4 - The'Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 29, 1996 fet it9 igFgu&zi g 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily 's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY Moneymadness Students to vote on MSA fee proposals "NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'if you don't vote, then you don't exercise your right that people fought and died for,' - State Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor), talking to University students on campus Sunday Yu KiKUNIYUKI GROUND ZERO T KEE Ps Oodt AND Cowpt At.... LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Next month, students will have the option to more than double their activ- ity fee, which currently rests at $2.69 per term. The Michigan Student Assembly voted to put several proposals on the ballot to benefit student groups, community ser- vice programs and campus governments. With perpetually rising tuition costs, stu- dents cannot afford to take the three fee- increase proposals lightly. Nevertheless, funding for student groups is always in short supply and a $1 increase per term would benefit a majority of students. The other two fee increases are unac- ceptable. Students should vote no on these, and keep the money in their pocketbooks. This year, MSA's Budget Priorities Committee will allocate to student groups approximately $90,000. But it's not enough. BPC chair Carey Morgan estimates that 100 groups will receive funding this year. Although BPC gives money to a large num- ber of organizations, most will receive less than they request. It is hard for these groups to solicit outside funds; students are strapped for gash - thus, a limited amount of money is available for donations. MSA often is the only avenue groups have to receive funds. These dollars fund innovative programs that serve not only the members of individual organizations, but the student body at large. Since $1 is a hefty raise, MSA must make use of the money for a few years to come. No student currently attending the University should see another general raise if this one passes. The second proposal calls for a whop- ping $1 fee increase to benefit individual student governments, such as the LSA Student Government. These governments are most effective in handling administra- tive details. The effort to work with the On theI Detroit job fair v F inding employment can be a difficult task. For felons, the task can seem hopeless. To improve the bleak occupation- al outlook for ex-convicts, the Michigan Employment Security Commission, the Michigan Neighborhood Partnership, the Michigan Department of Corrections and the Detroit Employment and Training Division have organized "A Fresh Start Job Fair," scheduled for Nov. 20, to match ex- offenders with employers from up to 35 participating Metro Detroit companies. The event constitutes a positive step toward remedying recidivism and helps felons assume productive lives after release from prison. According to a 1995 Department of Justice survey of 11 states, "62.5 percent of all released prisoners were arrested within three years ... and 41.1 percent were rein- carcerated." These high levels of recidivism stem from the difficulty ex-offenders have in finding employment. Without a legal income source, the temptation to return to crime as a means of sustenance is intensi- fied. Probation officer Nancy Berg notes that "when you talk to (probation) agents, the number-one thing they say about their clients is that these people need to be employed." The Fresh Start fair takes sever- al measures to ensure that these former inmates do, in fact, find employment. Besides providing a forum for felons to meet employers, the fair also will offer help with resumes and interviewing techniques to to aid them in subsequent job searches. administration to improve curricula is a typ- ical productive function. However, these endeavors do not require much money. The smaller student college governments do not use all of the funding they currently receive. The governments could fritter away the extra money on pizza to entice participants. The last ballot proposal is a $1.50 increase for Project Serve and the Black Volunteer Network. These groups offer community service activities and contacts to students - Project Serve's Alternative Spring Break is especially noteworthy. Although Project Serve provides invaluable services to students, it is under the auspices of the University. Other University depart- ments or programs, such as UROP or the Office of the Registrar, usually go through the administration to receive funding - so should Project Serve. Student fees should be used exclusively for student groups. If tuition isn't enough to fund University departments, the problem belongs to the administration - not to MSA. The Black Volunteer Network is a stu- dent group. BVN is not satisfied with the current level of funding. The $1 fee increase for MSA would ensure that more money is available for groups like BVN - but BVN should go through BPC like every other group. If all of MSA's ballot proposals pass, the University student fee would jump from $2.69 to $6.19 per semester. An increase of this magnitude is nothing short of prepos- terous. Students should only vote yes on the first proposal ($1 for general MSA funds). In the future, MSA must be more consider- ate of student needs. Money is tight for stu- dents and a disturbing pattern is emerging. If the fee increase for student groups pass- es, MSA should refrain from requesting more student funds for a while. ookout A11 help ex-cons vism problem in the Metro Detroit area. Another obstacle former inmates face in securing employment is a lack of mar- ketable skills. A 1995 Capitol Hill study shows that "approximately 40 percent of prisoners in the federal prison system do not have a high school-level education." The lack of education often precludes them from attaining employment upon release and forces them away from the work force - and toward crime. Another