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November 12, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-12

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Tonig: Mostly cloudy, low
nears2y .
Tbmon lm Mostly cloudy, flur-
ries, 'hgh 350.

One /wndred six years of editofrilfreedom

November 12, 1996

ill I slaullilass igi

fhr service
to country
By Hattr Kamins
DailyStaff Reporter
As in an intricately choreographed dance,
bes of the Tri-Service Color Guard
red an American flag on the Diag and
fought a freezing wind as they raised the new
The traditional flag ceremony was held
yesterday morning to honor veterans of the
armed forces on Veterans Day.
To start the ceremony, Air Force ROTC
Cadet 1st. Lt. Gregg Olsowy explained the
significance of the day.
"On Veterans Day it is important to take a
moxnent and reflect on the contributions vet-
s have made to our country," said
Olsowy, an LSA junior.
"FRpm the beginning of the United States
of America, veterans have made enormous
sacrifices to preserve the freedoms we enjoy
today," Olsowy said.
World War 11 veteran and former prisoner
of iar Ralph Miller was invited to address
the cadets and students at the ceremony to
give a personal perspective on being a soldier
Fifty years ago I was in a condition where
my life was in danger. We never knew
whether or not we would make it back,"
Miller said.
"In my experiences I came close to losing
my life four times. I hope in my greatest






to seal

Members of the Reserve Officer Training Corps led a flag ceremony yesterday in honor of veterans of the armed forces. Yesterday's ceremony
was the first of two ceremonies that are performed in their honor.

hopes that none of (the ROTC cadets) have to
go through the experience I had to," he said.
Miller's fighter plane was shot down over
Germany. He evacuated his plane by parachute
and then was captured by the enemy, he said.
"I had some bad experiences and some
very good experiences that I remember
there,' Miller said.
"The Germans were not difficult to deal

with as long as I paid attention."
After a year the Russians entered his camp
and occupied the area. For two weeks Miller
stood guard with the Russian troops.
"Living with the Russians for two weeks
was an experience I hope that none of you
young men will ever have to live with,"
Miller said.
Later, Miller traveled the rough seas of the

North Atlantic on a victory ship home and
said he felt extreme elation at the first sight
of American icons such as the flag.
"The Statue of Liberty was really some-
thing to see as we entered the harbor," Miller
Miller said Veterans Day is set aside to
honor the men and women in the armed
See VETERANS, Page 2

By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
A little after 2 p.m. today. the presidential search is set to
close down - for good.
The public meeting is the last chapter in the 14-month
search for the University's new leader.
The University Board of Regents is
expected. to officially approve Lee
Bollinger as the next University presi-
dent at today's meeting. They also will
vote on a formalized contract detailing
the conditions of his service.
Regent Shirley McFee (R-Battle
Creek) said the last week has been
spent fine-tuning Bollinger's contract
for the presidency. She said there have
been no "significant" obstacles in the Bollinger
"We're anticipating it will be a
pleasant formality," McFee said of today's meeting.
University spokesperson Kim Clarke said the meeting's
format will be pretty simple and will be conducted quickly.
"The regents will take a vote whether to select him or not
- I think it's safe to say they will.' Clarke said.
Clarke said the meeting will be followed by a 3 p.m. pub-
lic reception in the ballroom of the Michigan Union.
McFee said negotiations also have involved Regent Nellie
Varner (D-Detroit), search consultant Malcolm MacKay and
Jackie McClain, the University's director of human resources
and affirmative action.
McFee said MacKay has "been the principal liaison" from
the University to Bollinger.
"It's been an easy communications process, and all the
other regents have been brought into this as well," McFee
Though the outcome of today's meeting may be a foregone
conclusion, its significance should not be underestimated.
said Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor).
1I think it's an important meeting and an important for-
mality." Power said.
Vice President for University Relations Walter Harrison
said contracts with presidents are often more complex and
specific than those for other University officials.
"I would say that a president's contract would have all of
the elements of an executive officer's agreement ... but it's
probably going to have much more, detail? Harrison said.
Performance reviews, moving expenses and contract
renewal stipulations could all be topics in the new president's
contract, Harrison said.
Power said he does not expect issues relating to the search
to carry into the regents' regular monthly meeting this
Thursday or Friday, or into any other meetings in the future.
"Things can always happen that you don't expect, but I
don't expect there to be any loose ends to be tied up after
tomorrow," Power said.
Power, who was one of the newer regents during the search
to hire former President James Duderstadt, declined to com-
pare the previous contract negotiations with Bollinger's.
"The discussion of this contract has gone very rapidly ...

