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October 30, 1996 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-30

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 30,1996-3

Council passes
SU enhanced
powers bill
The Syracuse Common Council
assed a controversial bill on enhanced
powers Monday, giving the Syracuse
University Department of Public
Safety new latitude in dealing with on-
campus crime, the Daily Orange
By a seven-to-one vote, the council
approved a bill granting Public Safety
the right to carry pepper spray and
batons, use physical or deadly force
when necessary, make warrantless
Trrests and pursue suspects to public
places off campus.
SU proposed the bill after New York
state law changed in 1995 to allow
security officers at private colleges and
universities to have such powers.
However, the bill has met significant
opposition from student groups on
id-off library
mployee sues
UC Berkeley
A UC Berkeley library employee
laid off last year has filed a case against
the university in Alameda County
Superior Court, charging she was
'wrongfully terminated by a supervisor
'who intimidated her and other employ-
ees in her department.
Campus administrators have con-
etided that the employee's dismissal -
'later reversed by an internal university
review - was part of a larger reorgani-
zation program, the Daily Californian
Iowa employee.
The manager of Iowa State's
-Education Student Services, Mary Lee
Vance, will'be dismissed Jan. 1 if Asian
Pacific American Awareness Coalition
and Minority Student Affairs officials
don't get their way, the Iowa State
Daily reported.
'lanager of Education Student
'Services is a position within the
'College of Education that assists stu-
ents in career planning and placement,
verall orientation and student sched-
ule classifications. The position has a
salary of about $48,000 per year.
Larry Ebbers, professor of education
and program leader for higher educa-
tion, created and held the position in the
Cadet clears
4orps of hazing
The alleged hazing incident in the
'Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M last
Sunday has been passed off as a misun-
'derstanding, the Battalion reported.
The alleged victim and his father
were discussing his decision to with-
draw from the Corps.
The student told his father he was
'going to be "visited and taken care of"
*y his upperclassmen that night.
The father contacted the University
Police Department when his son failed
to call him the following day informing
Shim what had happened.
The UPD subsequently initiated an
investigation of the incident and found the

,episode to be the result of a misunder-
standing between the cadet and his father.
The cadet signed a written statement
hat he had never been hazed and would
;ave the Corps as originally intended.
No charges were filed following the
- Compiled fiom the University Wire
by Daily Staff Reporter Janet Adamy.

Police expose
exam scandal

Sign away
University history Prof. Fredrick Cooper signed copies of his recently published study, titled, "Decolonization and
African Society: The Labor Question in French and British Africa."
[ *O
Barbour, Newberryresidents
speak against coed proposal

By Janet Adamy
Daily Staf Reporter
The operator of a company that
advertised a "unique method" of
preparing students for graduate
entrance exams was arrested in
California on Saturday after allegedly
helping students cheat on the tests.
George Kobayashi, a 45-year-old
Californian, was charged with fraud in
connection with an elaborate scam that
took advantage of time zones to send
standardized graduate entrance exam
answers from New York to Los
Kobayashi had a team of experts take
each exam in New York City under
false names, according to the New York
U.S. District Attorney's office. Test tak-
ers who hired the
company were
required to fly to
Los Angeles to We c4
take the exam. A
"Relying on people
the three-hour
time difference. a I1L
the expert test
takers telephoned F
the correct
answers to
Kobayashi's office in Los Angeles,

- I

By Ajit K. Thavarajah
Daily Staff Reporter
With the threat of traditionally all-female residence halls
becoming coed, more than 60 students met last night to
voice their frustations.
"We got several complaints from Barbour-Newberry res-
idents. We thought that this would be the proper place for
both cases to be made," said Randy Juip, president of the
Residence Halls Association.
Residents of Betsey Barbour and Helen Newberry,
which are both all-female residence halls, made up a large
part of last night's attendance at a special RHA forum to
get input on the possible change.
The University-comissioned Living Learning Task Force
last month released a proposal recommending that either
the Honors Program or the Undergraduate Research
Opportunity Program - both coed - be housed in both
Barbour and Newberry.
Lisa Keyser, president of Newberry House Council, said
the University should honor the original intent of the
founders of the two halls.
"The University has went out of their way to keep agree-
ments with other buildings that specfically stated to follow
the instructions by the donator," she said. "The original
donation stipulated that the money was to be used for the
sole purpose to provide a women's residence hall."
Richard Lourde, a great-nephew of Helen Newberry,
agreed with Keyser.
"The money that was donated in my great aunt's name
was to give the University a place for women to live," he
said. "Making it coed would destroy something very spe-

