The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 30, 1997 - 3A
r S
{Star clusters
shine in state's
winter sky
On cold winter evenings in January,
*higan's sky features a clear view of
two star clusters.
University astronomer Richard
Teske said the Hyades and Pleiades
clusters "are groups of stars that remain
together for hundreds of millions of
years under the influence of their mutu-
al gravitational attractions."
Both clusters have been regarded
with reverence since ancient times
when Greeks began to tell myths about
The Hyades play a central role in
developing methods for determining
celestial distances, a distinction gained
from careful, measurement by
astronomers of the movement of the
cluster and its member stars.
Observed with binoculars on a quiet
night, "the Pleiades become a dazzling
jewel basket of stars," Teske said.
ti' radio teams
with students for
Internet series
A new series of radio programs high-
lighting various features of the Internet
debuted on Michigan Radio this
aculty and students from the
iversity's School of Information are
preparing each of the segments. ' he
spots will focus on ways the use of
information can change peoples' activ-
ities and redefine a sense of communi-
ty, said Maurita Holland, assistant to
the dean for academic outreach of the
School of Information.
The project is supported by a grant
from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
"Internet on the Air" can be heard on
WUOM, 91.7 FM, in Ann Arbor.
EPA seeks
ideas to prevent
The Environmental Protection
Aency is inviting people to supply ideas
pollution prevention activities.
They will award grants supporting
local and nationwide projects that use
pollution prevention as a main approach
in promoting environmental justice.
Preference will be given to grass-
roots organizations that apply.
For additional information, contact
Paul Cunningham in the Division of
Research and Development
ministration at 936-1289. Or, by e-
' il, at paulc@umich.edu. The dead-
line for submission is April 15.
U' researchers
develop prostate
cancer test
University researchers have found a
way to increase the sensitivity of a
od test that helps improve the detec-
tion of prostate cancer in its early, most
curable, stage.
According to a report from
researchers at the Michigan Prostate
Institute of the University, the prostate-
specific antigen blood test will elimi-
nate many of the unnecessary and inva-
sive prostate biopsies performed in the
United States each year.
"By having established when and
*w to use this new test, we can now
find many more curable causes of
prostate cancer and thus decrease the
death rate from this disease," said
Joseph Oesterling, urologist-in-chief at
University Hospitals and co-author of
the report.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
David Rossman.
Art museum director to leave post at U'
® After more than 7 years,
Hennesey to depart 'U,
museum for Norfolk, Va.
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Museum of Art will soon
lose one of its most prized possessions - its
director. William Hennessey, director of the
museum announced he is leaving to become
director of the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk,
Hennessey, who served as museum director
for 7 1/2 years is scheduled to begin at his new
post in May. He said he will be splitting his
time between Norfolk and Ann Arbor by mid-
"It's been a real privilege for me to work with
the students, faculty and the community,"
Hennessey said. "It's been a wonderful time."
Hennessey said he has contributed all he can to
the museum and the offer in Virginia was too good
to refuse.
An interim director will fill the vacant spot
until a search committee, under the leadership
of Music School Dean Paul Boylan, selects a
permanent successor.
James Manheim, publications coordinator for
the museum, said Hennessey was effective in
balancing the museum's dual role as a
University resource and a public institution.
"One of the issues of the University museum is
how do you tread the line between University and
community?" Manheim said. "He's made it a place
where people from Ann Arbor like to visit while
having a lot of involvement with students."
Hennessey said one of his goals for the muse-
um was to make it a resource for teaching on
campus while also making it "lively and accept-
able to everyone.
About 95,000 people pass through the thge-
floor museum each year, Hennessey said. This
year, the museum celebrated its 50th anniver-
The museum sponsored a number of exhibits
under Hennessey's leadership, includiig"an
exhibit on Chinese warriors from Xian and a
collection of old master drawings.
Hennessey was also responsible for the
growth of the museum's Asian collection and its
assortment of contemporary prints.
Recovery group
gives aid to locals
By Jenni Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
A national organization, with a
branch in Ann Arbor, is celebrating its
60th year of using alternative solutions
to help those with emotional stress.
Instead of using doctors or drugs,
Recovery works together to solve prob-
"Meetings consist of demonstrations
of the program," said Shirley Sachs,
Recovery's executive director.
"Through example, we take trivial
aspects of everyday life to help mem-
bers overcome their symptoms."
come their problems serv .as role mod-
els for new members.
"Many students have said when they
first experienced problems with
depression or anxiety they thought it
wasn't a big deal,' Schirillo said. "Most
of their friends had felt down or had the
blues once in a while, but they snap out
of it.
"There are people who are prone to
depression. Most develop problems
between the ages of 18 to 23 and they
can develop into problems that arc
harder to deal with when not taken'care
of," Schirillo said.
Carol Boyd, a professor of nursing and women's studies, leads a discussion on women's health issues at Stockwell residence
hall yesterday.
Health forum criticizes medla
orryliages of women
Members are
not diagnosed
by Recovery,
although their
individual doc-
tor may recom-
mend - they
attend the meet-
ings. Some
members are
victims of
chronic nervous-
"The leaders are
all lay persons ,
not professionals"
- Shirley Sachs
Executive director, Recovery
said that
b c c a u-s e
Recovery is a
nationwide pro-
gram, its 'ser-
vices are more
accessible to
help members.
