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April 22, 1997 - Image 27

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-22

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One hundred six years of editorialfreedom


Faculty salaries jump 4.4 percent;
increase tops administrators' pay raise

Faculty, staff average
salary increase just
over 4 percent
By Jodi S. Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
For the first time in recent history,
average salary increases for faculty
this year were greater than those of
top administrators, according to the
annual Faculty and Staff Salary
The administrators' merit increase
of 4.1 percent went down from last
*r's 5.8-percent raise. Faculty
received a 4.4-percent increase,
which is 0.4 percent higher than last
"I think it's clear that the increases to
top administra-
tors being less
than the average
faculty increase
reflects a con-
scious decision
re si de n t)
Homer Neal and
the executive
officers to keep
our increases inD
line with faculty
increases," said
Walter Harrison, vice ptesident for
University relations.
Former University President James
*derstadt, who has returned to the
ngineering faculty, tops the list with
a salary of $263,451.
Lee Bollinger, who was recently
selected as the next University presi-
dent, will earn more than any other
employee in the report with a starting
salary of $275,000.
Other top-paid employees include
Neal; Mark Orringer, head of tho-
racic surgery; and football coach
%elected Salaries

Lloyd Carr, who earns $257,500.
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg, who
ranks as the highest-paid female
employee with a salary of $199,000,
said it's important that faculty
salaries remain competitive with fac-
ulty at other universities. She noted,
however, that LSA faculty increases
were lower than average at 3.1 per-
"I think that it's good that we try to
stay competitive for our outstanding
faculty," Goldenberg said. "I'm glad
the University overall was able to do so
well by the faculty and I only wish that
we in LSA could have done better."
Goldenberg and Vice Provost for
Health Affairs Rhetaugh Dumas are
the only women among the 15 high-
est-paid employees.
"That is indicative of the fact that
we still have a way to go," Harrison
said about recruiting women into top
administrative positions.
Harrison said the increase in facul-
ty salaries reflects a strong year for
state appropriations. "We were able
to have a salary program that will
help keep us competitive in faculty
and staff salaries," he said.
"The increases are all in the same
ballpark," Harrison added, comparing
those of faculty and administrators.
The reported salaries include money
paid from state appropriations, tuition
and revenue. They do not include funds
from other sources - faculty may get
additional income from consulting jobs,
while Medical School employees may
earn revenue from patients and coaches
may make money from television con-
tracts, for example.
Chemistry Prof. Thomas Dunn,
who chairs the faculty's governing
body, said the reported salaries "don't
tell the whole story."
"There are a lot of bonuses and
other things that are not included,"

The Lure Carillon andihe Media Union stand as dominant landmarks on the University's blossoming North Campus, home to two of the University's highest-paid officials:
former President James Duderstadt and Engineering Dean Stephen Director.

Dunn said.;"What you get is the nine-
month or12-month statutory-type
salary figures."
Dunn said the 4.4-percent average
increase for faculty members is
"about as much as you'd expect in the
general budgetary constraints in
"It is probably a reasonable salary
increment," Dunn said. "It certainly
is not magnificent."

Harrison said the salaries are com-
parable to other top universities.
"We rank near the top among pub-
lic's and somewhere below many of
the privates we consider to be our
peers," Harrison said.
Seven of the 15 highest-paid
University employees are associated
with University Hospitals or the.
Medical School. The highest 13
salaries are more than $200,000.

Merit increases for deans averaged
4.0 percent. Engineering Dean
Stephen Director, who receives
$206,100, is the highest-paid dean.
Carr, along with basketball coach
Steve Fisher, received a 3-percent
increase. Fisher will earn $129,347 in
University money. Hockey coach Red
Berenson will earn $100,000, a
14.47-percent increase from last year.
There is a large discrepancy

between Carr's salary and the other
head coaches because almost all of
Carr's total income, including money
from the University's contract with
Nike, is reported in the salary record.
The other coaches receive more rev-
enue from outside contracts,
Harrison said.
U Editor s note: This article is
reprinted f-om the Nov. 26, 1996,
issue of'The Michigan Daily.

Top 10 Salaries at 'U'
James Duderstadt, former president
Homer Neal, interim president
Mark Orringer, head of thoracic surgery
Lloyd Carr, football coach
Julian Hoff, head of neurosurgery
J. Bernard Machen, provost
Farris Womack, chief financial officer
Stephen Director, Engineering dean
Frederick Neidhardt, acting VP for research
Arnold Coran, head of pediatric surgery


95-96: $260,709
96-97: $263,451

95-96: $206,078
96-97: $260,709

95-96: $250,000
96-97: $257,500

95-96: $190,000
96-97: $199,000

0 LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg and Vice Provost or Health 4tftuirs 1Rhetiugh
Graves Dumas were the highest-paid women at the Universit, holding the 14th
and 15th spots and pulling in salaries of $199,000 and $194,110 respectivel><


Top 5 'U' Salaries
Numbers in hundreds of


Although he has been out of
the Fleming Administration
Building since last July,
James Duderstadt still tops
the University's payroll as
Its highest-salaried official.
Among the University's 15
highest-paid employees,
seven are administrators,
five are professors at the
School of Medicine and two
are deans. Former Vice
President for Research
Homer Neal's salary jumped
by more than 26 percent
when he assumed the role of

How to Read This Supplement
This 1996-97 Salary Supplement is a listing of the Faculty and Staff Salary Record for the Ann Arbor,
Dearborn and Flint campuses and is listed in alphabetical order by last name.
The following are definitions of the headings used:
Name: Each individual's name.
Appointment Title: Position or positions each individual holds.
Appointing Department: Name of the department conferring the appointment.
Full-Time Annual Appointment Rate: The full-time rate of pay for the appointment period,
which is indicated in the adjacent column. Not included in this figure is money that .may be received by
some University staff, such as summer teaching and/or research, extension teaching, awards for distin-
guished professors, incentive payments, overtime and temporary administrative differentials.
Annual Appointment Period: The length of time services are required under the appointment to
earn full-time appointment rate shown in the earlier column.
Appointment Fraction: The fraction of full-time effort devoted to the appointment. For example,
1.00 equals ful-time appointment; .50 equals half-time appointment.
Salary Paid From State Appropriations and Tuition Revenue: Actual salary paid for
the appointment from the General Fund of which 90 percent is paid for by state appropriation and/or

A limited number of copies
of this supplement are avail-
able for $6 at the Student
Publications Building, 420
Maynard St., Ann Arbor.


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