be? How many other sci- fi action pictures still remain marketable, let alone watchable 20 years after the fact? Why has "Star Wars" remained at the forefront of American pop culture? Yes, it's fun and exciting, a part of our childhood years. Something more is involved in this mystique. Think about this idea for a minute: Who's the last big-screen villain who really made you tremble, :Weekend remain tucked away in the past. Today, we have brainless flicks like "Independence Day," where the good guys are, of course, us Americans, and the bad guys are aliens. "Independence Day" is def- initely no epic struggle between good and evil. Even intelligent films rarely pit good against evil have to represent the evil in the world? And where have all the heroes gone? The villain and the hero, as we once knew them, are dead. Occasionally a writer will offer up a brilliant evil char- acter, or possibly, a true valiant hero, but for the most part, the villain and the hero perhaps that's because we lapsed into a world where we now hail the postmod- ern anti-hero: The victim of circum- stance, who, despite getting slapped around by himself and everyone else, decides to endure. Deciding to endure? What? That makes a hero? And so, with all else failing, here in 1997, we look back to "Star Wars." "Star Wars" gives us a clear-cut tale of good and evil, the story of the oppressed Rebels, held down by the heavy hands of the richer, bigger, Republican-voting Dark Side. The "Star Wars" trilogy ends with a final act of justice, and the end of the Dark Side - which brings us to the other great appeal of the "Star N our generation. Admittedl eration seem godless, or less. And so, this story c and "The Force" appeals t deeper level. We want so I that a supernatural force out there. Something div Luke and Leia, some sile tice exists in the Universit Harrison Ford as Han Solo Alec Guniess as Obi-Wan Keno Even in 77 Star Wars' labeled ibi perfe This story first appeared in the June 17, 1977 edition of The Michigan Daily. By Christopher Potter The brief but narcotic wait has ended - the cinematic Pied Piper has hit town at last. Its lure is universal, as the throngs of grinning representatives of all ethnic- ities and ages milling through the south- west corner of Briarwood Center will attest. The name of this month-old leg- end is "Star Wars," and although barely into national circulation, the film has burgeoned into the epic American phe- nomenon (Farrah who?). Its formula is simple and irresistible: For two mystic hours, all us collective Walter Mittys can be lasered out of our underachieved realities into the farthest, deepest corners of the cosmos where sorcery reigns, shades of gray cease to exist and Idi Amin would surely get his. But Pied Pipers usually turn out to be quirky types at best, sometimes plung- ing their disciples into abysses terrify- saintly collection of space ing to contemplate, despite the very including an idealistic teenag best of intentions. daredevil space jockey and I'm afraid of "Star Wars." "Wookie" (read Cowardly Li Is domestic film an art or a business? old, almost forgotten "life forc In sixty years of cinema the question has ly provides the key to destru never been effectively resolved, and if bad guys. Best and brightest, o this struggle is ever to be resolved on the the robots 3PO and R2-D2, a side of art, the qualities of innovation, Jeff combo that seems destin maturity and above all courage are need- and waddle into the ranksc ed now more than ever before. Imitation mythical of comic ofibeats. has become virtually the name of the "Star Wars"' technical virtu game of late, as economic strictures with- zling and breathless - at leas er the gambler's instinct and seduce the anything Stanley Kubrickr Hollywood money-man into milking a "2001: A Space Odyssey." proven winner again and again and again. Kubrick often seemed conter I fear for the future of film in this coun- sit back and glory in techno try, and it would be starkly ironic if "Star own sake, Lucas had shaped Wars," one of the most glorious achieve- trated his effects into a whirlin ments in American cinema, should turn a movie, driving with a white out to be the necessary stake for the cellu- sity that never lets up, pulsati loid philistines to drive through the heart cally like the fantastic ships of originality for years to come. through Lucas' and our unive If I knock "Star Wars," even indirectly, In structure and pace, "Star I feel like I'm knocking Christmas: I closest thing to a perfect fil