onight: Mostly cloudy, low in
he mid-20s.
bmorrow: Scattered flurries,
igh in the upper-30s.
One hundred sixyears ofeditoralfreedom
November 20, 1996
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talks on
le of art
Lh society
ly A"'t K.1 Thavarajah
)alY Staff Reporter
More than 300 students and faculty
illed Rackham Amphitheatre last night
o catch a glimpse of Frank Stella's
Broadsides" - a look at architecture.
A ella focused on the role his ideas on
tecture could play in society and
low art can help improve society.
"I don't presume to have answers, but
uggestions. I believe that there would
e immediate change in the community
f urban decay if there would be more
iesthetic, pleasing structures" Stella
"If a city had a beautiful park,;I think.
t would be a big part of the solution
oward helping our landscape and social
>lems," he said. "It's important that
collaborate with everyone to try to
ielp cities in trouble."
Peggy Kusnerz, an assistant to the
lean of the School of Art, said the vis-
ting artist program will be very helpful"
:o the University.
"It has been really quite normal
yringing artists to meet the4students for
years," Kusnerz said. "We decided to
give more students the opportunity to
creative thinkers by inviting some
f the most famous modern artists of
ur time to speak to them."
Stella, a world-renowned contempo-
rary artist, is the third in a series of
seven lecturers in the first year of the
Visiting Artists and Designers Program
;ponsored by the School of Art and
Earlier in the day, Stella visited and
critiqued graduate students. Stella cri-
ti ed second-year graduate student
A'usto Arbizo's art, but it wasn't the
First time.
"The first time I met with Stella was
t little awkward. He was very critical of
my work, but it was very valuable,"
Hopefuls stump in
1st day of MSA
' Parties expect creative gimmicks to
inspire students to cast a ballot Independents run
By Will Weissort without party support
Daily Staff Reporter
For most of them, class can wait.
Many of the 99 candidates running for vacant Michigan
Student Assembly seats will be missing some classes today to
court potential voters.
And that means the Diag could get crowded.
"Luckily I don't have any classes on Wednesday so I and
other members of my party will be handing out posters," said
United People's Coalition candidate Ozell Hayes. "I plan also
to be out on the Diag meeting people."
But Hayes said yesterday that the elections were already
affecting his school work.
"I'm really excited - I have a test today and I can't really
concentrate on it because I'm excited to see what happens
(today) and Thursday," Hayes said.
Veteran campaigner and Michigan Party Chair Dan Serota
said candidates learn which classes they can afford to skip in
order to campaign.
"There are some classes you can miss, like lectures, where
you can get notes from someone," Serota said. "But other
ones, like discussion sections, you just can't miss."
Serota said Michigan Party candidates would be on the
Diag and "spreading out as a party to sell the party's vision
to the student body."
Liberty Party Chair Martin Howrylak said that even
though his party also will be making appearances on the
already-jammed Diag, the elections will be laid-back.
"The MSA elections aren't the kind of in-your-face races
you find in national elections - there shouldn't be anyone
mooning anyone else out there tomorrow," Howrylak said.
"But I'm sure there will be some interesting stuff going on -
maybe someone will be dressed up as Barney - I don't
Students' Party Engineering candidate Mallory Floyd said
he too will be out campaigning, but said meeting North
Campus voters is the key to winning an Engineering seat.
"I haven't been able to get over to North Campus as much as
By Will Weissert
Daily Staff Reporter
They also endure all the insanity that comes with run-
ning for a seat on the Michigan Student Assembly, but they
do it without the support of a party.
The 28 independent candidates from six separate
schools are hoping that students will look for more than a
familiar or cute party name when they cast their votes
today-and tomorrow.
"I would hope that the assembly is such that hard work-
ing candidates can win a seat without a party," said LSA
Rep. and current independent candidate Barry Rosenberg.
"I hope students will look past a party and vote for quali-
ty candidates."
Rosenberg is one of four MSA incumbents running
without a party label.
LSA independent candidate Andrew Brunsden said par-
ties help candidates cope with the huge amount of work
that goes into campaigning.
"I've found that it's a lot more extra work - parties
poster the campus one time a week and I have been out
postering every night of the campaign," Brunsden said.
"But I think students see all the work I do as more honest
because I get my views and my message out with out a
party name to hide behind."
Like their partisan colleagues, the independents said
they also will be very busy today.
"As an individual you're only one person and I can't
campaign as much as parties because I have to go to class,"
Brunsden said. "I may be skipping some classes tomorrow
to meet with as many students as I can but education has
to be the top priority and I think students can respect that"
Engineering Rep. and independent candidate Jasmine
Khambatta, who used to be a Students' Party member, said
she does not miss running with a party.
"I don't miss it at all," Khambatta said. "The major rea-
Frank Stella speaks to students from the School of Art and Design at Rackham
Amphitheatre last night as part of the Visiting Artists and Designers Program.
Arbizo said.
"This time he seemed to see the evo-
lution of my art. He was much more
positive and I definitely got some point-
ers that I can use in my future work," he
said. "Some think he can be a little
harsh, but they need to learn to take the
positive and look at the negative but not
dwell on it."
Stella also compared art schools.
