The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 19. 1996 - 3
Two unrelated cases of breaking and
tering occurred Saturday, and the
Ann Arbor Police Department is cur-
rently investigating both incidents.
in the first case, a trail of blood led
police from the Slauson Middle School
to a nearby residence Saturday night.
-An unknown group of subjects had
forcefully entered the school, which is
located at 1019 W Washington St.,
through the east-side window. Police
-found blood on the door and ground
ar the school's pool, but nothing
peared to be stolen, AAPD reports
The suspects exited the school and
headed south. Police followed the trail
of blood to a residence in the 200 block
of Buena Vista Road.
The suspect was lying in the front
seat of a vehicle parked near the resi-
dence and advised AAPD officers of
another suspect involved in the inci-
*nt, AAPD reports stated.
In the second incident, a woman was
in her apartment kitchen, which is adja-
cent to the entrance, when she heard
the door open at 5:45 p.m. Saturday.
The woman ran to the hallway of her
apartment, located in the 2000 block of
Charlton Street. She told police her
neighbor was running upstairs to the
third floor, according to AAPD reports.
- The woman said she had experi-
ced a similar situation with the sus-
tct but did not report it. The suspect is
in the process of being evicted, and
police are currently investigating the
incident, AAPD reports state.
Cars damaged in
various carports
Vehicles parked in nearby campus
rports were maliciously damaged
!day night.
Property damage occurred at Lot M-
29 on Nichols Street when four sub-
jects allegedly smashed windows out of
vehicles. The suspects wore dark cloth-
ing and fled the scene. Department of
Public Safety officers then caught all
four suspects and took them into cus-
Two vehicles had broken windows in
a Thayer carport on South Thayer
,&eet on Friday night.
DPS officers met with the owners of
both vehicles, who said property was
stolen from their vehicles.
The incident occurred between 7:40
pa. and 10:40 p.m. Friday, according
to. DPS reports.
Minor injuries
esult from falls
In two separate cases small injuries
occurred after falls.
A 9-month-old baby fell on his bottom
and might have hurt his tongue Saturday
afternoon, according to DPS reports.
The child was conscious but was
bleeding profusely at the Northwood
Apartments on North Campus.
The second case involved slippery ice
located on the sidewalk on the north side
Crisler Arena on Saturday afternoon.
The man injured his left knee on the
ice of the sidewalk located near a trail-
er, DPS reports stated.
EYan allegedly
causes scene
An elderly man allegedly caused a
disturbance because he was not allowed
entfance into a private party Friday
-The party was located on the fourth
floor of Rackham. The man is described
as disorderly, with a beard and voice box,
4ccording to DPS reports.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Anupama Reddy.
Group holds vigil to fight homelessness
By Anita Chik
Daily Staff Reporter
Under the cover of darkness last
night, about 30 people lit white candles
while they shouted, "The people united
will never be defeated."
Several of them hung up a 100-foot
long banner with the slogan "Fight
poverty, not the poor" outside the Ann
Arbor Armory on the corner of Fifth
and Ann streets.
"Now is the time to push the commu-
nity to put money in housing. The cur-
rent shelters can't be used for every-
thing because they are too small," said
Larry Fox, a member of the Homeless
Action Committee.
not taken
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
While heterosexual domestic vio-
lence has received a great deal of public
attention since the O.J. Simpson trial,
some experts said last night that vio-
lence in same-sex relationships is not
taken as seriously.
, The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Programs
Office and the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center spon-
sored a panel discussion yesterday to
discuss abuse in lesbian, gay and bisex-
ual relationships. Workers from
Safehouse, a battered women's shelter,
and lesbian survivors of domestic vio-
lence spoke to the audience of about 15
"In general, people tend to believe it
doesn't happen, and if they do, they
tend to minimize it," said SAPAC
Director Joyce Wright.
Ann Humphry, Safehouse coordinator
and a survivor of lesbian domestic vio-
lence, said that in addition to physical,
emotional and sexual abuse, same-sex
victims also have to cope with "homo-
phobic control." This includes "threats to
tell the victim's significant others about
his or her sexual orientation."
Humphry, who spoke at the panel
discussion about her experiences and
patterns in homosexual domestic vio-
lence, said there are many myths about
same-sex violence. This includes the
myth that the more masculine woman in
a lesbian relationship is more likely to
Event kicks off Homeless Awareness Week
The candlelight demonstration, spon-
sored by HAC, opened Homeless
Awareness Week last night.
Participants, including University
students and community members,
gathered to raise support for converting
the Armory into an office to serve the
homeless in Ann Arbor.
