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January 21, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-01-21

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Itt4o 11-jagalk

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high around 400.

One hundred six years of editornalfreedom

January 21, 1997

Inaugural speech urges country to end divisions

By Jennifer Harvey
and Laurie Mayk
paijy Staff Reporters
WASHINGTON - William Jefferson
Clinton recited the presidential oath for
y second time yesterday, praising the
aievements of the 20th century and ask-
ing Americans to take responsibility in the
next millennium
to end social and
political divi-
sions. WY th
The first
Democratic pres- American,
ident in 60 years
to be sworn in for are the s
*econd term,-Pre
Clinton declared
that the nation
has reached
"another time to choose" on its "American
"This is the heart of our task: With a
new vision of government, a new sense of
responsibility, a new spirit of community,
we will sustain America's journey,"
Clinton said to the 250,000 Americans
thered at the nation's Capitol for the
d inauguration.
Crowds swarmed the streets and the


Mall of the Capitol to hear the inaugural
program, which included a rendition of
"America the Beautiful" by opera diva
Jessye Norman and the eighth inaugural
invocation delivered by the Rev. Billy
Clinton, flanked by his wife and daugh-
ter, was sworn in at
noon by Chief
Justice William
Rehnquist. Vice
President Al Gore
p ople, was - sworn in
ff moments before
ludon Clinton by Justice
ident Clinton Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, the first
female justice to
administer the oath
at an inauguration.
Clinton's address stressed a transition
from reliance on government to reliance
on citizens - a philosophy that may forge
cooperation with Republicans holding a
congressional majority.
"Government is not the problem, gov-
ernment is not the solution. We, the
American people, are the solution.

Michiganians party
in nation's capital
By Jennifer Harvey
and Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporters
WASHINGTON - Michiganians and University
students patted themselves on the back in the nation's
capital this weekend. They celebrated not only President
Clinton's November victory, but a Democratic sweep
across Michigan that stole offices and control of the
state House away from the GOP.
"We're enjoying our own success;" state Rep. Curtis
Hertel (D-Detroit) said at a Michigan breakfast yester-
day hosted by Wayne County Commissioner Ed
While Michigan Democrats celebrated with Clinton in
1992, they nursed wounds from local elections. But 1996
was different, and it was time to celebrate.
"If other states had gone as Democratic as Michigan
has gone, we'd have a Democratic Senate, McNamara
McNamara's event packed the Dubliner restaurant in
Washington, with wall-to-wall Democrats. The break-
fast drew big names from Michigan and beyond -
Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer, former Michigan Gov.

William Rehnquist, chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, swears in President Clinton for his second
term. Clinton is the first Democratic president in 60 years to serve successive terms.

See CUNTON, Page 2A


"Moreover I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities
justice everywhere."

and states. ... Injustice anywhere is a threat to
- The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.




and justice'

born from
past anger.
I anet Adamy
y Staff Reporter
Walter Harrison said he remembers a
time when Martin Luther King Jr. Day
was a time for anger and protests.
Harrison, vice president for
University relations, said he participat-
ed in a unity march on MLK Day in
1990 that culminated in a graduate stu-
dent's angry speech.
"He excoriated the University for all
the things it had done wrong with race
Aations" Harrison said. "He accused
of racism."
Although MLK Day came to the
University through protest, it has
evolved into a day when students and
faculty work together in celebration of
The University began celebrating
MLK Day in 1987, one year after it was
declared a national holiday. John
Matlock, assistant vice provost and
Sctor for the Office of Academic
ulticultural Initiatives, said students
started celebrating the holiday before
the University officially recognized it.
"It was something that the students
really pushed for, for the University to
recognize Martin Luther King Day as a
holiday," Matlock said.
Harrison said the University's cele-
bration of the holiday grew out of
protests during the 1987-88 school
W Those involved in the protests,
n as the "Black Action Movement
III," demanded the University set aside
time to recognize King's accomplish-
Harrison said that during the holi-
day's early years, the students and the
University each wanted to celebrate the
holiday in their own way, and "didn't
trust each other" to honor the spirit of
the holiday.
'We went through a couple of years
0minueting, Harrison said. "No one
was quite sure the other one was cele-
brating it honestly. Gradually, this grew
toward cooperation"
Although the University's celebra-
tion pleases most students, an unhappy
few are planning to voice their opinions

Alum, activist
returns to give
keynote speech

By Alice Robinson
Daily Staff Reporter
As a University of Michigan student
30 years ago, Mary Frances Berry
fought for equal rights and stormed the
Fleming Administration Building in
political protest.
Now chair of the U.S. Commission
on Civil Rights, Berry has taken her
fight for justice to new heights.
Yesterday, she brought her brand of no-
nonsense style to more than 1,000 peo-
ple at Hill Auditorium, kicking off this
year's - Martin Luther King Jr.
Berry, who received her doctorate
from the University in 1966 and J.D. in
1970, applauded the progress King's fol-
lowers have made in the last three
"We celebrate Martin Luther King
for what he did for every American,"
Berry said.
She shared straightforward observa-
tions of changes that need to be made
before the country and the world are
truly open to people of all races.

One of these changes is diversify-
ing the characters on television. "I
mean, if Martin came back and
looked at the TV, he would say, 'Wow.
we need a civil rights movement.
Berry said.
King's activism laid the foundation
for recent human rights gains, includ.
ing the restoration of President
Aristide in Haiti and the Rabin-Arafat
peace agreement, Berry said.
"He was ahead of his time. He saw
the world as a global village," Berry
said in her powerful voice. She noted
that King was criticized for opposing
the Vietnam War and speaking out
against human rights abuses in other
"He was asked, 'What business does
a civil rights leader have talking about
the world?"' Berry said.
After Berry's speech, students
gathered around her for quick auto-
graphs before she left for the airport.
Law student Kiana Woods said Berry
gave a "very sort of realistic vision of
See KEYNOTE, Page 7A

Mary Frances Berry, University alum and chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, delivered the keynote address for yes-
terday's daylong symposium celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. More than 1,000 attended.

0 *
By Stephanie Powell
Daily Staff Reporter
While many students spent yesterday in
activities that ranged from attending speeches
to sleeping in, about 400 students participated
in a series of service events intended to act on
the beliefs of Martin Luther King Jr.
"I think it is important to have the day have
some significance," said LSA sophomore
Umbreen idrees. "Martin Luther King wanted to
help people and this is a great way to do that"
Urged on by suggestions from the Federal
Holiday Commission, the MLK Symposium

Bond offers
historical vie
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
Julian Bond incorporated his quick wit and
intricate knowledge of the country's civil rights
movement yesterday to draw parallels to current
issues facing blacks.
The University of Virginia history professor and
founder of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee, covered more than a century of U.S.
history and the struggle for civil rights. Bond
began with his grandfather, who was a slave in
"One hundred years ago, as my grandfather
approached his 40th birthday, blacks eerily
approached the same prospects we face today"'
he said. "Then, as now, racist demagogues walk
the land."
Bond spoke fondly of his special relationship


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