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October 31, 1996 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-31

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6B - The ichigan Daily Weekes:dItaazies-ThursdayOc O er 31, 1996
* AbutTown zrs
N. Campus Ford Library offers
cornocopla o pres. research

The Michigan DaiyWeekend
* Ballot' Around the Country
On the nation's ballots: ,term limits, bet

By Hu-Jin Kim
Daily Ars Writer
Many students are aware of possibly the University's most
famous alum, as well as the University's Most Valuable
Football Player in 1934 - former President Gerald Ford.
However, students may not be familiar with the expansive
research opportunities offered at the Gerald R. Ford Library.
The library is open to everyone: students, teachers, attorneys,
journalists, mass media productionists and interested citi-
There is one catch: The library is prob-
ably one of the few places on campus
where studying is unwelcome, though it eral
may be the ideal place to study with its
serene atmosphere and contemporary fur- We:p1
nishings. The library's facilities are strict- Northampus.k
ly for research purposes only. V h M
Nestled among trees and bushes with Frday,8:45 a.m
fall leaves of gold, crimson and bronze, V Phone: 741.2
the Ford Library is located on North
Campus at 1000 Beal Ave., approximate-
ly a three-minute walk from the North Campus Recreation
Building. Although the Ford Library is located on University
grounds, the library is not affiliated with the University, but
is maintained by the National Archives and Records
After completing a research application form, on-site
users are only allowed into the research room located on
the library's second floor. One of the 10 staff members will
assist researchers by obtaining requested documents from
the archives and then bringing them directly to the
research room. About three to four work-study University

students also work at the library each term assisting the
"One of the nice things (about the library) is the interaction
between the library and the University student population.
The library is a unique resource because it offers students a
chance to speak with a former president or other government
officials" said Richard L. Holzhausen, a member of the
library's staff.
The library, a modern brick building uniquely constructed
with an odd but pleasant architectural design, has sharp
angles randomly jutting out from all cor-
Nearly 20 million original historical
documents, such as telephone notes, cam-
paign plans, correspondence and meeting
minutes, are filed on honey-colored
throughshelves in the library's archives. Three
to floors of archives contain a cornucopia of
18. documents from the Ford administration
ranging from Richard Nixon's pardon to
documents on the fall of Saigon during
the Vietnam War and more. Original copies of all hearings
and testimonies from the Warren Commission - labeled
with a crossed-out "Top Security" in red ink at the top - per-
taining to President John F Kennedy's. assassination are
accessible at the library. In the basement of the library a mas-
sive gray metal door indicates a security vault housing papers
of national security.
A similar metal door opens the room to a temperature-con-
trolled cold storage vault where more than 283,000 photographs
and negatives are stored. The room is kept at 40 degrees
See LIBRARY, Page 7B

The Associated Press
Bears and bobcats in Massachusetts.
Parental rights and church taxes in
Colorado. Marijuana and affirmative
action in California.
It's ballot-branding season again -
time for interest groups to spice up the
vote with particular causes and cru-
This year's ballots are packed with a
record number of citizen initiatives -
90 in the 24 states that permit such a
process - and hundreds more state and
local government proposals.
They 'range
from the divisive
Proposition 209 in Ballo
California, which
would dismantle measure
most of the state's
affirmative action define t
programs, to an
effort in Colorado of the v
to eliminate prop--
erty-tax exemp-
tions for nonprof- BYU politicalt
its, including
churches, the Boy
Scouts and the Salvation Army..
California and Arizona will vote on
legalizing pot for medical purposes.
Florida is eyeing a sugar tax to help the
Everglades. South Carolina is consider-
ing changing county "blue laws" so
retail stores can open earlier on
Louisiana voters, weary of scandals
that have dogged the riverboat casinos

and other wagering outlets, have the
option - parish by parish - to kick the
gamblers out.
And 13 states have resurrected the
question of term limits.
"Ballot measures help define the
mood of the country," says David
Magelby, political science professor at
Brigham Young University. "And they
are a lot more lively and engaging than
the presidential race."
Win or lose (and most lose), the out-
comes can have enormous implications.
Maine will define its future - some

es help
Fie mood
coun try.
-- David Magelby
science professor

say its very
soul - when
voters decide
whether to ban
clearcutting in
the 10-million-
acre North
Woods, most
of it owned by
the multina-
tional paper
companies that
drive the
state's econo-

Government, a magazine published by
the nonprofit Council of State
Governments, based in Lexington, Ky.
"It's very unusual to have voters decid-
ing something that affects their whole
Colorado faces an entirely different
question for the future with
Amendment 17, which would give par-
ents an "inalienable right" to control the
"upbringing, education, values and dis-
cipline of their children."
That has prompted fierce debate
between people who say it will protect
families against government meddling
and those who fear it will help child
abuse go undetected.
Bears and other creatures crop up on
at least seven ballots. Idaho,
Washington, Michigan and
Massachusetts will consider banning
various combinations of baiting and
hunting of bears, cougars and bobcats.
Colorado might do away with leg-hold
traps; Alaska considers restrictions on
aerial tracking of wolves; Oregon has a
measure that would repeal a ban on the
use of dogs and bait to hunt cougars and
black bears.
Every election seems to offer some
ballot measure so singularly provoca-
tive that the whole nation awaits the
outcome. This year it's California's
Proposition 209. Supporters say the
goal is to create a colorblind society by
banning race and sex preferences in
public hiring, contracting and educa-
tion. Opponents call it a bald attempt to

Ballot Propoi
24 states allow bal
have a term limits
Hunting and trap
Legalization of m1
Term limits

GOP memorabilia referring to the former president lines the wails of the Gerald R.
Ford Ubrary on North Campus.

my. The proposal also would severely
restrict other logging practices.
Maine Gov. Angus King called the
measure "a loaded gun pointed at the
head of the Maine economy;" and urged
voters to back an industry-supported
proposal with less drastic restrictions.
"Maine is really interesting because
it's such a serious economic issue;" says
Elaine Stuart, editor of State

derail programs that coun
al racism and sexism.
Both sides went to c
measure's printed des
it's likely they will w
again if 209 passes, as
it will.
And that, says Magel
problem with ballot meas
"The most controver
are never decided by the
the courts" he said.
Others insist the ballo
reflect America's heart
money and politics invol'
Term limits is one iss
coming back.