think that in its purest terms it is probably seen, yet it never loses itsi the most entertaining film ever made, unassuming verve and good h one which will be eagerly awaited annu- for a second do you feel Luc ally by future generations of kids huddled "Look, what a great director I around their 4-D projection screens as simply telling a story. Perfectl the once-a-year "Wizard of Oz" is today. Any yet ... and yet. Intern "Star Wars"' advance publicity all the unanimous praise fo placed so much emphasis on being an one finds an underlying curr un-intellectualized space opera of the A good entertaining film w Buck Rogers ilk that I fearfully antici- No bloody violence! A fi pated the eventual emergence of a whole family!" True enough Wagnerianly pompous, cliche-ridden ties I'm not about to knock. E antique, or even worse, an exercise in be at the expense of everythi high-budget intergalatic camp. Economically, "Star Wars' (Remember "Flash Gordon?") num opus; within a year it w Such fears proved blessedly inaccurate. grossed "Jaws," a feat By director-writer George Lucas' own unthinkable. It will of cour definition, "Star Wars" isn't sci-fi, it's dozen or so interior sci-fi s pure fairy tale, a multi-media realization what of its effect on mainstre of childhood fantasies, maintained and The controlling money-men cherished in a world too often consigned thetic zombies, but they're a] to the brutes, the technocrats and the gray ic sharpies: If a "family" fil flannel suit. To spin his magic Lucas Wars" makes millions, migh shamelessly and lovingly dips into the Love of Benji" do just asv cowboy and world war ace flying genres, sequel, and another one aft and pays reverent tribute to his logical world of Disneyana, will v predecessors from Oz, in any number of another "Last Tango in Paris ways. And it all wonderously works. be damned - it's a loser. It's hardly necessary to re-summarize a Go, of course, to "Star plot which has become immortal in a mat- afterwards resolve, perhaps, ter of weeks: Forces of evil have gained of your neighborhood art sway over much of a "far away galaxy" well. Cinematic versatility j' P d aganst the heavies are a motley but at stake. ct- archetypes er, a cynical his 8-foot ion) partner, ce" ultimate- ction of the fcourse, are nd Mutt and ed to squeak of the most uosity is siz- st as good as managed in But where nt to simply ology for its and orches- ng dervish of e-heat inten- ing rhythmi- which soar rse. Wars" is the m I've ever unpompous, umor. Never as shouting, am" --he's y. ningled with r this film, ent: "At last! with no sex! ilm for the h, and quali- But will they ing else? "is the mag- ill have out- previously se inspire a pinoffs, but am movies? may be aes- [so econom- rm like "Star tn't "For the well? And a er that? In a we ever see s?" Maturity Wars"; but , to visit one theaters as ust could be who was the epitome of evil throughout your childhood? Right. Darth Vader. And who held the key to defeating the evil Darth Vader and his minions of Storm Troopers? What brave souls would stand and face the Dark Side? Why Luke, Han, Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Chewy, that's who! "Star Wars" is one of the only lasting good-triumphing-over-evil stories that our generation has seen. Increasingly, the notion of good vs. evil has faded from American pop culture. Part of "Star Wars"' lasting luster is its uplift- ing tale of good overcoming evil. In the past, Western culture was ripe with evil beings - dastardly villains and fire-breathing dragons. But who do we Health Foods r ,,,,.." '° --.. anymore. For example, even Quentin Tarantino does not create characters who are all bad or all good. While his charac- ters are usually fantastically fleshed out, they don't satisfy our base need to watch a good person kick a bad person's butt. Film is not the only genre that has lost the art of a the good-vs.-evil. Contemporary literature is so devoid of villains that Sherlock Holmes would be shining shoes if he were trying to find work in today's literary scene. Nobody is writing about villains anymore. Maybe some bad-decision makers, but very few really loathsome bad guy-types. Heroes, too, are a rarity in contempo- rary fiction. There's no one taking a stand against evil in these stories. Or 10% Discount for Students *Sports*Nutrition* *Herbs.Foods. *Vitamins.Books.Cosmetics. Formuila 1677 Plymouth Rd.* Ann Arbor *Tel. 665-7688 Located in the Courtyard Shops at North Campus Plaza mQ~lCS N !1 for movie ~&istie emil m -1 -6 .r-: r