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October 29, 1996 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-29

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Clinton to
appear wit
ivers at EMU
President Clinton-will come close
* Ann Arbor tomorrow, but he isn't
scheduled to speak on this campus.
Clinton is slated to address an audi-
ence at Eastern Michigan University
tomorrow afternoon and will campaign
for U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann
Arbor) on his second visit to the state in
two weeks.
The event at EMU' Bowen Field
House is not designed as a rally for
Clinton or Rivers, but will consist of
policy speech profnoting busines
opportunitics for womnen. The
Ypsilanti campus is located in part
of Rivers' district and she is expect-
ed to accompany the president for
his speech.
MSA to host
political debates
* The Michigan Union will play host
to Campaign '96 this week when the
Michigan Student Assembly sponsors a
series of debates between candidates
vying for seats representing the Ann
Arbor area.
Tonight's debate between candi-
dates for the University Board of
Regents features Democratic candi-
dates S. Martin Taylor and Olivia
Maynard, Republican candidate
' 4ichael Bishop and incumbent
egent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor). The debate is scheduled for
6:30 p.m. in the Union's Vandenberg
Candidates for state representative
will take the stage for a debate tomor-
row. State Repp Liz Brater (D-Ann
Arbor), Republican challenger Chris
Schmitt, State Rep. Mary Schroer (D-
Ann Arbor) and Republican challenger
avid Felbeck are scheduled to face off'
At 6:30 p.m. in the Union's Parker
The final debate of the series is
scheduled to feature Rep. Lynn Rivers
(D-Ann Arbor), Republican candidate
Joe Fitzsimmons and Libertarian can-
didate James Montgomery on
Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Unions
Hussey Room.
ole returns o
Republican presidential nominee
Bob Dole is planning to return to
Michigan one more time to court vot-
Susan Schafer, a spokesperson for
the Michigan Dole/Kemp campaign
said Dole and his wife. Elizabeth, will
likely head to Grand Rapids on Friday.
c hafer said the Doles will visit
ichigan's East side Saturday.
Schafer said Dole will most likely
campaign with Susie Hemtz, a
Republican running against incum-
bent U.S. House Minority Whip David
Bonior (D-Mt. Pleasant).
Democratic voter

guide available
The Democrats on campus are
ready to tell students how to cast their
Representatives of Voice Your Vote, a
campus organization formed this year
1o promote voter tegistration, and vari-
&ous other political groups on campus
distributed a Democratic voter guide
Saturday to houses and apartments
ground campus.


The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 29, 1996-- 3

rovost talks values, diversity with faculty

By David Rossman
Daily Staff Reporter
In a time when increasing technology is affect-
ing conventional methods of teaching, faculty
members received reassuring words at yester-
day's Senate Assembly meeting on North
"The capabilities of our faculty never cease to
amaze me," said Provost J. Bernard Machen, who
was invited to speak at the meeting.
Machen emphasized University values, the fac-
ulty's role in shaping the minds and success of stu-
dents and the increasing difficulty of education in
a time of diversity.
"(The University) has a renewed commitment to
diversity," Machen said. "We must prepare our stu-
dents to live in the heterogeneous world beyond
the University.
"We need to make sure that many voices are

heard, and that many ideas are expressed," Machen
Most students know of the strong emphasis
placed on transcripts and test scores as a determi-
nant of their acceptance to college. Machen urged
the faculty to think globally, and spoke of the
University's current admissions practices.
"Test scores and grade point average are impor-
tant, but in the ongoing evolution of our admis-
sions policies and practices, we have begun to look
at students holistically," Machen said.
"Our admissions policies are both legal, and
fully justified in light of our values. We are prepar-
ing our students to thrive in a diverse world."
During a student's life at college, contact with
faculty still remains paramount, Machen said.
Contrary to the popular view of the University as
having a faculty mainly devoted to research,
Machen said that many undergraduate professors

have contributed to students' work in recent
For this reason, the faculty is interested in
advancing their working conditions to foster stu-
dent success.
Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs member Nicholas Steneck commented
during the meeting on the lack of communication
between faculty and administration.
"The faculty needs to go ahead and become
active in creating a voice," Steneck said.
Many assembly members expressed concern
about executive officer compensation at the
University and the "feeling that the faculty is being
treated more like staff members," one faculty
member said at the meeting.
Machen responded to faculty inquiries sur-
rounding questionable higher salaries given to
University administrators.

