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November 07, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-07

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onight: Cloudy with rain
likely, low around 40°.
omorrow: Mostly cloudy, high
in the mid to upper 40s.

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One hundred six' years of editorilfreedom

November 7, 1996

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fter 2
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
The University will soon wave goodbye to
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), who has
syd 24 years and worked with three University
The outspokenly conservative three-term
regent was swept out of the board by the coat-
tails of victories by President Clinton and U.S.
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) Tuesday night.
Two Democrats, Olivia Maynard and S.
Martin Taylor, secured the open spots in a race
that was too close to call early yesterday morn-
ing. As of yesterday afternoon, with 98 percent
of the votes tabulated, it was reported that
(Wnard and Taylor had captured 27 percent and
25 percent of the vote, respectively.
Baker, who was seeking his fourth term, drew
23 percent of the vote, with fellow Republican
and University alum Mike Bishop trailing close-
ly behind with 21 percent of the vote.


years, Baker loses

board seat

"I feel very gratified to have served the
University for 24 years," Baker said yesterday.
"It is an institution that is respected worldwide
and to serve on its governance board is not an
honor everyone has."
Two of the eight seats on
the board were up for con-
tention: Baker's and one
vacated by Regent Nellie y
Varner (D-Detroit), who
announced last year thatL
she would not seek a third _
term as regent.
A regent's term lasts for
eight years.
"In Baker and Varner, we
will lose two people who Baker
between them have 40 years
of experience," said Walter
Harrison, vice president for University relations.
"We'll miss that experience and dedication"

Baker, who said he was not surprised by the
loss, attributed a poor Republican showing at the
booths Tuesday as a main factor in his defeat.
" think many
Republicans stayed
away from the polls
and a lot of the ..IMeW
Democrats came to
the polls," Baker said.
"Most of these people t
voted straight-ticket
and it was impossible Y
to avoid that hurricane
of votes." - Regen
University adminis-
trators and other
regents met the news
of Baker's loss with praise for his service, but at
the same time, many felt it was time for a change
of guard on the board.
"Regent Baker has served the University and he

has served it well," said James Duderstadt. fonner
University president. "Perhaps after 24 years, it's time
to let someone else serve.

t o avoid
..ane of
t Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor)

"Sooner or later, all things
will come to an end."
"I'll miss Deane for the
institutional memory he pro-
vides," said Regent Daniel
Horning (R-Grand Haven).
"I have all the admiration in
the world for him for having
served for so long."
John Truscott, spokesper-
son for Republican Gov.
John Engler, said that
although the governor had
criticized Baker in the past

good to have new blood," Truscott said.
Psychology Prof Louis D'Alecy agreed that.
the board would benefit from fresh views.
"Over the last 24 years. (Baker) did a lot of
good things." D'Alecy said. "[ie was a strong
voice for the University, especially for certamin
The addition of two Democrats to the board
shifts the partisan affiliation in their fav r.
Currently, the board is evenly divided between
four Republicans and four Democrats. Of the
four Republicans who serve on the. current
board. Baker is the only outspoken conservative,
opposing the Code of Student Conduct and vot-
ing against providing health benefits to same-
sex couples.
The last time the party alliance was in favor of
the Democratic party was in 1994, when six
Democrats occupied seats on the board.
Regents said however, that party affiliation is
See BAKER, Page 7A

for his role in Duderstadt's resignation, Engler
still supported Baker's campaign.
"We supported Deane Baker over the
Democrats, but the governor has always said it's

9teal UC
Aanet Adamy
Daily StaR' Reporter
Nearly the entire press run of the
University of California at
Berkeley's student newspaper was
stolen early Tuesday morning by a
group apparently angered by the
newspaper's endorsement of
Proposition 209, which will end
affirmative action in public institu-
tions in California.
Uhe Daily Californian Editor in
Chief Mike Coleman said the newspa-
per "found it a little fishy that most of
the newspapers had movedI out by 8
a.m" Coleman said he believes thieves
trailed the delivery cars waiting for the
papers to be dropped off and then made
off with nearly 22,000 of. 23,000
The newspaper ran an editorial
jnday supporting Proposition 209,
ch passed on Tuesday. The
Californian ran the editorial again
on Tuesday with an editor's note
after 4,000 copies of the paper were
stolen Monday afternoon.
"We knew full well when we ran the
editorial that it was going to stir the
campus," Coleman said. "That's just
the kind of campus this is."
Coleman said he is not sure exact-
ly who was involved with the theft.
W Daily Californian reported yes-
ay that a student saw three indi-
viduals he identified as members of
the Coalition to Defend Affirmative
Action By Any Means Necessary
near a newspaper rack at 6:45 on
Tuesday morning.
In addition, Coleman said an
anonymous caller left a message on
his voice mail late Tuesday claiming
responsibility for the theft and warn-
that the paper should "consider
w at stances you take."
Despite attempts by The Daily
Californian staff to guard the papers,
a large rack of papers was thrown
into a fountain yesterday during an
antis209 rally held on Sproul Plaza,
a. campus forum for free speech.
Four hundred protesters attended the
rally, which took to the streets and
passed by The Daily Californian's
4 ice.
goleman was drawn away from a
telephone interview yesterday
because he said he could hear pro-
testers chanting "Fuck the Daily."
Coleman said the staff prepared
themselves for the demonstration by
keeping thF front door of the press
building closed and plastering the
windows with paper, but that the
crowd was not "out of control."
niversity of Michigan philosophy
Prf. Carl Cohen said that while the
theft reflects badly on the anti-
Proposition 209 group, it is not likely to
have a substantive impact on the out-
comes of affirmative action.
"The blockage of opinion is

Public search
process may have
helped Bollinger

Katie Sjogren, an Art junior, sews a dress for the common play "Ghosts" yesterday in the
Sjogren works in the shop as part of her work study assignment.