"One of the
reasons that 'stu-
By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
Carol Boyd says women don't have
to copy the media's image of beauty in
order to be attractive and healthy.
Boyd, a University nursing and
women's studies professor, took this mes-
sage to a crowd of about 50 female stu-
dents last night at Stockwell residence
"I want this forum to expand this
group of women's knowledge about
themselves as women relative to their
health and well being," said Boyd, last
year's winner of the Golden Apple
award for undergraduate teaching.
Juliet Rogers, fellow for the Women's
Health Program and supervisor of the
three-day forum that concluded last
night, said the program's strength lay in
having many campus groups convene in
a casual setting.
"We wanted to bring different groups
around campus together on the issue of
women's health," Rogers said. "We
wanted to teach about the issue outside
of a classroom to provide a more com-
fortable atmosphere."
During her keynote address, Boyd
explained the strategies used in major
cigarette and alcohol companies' adver-
tisements in their efforts to glamorize
products by objectifying women's bod-
ies. Boyd said women feel compelled to
worry about beauty and youth because
of popular culture's narcissistic senti-
Boyd said a prevalence of this sort of
imagery causes women to become
overly self-conscious and view them-
selves externally, as if they were trans-
ported out of themselves to focus back
on their bodies.
"We need to move beyond the popu-
lar images of what it means to be a
woman and healthy," Boyd said. "We
need to challenge the media's portrayal
of young women as misty-headed, pre-
occupied with beauty, self-conscious
and anxious."
A video featuring interviews with
college women followed Boyd's presen-
tation. After the video, the students
divided into groups to discuss the issues
raised in the video.
LSA senior Caryn Lubetsky, a mem-
ber of the steering committee that
planned the project, praised Boyd's
speech and said she was proud to be
part of the discussion.
"I'm grateful that she spoke,"
Lubetsky said.
LSA junior Melissa Campbell also
enjoyed the presentation, but said she
wished more students would attend
women's health events.
"I thought it was great. I think her
message is really important and it's
encouraging that so many women are
here," Campbell said. "But it's interest-
ing that you start to recognize the same
faces at these things"
Call 76li
ness, which has symptoms that may
mimic heart attacks or cause sleep dis-
"A common symptom is that it's hard
to keep your mind focused in class,
sleeping too much or too little, waking
up in the middle of the night with your
mind racing," said campus outreach
liaison for Recovery, Cheryl Schirillo,
who organizes college involvement
with the organization.
The Recovery program was founded
by Dr. Abraham Low in 1937. Meetings
are based on r.eadings from his book,
"Mental Health Through Will Training."
"The leaders are all lay persons -
not professionals,' Sachs said. "We
don't try to diagnose what is wrong."
Recovery has banned the use of
trained personnel because they may
scare off members from meetings,
Sachs said. Members who have over-
dents can attend groups on canipus is
that if they go home for the summer or
for vacations there are many times when
there are groups in their hometowns,"
Schirillo said.
The Ann Arbor Recovery chapter
meets Monday nights at 7:30 p.m. at
the First Presbyterian Church on
Washtenaw Avenue. Members of the
group said its nine-member size is
unusually large for the organization.
One group member, who asked to
remain anonymous, joined Recovery
after several years of psychotherapy.
"I'd been in physiotherapy 10 years
and the money was running out" she
said. "I was getting disillusioned with
that. I came once (to the group) and
eventually started coming back under
influence of the group and Donald.
Now my mental health comes from
within, rather than someone else."
Governor favors new
educational proposals
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LANSING (AP) - The state
should "do whatever it takes" to
improve failing schools, including
possibly turning school districts over
to private groups such as the Edison
Project, Gov. John Engler said yes-
"There is very, very, very little
downside risk and a world of upside
opportunity and potential," in letting
someone else run public schools that
don't produce knowledgeable stu-
dents, he said.
His comments came in a roundtable
discussion with reporters that followed
Tuesday's State of the State address.
In that speech, Engler said he wants
the state to be able to intervene in
school districts where more than 80
percent of the students fail the state pro-
ficiency test or the dropout rate is high-
er than 25 percent.
Not everyone thinks that's a good
idea. State Rep. Lynne Martinez, (D-
Lansing) said yesterday that Engler's
record on running schools is mediocre.
"In the two years that this governor
has been tinkering with education poli-
cy, the MEAP (Michigan Educational
Assessment Program) scores are
down," she said. "I'm very skeptical of
his influence."
Figures obtained yesterday from the
Michigan Department of Education
show that could affect a large number
of students.
As many as 132 school districts -
including major urban districts such as
Detroit, Lansing and Benton Harbor -
had fewer than 20 percent of their stu-
dents with passing scores in at least one
of the categories of the test.
The Hillel Governing Board oversees all Hillel operations. This group was incorrectly identified in yesterday's Daily.
Bradley Holeman is an LSA sophomore. He was incorrectly identified in yesterday's Daily.
[l Lutheran Campus Ministry Issues of
Faith Group, 668-7622, Lord of
Light Lutheran church, 801 South
Forest. 7 D.m. -
thappening in Mnn Arbor today
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sored by The center for Japanese
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INFO, info@umich.edu, and http://
www.umich.edu/-info on the World
Wide Web
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