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October 28, 1996 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-28

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4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 28, 1996

Ulije £id&tjun &zlg

420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
6Edited and managed by
students at the
University of Michigan

. . . . . . . .

Editor in Chief
Editorial Page Editors

Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily s editorial board. All
other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily.

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''m going to make a button that says "Buchanan says
what Dole means."'
- Women's rights advocate Gloria Steinem, in a speech last Thursday: Steinem
visited Ann Arbor to support US. Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor).

Incumbent has earned another term
bent Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) include sexual orientation - hence the
clear choice for the U.S. House of need for ENDA. No matter - Fitzsimmons
ntatives over Joe Fitzsimmons (R- does not support any special preferences for
bor) in the 13th congressional dis- "them." He does not view his position as
ivers comes seasoned with one discrimination, despite the fact that DOMA
xperience; she brings clarity of effectively denies economic rights to same-
ugh stances and an ear tuned to her sex couples.
ents. Abortion is another issue on which
candidates take a conservative eco- Rivers has been able to articulate her posi-
tance. The difference - one is tion clearly: she is pro-choice. Fitzsimmons
d in reality, while the other spouts claims to be pro-choice, but would deny
from a warped Economics 101. federal funding for abortions. Fitzsimmons'
avors a balanced budget, which she stance, then, is pro-choice for those who
an issue in the forefront of this dis- can afford the choice. He is also against
find, and knows that to get there, late-term abortions - a flier his staff
s must postpone enormous tax cuts. placed on cars in the parking lot of a
believes Americans should com- Catholic church claimed that late-term
carter, not cheaper" to stay ahead in abortions do not protect the health of the
mal economy. mother. The flier also suggested that the
immons, however, recites a litany of Pope should censure Rivers for her stance
world cuts: an across-the-board tax on the issue - without explaining her
'00-per-child tax credit, a tax credit stance. Rivers told Congress, "The debate is
nts helping children through higher whether or not we will allow women's
n, a $5,000 tax credit to couples health to be an exemption (from the late-
pt children - he would like to cut term abortion ban)."
ains in half, raise wages, cut taxes When it comes to the crumbling entitle-
nce the budget. ments structure, Rivers again is ahead of
? Unlike Rivers, Fitzsimmons rarely Fitzsimmons. Rivers demonstrates an
ain the how behind his ideas. When understanding of how Michigan - whose
his explanations are hardly prag- economy, she said, is sensitive to changes in
or example, he said he would like to the automobile industry - would be affect-
nt a 50-percent increase in finan- ed by the loss of a safety net, as well as the
He plans to take the money from transfer of federal funds into block grants.
artment of Education, which, with Michigan needs a more flexible net, not the
million budget, "does not educate a kind that runs out after a finite number of
child," he claimed. Fitzsimmons uses - or dollars. Moreover, she under-
estroy the tower educational base to stands that if the net gets smaller, the
her education; his approach is non- resource bases need to broaden. She advo-
He added that his method of cut- cates legislating the tools to stay off wel-
department would be to cut the fare, such as job training, childcare, public
racy. Cutting bureaucracy is easy to transportation and health care to ensure
but Fitzsimmons, as usual, lacks "welfare reform based in reality."
s. Perhaps he should change some Unlike many politicians, Rivers actually
oposed tax cuts into education dol- explains the thought process behind her
all levels. votes. The same is true for her recent vote in
s said that the recent $11 billion in favor of the Welfare Reform Act. She sup-
in financial aid administrative ported the inclusion of support measures
entually translate into "less money for those on welfare, but the final bill did
e for lending" - as well as a slow- not include such measures. However, since
ito students. As an undergraduate at she is committed to improving the bill in the
versity, Rivers had to use financial next Congress, she voted for it, despite
ch is why she said she supports such some concerns. Although her single vote
ce. She said she is "totally and com- may not have changed the outcome, she
committed to making those doors should have held out for the support mea-
n." Her work on the budget com- sures. Most of the time she chose better -
uts her in a position to do hands-on and she is always willing to explain herself.
th the problem. Moreover, Rivers' Fitzsimmons is armed with a pie chart
n Congress proves her commitment showing entitlements and "other mandato-
ng higher education more accessi- ry" items as a large chunk - however, he
er the Republicans tried to slash could not effectively articulate what the
1 aid, Rivers worked to prevent fur- "other mandatory" expenses were. He did
stantive cuts. say that he would not eliminate benefits for
ocial policy, Rivers is as distinct as seniors, but would implement slow changes
mons is muddled. Fitzsimmons told in the entitlements budget. However.
chigan Daily that discrimination is ignores the fact that social security will be
erican".and that "there is no need incapable of supporting this year's graduat-
imination. At the same time, I don't ing University class as seniors. It appears
in any set-asides or preferences." that he would prefer to cut welfare than
mons disapproves of affirmative social security or congressional pensions.
is if the playing field will just level Rivers advocates trimming the fat clos-
F. Rivers follows her party slate on er to home. She believes that Congress
ive action - the legal brand, which should be public with its pay raises rather
y does not include quotas. than allowing the incremental raises to line