Power Center prop shop.

By Jodi S. Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's first open presiden-
tial search, with its lack of private dis-
cussions between the regents and final-
ists, may have helped Dartmouth
Provost Lee Bollinger capture the 12th
University presidency.
Since several members of the board
already knew Bollinger from his seven-
year term as Law School dean, they
didn't need private sessions to get to
know him.
"There is no doubt in my mind that
Lee Bollinger is our man," said Regent
Daniel Horning (R-Grand Haven) dur-
ing his endorsement of the Dartmouth
Ilt'dunfortunate for the other can-
didates. This is a time in Michigan's
history where' we have to have a
president who can hit the ground
running," Horning said.
Bollinger spent 21 years at the
University before he left for New
Hampshire in 1994.
While it's
likely that
Bollinger still There
may have been
chosen in a am kin

the process to Lee. There is a cause
and effect there."
One of the other four finalists,
Provost Larry Faulkner of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, criticized a court man-
date requiring the meetings be open.
He said the lack
of private interac-
tion between
regents and the
candidates also
affected the final-
"You learn so
little that you can't
know enough
about the institu-
BSolinger non when it comes
time to make a
decision:" Faulkner said.
Provost J. Bernard Machen said he
thought Bollinger would have been
chosen under any search process.
"At the end of the day, they may well
have chosen him under any search con-

Dems capture state House

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
Republican forces in the state House lost representa-
tives - and impact - as a result of Tuesday's elections.
Now in control of Michigan's House of'
Representatives, Democrats are expected to challenge
the power Republican Gov. John Engler has wielded for
the past two years.
Frustrated with GOP opposition in the state House, Senate
and governor's office, Michigan Democrats have fallen short
of votes for pet legislation in education, environmental pro-
tection and health card.
"It's very likely that a lot of legislation that I've (writ-
ten) will go through now," said state Rep. Liz Brater (D-
Ann Arbor).
Brater was elected to her third term Tuesday.
Democrats have pledged to increase funds for adult educa-
tion, put police officers on the streets, raise the state mini-
mum wage and push tax cuts targeted toward the middle
class. Many said renewed Republican leadership in the House
would deny Michigan residents a needed balance of power in
state government.

Republicans have expressed concerns about future
gridlock and uncontrolled spending with a Democratic
Engler spokesperson John Truscott said the Legislature
in the past two years has been "historic" and successful.
"Nobody can remember more productive legislative ses-
sions in Michigan," Truscot said.
Republicans and Democrats jointly guided the House
in the 1992-93 session. In 1994, the GOP pulled ahead
for the first time in 28 years.
Bipartisan cooperation in the House "depends on
Speaker (Curtis) Hertel (D-Detroit)," Truscott said. The
re-elected state representative is expected to take the
gavel as Michigan's new speaker of the House.
Truscott said he anticipates some conflicts in funding
issues regarding the state's department of transportation.
Republicans and Democrats seem to be at odds over how and
where to save money, he said.
Brater said Democrats may push a bill to re-evaluate the
way the state assesses the risks of toxins, expanding the
assessment pool of citizens at risk to include women and chil-
See HOUSE, Page 5A


less open
s e 1 e c t i o n
process, the
structure used
by the board
helped his
said Vice
President for
Relations Walter H

spillover of the
process to Lee. "
- Walter Harrison
Vice president
for University relations

ditions." Machen
said. "The
strengths that he
brings to this
University would
make him attrac-
tive to us under
any search
B oIl in g e r
would not com-
ment on whether
the open process
helped him, not-
ing that . he
other candidates'


couldn't see the

"Since the regents had so little interviews or town-hall meetings.
knowledge of the candidates, it "I think other people have a broader
seemed clear that the one who had a perspective on the pluses and minuses
prior track record with them would of the open process, and I would want
have an inside track," Harrison said. to engage in a discussion with them to
"There was some kind of spillover of See SEARCH, Page SA

200 students celebrate Diwali
at Stockwell with food, prayer

By Prachish Chakravorty
Daily Staff Reporter
Stockwell's Blue Lounge was trans-
formed by lights, balloons, decorations
and an idol last night into the site of a
Hindu ceremony celebrating Diwali,
the festival of lights that marks the start
of the Hindu new year.
Organized by the Michigan chapter
of the Hindu Students Council, the
event featured a prayer ceremony fol-
lowed by homemade Indian food that
had first been blessed.
The ceremony, which attracted about
200 people dressed in everything from
casual clothes to formal, traditional

is a member of the University's HSC
core group, said that the event was also
aimed at keeping Hindu culture alive.
"(The event is held) to allow Hindu
students on campus to come together
and celebrate Diwali, which they usual-
ly celebrate at home but don't get a
chance to at college," Agarwal said.
LSA first-year student Shruti Puri
said the event was important in main-
taining ties to her culture.
"I thought (the event) was a really
good idea. Being far away from home I
thought it's a really good way to keep
connected with'the culture and what's
going on," Puri said.

- everyone gets into it."
LSA first-year student Alexandra
Beradi said she found the presentation
"I was really happy about (the inter-
pretation of the prayers) because I did-
n't really know much about it" Beradi
said. "I'm glad they explained it."
LSA sophomore Christopher Jones
agreed. "I thought it was really interest-
ing. I really like to learn about other
religions and I thought this was a great
opportunity," Jones said.
In addition to the Diwali prayers, the
organization provides weekly forums for
students interested in Hinduism.
"Gues~t sneakers will come in. We



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