As part of national Homeless
Awareness Week, Project Serve and
several Ann Arbor community groups
will hold a series of events throughout
this week.
HAC is a nonprofit organization that
serves the homeless.
"We don't have enough to eat, we don't
have enough medical care, shelters are all
full and many homeless people are being
turned away,"said Carole McCabe, direc-
tor of Avalon House, a nonprofit housing
provider for the homeless.
"That's why we are here tonight. It's
getting worse. People are freezing,"
McCabe said.
Students said they found the candle-
light ceremony significant in terms of
raising people's concerns about the
problems of homelessness.
"We should be here to support the
position to work on the problem," said
RC junior Kara Moore. "We need to
make the problems visible."
Fox said he hopes the event will edu-
cate the public about low-income hous-
ing and the actions that need to be taken
to help the homeless.
"Candlelight reminds people that
the homeless people are ignored by
society," said LSA junior Delphine
Safehouse Coordinator Ann Humphry speaks on behalf of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Programming Office on domestic violence and
abuse in non-heterosexual relationships last night. Humphry is a survivor of lesbian domestic violence.
abuse the more feminine partner.
"There is no association between vio-
lence and traditional gender roles,"
Humphry said,
Nancy Galbraith, an Eastern
Michigan University graduate student
and intern at Safehouse, pointed out
that gay men have an especially diffi-
cult time dealing with an abusive part-
"There are no men's shelters for men
to seek these services," Galbraith said.
"It is more difficult because they are
Galbraith pointed to a research study
on domestic violence in lesbian and gay
relationships that suggested weekly
support groups for victims and educat-
ing local officials on issues of same-sex
abuse. Safehouse offers a support group
for lesbian survivors of domestic vio-
Humphry said homosexual victims
also have a harder time reporting their
story because they are not taken as seri-
"Non-heterosexual victims find it
more difficult to say they are being vic-
timized," Humphry said. "When they
come forward and tell someone, the
violence is minimized. They get told,
'That's what you get."'
Many agree that same-sex relation-
ship violence is not researched enough
for the public to be familiar with it.
"There's not a lot of information
available about domestic violence," said
LGBPO director Ronni Sanlo. "Same-
sex domestic violence isn't talked about
unless the person reporting is astute
enough to talk about it."
Humphry said that while only a few
studies on same-sex abuse were pub-
lished before 1990, there has been an
increase in studies recently.
Rachel Ermann, an LSA senior who
is doing an Alternative Spring Break
project on domestic violence, agreed
that while she hasn't heard a great deal
about non-heterosexual violence, it still
must be discussed.
Mauger. "The light represents the g-
nity of those people whose rightsare
Apart from supporting various Ann
Arbor community groups during the
week, Project Serve is organizing a
sleep-out from 10 p.m. Thursday to 7
a.m. Friday on the Diag. The sleep-out
will include a candlelight march, guest
speakers from Avalon House and Ozone
House, and a reflection and discussion
From today until Saturday, students
can volunteer to work at an Ann Arbor
homeless shelter or at the Hunger
Coalition, help out in the supply drive,
and serve dinner for the homeless.
Fonnal 4*
vote on
VP passes
Executive vice
president for medical
affairs to join table s
By Jeff Eldrdge
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's administration will
be a little larger because of a vote by
the Board of Regents last Friday.
The regents unanimously approved
the formation of a position to central-
ize oversight of the University
Medical Center. With the title "execu-
tive vice president for medical
affairs," the new officer will oversee
both academic and financial aspects
of the Medical Center.
"This is a position to which all of the
regents have given a great deal of con-
sideration and study," said Regent
Shirley McFee (R-Battle Creek). "I now
personally, at least, look forward to
moving ahead expeditiously to get this
show on the
Regent Philip
Power (D-Ann
Arbor) said the 4
formation of the
position has ' '"
been discussed
since before he
first sat on the
"We've been
talking about McFee
this for 25 years,
so I'm delighted that we have the
opportunity now' Power said. "We
need to fill this position, and we need
to fill it right away."
The search to fill the position is
expected to begin within a few weeks,
with estimates that an individual will
be hired in six to 18 months, said Vice
President for University Relations
Walter Harrison.
The difficulty of finding a qualified
person could be a hurdle.
"It's a judgment call. There are very
few medical centers that are this big and
this complex," Harrison said. "There's a
small universe of people who can fill
such a difficult and demanding job."
Larry Warren, interim executive
director of University Hospitals,
said he expects no major restructur-
ing in the hospitals to occur until the
new executive vice president takes
Warren said the formation of the-new
executive officer post "alone does not
represent significant restructuring."