rs voted against the Defense of pockets silently. She also advocates more
e Act and for the Employment Non- modest retirement plans for congressional
ination Act. Fitzsimmons, when retirees. Along with these high standards,
on the point of same-sex marriage, she insists that her office send back any sort
that "marriage is the union of one of gifts or freebies - including chocolates.
d one woman." However, he was Rivers combines political savvy with a
as to what the measures were - folksy style - to her constituents, she is an
arly ENDA, which he suspected approachable figure. In addition she shows
;ive special preferences to gays in the ability to grow and incorporate new
kplace, as he was sure that it was methods and ideas. Since her last election,
specifically illegal to discriminate she has improved her approach significant-
gays in the workplace. Wrong again. ly. Her experience, combined with her

and no politics
make 1996 a
dull year
et me tell you a story,
Better yet, let me not.
If I hear one more touching sto
from a political
candidate, my
head will split
open, beginning at
the ears.
Bob sDole has
been in the trench-
es. In the fox-
holes. War is hell.
you know.
We know, Bob.
But how do you ADRIENNE
feel about affir- JANNEY
mative action -...
At the last vice presidential debate,
Al (Gore solicited from Jack Kemp a
tongue-in-cheek agreement not to tell
any warm, fuzzy football stories or
stories about big, confusing environ-
mental concepts. Even if you weren't
watching the debate, you can gues
who had to refrain from which.
But who is on first, and doesn't real-
ly care what happened to which in the
small town of where.
Joe Fitzsimmons (R-Ann Arbor),
who is running against U.S. Rep Lynn
Rivers (D-Ann Arbor), sells himself as
a tall man in a red sweater. And a love-
ly red sweater it is. I've seen it. (You're
turning green this moment, I know.)=
But when he begins to talk about th
issues, the yarns unravel and unrave*
Well, it isn't a pretty picture.
Anyway, I think we're supposed to be
touched. Tiuched that as the president
of University Microfilms Inc., he is
good to his employees. (Although he
allows the 10-percent gay population
to keep their jobs, he grants them no
partner benefits.)Touched that one of
his children adopted a baby of mixe
race. (He'll be absolved in heaven fo
this, despite his lack of support for
affirmative action.)
And he's fighting for the young peo-
ple. "I hope you believe that."
V'I never forget the
time that this woman
came up to me in
the supermarket in
Hope, Ark....


Safewalk is
Inthe Oct. 18 edition of
The Michigan Daily, the
Friday Focus was devoted to
Campus Safety and
Awareness, and Safewalk and
Northwalk were describeddas
one of the many alternatives
to walking alone on campus
("Sexual assaults raise safety
As one of the Safewalk
co-coordinators, I would like
to correct Reddy's record of
our interview. Reddy quoted
me as saying, "For the people
who get walked, they get to
go wherever they need to go
... They're not restricted. It's
a good way to meet people"
All of Safewalk's volunteers
are friendly and polite, but
our main concern is making
sure people reach their desti-
nation safely. All walkers are
specially trained so as not to
make the people who use
Safewalk uncomfortable.
"Getting to know" our wal-
kees or contacting walkees
outside of a Safewalk setting
may make peoplewuncomfort-
able and is not appropriate
conduct for a Safewalk vol-
unteer. This way we can pro-
vide a safe and comfortable
service for the community.
What I did say is that
Safewalk is a good way for
volunteers to get to know
each other. Safewal k attempts
to bring together volunteers
from many different back-
grounds who have a common
concern and dedication to the
University community.
Working together and
donating time through
Safewalk is an excellent way
to serve the community and
meet people who share your
flags are
ineffect ive
I am just wondering how
much time and money the
University wasted on those
pathetic flags on the sides of
computers to supposedly
determine whether the com-
puter is available. What engi-
neering genius thought of
that? What is going to hap-
pen during exam week?
Here is a novel idea -
why not use station cards like
we used to, so people do not
have to wander around the
computing center looking
like lost puppy dogs? God
forbid the University do

