4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 30, 1997 1j Lr(iijan &ztIu 420 Maynard Street Arnn Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY inding the future Congress must preserve research dollars NOTABLE QuOTABLE, '(The government says,) "We're frustrated with the crime so we're going to kill the criminal." There's no deter- rence effect to having the death penalty on the books.' - Former teacher Sally O'Connor; at an Amnesty International- sponsored panel discussion on the death penalty Tuesday night YuKi KUNIYUKI GROUND ZERO NEW GlitN L-C. tc 5- .HpYr, -TooE ?'o (4E rHAS . o - - o 'TAKE A 8 Lr *.AtNDpM RE t F - H Y! 0 LTE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR foresight is lacking in the beltway. Recently, Congress announced plans to cut federally-funded collegiate research by 20 percent. The University currently receives approximately $200 million in government research dollars. Other colleges and universities also depend on federal dol- lars .as a major portion of their operating budgets. The proposed changes would affect adversely all levels of the University -resulting in a decrease in faculty quality, along with rising tuition bills. President Clinton deems himself the "education pres- ident" - now he must draw a line in the sand. The federal government must stay committed to higher education. University professors - including those at the University of Michigan - are among the brightest and most talented innovators. They often join academia to perform inves- tigatory research in their areas of expertise. Often - especially in medicine, engineer- ing and other sciences - their research is extremely expensive. Federal funding cuts would result in fewer available professorial positions ,and less funding for those who can remain. The cuts could devastate graduate stu- dents also. Graduate research programs may admit fewer students and the job market could become unstable. Consequently, researchers may avoid many innovative avenues of study - lack of funding could force professors and potential graduate stu- dents to take their skills to the private sector. Moreover, U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers (D- Ann Arbor) warned, "Not only are we deal- ing with money for medical research ... If we don't research on our own shores we will be outstripped by foreign nations." Mudh of today's technology originated at U.S. universities, often giving Americans first access to new innovations. Cutting research funding would eliminate the tech- nological leadership Americans take for granted. At last week's regents meeting, Interim Vice President for Research Frederick Neidhardt said the University can look to several options to make up for a re-educa- tion in federal funding. These include: increasing non-federal funding, increasing spending efficiency and attempting to mod- ify the federal research support environ- ment. As Congress ponders the possibilities of cuts, it is wise for the University to begin studying these options. Although Congress has yet to approve the cuts, the University must be prepared to find alternative sources of funding. Industry is often interested in real-world applications of research. The University could forge new partnerships that would help not only research, but expand the job opportunities of those students who con- tribute to the findings. Moreover, depart- ments must stress efficiency - frivolous spending still plagues the University. Increasing tuition to compensate for funding cuts is one avenue upon which the University must not embark. Research is certainly a vital aspect of the University's existence, but students must take priority. Maintaining the $27.3 million in tuition stipends that federal research provides to students must be first on every administra- tor's agenda. The race to slash the federal budget is a new fad in American politics - but it is not always in the country's best interest. Such cuts would harm the University - and American education overall. IEducationa tkeover Engler's intrusive plan would hurt schools D uring his annual State of the State local citizens. The state administrat address Tuesday, Gov. John Engler could act without considering the will voiced his intention to propose, legislation those affected by their decisions. Engl that would increase public school account- plan would lead to educational adminisl ability by threatening them with state tive despotism. takeovers. The plan would force inner-city, Engler made several attempts to refo underfunded schools to improve their stan- the state's education system during his dardized test scores or face tumult. The years in office. In his speech, he stated t Michigan Legislature should not allow he wants to further expand the role of ci Engler's drastic plan to come to fruition. ter schools - a clear attack on commun Every year, the state administers stan- oriented public schools. Appointing st dardized tests to all fourth, seventh, and administrators is another stab at put 11th grade students, and then it compares schools' autonomy. Many of the instituti individual school districts by the test affected are inner-city schools, a gr results. Engler would appoint state adminis- already hard hit by other state cutbacks trators to supervise 10 public schools that educational expenditures and programs 1 scored low last year in several cities, includ- the voucher system. ing Detroit, Flint, Highland Park and Rather than sending in state offici Muskegon. Engler should focus on helping the peo The schools need help - that is obvious. who are already working to solve the pr However, revamping the present adminis- lem. Funding problems