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November 14, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-14

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Tonight: Mostly clear, low
around 20.
Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high
around 40°.

If lUll


One hundred six years of editorialfreedom

November 14, 1996

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than 20
ads stolen
kom Diag
0y Ait K. Thavarajah
Daily StaffReporter
Twenty-two canvas advertisements,
estimnated to be worth between $500 to
$600 total, were reported stolen from
the Diag on Tuesday. The canvas "Diag
boards" belonged to nine student
e Department of Public Safety is
currently investigating the crime, which
is believed to have taken place between
10 p.m. Monday and 10 a.m. Tuesday.
Michigan Advertising Works,
which rents the boards to students,
will compensate the students for
their loss, said manager Betsy
"We plan to give each of the student
groups whose signs were vandalized a
' spot next semester and free used
c vases to make their signs,"
Sundholm said yesterday.
"We also plan to pursue legally the
people who stole the signs if they are
DPS officials said they have no sus-
pects yet.
LSA senior Haaris Ahmad, a mem-
ber of the Muslim Students
Association, said he was not surprised
*he theft of the signs.
"this is the third year in a row that
Muslim Association has had its sign
ripped down. We're extremely disap-
pointed with the regularity this occurs,"
Ahmad said.
"It's not the money we're worried
about. We put a lot of hard work and
time preparing the sign. Some peo-
ple just seem to think they can
ignore the law and do what they feel
ttQur sign.
We are fed up with the whole mat-
ter," Ahmad said.
Michigan Student Assembly LSA
Rep. Dan Serota agreed with Ahmad.
"I'm running for re-election and
someone decides to take my signs
down. This will end up costing me
about $100," Serota said. "We could
redo the signs, but we put a great deal
of effort making them the first time
are not sure we can put that same
ort we put into the signs to begin
Even with MSA elections approach-
ing next week, Serota said the theft
won't have any repercussions beyond
the financial value.
"I don't think the theft will hurt my
re-election chances greatly' he said.
"Hopefully it won't have any effect at
all on the outcome of this election,
added Serota, who is running with the
Whigan Party.
Students purchase space to place an
advertisement in the Diag for approxi-
mately $30 a week.
Sundholm said she hopes this prob-
lem can be avoided in the future.
"We don't feel responsible for these
thefts because they are a random act by
individuals who made a poor choice,"
Sundholm said. "We plan to sit down
and take a long look at all of our
ions to prevent this from happening
Sundholm said MAW is looking at
the costs of these options.

See THEFT, Page 2A

U.S. ready to
aid refugees
U.N. force aims to secure
Rwanda-Zaire border

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton has decided "in principle" to
send U.S. troops and helicopters to
Central Africa as part of a Canadian-
led, multi-national military expedition
to help deliver aid to hundreds of thou-
sands of Rwandan refugees, the White
House announced yesterday.
The deployment would send as many
as 5,000 Army and Air Force personnel
to the volatile region along the
Rwanda-Zaire border where up to 1.1
million refugees are reportedly in des-
perate need of food, water and shelter.
The U.S. contingent would include up
to 1,000 U.S. ground troops sent to
secure an airport and a short stretch of

with the humanitarian consequences of
the genocidal, ethnic massacres that
ravaged Rwanda in 1994.
Clinton sent troops to Rwanda two
years ago on a relief mission similar to
the one contemplated now. At that time,
administration officials said they had
laid to rest the specter of the 1993 U.S.
mission in Somalia, a debacle that
many volunteer groups and relief agen-
cies feared would block the administra-
tion from ever becoming involved in
another African crisis spot.
Nevertheless, the administration
approached the latest request for help
with extreme caution. Clinton made his
decision under intense pressure from
Canada, France and U.N. Secretary

Mangled mete
Alessandro Pizzillo, who was recently admitted to the University's graduate business school, examines the crashed car
on the Diag yesterday. The display is part of Alcohol Awareness Week.
1 S S
Regents to discuss child
car, nwexecutive ps

road near the
refugee camps, and
the entire U.S.
force would stay
about four months.
"Any deploy-
ment of our forces
involves risk,"
Defense Secretary
William Perry said.
But he and other
officials expressed
hope that the oper-
ation would be
peaceful because
its purpose. is to
deliver food and
medical supplies,
not to intervene in

Clinton agreed to
BURUNItroops to Zaire to
secu'e the border.

General Boutros
Boutros-Ghali, and
after long hours of
heated discussions
within his adminis-
The hesitant
approach to this
effortatraces its
roots to Somalia in
the sense that an
ill-defined open-
ended military
involvement would
risk disaster.
McCurry said the
structure of the
U.S. effort "reflects
our desire to have a