The University Medical Center
brings in a little less than 50 percent-of
the University's overall revenue. -List
April, University officials announced
the elimination of about 1,000 hospital
positions as part of a three-year, $290
million financial overhaul.
U' librarian welcomed to White House
Gathering celebrates
humanitarian efforts
in aiding Bosnia
By Maria Hackett
For the Daily
Movie stars, sports heroes, foreign
leaders and librarians all hold at least
one thing in common: Each profes-
sion has had members invited to the
White House.
University Slavic librarian and
south Slavic bibliographer Janet
Crayne received an invitation to an
Oct. 12 conference on Bosnia in
Washington, D.C.
The gathering celebrated the
ongoing humanitarian efforts in aid-
ing the recovery and stabilization of
Crayne was invited by first lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton to represent
the University because of Crayne's
intense involvement in a University
program to send books to Bosnia.
"I thought it was wonderful that
they recognized the librarians'
efforts in these times of uproar," said
Margaret Crist, library administra-
tion assistant director for public
The ceremony kicked off two new
projects to help Bosnian citizens - a
special Superman comic book and a
joint hospital program.
Crayne said the purpose of the
"Librarians do this kind of thing a
lot," said Library Administration
Program Director Yvonne Wulff.
"But it's rare that someone says
thank you in that official
Washington way."
University libraries are involved in
comic books is
to keep chil-
dren from
playing in
areas that have
not yet been
checked for
land mines.
"There are a
lot of other ini-
tiatives under-
way as a result
of that meet-
ing," Crayne
"Librarians do
this kind of thing a
lot. "
-Yvonne Wulff
Library administration
program director
several "mutual-
ly beneficial
book exchange
programs with
around the
world," Crist
She said that
duplicates of
books the
libraries already
increases its vast
Crayne said this especially upset
her not only because it was a form of
ethnic cleansing, but also because "it
goes to the heart of what libraries are
"We collect materials without dis-
crimination for the purpose of educa-
tion - period," she said.
"We maintained relations as much
as possible," Crayne said. "We're hop-
ing eventually we'll be able to re-
establish our trade relationship."
The University, along with sever-
al other academic institutions, has
been sending books for more than
three years, and have other initia-
tives for aiding the restoration in the
One of these involves sending a
database of books the University has
sent to Bosnia before the destruction
of the library. "They will be using this
as a sort of 'wish-list' to aid in recon-
struction," Crayne said.
"It's been a sustained effort by a
few of the University's people," Wulff
said. "But if there's one person on this
campus that sort of kept things alive,
it's Janet (Crayne) ... at least with the
said. "We're doing a lot."
"These things were not done out of
a sense of professionalism," Crayne
said. "It's just a matter of showing
them we care."
Crayne said she shook the first
lady's hand and thanked her for invit-
ing the group, which also included
two Harvard librarians.
own is one way it
collection of materials, especially in
the foreign language sections.
"One of the exchanges we had was
with the National and University
Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This exchange was flourishing when
the National Library was burned to
the ground," Crayne said.
Black Undergraduate Law
Association, Michigan Union,
Welker Room, 7 p.m.
0 Cleptomaniacs And Shoplifters
Anonymous (CASA), self-help
group, 913-6990, First Baptist
Church, 512 E. Huron, Room 102,
7-8:30 p.m.
Free Mumla' Coalition/ARA, 763.-
7351, Michigan Union, Tap Room,
7 p.m.
] LSA Student Government, weekly
meeting, 913-0842, LSA Building,
Room 2003, 6 p.m.
1st Floor, Maize/Blue, 6:10-7:30
J "Conversations with Courtney Clixby,"
sponsored by Unions Network
Television on channel 24 in all resi-
dence hall rooms, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
0 "Israel Tuesday News Schmooze,"
sponsored by American Movement
for Israel, Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 6
J "Linda Gregerson, Reading From Her
Work," sponsored by Department
of English and Borders Books and
Music, Rackham Amphitheater, 4
J "Movie: 'La Guagua Aerea,"' spon-
sored by Puearto Rican
Association and Office of
Mult irult ural Affairs. Angell Nall
Renewal," sponsored by
Ecumenical Campus Center,
International Center, 603 E.
Madison, 12 noon
Q Campus information Centers, Michigan
Union and Pierpont Commons, 763-
INFO, info@umich.edu, UMeEvents
on GOpherBLUE, and http://
d Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
Lobby, 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
F Psychology Peer Academic Advising,
647-3711, sponsored by
Psychology Department, East
Hall, Room 1346, 11a.m.-4 p.m.
r -1f ..... 11 r Q A a)N1nn r r-mritn