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November 06, 1996 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-06

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 6, 1996 - 7A

State Rep. Mary Schroer greets the press at a victory party last night at Ann Arbor Brewing Company.
Schroer declared an unofficial victory over Republican challenger David Felbeck early this morning.
n ndstrict race

Brater holds
House seat
By Prachlsh Chakravorty
and Brain Elias
Daily Staff Reporters
In the race for Ann Arbor's 53rd State House
District, incumbent Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor)
defeated Republican challenger and political
newcomer Chris Schmitt by 42 percentage
points to secure a second term in Lansing.
Brater, whose campaign included an empha-
sis on education and the environment, both
popular issues among students, obtained 71
percent of the vote, with 45 of 51 precincts
reporting as of 3:30 a.m.
"I'm very happy and very grateful to the vot-
ers for sending me back to Lansing;" Brater
said. "I'm looking forward to continuing to
work with my constituencies to make progress
on the issues we all care so much about."
Trailing Brater nearly three-to-one, Schmitt
conceded victory just past midnight.
"I compliment her on sticking to the issues
throughout this campaign," Schmitt said. "I
hope she works hard for the district, and I hope
she appreciates the opportunity she's been
given. We have good people serving us, and
they deserve our support:'
Schmitt, who graduated from the University
in August with degrees in political science and
economics, campaigned on his ability to relate
to student concerns.
But Brater also appealed to students.
Brater said frequent interaction with the
University community was important in devel-
oping a better idea of student concerns.
"I have a long history of working with stu-
dents both as an educator on campus and with
student groups," Brater said.
"Liz's message resonates with students,"
said Lisa Dedden, Brater's campaign manager.
"What's important to her is also important to
Angie Farleigh, School of Natural
Resources and the Environment senior, agreed
with Dedden.
"I know that Liz Brater is for issues tradi-
tionally important for students,' Farleigh said.
"She's got a great voting record."'
Brater's overwhelming victory was also in
part due to Schmitt's inexperience, which drew
some criticism from students.
"His whole campaign was, 'I learned this in
class and therefore it'll work in the Michigan
legislature,"' said LSA senior Ilona Cohen. "It

Dy Janet Adamy
and Megn Exley
Daily Staff Reporters
Democratic incumbent state Rep. Mary
Schroer declared an unofficial victory in the
,.52nd District after leading Republican contender
David Felbeck by approximately 30 percent of
-the vote early this morning.
. At about 3:30 a.m. with 48 of 54 precincts
porting, Schroer led by a 30-point margin.
Schroer said that despite being tired, she felt
"good" about her victory.
"I think it shows that people appreciate the
work I do for them," Schroer said. "Having them
feel good about it makes me
Sehroer said she did not
run a "high-priority cam-
paign,' and that her cam-
paign spent less than
$40,000 on publicity.
Schroer said that avoiding a
negative campaign, and not
talking about her opponent,
led her to victory.
Felbeck Schroer said she will be
placing a high priority on
health care and the need for affordable tuition.
She also said she will continue her emphasis on
environmental and educational issues.
"We can't price kids out of education here at
We University," Schroer said. "When kids gradu-
ate owing that much money, it limits career
options of young people today."
While there was a strong turnout at the
Democratic victory party held at the Ann Arbor
Brewing Co., many students in attendance were
unfamiliar with Schroer.
Kelley Rector, a first-year student in the
School of Music, said her party affiliation led her
to vote for Schroer.
"She's a Democrat," Rector said. "What was
Aur other choice?"

Michigan Student Assembly President Fiona
Rose said she had strongly endorsed Schroer
before the victory had been declared.
"She has done fabulous things for the 52nd
District and has done wonderful things for the
University" Rose said. "It would be a wise
choice to return her to her position"
Ann Arbor resident Mary Long said Schroer
was re-elected because she's "smart and does her
"I think that Mary has been great voice in
Lansing for Washtenaw County because she not
only represents parts of the city of Ann Arbor, but
rural parts, because she bears concerns about
education and environment."
Republican opponent David Felbeck, a
University professor in the College of
Engineering, lagged behind Schroer, holding
down only 35 percent of the vote at 3:30 this
morning. Though he was losing, he refused to
concede the race at 12:30 a.m.
"Though we anticipated the results to come in
slow in, we ultimately will not have finality until
tomorrow morning," said Felbeck before leaving
the wrap-up party for the evening. "Technically,
our percentage is gradually increasing." He was
reluctant to comment about any future plans in
Felbeck emphasized his concern for the results
of the many races throughout the state.
"I think people don't realize how important
state government elections really are," Felbeck
said. "In order to keep the state government fis-
cally sound, we need to keep Republicans in con-
trol of the (state) House. This is one of the rea-
sons I chose to run in the first place."
Felbeck said he had difficulty getting feedback
from his constituents, and noted this as one
aspect of his campaign that could have been
"I think one area we were delinquent in was
meeting with smaller groups of people in the
area," Felbeck said.

