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November 19, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-19

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nIght: Mostly cloudy, low
round 2d.
morrow: Mostly cloudy, high
round 40°.

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One hundred sixs years of editorial freedom

November 19, 1996

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ested for
eating of
y Anupama Reddy
aily Staff Reporter
A Michigan football player will not
ttend the upcoming Ohio State
niversity game after he was arrested
or allegedly beating his ex-stepfather
nconscious with a baseball bat last
eek in Detroit.
LSA senior Charles Winters was
ted the night of Nov. 12 for beating
2-year-old Horace Davis at a residence
the 19400 block of Blackstone Street.
inters was later released and has not
n charged with a crime pending fur-
er investigation, according to Detroit
olice Department officials.
Four days later, Winters played in
aturday's home loss to Penn State.
Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr
aid in a press conference yesterday
at Winters will not play in the Ohio
game this weekend due to person-
I problems, but he said Winters is not
uspended from the team.
"My major concern is based on his
elfare," Carr said. "He has been
hrough an emotional time.
"What this kid went through, as it
ecomes more public, I think you'll
nderstand how difficult it was," Carr
nrett Irons, co-captain of the
gan football team, said in yester-
day's conference
that he had no
comment about
the matter
because he was
"not familiar
with the situa-
Davis was
listed in critical
condition yester-
Winters day at Grace
Jessie Jordan,
vis' sister, told the Detroit Free Press
esterday that the fight began when
inters waited for Davis at the home
f Winters' mother. Jordan said Davis
as returning a car to the home when
inters attacked him repeatedly with a
ajin retaliation for Davis allegedly
W his mother.
Jordan told the Free Press that Davis
d six hours of surgery to control a
ssive blood clot in his head.
DAD officers said yesterday Winters
a, not been charged in connection
ith the incident but said the depart-
nent's investigation is ongoing.
A free safety on the football team,
inters also has pitched for the
ichigan baseball team for the past
ichigan baseball coach Geoff Zahn
escribed Winters as an "easy-going
y" and said he did not usually display
its of violence.
"He always seems under control,"
ahn said. "It's out of character. I
hought of him as a pretty classy indi-
"I hope he can get it straightened
ut," Zahn said.
seball team player Brian
'i nbach said Winters has an upbeat
See WINTERS, Page 7


enrollment tops


By Ann Stewart
Daily Staff Reporter
This year's entering class at the
University is more diverse than ever,
according to race and ethnicity figures
released yesterday.
And for the second year in a row and
the second time in the University's his-
tory, women make up more than half of
the first-year class.
While the University's total enroll-
ment declined 0.4 percent, minority stu-
dent enrollment is at an all time high.
According to statistics released yester-
day, students of color now make up 25.4
percent of all students, up from 24.8
percent last year.
Figures released last month indicate
that of the 5,327 entering students this
fall, 2,709 were women, compared to

2,618 men.
John Matlock, director of the Office
of Academic Multicultural Initiatives,
said the increasing minority and female
enrollment is reflective of the nation's
"In terms of diversity, as we increase
the number of students of color and
women, it more and more starts to
reflect what the figures are nation-
wide," Matlock said.
Matlock said the numbers indicate
what the work force of tomorrow will
look like.
"When you look at the future work
force, the majority going in will be
minorities and women," Matlock said.
However, this is only the second time
in University history that women have
outnumbered men in a first-year class,

and there are twice as many men than
women in this year's entering class of
the College of Engineering.
"Proportionately, (the number of)
women enrolling at the undergraduate
level at Michigan has tended to be below
the national average - so this is simply
moving closer to the national norm, but
the difference is still relatively small,"
said Carol Hollinshead, director of the
Center for the Education of Women.
The number of enrolling minorities
this year is double what it was in 1986,
the year before the Michigan Mandate
was established. The Michigan
Mandate, initiated under then-President
James Duderstadt, is a University pro-
gram aimed at increasing minority

Minority Enrollment At its Highest Ever

Asian American
African American
Native American

The Class of 2000 is the second
class in a row to have more women
than men.

Minority enrollment at the University
jumped to 25.4 percent this year.
This year's figure is more than double
minority enrollment in 1986, the year
before the Michigan Mandate began.