can prevent trations to fall under the state's domain is school from giving as good an education not the answer - running a school district it could. The state should provide is a°local issue and should remain a local schools in trouble with sufficient resour issue. Local administrators often start at the instead of trying to dismember th lower levels of management and work their Giving the schools more money wo way up. They have the advantage of experi- allow for more faculty and more individ ence and understanding the dynamics of the student-teacher contact - students at r school's relationship with the surrounding could get the help they need. In additi community. better facilities would provide students w A. state appointee may not know or a more education-friendly environment. understand the specific problems each Engler has presented the state with school faces, making it difficult for them to ill-conceived solution to a long-stand improve the situation. Engler's appointees problem. It is important to address the is would follow his political ideals and come of at-risk schools, but his methods wo into the job with a pre-determined agenda. likely increase the severity of the probli Introducing a foreign philosophy to an To remove experienced, community-sa unreceptive community would not foster administrators and replace them with pol nrnAi tiv mnrkrina relatinn-,hin n - ..-.with one narrow goa in mindi ors of er's ara- rm six that har- ity- late blic ons Dup s in like als, ple ob- it a n as the ces em. uld Jual Engineers have late pass/fail deadline TO THE DAILY: I am responding to your editorial ("Deadline failure," 1/28/97) regarding the pass/fail deadline. I would like to refer you to the College of Engineering Bulletin, Page 81. where it states: "The decision to elect a course on a pass/fail basis or on a graded basis must be made within the first nine weeks of the term (or first four-and-one-half weeks of a half term)." In the future, please check your information before you print your editorials and/or articles in the Daily. The College of Engineering spends a lot of time and effort in making sure that our students get the correct infor- mation pertinent to their aca- demic curriculum and requirements. I would hope that you give prominent place to this letter since there are now more than 5,000 College of Engineering students that have been misinformed on the deadline for pass/fail. The pass/fail deadline for the College of Engineering for winter '97 is March 18, 1997. MERCEDES G. BARCIA ENGINEERING ADVISER Band tries hard to pep up Crisler TO THE DAILY: I am writing concerning the article about the men's basketball pep band ("Men's basketball band needs to add more pep," 1/27/97) by Barry Sollenberger. I am an unusual student in that I will go out of the way to read the Daily every day. While I rarely agree with the liberal stances that the Daily takes on many issues, I appreciate the information provided about events going on at the University. However, I took particular offense to the comments made by Sollenberger. I will be the first to admit that something needs to be done about the noise level at Crisler Arena. I have had basketball season tickets for all three years that I have been here and, with the exception of the Michigan State games, I have been greatly disappointed by the atmosphere of the arena. It seems as if one of our hest tactics is to ratteonann- opposing team has the ball the most noise is coming from the band area. They are screaming as loud as possible at the opposing team while the students spend time screaming at the people in front of them to "sit down." In addition, Sollenberger suggested that the band play during intermissions other than timeouts in the game. I would guess that the average out-of-bounds play lasts at most five seconds. I have never heard, nor could imag- ine, a band playing some- thing meaningful in five sec- onds. Finally, we all know that the problem is that students are not allowed to sit around the whole court side. How many times has the student section been filled from the court-side seats up to the ceiling while there will be empty court side seats on the other side? I don't think the reason that Cameron Indoor Stadium is so intimidating is because the Duke alumni are wild. Rest assured, the atmosphere at Crisler is pathetic, but let's look at the real reasons and not target something that is trying so hard to improve the situation. MARK D. BERQUIST LSA JUNIOR Donor's daughter attended 'U' TO THE DAILY: Katie Wang's artic le regarding University alum John Schroeder's donation to the University ("'U' donor sets goals for gift," 1/28/97) failed to mention Schroeder's eldest daughter Patty, who graduated from the University in May 1996. Although I realize that the article concentrates on the benefits that the donation will provide to athletes, I just wanted to make sure that Patty was not forgotten. I praise Wang for an excellent article. MELISSA KOENIGSBERG LSA SENIOR Daily has wrong idea of Canada TO THE DAILY: We would like to point out the anti-Canadian senti- ments expressed in the hock- ey coverage by the Daily. In the article "Getting a Legg Up" (1/27/97) by Mark Snyder, the writer refers to London. Ontario (Canada as persons in the 1991 Canadian census versus 109,592 in the 1990 U.S. census). Not all Canadian cities consist of a two Eskimos in an igloo eating back bacon and drinking Molson while watching Hockey Night in Canada re-runs. Signed: People for the Understanding of Canadian Knowledge (PUCK). (Regroupment pour la Comprehension de la Connaissons Canadienne.) JAMES D. HAMILTON MARK LUBNSKI RACKHAM Dining hall will lack community atmosphere TO THE DAILY: The planned mammoth cafeteria for the Hill area clearly addresses some of the University's penny-pinching needs and may indeed lead to more edible food for students condemned to endless cafete- ria meals. It seems like an unsentimental, corporate approach, and leverages well the economies of scale the University's business profes- sors are so fond of. None of that, however, negates the fact that this is a folly of the first order and runs exactly counter to some of the better thinking that has evolved at the University in the last few years. 