4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 15, 1996 cFbe £(chigdui t nlg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ;Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors -r -Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily 's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY Drunken i Alcohol Awareness A he University sent students an impor- '' tant message this past week: Drink responsibly. This plea has been the central &-Theme of Alcohol Awareness Week, an Znnual event that the Substance Abuse :education Network, the Office of the Vice WPresident for Student Affairs, University Health Services and University Housing sponsors. The week's method of addressing the problem of college alcohol abuse con- stitutes a productive force in curbing reck- less drinking among students. The issue of abusive drinking among college students clearly warrants the atten- tion of the University. Alcohol Awareness -Week comes in the wake of several studies reporting that about two-fifths of college students are binge drinkers. The studies reveal that virtually all binge drinkers admit to suffering negative consequences, which range from hangovers to sexual assaults. 'Violence, unsafe sex, academic problems and traffic accidents on college campuses also frequently stem from irresponsible drinking. Maureen Hartford, vice president for Student Affairs told The Michigan Daily that such problems exist at the University. "Much of the research we've done on this campus and on campuses across the country suggests that our students are not that dif- ferent from other college students." The week's agenda is pragmatic - it ; informs students on alcohol abuse and the potential dangers of substance through var- ious presentations, including a self-help r panel, alcohol-related violence against women, alcohol and the law, and an exhibit on drunk-driving. The display of such real- istic consequences of careless drinking is an decisions Week helps students NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'We put a lot of hard work and time preparing the sign. Some people just seem to think they can ignore the law and do what they feel to our sign.' - LSA senior Haaris Ahmad, a member of the Muslim Students Association, reacting to the recent destruction of his organization's sign ]IM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST 1 BUTHE SAID "Two OFEVERYCREATU RE". / Z09 G Q LETTERS TO THE EDITOR effective means of reaching University stu- dents - many of whom have likely been exposed to the repercussions of substance abuse. Motivational speakers, often recovering alcoholics, lend a first-hand view of the negative consequences of substance abuse to the event. They serve to legitimize the rhetoric students hear on the issue of responsible drinking - bringing reality to the sordid statistics on substance abuse. Much of the country's recent campaign against college alcohol abuse has called for students to abstain from drinking. This popular approach proves unrealistic when one considers that 70 percent of American college students drink regular- ly. Such a chastising approach is more likely to make college students deaf to the issue of substance abuse than to diminish the problem. The University's Alcohol Awareness Week attacks the issue in a much more sen- sible fashion by encouraging students to examine their drinking habits and to modi- fy them, if necessary. The event is more than a mere forum for the University to preach to students; it also presents students with social alternatives to drinking includ- ing late-night organized sports and alcohol- free dance parties. This approach shows stu- dents that a high blood alcohol level is not a necessary part of social interaction. Through Alcohol Awareness Week the University takes an effective step toward lessening the problem of collegiate sub- stance abuse. Other institutions should establish similar programs to bring the important message to a wider audience of students. n frien~ds fnl pen A2 chapter with sexual orientation. However, PFLAG does not have a chap- ter in Ann Arbor. A University or a city chapter would help to foster a more under- standing environment. Many of the disputes that result on campus concerning sexual orientation are a result of lack of under- standing. PFLAG would help to combat discrimination based upon ignorance. Moreover, Ann Arbor has a large homo- sexual population; a local PFLAG chapter would cater to the needs of the family members. Although gays, lesbians and bisexuals are a minority, they do not merit the discrimination they receive. Studies show that about 10 percent of the popula- tion is homosexual. Although they have been striving to gain acceptance within the commu- nity, there is still a large major- rWIMSATT/ Daiyity who do not choose not to accept their differences. .- . ! Help fron PFLAG should c embers of Parents, Families and iI, Friends of Lesbians and Gays voted recently in favor of creating a second PFLAG chapter in Detroit. An increase in support of the existing chapter lead orga- rnizers to form the new group. In addition to opening a second PFLAG location in the Metro Detroit area, PFLAG should add an Ann Arbor chapter - it would enhance the current resources for gays and lesbians at e the University. PFLAG is an organization formed to promote health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual persons, as well as their family and friends. PFLAG works to accomplish these goals by working with the gay and lesbian segments of society, educating the public on homosexual issues, combating -discrimination, and securing equal civil rights. The organization, which has more than 400 national chapters, is an important resource for the furthering of the equal civil rights for gays and lesbians. "Overall, PFLAG