to Lee Bollinger for
University president. After
all, it's gonna take someone
like the former dean of the
Law School to get the
University out of the legal
shithole it put itself in.
Union has
rich history
I am writing to protest
the modernization of the
beautiful fourth-floor stair-
well in the Union. but not the
fourth floor. This stairwell, as
well as the Union, is a link to
our past.
Too much of the past is
being changed by moderniza-
tion. The Union's once glori-
ous history is now being
compromised by modern day
insults. The Union is a door-
way to times long gone and a
symbol of our heritage.
Although in recent years
it has undergone many
changes that have mae it a
more friendly gathering area
for students, alums and staff,
parts of the original Union is
lost with each renovation.
Take a walk arouid the
Union today. There are many
areas that have been exposed
due to construction that show
a more beautiful Union that
once existed Beautiful trims
are hidden away by modern,
foam ceiling tiles. I couldn't
believe when I saw how
beautiful the ceiling by
Amer's on the first floor used
to look. It is now covered by
ugly ceiling tiles. At this
moment, another renovation
is stealing away again the
original architect's dream and
rendering of the Union.
We are obligated to pro-
tect the Union and any other
structure on campus from
destruction by modernization.
The stairwell on the fourth
floor is spacious and beauti-
ful as well as a work of art.
It is not just a stairwell, it is a
masterpiece of wood, iron
and stone brought together by
the hands of craftsmen long
gone who envisioned a Union
that would last for hundreds
of years after them, remind-
ing the future of what once
was. We steal their years of
hard work and dedication by
defacing and hiding their
work with fire-walls or foam
ceiling tiles. It's such a
shame that we destroy the
past. A recent article in the
Daily ("Canada comes to
Michigan League," lO/23/96)
quoted a carpenter who is
working on the renovation of
the Michigan League. ie
said that it was a shame that
he had to gut-out the base-
ment of the League. It used
to have oak panels and trim
along the walls, and now it's

this renovation of the stair-
well on the fourth floor. I
want others to know about
this and to protest to the
Michigan Board of
Representatives to stop this
renovation. It is unnecessary
and destructive. Please take a
look at how beautiful and
historic the forth floor stair-
well is. Take a look at the
Union. You will see some-
thing new every day. Don't
let modernization conceal the
past forever.
lesson for
I would like to enlighten
Andrea Tawil about some
geographical (and political)
realities. Andrea's letter
("Kirk mislabels Israelis,"
10/23/ 96) stated that "...
Israel and Palestine were
attempting to work together
". "Pre-1948 maps show
Palestine as a geographical
region next to Trans-Jordan
and the State of Israel was
not vet declared. I nterestingi
to note is that theterm
"Palestine" comes from the
Bible and refers to a specific
geographical area attributed
to the Philistines (they con-
quered and settled along a
tract of land on the coast of
the Mediterranean in antiqui-
ty). Post-1948 maps of the
Middle East display the State
of Israel and Jordan instead
of the geographical entity of
Palestine. I am curious to see
thae taps that Andrea owns
Preserve the
right to print
Students are the victims
of a misguided ITD printing
policy. It is ridiculous that I.
for one, have to pay $10,050
in tuition per term to go to he
University and I cannot print
out as many sheets of paper
as I need! Certainly the
University doesn't want to
impede our learning, but
when Ihaveato actually plan
out what I can and can't print
for the month, this is precise-
lv what is happening..
I don't believe this is an
unreasonable concern, either.
Most of us don't go printing
out 20 page papers five times
because the first one didn't
go through. Normal use is
now being limited, and it isn't
right. Where is the University
getting this paper that costs
eight cents per page? I can


May moths attack your sweater, sit.
Regent Shirley McFee (R-Battle
Creek) believes that people - includ-;
ing her grandchildren -- should work"4
hard to go to college, and parents*
should save their money early. Lovely,
but I heard a rumor that sheowns'
cake. But never mind her. She's not u
for re-election this year.
The stories work better for some.
Rivers tells how she came to the'
Uer, and through hard work, persevered
despite obstacles -and that's why she
believes in financial aid. Her husband
still works in a factory. They are more
in tune with average Americans than
most politicians. (Remember how
George Bush didn't know about scari"
ters in grocery stores??)
Well, I fell for it hook, line and,
sinker. But it's like your favorite new
pop song - OVERPLAY
Clinton is the master of the trade.
I don't care what you think of his
politics - he knows how to work his
crowds. You've got to appreciate
manipulative skill of that level.
"I still believe in a place called'
Hope." He's from Hope, Ark., f4g
those of you who missed it. Come on-
- the man cries in public.
Slick Willy, you are a sinner. Forget
about misleading your people over the
bridge. I'd like to hear the good stories.
(Hell, I'd like to hear Hillary's stories.
Or Socks'. Tee hee.)
Better yet, let's put a ban on
Elizabeth Dole tales. I'm tired of arti-
cles about what she cooked for the
Doles' dinner party. At least we don',
have to hear about what Hillary bake.
Ross Perot: Don't worry 'bout me. I
got 6 million back at home.
Thanks, Ross.
I thought you dropped out of the
race. Oh, that was last time. Well, the
story hasn't changed. At all. And
you've still got big ears, you whiny lit-
tle mouse.
Just don't do it.
Lame, lame, lame.
(Just don't jump off the bridge, BilI.
Gennifer Flowers isn't worth it.)
And what is up with this rampant
tendency to start talking about

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