1 believe this plan would obliterate the community atmosphere I val- ued so much in my two years living in Mosher-Jordan. The University has endeavored, with great suc- cess, to create welcoming communities through the Pilot Program, the 21st Century Program, The Honors Program, the Residential College and simi- lar projects. Rather than being a serial number, stu- dents are given a sense of place and of individuality when this philosophy is used. Now, rather than having a home-away-from-home, stu- dents will pony up to the trough alongside thousands of others. They will be treat- ed, inevitably, like "cus- tomers," to use Regent Phillip Power's (D-Ann Arbor) word. Gone, I imag- ine, will be the comfortable, civilized surroundings and wood paneling of the MoJo and Stockwell dining rooms. Gone will be the sense of intimacy, or the comfort of being surrounded by familiar faces. Gone will be.any sense of home. In their zeal to conserve money, the regents should rmeamhetht thv are hnia_ MARSH MADNEJSs Ways to beat' the mid-winter sfles and cure what ails January sparkles. It glistens and g sand treats happy, reax students with balmy breezes and stu' ning sunsets. Palms sway gently as crisply uni- formed waiters t , serve up mai tais at poolside. January is glori- ous. In Barbados. The winter months in Ann Arbor are a slight-ERIN ly different story. MARSH January here glis- tens, all right; ice does that. We get a different kind of breeze - more the blistering cold, "oh my God my ears have fallen off" variety. Crisply uni- formed waiters? Mai tais? Does the delivery guy from Pizza House count? Along with the privilege of shelli out mucho buckage to live in A Arbor. residents and students get to pay another kind of winter due:ttis- sues, cough syrup, lozenges, medical bills, tea, whiskey and aspirin. Winter illnesses are striking, friends. Brace yourselves. Mom always yelled at you to wash your hands, take your vitamins and drink lots of OJ. Haven't listened? Tsk, tsk. Having to take care of your sorry, sick self alone can be a little depre ing. Luckily, there are lots of ways to remedy the pain and make it to Spring Break alive. No. 1. Call your mom. (Or grandma or aunt or sister or whoever is the offi- cial sympathy dispenser in your fami- ly.) Sniffle a little bit. Nothing wilL earn you warm, loving words like Scroaking, "Bubby, I'b sick. By head hurts and by throat hurts and I'b coughing a lot. Bubby, I biss you." course, this move may be unnecessari- ly cruel. After all, if mommy is sever- al hundred miles away, she can't do a thing but sit around and worry about you. When fishing for sympathy, exer- cise caution. No. 2. Go drug shopping. No, I'm not suggesting you find yourselfa nice little crack house. Instead, head for the cold/flu medicine aisle at Meijer. Aaaaaaw yeah - DayQuil, NyQ Robitussin, Sudafed, Drista , Benadryl, Sinutab, Advil, Aleve Tylenol, Halls and Bayer: your ph- maceutical friends. As Pink Floyd sug- gests, it really is best to stay comfort- ably numb. You stand there staring at the shelves, the boxes and names swimming before your delirious eyes like schools of (healthy) tropical fish. You may be conscious enough to worry that you are offending the r* of the customers with your dishevele appearance. Uh, look around you in the aisle - you'll find yourself in the midst of quite a motley collection of diseased shoppers, all looking like pathetic shadows of their former selves. You're among friends. Direct your attention back to the boxes and bottles and try to find one product that will cure what ails you. Let's see; that one relieves cough with congestio this one is nondrowsy, that one alle ates body achesnanda stuffy nose but won't do anything for your sore throat - forget it. You will not find one, product to fix you. Best to use this) approach: Lift arm directly in front of you. Bend at the elbow Cup hand into scoop-like device. Now, sweep arm along shelf, knocking at least one of each product into basket. No. 3. Pay UHS a visit. (Warnin Only resort to University Hea p Service when desperate. Take out a life insurance policy before your visit) UHS is a valuable resource for University students. It offers quality care, a pharmacy, many specialists and lab services. I'm assuming that's what they tell you, anyway. UHS is, at best, a gargantuan pain in the ass, and at worst, almost kills peo- ple. In all fairness, I've never had a near-death experience there, but sev al people I know have, including one case where the patient went in for rou- tine prescription medication and spent the next 48 hours vomiting. He now cringes in fear and repulsion whenever, UHS is mentioned; upon entering the building (to accompany a friend fool- ish enough to seek treatment there) he. calmly remarked, "This place smells like death." If you've decided to take yo chances anyway, actually physically getting into a physician's office could be a problem. UHS usually offers three- to four-hour waits for walk-in appointments, which means you get to pitch a tent in a crammed waiting risk on, ith an ing sue uld em. vvy [iti- f- i