By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
After weeks of intensive work on the presidential search, the
University Board of Regents will return to normalcy today.
During their regular monthly meetings today and tomorrow,
the regents will discuss several business items - with the
University Medical Center and child care high on the agenda.
Tomorrow, the board will vote on the creation of a new
executive officer position, known as the executive vice presi-
dent for medical affairs. First discussed at September's meet-
ing, the formal creation of this post now depends on the
regents' approval.
It would require the vote of the board to create this posi-
tion," said Vice President for University Relations Walter
Harrison. Harrison said that if the regents approve the new
position, a search committee will form within a few weeks.
with expectations that the position will be filled in approxi-
mately six to 18 months.
At today's meeting, the regents wil hear a series of speech-
es and presentations. Prof. Thomas Dunn, chair of the facul-
ty's governing body, will deliver an annual report on behalf of
the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs.
Dunn said he plans to say a few words about the regents'
decision to hire Lee Bollinger as the next University presi-

dent, but that most of his talk will relate to issues like facul-
ty governance, salary parity and Value Centered
Many on the faculty think the openness of the presidential
search was a net plus, Dunn said.
"Most of (the faculty) feel there is a point to the Open
Meetings Act selection of the president. ... The concept has
probably caught on to some degree as far as the faculty is
concerned," Dunn said.
Michigan Student Assembly President Fiona Rose and
Nursing School Dean Ada Sue Henshaw will talk about a
Child Care Task Force assembled to investigate child care
options at the University. Tomorrow, the regents are sched-
uled to vote on whether to adopt a $1-per-student fee hike to
fund daycare for the children of students.
Rose said she will also request the University pays match-
ing funds to those supplied by students. She said she thinks
the regents will be receptive to the child care options.
"[ feel good about it," Rose said. "I think they'll see the stu-
dents support this."
The regents will also review an external audit of University
finances, examine 1998 state budget requests and hear an
annual report on research activity from interim Vice
President for Research Frederick Neidhardt.

the tribal fighting that recently forced
the refugees out of their camps.
The total international force is likely
to consist of more than 15,000 troops
from a dozen countries, including
Britain, France and some African
nations, officials said.
White House spokesperson Mike
McCurry listed several cuestions still to
be answered and conditions to be met
before a final U.S. decision is made.
Assuming those matters are resolved
at a planning meeting to be held today
in New York, the Clinton administration
would for the second time in three years
send U.S. military forces to help cope

very carefully constructed mission that
avoids some of the pitfalls we've seen
in the past."
Yesterday, France and Britain wel-
comed Clinton's decision and
announced they would participate in
the relief mission. A Canadian general
is to be in operational command,
McCurry said, but U.S. forces will
remain under the command of U.S.
Pentagon officials said the U.S.
ground troops to be sent to Zaire prob-
ably will come from the light infantry
brigade of the Southern Europe Task
Force, based in Potenza, Italy.




Artists depict
By Stephanie Powell
Daily Staff Reporter
A personal experience came to life last night on the dance
Using a dance to show the plight of working mothers,
associate Prof. Jessica Fogel showed feeling through chore-
ography last night.
Upswell, a solo dance, symbolized the different stages of a
woman's life while she is expecting a child. Graduate student
instructor Terry Wilson acted out the progress from finding
out one is pregnant through childbirth to the repercussions on
her professional life of being a mother.
In a lecture, Fogel said she believes dance and movement
are important because they comprise a different form of com-
munication people may not be accustomed to.
"There is something very special about shaping one's own
vocabulary of movement and sharing it with an audience,"
Fogel said.
Wilson performed the six-minute dance twice - once
before Fogel's lecture and once after. The dance included
movements counting down the number of months until labor,
going through the adtual tabor and showing a baby's first
Fogel and Wilson used their own pregnancies and children
as inspiration.
Because Fogel cannot dance because of a strain incurred
while giving birth last year, Wilson danced in her place.
However, the mostly female audience said they understood
Fogel's personal emotions nonetheless.
"I thought the'dance was very informative. By listening to
the lecture I got a better perspective of the dance through the
choreographer's eyes," said LSA sophomore Deepa Ambekar.
The dance began by showing the joy of finding out one is
nrprnnt nd nririwit th cniole f rvsing o it iggle

at diversity
® 60 students gather on campus for
videoconference on 'isms'
By Ann Stewart
Daily Staff Reporter
Ability or disability. Age. Class. Gender. Geographic
region. Race. Religion. Sexual orientation. These were
among the elements that compose diversity at last night's
nationwide videoconference event on campus.
About 60 students gathered to watch a videoconference
broadcast at colleges across the country that centered around
"isms" on campuses and the ways change can be made
toward more diversity.
The conference featured Ronald Takaki, University of
California at Berkeley professor and author of the book "A
Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America."
Takaki talked about the need for diversity requirements for
graduation in university curricula and making diversity an
"intellectual project."
Prof. Michael Dyson, of the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill and author of "Between God and Gangsta Rap:
Bearing Witness to Black Culture," were also on the panel.
Dyson said "isms," such as racism and sexism, put one
group in a position of power over others.
"They are about power and they are about privilege given
to difference," Dyson said.
The videoconference panel also included two student
activists. Mindy Michels from American University and Jose
Palafox from Berkeley related experiences they had at their
universities to the discussion on diversity.
Palafox was part of protests at Berkeley against
Proposition 209, which eliminated affirmative action at pub-
lic institutions last week.
"I think of my three younger sisters and what messages
this sends to them in terms of equality," Palafox said.
The panelists defined diversity as a recognition of "differ-
ences" between all people on campus. They said diversity has
advantages and disadvantages. "It invites us to acknowledge


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