study reveals that "inmates who spent at least a year in prison and success- fully completed one or more education courses in a year, demonstrated a 15.7 per- cent reduction in, the recidivism rate over a three-year period." The matter of educating ex-offenders is central to them leading productive lives. The Fresh Start fair also effectively addresses this issue by providing access to job training - which is especially impor- tant at a time when state governments are slashing funds for prisoner training and rehabilitation programs. The program's main sponsor, MESC, also plans to provide financial incentives for area businesses that employ ex-offend- ers. One plan would allow businesses to write off 35 percent of the first $6,000 in wages of all ex-offenders hired. This finan- cial reward would likely counteract much of the reluctance companies harbor toward the employment of ex-criminals. Fresh Start is a pragmatic step to improve the prospects of released crimi- nals. It targets major factors contributing to W Student parents need assistance TO THE DAILY: Many a letter to the editor has irritated me, but none has appalled me more than Rebecca Ewing calling Rebecca Phillips' child a mis- take ("Paying for others' 'mistakes,"' 10/23/96). I hope that Phillips' child cannot yet read and so did not read that letter and will never ask his/her mother if she thought of him/her as a mistake or regretting having him/her. Having a child is never a mistake. The mistake is made when elitists like Ewing insist that only those with the means should be allowed to have children. The mistake is made when women are told that it is immoral to have an abortion, but it is also immoral to have a child out of wedlock, or having the child places an undue burden on the rest of society. Helping to raise children is the least destructive thing the government could fund, yet it makes up only a small per- centage of the budget. Women who raise chil- dren and go to school at the same time should be praised for their strength and perse- verance - getting an educa- tion is one of the best ways women can improve their lives and their children's lives. There are many other "mistakes" that we the public pay for that Ewing neglected to mention, such as Medicaid and Medicare, which pay for the health care, of poor smok- ers with lung cancer and poor alcoholics with liver damage, and assistance to poor moth- ers, respectively. Should we cut these people off as well? The heartlessness necessary to call for this kind of suffer- ing is unspeakable. Other mistakes I would rather not pay for are the bailout of the Savings and Loansfailures, radio and TV Marti (anti- Castro stations scrambled by Castro and hence useless), military-funded radiation testing on unknowing school children - the list goes on. In addition, Ewing's state- ments could be construed as a personal attack against Phillips, questioning her judgment and ability to raise her child. Such statements should not be printed in the Daily. I urge Rebecca Ewing to think hard about what she says and realize how hurtful sounds. AMY RAUDENBUSH RACKHAM Affirmative +ti n lr Dalton attempts to point out inconsistencies in pro- cultural and racial diversity groups by claiming that their stance on affirmative action precludes their hope to diver- sify by acknowledging the existence of racial groups, rather than viewing society as a colorless whole. The point of many of these groups is to create a unified understand- ing within society that dic- tates that regardless of race, gender, etc., our society must look beyond these uncontrol- lable qualities and seek to develop a racially unbiased outlook on itself - it is absurd to assume that cultur- al diversity groups hope to form a world where race is not acknowledged. It is equally absurd for Dalton to insinuate that affirmative action policies seek to erase all racism from society. That would be impossible without somehow eradicating 300 years of social development in our country! Affirmative action is not about discrimination or prej- udices. It is about creating a level playing field in an unbalanced world. I believe that sacrifice is not a pleasant thing - but if there is a group that must sacrifice then let it be the group which has held power for 200 years so that a more favorable bal- ance can be created. Dalton's idea that we all should completely disregard race and gender in academia and the professional world would be fine and dandy in a perfect world. But the fact is that there is racism in this, society and this racism works against the best interests of people of color and even women. Can we redress the wrongs done to generations of women and people of color by ignoring these wrongs? Or do we do our best to level the playing field by looking at those character- istics that in the past caused them hurt and now use them to help them overcome the generations of inequity? It is completely unrealistic to say that today's society is or should be completely color blind. Many of those who would have us think so are the white male elite that has held the power so long and now sees it threatened. There are people of color who also oppose affirmative action. But there have always been people of color who would jumptat the chance to go along with the power elite in the hopes of gainingsome advantage. The reality is that if we are to create a society that allows all people to fully participate to the best of their abilities, then we must open the doors to the institutions of higher learning that pre- pare people for this participa- tion in society. If we are to celebrate the Coverage is 'insightful' To THE DAILY: Your coverage of the pres- idential search in the last two weeks is much like The Wall Street Journal's coverage of the economy. The news cov- erage has been insightful and well-written, generally much better than that of the other newspapers covering the story. The editorials, in con- trast, have ranged from vacu- ous to idiotic. PAUL