The Intormation Technology Division, responsi-
ble for the operation of the University's computer
systems, is a I$100 million business by itself, Machen
"We can't just take an old chemistry professor
and say, 'Come on over and run ITD,"' Machen
"1 would argue that we do better by having pro-
fessionals guide us on that. So, we go to the mar-
ketplace to find these people - and they cost
In spite of the many unanswered questions the
faculty has, they look forward to their input in the
University's presidential search - as a "body that
holds knowledge about the candidates," said
SACUA Chair Thomas Dunn.
"I think having Provost Machen here to answer
someof these questions will prove beneficial,"Dunn

NWROC brands
'U' Housing racist

By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the National Women's
Rights Organizing Coalition charged
the University's Housing administration
with racism during a protest at Mary
Markley residence hall yesterday.
The group is objecting to an investi-
gation about a swastika that was
drawn on LSA first-year student
Daniel Lis's door. NWROC members
marched outside Markley Coordinator
of Residence Education T. Rose
Roane's meeting with LSA first-year
student Delacie Johnson and LSA
first-year student Ronald James Jr.,
two black students accused of the van-
"This is a racist persecution of two
black students who were willing to
stand up against racism in their hall-
way," said NWROC member Jessica
Curtin. "They're trying to railroad
them out of the University because
they are the most outspoken opponents
of racism."
Lis said he believes Johnson drew
swastikas on his door 10 times over the
past few weeks as a result of a recent
altercation between the two. But Lis
said he did not actually see Johnson
paint the epithets. As of yesterday, Lis
vas not accusing James of anything.
"We got into an argument several
weeks ago," Lis said. "After that,
swastikas started appearing on my
Curtin said Johnson and James have
a history of opposing "racist" state-
ments Lis has made. She asserted that is
vwhy Lis pointed a finger at Johnson.

Curtin said Johnson and James, who are
roommates, have confronted Lis with
their concerns.
Approximately 15 people participat-
ed in the rally outside of Roane's office
before and during the meeting with
Johnson and James yesterday. The
group chanted "Hands off Delacie and
Ron" and carried signs such as "End the
Administration Witchhunt."
Neither Housing Director of
Public Affairs Alan Levy nor Roane
would comment on the specifics of
the case.
"If the CORE determines some-
thing behind the allegations, the
CORE has the authority to continue
the process," Levy said, referring to
disciplinary investigations Housing
may undertake.
Should the CORE decide to continue
the process, the students can opt for
either a hearing conducted by a panel of
administrators, or a student panel, Levy
James said that in the meeting with
Roane both students were given the
option and have already chosen a stu-
dent hearing.
"We are not admitting or denying any
of the charges," James said.
Johnson claimed the administration
is acting unfairly toward black students
during the investigation of this case.
"The school has never really accept-
ed black people with open arms,"
Johnson said.
Curtin added that NWROC does not
advocate the drawing of swastikas or
any other racist acts.
"Nobody is saying that putting a

casino set
to open
$200 million gambling resort complex
to open next month could have
Michiganians up all night.
The new Soaring Eagle Casino will
offer a glittering array of 4,000 slkt
machines and 100 gaming tables for
blackjack, poker, craps and roulette
all beckoning players around the clock.
It's three times the size of a football
field and the current Indian run casino
of the same name. It includes a 523-
room hotel, a convention center, a park-
ing complex and golf course.
And it's the biggest casino between
Atlantic City and Las Vegas, The Detroit
News reported in Sunday's editions. -
Benefits such as attracting 30,000 vis-
itors a day and creating 3,000 new jobs
aren't enough for some who think Mount
Pleasant will be irreparably altered for
the worse, the newspaper reported.
Jerry' McFarlane, president of the
Gratiot-Isabella Board of Realtors,
takes an early morning walk with his
wife near shopping developments. He
winces at the traffic.
"I know all the traffic represents mil-
lions of dollars for our community, but
still I can't help thinking that Mount
Pleasant isn't like it used to be,"
McFarlane said.
Other downsides expected include
an increase in crime, a housing short-
age and an impact on the quality of life.
Mount Pleasant is resigned to having
gambling as a major player in an econ-
omy once based on farming, small
manufacturers and Central Michigan
University. CMU's enrollment is now at
16,000 students.
The Rev. Gordon Weller, pastor of
St. John's Episcopal Church and presi-
dent of the Mount Pleasant Ministerial
Association, has watched the develop -
ments with some sadness.
But he said little could have been
done to stop it. And he doesn't blame
the Saginaw-Chippewa Tribes for
building the new casino.
"We've been trying to teach the
Indians the good-old American way of
doing things for generations," he told
the newspaper. "Well, now they've
done it. They're going to end up own-
ing Mount Pleasant."
The tribe's present gambling opera-
tion with bingo in 1981 and expanded
into a casino in 1993.