Liz Brater celebrates her successful bid to keep her seat in the state House. Republican chal-
lenger Chris Schmitt, a University alum, conceded victory just after midnight last night.

doesn't work like that"
But Brater didn't focus on Schmitt's inexpe-
rience and was more interested in the tact that
Schmitt had become involved in politics.
"I think its really important for people to
take part in the democratic process and I look
forward to talking about the issues with any-
one, on a public forum," Brater said.
Schmitt agreed. He said losing at the polls
didn't mean his message was lost.
"It is very important for young people to get
involved," he said. "Just because this young
person lost doesn't mean that every young per-
son will."
Schmitt also said he was very proud of both

his and Rep. Brater's campaigns.
"Both (Rep. Brater and myself) showed that
even today races can be based on issues, not
attacks," Schmitt said.
Brater said her victory means she can contin-
ue to promote her agenda during her second
term, including working for increased funding
for education, more stringent environmental pro-
tection and health care for Michigan residents.
As for Schmitt, the end of the campaign
brings a change of pace, but not of attitude.
"Even though I wasn't voted in doesn't mean
I'm going to stop trying to make a difference"
Schmitt said. "Tomorrow, I'll sleep. ThenI'll
sit back and evaluate my options."

Chief justice leads court race

DETROIT (AP) -The chief justice of the state
Supreme Court was leading in early returns yes-
terday for another term on the court. Two other
candidates were battling for the second open seat
on Michigan's highest court, while incumbents led
Court of Appeals races.
Voters had to pick two Supreme Court justices
for eight-year terms from among seven candidates.
With 14 percent of precincts reporting, Chief
Justice James Brickley, a Republican, had 26 per-
cent, or 201,785 votes.
Court of Appeals Judge Marilyn Kelly, a
Democrat, held a narrow lead over Republican
Hilda Gage. Each had 20 percent, but Kelly had
155,499 votes to Gage's 151,806.
Democrat William Murphy had 16 percent.
ndependent Jessica Cooper and Libertarians Jerry
Kaufman and David Raaflaub trailed.
Going into the election, the high court consisted
of three Democrats, three Republicans and Justice
Charles Levin, an independent who is retiring.
Many believe this election could set the philo-
sophical tone of the court for years.
Voters also were choosing 10 judges for the 28-
member state Court of Appeals - three judges
each from the i st and 2nd districts and four from
the 4th, including one partial term. Each voter on
#e full-term elections could make three selections.

With 6 percent of precincts reporting in the 1st
District, Maureen Reilly of Grosse Pointe Park had
26 percent, or 28,574 votes, and Robert Young Jr.
of Grosse Pointe Park had 22 percent, or 23,992
votes. Both are incumbents.
Fewer than 3,000 votes separated the next three
candidates. Former state Sen. John Kelly from
Grosse Pointe had 18 percent, or 19,911 votes,
while incumbent Harold Hood of Detroit had 17
percent, or 18,429. Wayne County circuit Judge
Kathleen MacDonald of Grosse Pointe Woods had
16 percent, or 17,173 votes.
In the 2nd District, with 12 percent of precincts
reporting, Mark Cavanagh of Royal Oak had 30
percent, or 65,747 votes; E. Thomas Fitzgerald of
Owosso had 29 percent, or 63,399 votes; and
Henry Saad of Birmingham had 23 percent, or
49,968 votes. Wayne Circuit Judge Mary
Chrznaowski of Clinton Township in Macomb
County had 18 percent.
With 18 percent of precincts reporting, 4th
District incumbent Barbara MacKenzie of
Petoskey had 30 percent, or 78,090 votes; incum-
bent Richard Griffin of Traverse City had 29 per-
cent, or 75,621 votes; and incumbent Donald
Holbrook Jr. of Lansing had 29 percent, or 74,975
votes. Challenger Gary Field of Williamston, an
attorney, had 13 percent.

Inte ntslows
down as millions
check results
Web sites offering up-to-the-minute
results; discussions of races cause
slow down
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - It was the "mother of all
nights" for the Internet yesterday as millions logged in to
check the election totals or chat about the outcome.
Things on the Web normally tend to slow down a little
towards supper time anyway, but by 7 p.m. Ann Arbor time
the wait for some sites was molasses-slow, while others
poured only slightly more easily onto the screen.
The CNN All Politics site popped up with a minimum of
wait compared to some. Executive producer Mike Riley said
they'd been adding computers all day to handle the addition-
al load.
"We walked in the door this morning and traffic started
spiking, which we expected. It's probably the biggest night
- the mother of all nights - for the Net. I'd say we're on
track for 30 to 40 million hits (visits) and I imagine tomor-
row's going to be even heavier," he said from Atlanta.
MSNBC's much vaunted news site was giving users up-to-
the-minute election results - if they could get in. At 8:30
p.m. only about every other attempt to access the site suc-
ceeded, and the shift from one page to another within
MSNBC was excruciatingly slow for those using the most
common 28.8 speed modems.
"Bottom line, we're blowing out usage around the Net,
said James Kinsella, general manager of MSNBC on the
Although frustrating to those left waiting, Kinsella saw the
crush around the doors as the dawning of a new age. "This
election night feels quite frankly like the validation that TV
got from the Nixon-Kennedy debates. It is extraordinary. I
don't want to sound hyperbolic about it, but Yowza! This is a
defining moment for the Web as a part of our public dis-
course;' he said from the MSNBC offices in Redmond,

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