"At U-M you seem to have more time
to work on your art," Stella said. "At a
school such as Princeton, the students
probably produce two times as much
"It doesn't necessarily mean it's bet-
ter to produce more quantity, but it
seems as if the students work more
excitedly and produce more in the
Local resident Don Powell consid-
ered it an honor to be able to hear how
Stella produced some of his work.
"This is really a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to hear one of the greatest
modern artists;" Powell said. "Many
people would have been content with
themselves after producing some truly
great paintings in the late '5Os. But he
kept on expanding his work, whether it
be drawing, paintings and now architec-
Ouse to vote onshanges
rn Open Meetings Act
MSA Elections: Where to Vote Today
Alice Lloyd 4:20 - 6:10 p.m EECS 8:05 a.m.3:20 p.m Pierpont 11:10 am. - 6:30 p.m.
Bursley 5 - 6:45 p~m. Fishbow1 8:35 a.m. - 5:45p.m. Pub, Health 10:50 am. 1 3O p.m,
Business LNG 3:25 - 8 p.m. Frieze 9:05 am.m 2:35 a.m School of Ed. 9:20 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
CC tittle 10 a.m, -1:40 p m. Grad Library 7 - 10:40 p.m. South Quad : e x pam.
CCRB 2 - 9:20 p.m. Lorch m -2:45 pim Taubman 6:10- 9:50 p.m
Coz4en 4 ( :5 m; Markley 4:50 - 6:40 p.rm. ; UI ; 5 . f p4
Dentistry 11:30 a.m. 1:20 p.m . iE 12:44p0m Union 8:20 a.m.- 10:10 p.m
D8 . }a2 m ;4O ' Mosher-Jordan 4:35 p.m. - 6:25 p.m. , W I Q+ ad..' P:
East Quad 11:40 a.m 7 p m / d 1 ii i
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
Privacy will be a priority during the next presidential
search at the University if Gov. John Engler and some legis-
lators in Lansing have their way.
Republicans have less than six weeks left as the major-
i party to vote on legislation that would modify the
state's Open Meetings Act to allow public universities to
keep more of their presidential search processes under
wraps. The legislation, sponsored by state Sen. John
Schwartz (R-Battle Creek), was already passed by the
Engler said he would like state
law to permit universities to release?
only the names of finalists for the
office. have the
"I don't think the current Open
Atings Act works in the best to o fr
interests of Michigan universities,"
Engler said, commenting that some cofideI
people may not apply because they
don't want to risk superiors finding -
out they are interested in another
with Milliken's concerns about its effectiveness in presiden-
tial searches.
Although Schwartz said he has not spoken with the gov-
ernor about presidential search processes in several months,
the two Schwartz bills now under consideration by the
House education committee would satisfy Engler's goals.
Schwartz said he has asked for a House hearing before the
current Legislature ends its term in January. Schwartz said
he will re-introduce the bills if the House adjourns before
they come to a vote.
"I'm not sure they
Gov. John Engler
can get it all done by (the end of) the
session," Palmer said.
Michigan's public universities
would only be required to release
the names of the final three presi-
dential candidates, and informa-
tion about other candidates would
not be attainable by the press
through the Freedom of
Information Act. After the names
of the top three candidates are
made public, there would be a 30-
day cooling-off period during
which information about the final-
"We've got to have the ability to offer confidentiality"
Engler said Monday to university representatives attending
the Michigan Association 'of Governing Boards of State
Universities conference.
niversity Secretary Roberta Palmer said Engler's com-
ments about the Open Meetings Act were only a brief part
of his address. The comments were made in support of a
recently published letter by former Gov. William Milliken.
Palmer, who attended the conference, said Engler agreed
ists would not be available.
University Regent Andrea Fischer-Newman (R-Ann
Arbor) said the proposal of a cooling-off period is con-
trary to the advice the board received in its recent pres-
idential search.
"Every search consultant told us that once the names are
released, you have to move as quick as possible," Newman
See VOTE, Page 5
For sale
Cultural carvings from Bali and Java are for sale at Pierpont Commons on North Campus until tomorrow. The carvings
are being sold by Asia Overland wholesalers of Hell, Mich.
Union strikes hit
Calif. universities
,Atthe University ofCalforniaa t
LsAgels, 2,000 teaching
assistants, readers and tutors
went on strik~e Mona.
0At UG~an Diego yesterday, 500
TAs left work as part of a
system-wid~e strik~e against the
UI irsirities.
UC-Berkeley teaching assistants to begin strike today
By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
Teaching assistants at the University of
California at Berkely plan to go on strike today,
joining TAs already on strike at the Los Angeles
and San Diego branches of the state college sys-
tem. Their 5 p.m. contract deadline yesterday
lective bargaining rights. The courts gave us those
rights," Prudham said.
The National Labor Relations Board yesterday
ruled that TAs and GSIs are legally defined as uni-
versity employees under federal labor laws. The
ruling came in the wake of a strike at Yale
University last year, and the government is press-
between our students and their academic mentors."
Last March, members of the University of
Michigan's Graduate Employees Organization
went on strike for two days. But Tamara Joseph,
GEO organizer at the University, made it clear that
what's happening on the University of California's
campuses is quite different.
Prudham agreed with Joseph's assessment. "The
difference between us and what happened at
Michigan was, they already had their collective
bargaining rights. We want ours recognized," he
However, Joseph does feel the pain of her fellow
union members in California.
"I think- theI I nijrcithjf Clifminisheing