NWROC member Alex Johnson leads a chant at Mary Markley residence hall yes-
terday. The group was protesting a Housing investigation into two students.

swastika on somebody's door is a way
to fight racism," Curtin said. "That
obviously is totally wrong."
Department of Public Safety
spokesperson Elizabeth Hall said she
could not comment on the case

because a DPS investigation is under
way. Lis reported finding a "huge"
swastika on his door Oct. 14, accord-
ing to DPS reports. At the time, it was
the third occurrence of racist graffiti
on his door.

ion group revives mini-course program


By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
Mini-courses have been revived at
the Union, thanks to Michigan Union
Arts and Programs.
The mini-course program at the
Union appeared to be in jeopardy when
the University Activities Center
announced it would not be offering
courses this semester due to personnel
changes and time restrictions. But then
MUAP stepped in.
"We have always worked very closely
with UAC, including mini-courses,"
said John Mountz, coordinator of the
program for MUAP "What it came
down to is, this is an important program
because it brings people into the Union."
However, it is unclear whether the
program will be a hit. "Registration has
been kind of spotty" Mountz said.
Many students said they didn't know
about the course offerings.
"I have never heard about them," said
LSA junior Nancy Hellrung.
"I remember hearing something

about them somewhere, but I don't
know too much about them," said Sean
Ihorn, an LSA senior.
Mountz said he is hoping students'
knowledge of the programs increases
and that he will be able to reach his
goal of running all the offered courses.
"We need at least 50-75 percent in each
class" to be able to run each course. In
most courses that translates into 20 to
30 students.
The courses will be exactly the same'+
as UAC has offered in the past. "We
kept everything the same, so when UAC
takes over (next semester), it's the same
status quo."
MUAP is even using the same instruc-
tors that have been used in the past.
This is the first time - and probably
the last - MUAP will offer the mini-
courses under their name. "This is one
time only;' Mountz said.
After this semester UAC will take
back control, but Mountz said for now
it is important for students and the
Union to have the courses.

"It's an integral part of student unions;"
Mountz said. "This type of activity will
always be occurring in the Union:.
For students, these courses give them
the opportunity to take "noncredit
courses for personal development and
enjoyment;' Mountz said. "I think
they're important. They're a diversion
for students."
Students seemed to agree. "I think
they're good for students," Hellrung said.
"It sounds like something enjoyable,"
lhorn said. "I would take one if I had

more time."
MUAP is offerring courses in bar-
tending, billiards, CPR, ceramics, sign
language and tarot card reading this
The courses will be held at the
Union and registration runs through
Nov..l at the Union Ticket Office.
Courses cost between $20-$45. All
courses meet once a week and will end
by the last day of classes. For more
information call the MUAP office at

The rightplaeforte you.,

The election guide profiles
-Democratic candidates for local state
and national offices. and highlghts
voting records of incumbents and chal-
engers' qualifications.5
- Compiled by Daily Stuff Reporter
Laurie Mayk.

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What's happening In Ann Arbor today

I Alanza: The Latin Studen iane,
995-6732, _ Micign 5nio,1on
Room, 7:30 p.m
FJ Cieptomaniacs And Shoplifters
Anonymous (CASA), self-help
group, 9136990, First Baotst
Chur ch, 512 E. H uron, R oom '102,
II LSA Student Government, w eekly
meeting 9130842, LSA Building',
Room 20, 6p.m.
Q "Careers in Health Care," sponsored by

Information Session," sponsored by
CP&P, Michigan League Conference
Room 2, 7-8 p.m.
J "Information Meeting About Study
Abroad in China," sponsored by
Office of International Programs,
Mason Hall, Room 1408, 5-6
J "Israel Tuesday News Schmooze,"
sponsored by American Movement
for Israel, Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 6
Q "Magic and the Occult Sciences in
Medieval Islam," Kathleen
O'Connor, sponsored by
Department of Near Eastern
Studies, Frieze Building, Room
3050, 1-2:30 p.m.

CP&P, Student Activities Building,
Room 3200, 5:10-6:30 p.m.
J "The Advisory Board Company," spon-
sored by CP&P, Michigan League,
Kalamazoo Room, 7-9 p.m.
U "The Job Search: Perspectives for Gay,
Lesbian and Bisexual Students,"
sponsored by CP&P, Michigan
Union, Kuenzel Room, 7:10-8:30
Q Campus Information Centers, Michigan
Union and Pierpont Commons, 763-
INFO, info@umich.edu, UM*Events
on GOpherBLUE, and http://
r-A~ &+i..,. IL....II. 7 F 'AI V L i iDrc'Ita

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You'll have plenty of opportunity at
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