Former Pres. Ford made most of his sU' experience from 1931-35

By 1aoin Kim
Dafly Arts Writer
A young man attending South High
School in Grand Rapids, excelled in his
grades and graduated in the top fifth
percentile of his class in 1931. As a cen-
ter and team captain of the school's
football team, this young man soon
emerged a local hero. He then enrolled
in the University with a major in eco-
nomics and political science.
This young man could easily be any

student at the University. Only this man,
after having been voted the Wolverines'
Most Valuable Football Player in 1934,
went on to become the nation' president
in 1974. He was Gerald Rudolph Ford -
minority leader in the House of
Representatives, a vice president and
president of the United States.
Born on July 14, 1913, in Omaha,
Neb., Ford (then Leslie L. King) moved
with his mother to Grand Rapids after
the failure of his parents' marriage.

There, he was informally adopted by his
mother's new husband, Gerald Rudolph
Ford, and given his second father's
Ford went on to attend the public
schools in Grand Rapids and eventual-
ly enrolled at the University. Although
he came from a family of modest
means, Ford managed to put himself
through the University by balancing a
variety of jobs throughout his years as
on campus.

Preparing Vessels of Honor
at the
94 Detroit Center of Theological Education
Wayne State University Campus

Because finances were a constant
problem, Ford was a professional blood
donor for three years, earning $25 a
month per pint - in the '30s, $25 was
the equivalent of one-fourth of the annu-
al tuition. In addition, Ford bused tables
at University hospitals throughout the
school year while working summers at
his father's paint factory.
As a member of the Delta Kappa
Epsilon fraternity, Ford, then known as
"Jerry," washed
dishes while serving
the positions of
chapter treasurer
and house manager.
In addition to
being a brother in.
the Deke House, the
former president
was also inducted t
into Michigamua-
the senior men's
honorary society.
He was later accept-
ed at Yale Law
School. Between
his studies, football
and jobs, however,.
he occupied the lit-
tIe leisure time he
had with such activ- Gerald R. Ford.
ities as bowling and frequenting the
Michigan Theater.
Despite his demanding schedule,
Ford made sure he had the time to play
football. He played center on the fresh-
man football team in 1931 and played
on the varsity team during the 1932-34
seasons. He started at center by his

senior year. Following 1932 spring
training, however, Ford was presented
with the impressive Chicago Alumni
Trophy, an annual award to newcomers
showing the greatest improvement, best
attitude and promise for the following
year's varsity team.
One former football teammate of
Ford's, Francis Wistert, in an interview
in the February 1974 issue of
"Michigan Alumnus," said, "He was a
real good com-
petitor - a real
bulldog type.
Even during a los-
ing year, he was
voted MVP by his
teammates. They
felt he was one
guy who could
stay and fight for
a losing cause.'
Even after
receiving the MVP
in 1934, offers
from the Detroit
Lions and Green
Bay Packers could
not deter this future
American politi-
FILE PHOTO/Da ly cian from his des-
In 1934, in an ironic twist of fate, the
Michiganensian cleverly nominated
Ford for its 1935 Hall of Fame with this
witty summation:
"Because the football team chose
him as their most valuable player;
because he was a good student and got
See FORD, Page 218

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PHOENIX (AP) - Losers come
first on the presidential ballot in
Minnesota. Alphabetical order is the
rule in Maine. The luck of the draw
decides placement in Oklahoma.
The chance that top billing could
give a candidate an edge has led states
to hold lotteries, rotate lists, dig up old
election results and resort to a variety of
other schemes to decide whose name
goes first.
In Arizona, for example, candidates
appear first according to which party
won a particular county in the last
gubernatorial race. Bob Dole will be
first in 12 Arizona counties and
President Clinton in three on Nov. 5.
"It's so confusing, even I get con-
fused," said Lisa Daniel, state elections
Fourteen years of research by Bob
Darcy, a professor at Oklahoma State
University, turned up no evidence that
ballot order makes a difference. Yet
politicians won't believe it, and some
other scholars say top billing could be
worth as much as 3 to 5 percent.
"It's like the Irish - a thousand years
hasn't changed their belief in fairies and
leprechauns; Darcy said. "A politician
is grasping at straws, doing everything
he or she can to influence the outcome
of an election.'
Influential or not, ballot organization

is touchy enough to make states go
through elaborate rituals to assign slots
for candidates.
In Minnesota, a bad performance in
1992 means a higher ballot listing in
1996. The voters there will see Ross
Perot first because he came in third in
1992. Dole and Clinton come next, fol-
lowed by minor party candidates in the
order they filed wih the secretary of
Alphabetical order is the rule of


Deternmning where candidates
appear on ballot can be complicated

thumb in a number of states, including
Nevada. But for others, that jsn't good
And it can get pretty complicated.
California, for example, uses a ran-
dom draw of letters, which are then
used to order the candidates by last
name. If the letters turned up as
g,a,c,p,d, etc., then Clinton would go
first, followed by Perot and Dole.
But that's just for the state's I st
Congressional District.

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