Winter wonderland blankets
- campus, state early i season

By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
At 8 p.m. last night the world suddenly turned
As the streets filled with snow, students slipped
and slid to the library and back home.
"Wow! I've never seen snow like this' said
LSA first-year student Sarah-Elizabeth Langford.
"It's just amazing. In Atlanta when we get a half
an inch of snow, everything shuts down.
Everything. There is only one snowplow in the
whole town;' Langford said.
Other students were not as enthusiastic as
Langford about the sudden snowfall.
"I'm from California and I hate the snow;" said
LSA sophomore Dan Henig. "I'm really pissed off

right now because I can't walk in it. I almost fell
Engineering first-year student Nefertari
Thomas, a native of Delaware, said that in her
hometown snow never comes this early - if at all.
"1 hate it because I am not used to this crap this
early in the year." Thomas said.
Some took advantage of the sudden snowfall
and started a friendly snowball fight in front of
South Quad.
"I think it is important to make constructive use of
the snow if we are going to have to deal with it any-
way? said LSA first-year student Christian Hoard.
"I think that it is a lot of fun at this point, but I'm
sure I'll get sick of it."
See WEATHER, Page 7

sp _
Jean goodwin, a Paw Paw, Mich. resident, clears snow off cars at a dealership
yesterday. Paw Paw received more than 18 inches of snow due lake-effect storms.

Professors abducted
in day of protest'

Counterfeit football
tickets increase for-
big home games

By Jffrey Kowweff
Daily Staff Reporter
Professors were "kidnapped" and
Odents were locked in a wooden cage
the Diag yesterday.
This was not a flashback to the '60s
- it was a day of protest held by the
campus chapter of Amnesty
The group collected signatures on
the Diag to call for the release of inter-
national prisoners. To attract attention,
the group staged kidnappings of profes-
sors during six classes and then spoke
to the classes about human rights viola-
ms. Members of Amnesty
International stood in cages on the Diag
where they collected signatures for
"Along with getting people to sign
petitions, it is one of the more effective
ways to raise awareness," said Kari
Nicewander, co-coordinator of the cam-
pus chapter of Amnesty International.
After members of the group "abduct-
" the professors, they spoke to the
ses about political kidnappings, tor-
ture and murders for a few minutes.
"Around the world every day, people
vanish as if they never existed,"
Nicewander said to Prof. Crisca
Bierwert's Native American cultural
a-thrrinn- rhcl."h are sinnped

Nicewander said.
When the professors were
approached by kidnappers at the end of
class, many students found it humorous
and some were not sure what to make
of the abduction.
"I thought it was something to do
with our class to make a point about
abductions," said Lisa Pang, an LSA
junior and a student in Bierwert's class.
The circulated petitions called for the
release of prisoners in three countries.
One petition protested the "political
imprisonment" of three political
activists in Burma.
The other petitions spoke of similar
abductions, including the kidnapping of
sociologist San San Htay in Syria, who
was arrested for handing out political
pamphlets, and Chief Gani Fawehinmi
in Nigeria, whose political involvement
caused his arrest.
Members of Amnesty International
said they were discouraged-by the apa-
thy of many students.
"People just are not listening" said
RC graduate Sara Potter, an Amnesty
International member. "They just don't
think it is worth their time to write their
name on a piece of paper, and they
would rather go off to class"
However, ,Potter said Amnesty
International is successful regardless of

By Ryan White
Daily Sports Writer
Buying a ticket on the street for this
weekend's Michigan-Penn State foot-
ball game may not guarantee a seat in
the stadium.
At least 50 counterfeit tickets were
printed and distributed for Michigan's
last home game, Nov. 2 against
Michigan State, and Department of
Public Safety offi-
cials are expecting
the same this The
"The only way to be sur
be sure (your tic ket
is real) is to buy ticket I
from the University
said Elizabeth Hall, buy fro
DPS spokesperson.
Althoug h Unive
Saturday s game is
virtually sold out.
the Michigan
Athletic Ticket
Office still had some single seats avail-
able yesterday afternoon.
The Michigan State tickets discov-
ered last weekend were all in the same

Some students said scalping tickets is
a common occurrence, especially on
the day of a home football game.
LSA first-year student Robert
Michelotti said he scalps tickets and
does not believe it is wrong.
"I don't think it's a problem because
I scalp tickets a lot too," said
Michelotti, who bought his ticket from

only way to
e (your,
is real) is to
Pm the
-- Elizabeth Hall
DPS spokesperson

t h e
for this
home- foot-
ball Ygame
Penn State.
"It's cap-
"Yo u 'r e
trying to
m a k e

Michelotti said selling fake tickets
was wrong and that students probably
do not sell counterfeit tickets.

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