cial that my family started."
Many of the female residents said they enjoy the family
atmosphere that Barbour and Newberry provide.
LSA junior and former Newberry resident Jennifer Lewis
said she finds the all-female atmosphere crucial.
"For some women, living in a coed dorm would mean
having to live with a conflict ... in the privacy issue," she
said. "I personally would have gone to an all female uni-
versity if U-M had not offered this option."
William Zeller, director of University Housing, said that
recent statistics show a decrease in the need for all-female
"The recent number of women who have applied for
the all-female dorms has gone down over the past 5-10
years," Zeller said. "We've also talked to several students
who found that single-sex dorms isolated them from
other students and found the experience generally
"We think that Newberry and Barbour would provide a
perfect setting for the Honors Program or the
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program," he said.
LSA first-year student Erin Rogers said she disagrees
with Zeller's assement of single-sex dorms.
"We're here to try and show that this all-female dorm
works," Rogers said. "I don't think I'd be able to walk with-
out being scared in larger dorms like West Quad or South
Quad. We feel safe here and we have a family-type envi-
ronment, which we think is better than the living-learning
programs could ever produce."
Last-night's forum was the third of a four-part series
sponsored by RHA.

"We can't give people tests at 3
a.m., Gonzales said.
Gonzales said that cheater's scores
have been invalidated and will not
affect the scores of others who took the
test at the same time.
Seppy Basili, a spokesperson for
Kaplan Education Centers, said Rolling
Stone magazine reported a time-zone
cheating scam involving the SAT in
"What's so shocking to us at Kaplan
is that this is such an obvious way of
cheating that can be easily remedied,"
Basili said. "This has happened before,
and we should make sure that this loop-
hole is closed"
Basili said ETS could easily prevent
this type of cheating by jumbling ques-
tion positions
and answer
give ;choices and as
F t well as syn-
chronizing test
t + timing.
Kevin Gonzales assistant direc-
tor of admis-
Spokesperson sions for the
MBA program said the School of
Business will rely on ETS'judgment.
"ETS has had a great deal of experi-
ence and has been quite successful in
prosecuting cheaters,' Lieberthal said.
"I think they would err on the side of
the integrity of the test rather than let-
ting scores go through that were suspi-
Sid Kansara, a Business junior, said
he "just didn't understand" how
Kobayashi's company found people to
participate in the scam.
"1 think if you participate in an activ-
ity like that, you're setting yourself up
for failure," Kansara said. "There's a lot
of people who get scholarships from
these scores and it's unfair to those that
study a lot because these losers take
their place:'
U.S. District Attorney Mark Godsey
said Kobayashi is scheduled to be
arraigned in Los Angeles federal court
tomorrow and is expected to be brought
to New York to face charges. If convict-
ed, Kobayashi faces a maximum sen-
tence of five years in prison on each of
the two counts of mail and wire fraud
and a maximum fine of $250,000 or
twice his gross gain from the scheme.

where the answers were quickly coded
onto pencils by Koboyashi's employees
and then provided to test-takers," the
office reported in a statement.
Exams included the Graduate
Management Admissions Test,
Graduate Record Exam and Test of
English as a Foreign Language.
Kobayashi's company, "American
Testing Services," charged $6,000 for
its services, the statement reported.
According to the statement,
Kobayashi's company "divided the test-
takers into small groups and transport-
ed them to test sites around the Los
Angeles area so that their high scores in
one test site wouldn't raise suspicions
of cheating."
The district attorney's office said in
the statement that the scam was wit-
nessed by an undercover federal inves-
tigator who employed Kobayashi's ser-
vices and flew to Los Angeles for the
GMAT administered on Oct. 19.
Kevin Gonzales, a spokesperson for
the Educational Testing Service, said
that ETS is still investigating the inci-
dent and has not yet made changes in
testing procedure.

