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November 21, 1996 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-21

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12A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 21, 1996


Crew prepares to Buck the cold

By Fred Link
For the Daily
The temperature in Columbus on
Saturday will be hovering around
freezing. Perfect Big Ten football
weather'? Maybe. Good weather for
rowing? Probably not.
I Despite the frigid temperatures, the
Michigan crew team will take on Ohio
State on Saturday morning in what has
become a traditional duel between the
two crews prior to the Ohio State-
Michigan football game.
Along with the cold, the Wolverines
must contend with a hostile Ohio State
crowd if they are to beat the Buckeyes.
Because the course passes near the
stadium, Ohio State fans on their way to
the football game gather on bridges over
the river, jeering the'Michigan rowers.

The Wolverines are hoping to silence
the crowd with a repeat of their perfor-
mance at the Jack Speakmon Regatta
66(The race)
keeps us on the
water with a goai -..
to bea Ohio State,"
- Pam Carroll
Michigan assistant
crew coach
four weeks ago when they took the top
two places in the most prestigious
championship-eight race, finishing

ahead of the third-place Buckeyes.
Unlike other fall races, which were
head races, this Saturday's duel will be
a sprint. Rather than racing against the
clock, as has been the case in
Michigan's previous races, in a sprint
the boats compete head-to-head. Also,
the length of the race (2,000 meters)
will be considerably shorter than other
fall races.
"We have this race as signifying a
transition between the fall and spring
seasons," Michigan coach Mark
Rothstein said. "It's a fall race in the
(format of) a spring regatta."
Michigan has been preparing for its
duel with Ohio State since its last com-
petition at the Head of the Elk regatta
three weeks ago. Despite temperatures
staying well below freezing, making
practice difficult, the team has contin-
ued to train hard.
"(The race) keeps us on the water
with a goal - to beat Ohio State,"
Michigan assistant coach Pam Carroll
said. "Especially during these last two
weeks when its been cold, (the team
has) been working very hard."
The Wolverines are hoping for a
strong showing in their final race before
moving indoors for winter training.
"We've had a good fall (season),"
Rothstein said. "This race will be a
nice ending for our fall season."

The No. 2 Michigan women's swimming team can't stretch Into Thanksgiving yet. It hosts No. 24 Penn State tomorrow.
Tankers look to pig out on Lions

By Nancy Berger
Daily Sports Writer
With the Thanksgiving break fast
approaching, many students are probably
thinking ahead to a festive homecoming
and a hearty turkey feast.
The Michigan women's swimming
and diving team is thinking ahead as
well, but the Wolverines -have more than
a good home-cooked meal on their mind.
Even though No. 2 Michigan (2-0 Big
Ten, 3-0 overall) is competing against
No: 24 at Penn State (1-I Big Ten, 2-1
overall) tomorrow, the Wolverines are
making plans for the meet after the Lady
Lions -- the Miami Invitational that is
more than two weeks away.
"We are in a normal pre-meet training
cycle and also getting ready for Miami
Invitational," Michigan coach Jim
Richardson said. "(Penn State) is a good
tune-up for us, a last meet evaluation."
Richardson isn't stressing the impor-
tance of Friday's meet, because he has
just put his team through a second week
of grueling training. His swimmers are
feeling the effects of the high-impact
workouts, which they have been building

up to over the past two months.
"We just came off our second set of
hell week," Michigan co-captain Anne
Kampfe said.
Richardson credits junior Karin
Bunting as well as Kampfe and fellow
captain Melisa Stone with doing a great
job of training.
The tired and weary swimmers won't
have to endure much more of the
intensely demanding practices. They will
start to gradually back down on the
yardage in order to rest and be prepared
to swim fast times at the Invitational.
"We are going to try to get as many
people to qualify for the NCAAs
through (Miami Invitational)," Kampfe
said. "Our goal for this half of the season
is this meet."
Not all of the Wolverines will be able
to compete against Penn State, the last
dual meet of the semester, because of
travel restrictions placed on the team.
Since Michigan won't be bringing its
full team, this might be the only area of
relief that the Lady Lions will have. The
Wolverines are probably the toughest
competition Penn State will have to face

all season. To score a major and a highly
unlikely upset, Penn State will need
lawless swims and boisterous suppo
from the home crowd.
"There was a larger-than-normal
crowd at our last meet, and we could use
more of that same support against
Michigan," Penn State coach Bob
Krimmel said. "When you want to be the
best, you have to race against the best:
and Michigan and their staff certainly fit
into that category. We will have to swim
extremely well if we're going to win."
The last time Penn State beat
Michigan was in 1993, which was alI
the last time the Wolverines lost a Big
Ten dual meet.
There is no pressure on Michigan to
extend its 20-meet winning streak against
Big Ten opponents. The only thing that is
giving the swimmers real pressure cur-
rently is school, according to Kampfe.
For the Michigan swimmers,. the
Thanksgiving break won't be just about
filling the stomach with food and sittin
on the couch watching footbale
Richardson also gives his swimmers
workouts to do over the break.

Y U QM STUDENTS 1995 & 1996
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Continued from Page 10A
Madden earned the award as a result of
his individual shorthanded play as well.
He scored a shorthanded goal in
Michigan's 5-1 victory over Michigan
State on Friday and netted the tying goal
while a man down in the Wolverines' 3-3
tie at Bowling Green.

"It's an honor," he said. "While it does-
n't seem like much, for a forward to be
named defensive player-of-the week
doesn't happen too (often)."
senior center Brendan Morrison scored
his 75th career goal in Friday's game
against Michigan State. Morrison
appeared to have his 76th in Saturday's 3-
3 tie at Bowling Green, but the goal judge

did not turn on the light. A replay indi-
cated the puck hit the top lining of the net
and then came out.
"I definitely thought it was a goal.The
puck was sitting there on the line, two
inches from the line and I shot it pretty
hard," Morrison said. "Next thing I know.
I look back and (the goaltender's) gotit
his glove. I thought I scored and (refer
Jim Sotiroff) said no goal"


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