KSU prof.
speaks. on
A "
By Jenni Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Diversity isn't necessarily race, cul-
ture or religion, said a national lecturer
on the topic of campus multiculturalism.
"Everything I've said about racism
can be extended to sexism, elitism and
ageism,' said James Boyer, a professor
of curriculum and American ethnic
studies at Kansas State University.
Boyer addressed the subject of
changing views of racial and cultural
differences on campus in his lecture
yesterday to the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs.
"It was an interesting speech," said
Jackie McClain, executive director of
human resources and affirmative action
for the University. "It was an arms'-
length view of the issues (and) a really
good perspective of the bigger picture."
Boyer opened his speech with statis-
tics on the different racial divisions in
the country, pertaining to poverty, edu-
cation and population rate.
"I've been a higher education person
for the last 25-plus years, and I've
watched the evolvement of our lives, our
country, the issues associated with race
and language and ethnicity and gender
and economics, and I'd like to offer
some ideas about that," Boyer said.
Boyer spoke for a little more than an
hour to the crowd of faculty members
and some graduate students.
"I was overpowered and stimulated,"
said Philip Meyers, professor of geo-
logical sciences. "He covered a lot of
Boyer discussed the changing face of
students on campus with regard to age.
"More than 30 percent of all univer-
sity students are not in the category of
ages 19 to 25. We are having an
increasing number of students intro-
duced to the university or come back to
the university who are in their 30s or
beyond," Boyer said.
"So that now we are in the midst of a
transition in terms of student popula-
tion, a lot of things, of policies, will


Steam fitter Mike Klapperich takes a closer look at just one of the steam tunnels that snake for miles just beneath the University.

Tunnels connect 'U' to heat and history

By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
Every morning at sunrise, Mike Klapperich picks
up his hard hat and flashlight to head to work. But
unlike the millions of Americans who report to an
office building with a scenic view, Klapperich's office
is six feet below the ground, and his only view is of
miles of steam and water pipes.
As students walk across campus to classes,
Klapperich and 18 other steam fitters work under-
ground to service and maintain the six miles of steam
tunnels that connect the University's central and med-
ical campuses together.
Not only do these tunnels connect underground and
provide heat from a central powerhouse to campus
buildings, but they are also a link to the University's past.

The narrow tunnels, which are about 6 feet tall and
7 feet wide, contain 29 miles of pipe that distribute
steam, hot water and condensation to all campus
buildings. Because none of the buildings on campus
has a boiler, the University is dependent on this sys-
tem to provide these utilities.
"(The system) generates electricity and steam with
the same fuel - natural gas," said Bill Verge, manag-
er of the University's utility systems. "The two sources
of energy out of one fuel source is very efficient."
Although students in the past had easy access to the
tunnels, today it is nearly impossible to take a trip
underground because of tight security measures.
"We are very concerned about the safety of the tun-
nel for students and the security of the building,"
Verge said. "In the past, students used to get in quite

often. Most of the time they were just fooling around."
Students caught trespassing in the tunnel could
potentially be charged with unlawful entry, a misde-
meanor charge, according to Department of Public
Safety officials.
But there was a moment in University history where
the tunnel served as more than a utility source.
It served as an escape route.
Under the administration of former University pres-
ident Harold Shapiro, who served in the 1980s, the
Board of Regents and Shapiro had to use the tunnel as
an escape route to bypass protesting students. The
regents were holding their monthly meeting in the
ballroom of the Michigan League when they were met
by an onslaught of angry students who were demand-
See TUNNEL, Page 7


By Will Weissert
Daily Staff Reporter
A resounding cry
almost all the parties
v a c a n t
S t u d e n t
Assembly seats
in this week's
e ions: Bring
bmthe real
Entree Plus.
B u t
financial offi-
cials said legal
Constraints hae left it

s say


use some work
Russell said that when Entree Plus
was accepted by non-University mer-
is coming from chants such as Wendy's and the
hoping to gain Michigan Union Bookstore, the
University and area
merchants needed a
"financial institution to
legally settle with the
third-party merchants."
Enter First of
America bank, which
presented the highest
bid of area banks -
and just like that, the
.cx University had the M-
"' Card and Entree Plus
s hands tied. and was confined to dorm snack bars and

CIA announces
officer betrayed top
secrets to Russia


The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - At the very time
in 1994 that top CIA officials were
touting new counterintelligence proce-
dures designed to prevent another dis-
aster like the Aldrich Ames spy case,
veteran case officer Harold Nicholson
was allegedly following in Ames' foot-
steps by betraying secrets to Russian
intelligence agents, depositing unex-
plained sums in his bank accounts and
running up big credit card bills.
Such brazen willingness to risk

portrayed Nicholson's arrest over the
weekend as proof that they had learned
their lesson after the humiliating Ames
case, some former CIA officials and
case officers warned it was too soon to
be certain of that.
On one hand, the FBI, exercising new
counterintelligence powers, caught
Nicholson and says it has overwhelm-
ing evidence against him, including a
surveillance videotape showing him
photographing classified documents.
The case shows that the CIA is much

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