MSA backs affirmative action rally

By Will Weissert
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
again came out in support of affirma-
tive action last night - but it did so
with a little more than one-half of its
members present.
Two weeks ago more than 150 stu-
dents and MSA members packed the
Michigan Union Ballroom to show
their support for affirmative action dur-
ing the MSA meeting - last night's
meeting was a different story.
Twenty-four of MSA's 46 members
passed a resolution endorsing a campus
march and rally in support of affirma-
tive action on Nov. 4 as a handful of
National Women's Rights Organizing
Coalition members looked on.
"I think this is certainly a step in the
right direction," said LSA Rep. Srinu
Vourganti. "In light of the political
environment right now with the upcom-
ing elections, it's important the assem-

bly take a stand and show its support for
affirmative action."
NWROC members said that by pass-
ing this resolution, MSA was taking a
stand on the most important issue on
"We think it's good that MSA is tak-
ing a stand on affirmative action instead
of just saying they support it," said
NWROC member and LSA senior
Jessica Curtin. "This rally will be an
opportunity for students to come out
and demonstrate and raise hell and send
a message to people in California and
around the nation that we support affir-
mative action:'
The NWROC-sponsored march and
rally, which are scheduled to begin at
noon on Nov. 4 on the Diag, coincide
with national rallies aimed at influenc-
ing California voters who will vote on
whether to eliminate affirmative action
from all state public policies.
But some members questioned why

the assembly would endorse a rally that
to influence out-of-state voters.
"This vote is in California - why are
we doing this for California?" asked
LSA Rep. Jonathan Winick. "If we
want to debate something, why don't
we debate something that has to do with
our state?"
Other members said a strong
University rally was important nationally.
"I think what we do can have an
effect on what goes on around the coun-
try," said LSA Rep. Amer Zahr.
LSA Rep. Dan Serota, who chaired
most of the meeting because MSA
President Fiona Rose was absent and
Vice President Probir Mehta left early,
said this week's sparsely attended meet-
ing would not set a precedent.
"This low turnout is not severe;'
Serota said "The problem today was we
had a heavy case of midterm blues:'
But other members said school work
was no excuse.

As mayor, Sheldon will continue to
provide a balance on council and a
* ,force for consensus. Her moderate
points of view are needed, and she
should be re-elected.
""-The Ann Arbor News
In 1993, the Daily supported Sheldon
as a moderate Republican who would
restore credibility to local govern-
" ment. Sheldon acted on and still
.DUemphasizes community involvement,
open and fair government and unity
with the University. For these reasons
she should continue as Mayor of Ann
-The Michigan Daily
Paid for by the Ingrid Sheldon for Mayor Committee
Doug F. Ziesemer, Treasurer, 122 S. Main, Ann Arbor 48104
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Voted by your peers In the 1996 Michigan Daily Readership Poll

* The Democratic Voter Guide was distributed by the College Democrats. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
Srinu Vourganti moderated the mayoral debate last night. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.

D Caribbean Peoples Association,"
meeting, Michigan Union, Crofoot
">- Room, 7 p.m.
U East Quad Social Group For
Uncertain Gay/Lesbian 'sexu
als, 763- 79 , EastQuad, 9
U Lutheran Campus Ministry, evening
prayer and choir, 668-7622, Lord
of Light Lutheran Church, 801
South Forest Ave., 6 p.m. bible
study, 7 p.m. prayer
U Reform Chavurah, weekly meeting,

i's happening in Ann Arbor today

Room 1017, 12-1 p.m.
O "Handleman Company: Information
Session," sponsored by CP&P,
Patton Accounting Center, Room
1018, 4:30-6 p.m.
O "Information Meeting About Study
Abroad in Englan and Ireland,"
sponsored byOffice of International
Programs, Mason Hall, Room 1408,
5-6 p.m.
O "Leam About GOP Candidates From
Someone in Your District," spon-
sored by College Republicans,
Angell Hall Fishbowl, 9 a.m:-2 p.m.
O "The internship and Summer Job
Caarrh ,, " rnnc'rar- kb y D

INFO, info@umich.edu, UM"Events
on GOpherBLUE, and
www.umich.edu/~info on the World
Wide Web
Q English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, Angell Hall, Room
444C, 7-11 p.m.
0 Northwalk, 764-WALK, Bursley
Lobby, 8 p.m.-1 a.m.
0 New Student Survey, 764-6413, first-
year students can win free books for
filling out survey in residence halls,
see building CORE for information
U Psychology Peer Academic Advising,
647-3711, sponsored by
PGmrhlns o }na nt. at

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