ronight: Increasing cloudi-
ness, low around 20*.
Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. A
chance of snow, high 350.
One hundred six years of editoriaf reedorm
January 23, 1997
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400 gather to ren
By Katlo Plona
Nearly 400 people crowded the Michigan
U *n Ballroom yesterday to share stories,
h ter and tears for LSA senior Arati
Sharangpani, who died in the crash of Comair
Flight 3272 two weeks ago.
Aqua-colored ribbons were given to every-
one who attended the University's ceremony.
The color was Sharangpani's favorite.
Recent University graduate Harprit Bedi,
who presided over the service, said those in
attendance should not mourn Sharangpani's
death, but instead celebrate her life.
4 feel like I should be sad, that I should be
in bad mood, walking with my head down,
but I'm excited," Bedi said. "I'm excited for
you people to hear about my friend."
Ionors sttdelt ,,. 3'
nember, mourn plane-crash victim
Even students who did not know
Sharangpani came to show their respect.
"The tragedy moved me because what I read
about her reminded me of people I care about,"
said Social Work graduate student Julia Pryce.
"I'd like to support her family, too."
University students and faculty who knew
Sharangpani were among the more than 15
people who spoke at the service.
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg said the
University will grant Sharangpani the bachelor
of arts degree she would have earned at the
completion of this semester.
"It is truly an honor to count her among the
graduates of the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts," Goldenberg said.
Several representatives from Procter &
Gamble attended the ceremony to show they
will not forget Sharangpani.
Sharangpani was returning on the Comair
flight from her final interview with Procter &
Gamble in Cincinnati, where she had been
offered a job.
"Arati was enthusiastic the moment the
interview started," said Barbara Hartman,
human resources manager for Procter &
Gamble. "I will always remember the joy on
her face when she left."
Sharangpani's two sisters described their sister
for the audience. Sharangpani's younger sister
Ruta recited a poem she had written about her.
"She's the kind of person you can't talk
about without smiling," said Sharangpani's
older sister, Aditi. "I think it was a celebration
of her life"
Aditi, Ruta, Dipti and Anand Sharangpani pose with a picture of Arati in the Michigan Union Ballroom
yesterday. Sharangpani died in a Comair plane crash in Monroe County earlier this month.
arts job
Statistics show
salaries up for last
*year's graduates
By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
Students who graduate with liberal
arts degrees may find it easier to avoid
the unemployment lines after gradua-
tion, a study found.
The National Association of Colleges
and Employers recently released a com-
parison of 1995 and 1996 starting
sies that shows some liberal arts
graduates from last year will receive an
average of 10 percent more than 1995
"One of the things that makes liberal
arts students so attractive is their com-
munication skills. Employers look for
that,' said Dawn Traub, director of
employment information for NACE.
Journalism and political science/gov-
ernment majors show the greatest
iIase. Journalism graduates can
expect a 14.9-percent pay increase to a
$22,897 starting salary while political
science graduates will see a 9.2-percent
increase to $26,924.
Starting salaries for liberal arts gradu-
ates in foreign languages, psychology,
advertising and public relations also
increased by more than 5 percent.
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg said it is
hard to say what causes an increase in a
p icular year but added "there is a
At deal of evidence of the value of a
liberal arts education"
"What is special about a high-quality
liberal arts education, such as that
offered here at Michigan, is that students
learn how to think critically, how to rea-
son and solve problems, how to under-
stand different perspectives'
Goldenberg said. "These are all funda-
mentals that provide a sound foundation
firaining and employment."
-ohn Jackson, chair of the
University's political science depart-
ment, said students shouldn't focus too
much in one area of study and that liber-
al arts gives students a chance to broad-
en their studies.
"I think what we've discovered about
liberal arts degrees in general is they
give students the skills of reading, writ-
ing and communication," Jackson said.
Jackson said political science gradu-
4 salaries increased because of the
"increasing attention to events in the
world have a political component to
Political' science Prof. Richard Hall
said he agrees.
"I don't like students specializing.
The idea of LSA is to branch out, find
what you're interested in, your talents,
Hall said.
ckson also said students can get
d if they specialize in a technical
area of study because technology gets
Students seemed to agree that liberal
arts degrees have benefits.
"(LSA) tries to make us all well-
ronnded" said Heather Kane an LSA
Senator warns future of
abortion rights uncertain
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
On the 24th anniversary of the
groundbreaking Roe vs. Wade U.S.
Supreme Court decision, state Sen.
Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.)
said the decision is not written in stone.
The University chapters of the
American Civil Liberties Union and
Students for
Choice held a
forum yesterday The v
featuring Smith.
Smith spoke antimchoi
about the future
of a woman's a o
right to choose.