works with people of all sexual orientations to break down the : stereotypes and misconceptions surround- ing homosexuality. The University has many resources to .assist the homosexual community. For 'example, the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual :.Programming Office has a noticeable pres- ,nce at the University. Its employees work to promote a tolerant atmosphere at the Jniversity and provide help for students. In iddition, the Queer Unity Project has many f the same goals as LGBPO. Together, the .. _rr c c_ - .rc rvrr- nn--.ii - : . t i m: a o Red Cross does not discriminate TO THE DAILY: In a recent letter to the editor, a student was con- cerned that the Red Cross was discriminatory because it did not allow homosexual men to donate blood, even though they may practice safe sex ("Red Cross discrim- inates against gays," 11/13/96). Although it is true that the spread of HIV has slowed down considerably among the gay community, there is still a hugely disproportionate number of gay men who have contracted HIV compared to other groups. Now in case people aren't aware, there is still no absolute 100-percent effective method of testing blood for HIV - Since the Red Cross can- not stop taking blood, they have to instill some measures to reduce the risk of contami- nation. I find the idea prepos- terous that the Red Cross is on some anti-gay campaign. If so, then why are gay women not excluded from giving blood? It is because they are not a high-risk group. If the day ever comes that HIV is not more com- mon among homosexual men than the rest of the popula- tion, than I am sure that the Red Cross will reverse its decision. For now, I find it disturb- ing that Ryan Lalonde would have the Red Cross allow a greater threat to the safety of the rest of the population because he is on some cru- sade to improve his leader- ship image now that he is in charge of the Queer Unity Project. DAMON KITTERMAN LSA JUNIOR 209 protest was not peaceful TO THE DAILY: While I agree with the Daily that the Prop. 209 pro- testers at the University of California at Berkeley were wrong by throwing their cam- pus newspaper in the foun- tain and burning them, I dis- agree that what else they did was justified ("Hanging from the tower" '11/11/96). I do not see how chaining to the clocktower and ringing it all night, disrupting the entire university, helps send the message against 209. I see it as a childish reaction for students who didn't get what they wanted. I do respect the right of papers). I am also confused about the Daily's interpretations of math. A significant majority of Californians, including myself, voted for 209, 54 per- cent strong. Yet the Daily says this is "far from an over- whelming endorsement" Maybe it is all part of this new math. DAVID TAUB LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Banner theft hurts LAW TO THE DAILY: I'm just writing you to let you know that earlier this week the Muslim Students Association put a banner up on the Diag letting the cam- pus community know that this week is Islam Awareness Week. During this week Muslims all over campus go out of their way to try and dispel the rumors and myths that surround the world's sec- ond largest religion. They hold lectures and put up dis- play boards telling the simple truths that they believe in. This banner was a beautiful invitation for all to come and learn about Islam. It took many hours of labor to design and paint. The Muslim Student Association was hop- ing to keep it for further use in the future. Unfortunately some peo- ple appear to not like the idea of living together peacefully in a community where every- one understands and accepts each others beliefs. You see, this banner was ripped down less than 24 hours after it was put up. Now I would normally not be that perturbed by this; I am nonconfrontational and I may have thought that per- haps it was just some drunks who pulled it down or a freak accident. However, this is not the first time such a thing has happened. Earlier this year, the Muslims Students Association put up a banner for their mass meeting. It too was ripped down. But not all at once, first the part telling where the meeting wasto be located, then the time, and finally the whole thing. I am appalled that such a thing could be done. Especially on campus ... heck on the Diag. Isn't there supposed to be some securi- ty? Doesn't the University value Islam as well as other religions? How can this hap- pen without anyone seeing it, or knowing about it? It angers me that these people can get away with such a thing. Are Muslims less than others? Is their work less meaningful? If this was another organization would there be more outrage? 'Big Head Todd' review lacks fairness To THE DAILY: In regard to your recent review of a concert by Big Head Todd and The Monsters ("Big Head Todd energizes Michigan," 11/11/96), 1 must say your coverage was dismal at best. As a fan of both the band Big Head Todd as well as music as a medium, I was dismayed by the lack of accu- racy and objectivity in your coverage of this fine concert. First and foremost, your article begins with a direct contradiction. The title would lead one to believe that this review would be a positive one, yet in reality it is an act of stereotyping and unsup- ported claims that falsely portrays this recent event. The theme around whic this review is based is that Big Head Todd and the Monsters created a state of boredom through their per- formance. This leads me to ask one simple question: Were you even at the show? The audience was on their feet throughout the perfor- mance visibly content with the musical variety. It seems awfully trivial to not only make a false claim such as boredom, but to also leave out some crucial points which highlighted