N. COURANT PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS MEMBER, PSAC Liberals: Tell the truth To THE DAILY: This is in reply to David Sirkin's letter "Capitalism Needs Limits," (10/26/96) a letter plagued with factual errors and misleading spins typical of most liberals' "per- suasive" arguments. First, in response to Sirkin's assertion that the Federal Reserve keeps unemployment at 5 percent in order to keep wages low thereby control- ling inflation, it is a virtually undisputed economic fact that actual unemployment somewhere between 5.5 and 6 percent is acceptable, given the necessity of what we call structural and frictional unem- ployment. The fomer refers to unemployment caused by nat- ural economic cycles where certain workers' skills become obsolete (steel miners, for example). The latter is caused by people who are in between jobs because of further educa- tion, being fired or simply a search for a better job. These two types of unem- ployment that constitute this 5.5 to 6 percent are consid- ered not only acceptable but favorable, as they reflect and encourage a growing, chang- ing economy. Thus, the Reserve does and should fine-tune the economy to reach this target. This acceptable rate of unemployment has nothing to do with wages or inflation. The FED does not "keep unemployment at 5 percent to combat inflation." Therefore, the "conservative" Reserve is not a bunch of grumpy old men trying to see how many people they can throw into poverty, as the author implied. They are simply altering the money supply through the purchase and sale of government bonds in order to control interest rates. Sorry liberals: The Reserve and monetary policy is not mean-spirited, selfishand GRAND ILLUSION The student vote: Five easy pieces ny columnist that writes about the Ann Arbor City Council runs the very serious risk that nobody will read the column writing about the map tht divides Ann Arbor into City Counci Wards takes that risk to an expo-t nentially higher level. ButN improbable though it may sound, this map is important and should interest student activists political scientists and anybody SAMUEL interested in our GOODSTEIN local government. Imagine an apple pie with five pieces. Now take a map of Ann Arbor and superimpose the lines of the apple pie onto the map. What you have is a city divided into five 'pie-shaped wards, with the Diag as center of the pie. The result: Students are dispersed throughout the different wards ani cannot form a unified political voice in city politics. In my days as editor of this page. 1 considered this an injustice of incalculable proportions. Students deprived of a voice - the horror! But the issue is more complex than I would once admit. Voters registered in Ann Arbor elect two City Council members from each ward to four-year terms, with only one seat per ward open in each election The 10 seats on the council are cur1 rently occupied by seven Democrats and three Republicans, with a Republican mayor. Wards I (the area north of the Diag) and 3 (the area between Washtenaw and Packard) have the highest concentration of stu- dents, and predictably enough have the most progressive City Council mem- bers - all four Democrats. Ward 2 (east of the Diag) has the fewest stud dents, and is the only ward with tw6$ Republican council members. Clearly, the high concentration of students in wardsI1and 3, and to a lesser degree in wards 4 and 5, helps elect Democratic council members. At the expense of having their own ward, students help elect Democrats in four of the five wards. If this sounds familiar, that's because it mirrors the debate about race-based congressional districts. Districti drawn with the intent of producing a high concentration of minority voters increased black and H ispanic repre- sentation in Congress, but lowered the number of districts with Democratic majorities, allowing the Republicans to pick up seats in every state that drew districts with race as a factor. The situation is the opposite in Ann Arbor: Students are not grouped together, an sure enough there is no student on Ci Council, but they have a larger influ- ence on city politics than if grouped in one district. Every few years, student activists interested enough in city politics clam- or for a new City Council map. Using the argument thatstudents are Ann Arbor's raison d 'ere, they claim that the City Council cannot be responsive to the student voice without a council member elected directly by students from a "student-majority" district. Th argument is based on the facts that stu- dents contribute millions of dollars to the local economy and that without the University, the prestige and powerbof the City Council would be measurably smaller. Trueenough. But the fact remains that students have a stronger influence on city governance under the current system. Furthermore, should there be a "student majority" ward4 considerable barriers to electing a stu- dent would remain. Student turnout is not very high, and many of those who do vote do so by absentee ballot, there- by not impacting Ann Arbor elections. So a "majority student" district might fail to elect a student, or solidly pro-stu- dent candidate, and would consolidate the traditionally Democratic student vote in one ward - helping Republicans make gains on the council This reasoning explains Republicans support for race-based gerrymandering. Ann Arbor has one of the most pro- gressive city governments in the nation. This stems in part because the quality of life is so high in Ann Arbor, and in part because the elected politi- cians have a strong liberal base thanks in no small measure to the dis- persed student voice. The Republican mayor, Ingrid Sheldon, would be con sidered a Democrat in many cities, an many of the Democrats would be -too liberal to be electable. An employee of the Downtown Development Authority summed it up well: "In most cities, people have to worry about saving inIhc nr Cfnlhtinr n nr nnrtican ccinnc H 01 I I