"This land- - Sen. Aim
mark decision
that established a
woman's right to
personal choice on abortion polarized
"Women's rights can be slowly erod-
ed by a legislature made up of 90-per-
cent men," Smith said. "It's a power
Smith said pro-life supporters mask
taking away the right to choose in fam-
ily values.
"It's couched in terms of family
integrity, moral ethics and the right
thing," Smith
rigor of the
ice groups
riding E..
A 1 thou g h
Roe vs. Wade
has been the
legal standard
for 24 years,
Smith said the
decision still
may be over-
ruled in the
not a given any-
Gore decries
clinic attacks
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Amid extra-tight
security following a nearby bomb scare,
Vice President Gore yesterday forceful-
ly denounced recent attacks on abortion
clinics and vowed that "we will find the
terrorists" responsible for them.
The detonation of a minor explosive
device a few hours before turned out to
be unrelated to the luncheon meeting of
the National Abortion and Reproductive
Rights Action League on the 24th
anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision
legalizing abortion, according to law
enforcement authorities. left nerves jangled inside the
Mayflower Hotel in downtown
Washington and provided a timely polit-
ical backdrop for the Clinton adminis-
tration's tough words on abortion-relat-
ed violence. Gore employed the fire of a
country preacher in condemning bomb-
ings in Atlanta and Tulsa over the last
week, while first lady Hillary Rodham
Clinton used the occasion to promote
the expansion of family planning pro-
grams at home and abroad.
See BOMBS, Page 9A
Wheeler Smith
D-Salem Twp.
"Roe vs. Wade is
more," Smith said.
the country," Smith said. "The vigor of
the anti-choice groups is astounding,
and their movement into political power
is astounding"
Smith said that although the
Supreme Court has prohibited laws
banning abortion, legislatures nation-
wide are attempting to place strict reg-
ulations on the procedure. Those leg-
islative bodies are mostly comprised of
males, she said.
Ilona Cohen, president of the campus
ACLU chapter, said she agrees that peo-
ple who are pro-choice must continue to
fight to uphold the right to choose.
"Never forget the history of our bat-
tle for reproductive freedom,' Cohen
said. "The only way to secure our liber-
ties is through activism."
Female students at the University are
See SMITH, Page 9A
After her speech on abortion rights, State Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith speaks with
LSA senior Stephanie Golden, the campus president of Students for Choice.
The Michigan
Fencing Club
practices its
craft at the
Coliseum yester-
day. The club will
participate this
weekend in a
fencing competi-
State Dems
crime bills
Main bills include life sentence for.
three-time violent criminals,
community police funding
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Democrats are taking advantage of their new control of the
Michigan House by proposing a wide array of crime legisla-
tion that failed in the previously Republican-dominated
The main bills being proposed would sentence three-time
violent criminals to life in jail, fund community policing, reg-
ulate the spread of gangs and attempt to shut down drug
Rep. Lingg Brewer (D-Holt) is co-sponsoring the bill that
would sentence repeat offenders to life in jail without parole.
"If they commit a violent crime three times, they ought not
to be around anymore:' Brewer said.-
Brewer said he is confident the bill will advance to the
"I think it will pass through the House with bipartisan sup-
port," Brewer said.
However, some said his approach is too harsh -- including
other Democrats.
"I don't think the Legislature should sentence," said Rep.
Mary Schroer (D-Ann Arbor). "That's why we have judges.
The judge should be able to deviate from guidelines with
good explanation."
Unlike the "three-strikes-and-you're-out" law in California;
which sentences people to life in prison for committing even
three petty felonies, the proposed Michigan bill would be dif-
ferent because the third offense must be a violent crime.
Majority Floor Leader Rep. Pat Gagliardi (D-Drummond
New regents to take seats at table
By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
As University interim President Homer Neal
pounds the gavel for the last time, two regents
will take their seats around the table for the
first time at today's meeting of the University
Board of Regents.
Regents Olivia Maynard (D-Flint) and S.
Martin Taylor (D-Grosse Ile), who were both
elected to their positions in November, will
participate today in their first meeting as
University retents.
"He's done one excellent job," Maynard said.
"He's very bright, and he has a wonderful sense
of humor that keeps everything in perspective."
Neal has served as the University's interim
president since July 1, after the resignation of
James Duderstadt.
"1n terms of the interim presidency, I hope
that I will be remembered as a person who was
able to step in at a difficult time in the
University," Neal said.
A request for approval of the University
Housing Hill Area Commons is among issues
combines the ideal of financial responsibility
and efficiency, as well as all of the things that
residents require in dining service. I think it is
long overdue."
Alan Levy, director of University Housing
Public Affairs, said the commons area will both
serve students and solve the continuing problem
of labor shortage in the campus dining halls.
"We see the primary benefits for students in
terms of providing a very modern and state-of-
the-art facility with the ability to deliver high-
quality services with amenities such as air con-