the show. You fail to merely men- tion lead singer Todd Mohr's flawless performance on the guitar or the band's fine ren- dition of John Lee Hooker's "Boom Boom Boom." It is these actual occurrences, not your vague opinions, which deserve discussion in your review. Furthermore, your stereo- typing of the audience is completely uncouth. You refer to the audience as "fra- ternity heavy, hippie-laden, surreptitiously pot-smoking." This is completely untrue. At the performance I verbalized my surprise in the fact that the crowd seemed older than college age and rather clean cut. To generalize this audi- ence in terms of their pres- ence in the Greek system, their social nature, and their use of illegal substances leads me to wonder: Did you do a survey while at the per- formance? If not, how did you know that the majority of the crowd was in fraternities, was hippies, and was smok- ing pot. You generalized, which is completely unethi- cal. Finally, I commend your effort to gain support for- your claims by interviewing a band member, but who did you interview? The drummer. SHAKING THE TREE Hanging out 0 with Phish friends lends new perspective P hish was here last weekend, and it brought with it some cool peop from Syracuse. They reminded what being nice is all about.f- It was my friend Adelle and her boyfriend Matty. Adelle and Matty have been to about 25 Phishshows. They love thex band so much that they'd drop every- s,"_ -K thing to go see KATIE them. Even if it is HUTCHINS a 10-hour drive away. Adelle and Matty taught me a fw things about the way I used to lead my life and the way I should be living it now. They are all day, every day con- cerned about the environment, sexism, racism, Third World countries, inju- tice and freedom. Adelle is one of those hippie freaks so many people are fond of ridiculing. She's got a not-so-pretty car, plastered with bumper stickers: "Meat makes me sick." "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention "Join the army. Go to fun, exotic places, meet exciting, interesting peo- ple, and kill them." And so on. She gets pulled over the cops a lot.W She also wears her hair in dreadlocks sometimes. She makes her own clothes and jewelry - (except for her nose ring, which was store-bought). She never kills bugs, and she doesn't wear leather. She works in a children's store and she's goingrto Latin America through the Peace Corps. I brought this happy couple to Rendezvous to show them how w derful a double almond-flavored skim cappuccino can be. They ordered fresh fruit juice. Simple, natural. And when Matty spoke about the "greatesthmusic known to man," he was quick to correct his sexist slip: "The greatest music known to people. I'm sorry. I forgot." I don't know anyone like them here. Maybe Syracuse isn't nearly as chal- lenging as this school. Maybe tl'r gives them time to be crazy kids. A& know is, they don't take themselves too seriously, they are concerned about everything we all should be concerned about, and they also know how to have a good time. They bought all my housemates beer. Good beer - Sierra Nevada, Saranac, Long Shot. They made us eggplant parmesan for dinner. They bought meals for me at all my favorite rest rants. They went to the Arb - in tI weather - and enjoyed it. They also decided, while they were here, that they might as well go to the Grand Rapids Phish show. They're both in school, but figured they'd stick around and play a little while longer. I don't know many people who have time to go on a weekend road trip, let alone a week-long one. And I don't know many people who visit friends' homes with a cooler of beer for house, their own towels and blanket, and an insanely good attitude. Certainly there are people here who are dedicated to something valuable- even if it's not Phish or simple living. The College Democrats and College Republicans showed a lot of energy and perseverance thisaterm. The kids going on Alternative Spring Break trips - service trips sponsored b Project Serve - are doing a g thing. There are kids involved in the University Mentorship Program, ECB peer tutoring, and the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center. It's admirable to do these things while attending school full-time. But do ECB peer tutors also go on road trips, recycle everything and buy presents for their hosts? When they're not counseling assault survivors on the phone, are SAPAC volunteers alwzi nice? When we get caught up in causes and career goals, we sometimes forget the little things that make a dif- ference in the lives of those around us. That giving someone two cigarettes when they bum one off of you might be just as important as becoming a doctor. That smiling, saying "Hi," and holding doors open for people only take a few more seconds - but make a world of difference. We also forget about the little things we should be concerned about. We're going to be doctors, we're going to be civil rights lawyers, we're going to be rich so we can raise a good family. But what about those poor people with the buckets on the Diag? The ones collect- s Ni r 1__., 1ATT The need for a second Detroit chapter of PFLAG indicates that in addition to the support of 10 percent of the population, family members and friends are growing in support of the homosexual individuals with whom they are acquainted. This is an important factor in off-setting the discrimi- nation that homosexual individuals face throughout their daily lives. When gay, lesbians and bisexuals first reveal their sexual preference, their families and friends often feel uncertain about how to treat them. These individuals often feel alienated from their families as well. By expanding PFLAG, the organization is making great strides to see that their family n4- ior a.: ria4- trih iblt a m withenn I