4- The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 25, 1996 wje Si Wogrni I 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the ;University of Michigan wx .. RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of them ajority of the Dailys editorial board.A/ / other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Ranting over rankings MSA resolution won't solve problems NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'You may not see the benefits immediately. But you touch a lot of people along the way. You really change some people's lives.' -- Joseph Dorsey a Peace Caotps recruiter, explaining the benefits of the Peace Corps JiM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST WERE IHEY GVING AWAY ANY COUPONS AT 71E 5TOKE '-' o\, ONLY THESE (NVITATIO N ! 1o0 E A CAND)DATE FOR ThE UNIVERSI TY OF lCHCAN f f PFESJ E7NCY. I -/ 0 - SU LETTERS TO THE EDITOR his week, the Michigan Student Assembly pgssed a resolution that characterizes the U.S. News and World Report rankings of the top universities in America - in which the University appeared at 24 - as possessing unfair cri- teria and inherit biases against many institu- tions. MSA Vice President Probir Mehta proposed the resolution, which grew out of similar student government proposals at Stanford, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The proposal also calls upon the University Board of Regents to deny the publication's requests for the information necessary to complete. its sur- vey. Though MSA's criticisms of the U.S. News rankings are valid and intelligent assessments, the assembly's request for the regents to withhold public information is anot an appropriate action. One significant problem with U.S. News rankings, and similar surveys, is an appar- ent disregard for educational quality and satisfaction. In U.S. News' report, academ- ic reputation is only one of many categories under investigation, yet the report claims to be an accurate representation of the educa- tional quality of the various schools. The report studies many subjective and biased areas, such as the percentage of alumni that donate money to their alma mater and each institution's student selec- tivity. Both of these categories favor small, private colleges over large universities, because smaller institutions have fewer alums and smaller student bases from which to work. The University, for example ranked I Ith in academic reputation, but 134th in percentage of alum donations. Hence, the University's overall ranking suf- fered. If it were purely a survey of educa- tional quality, the University's overall rank- ing would not be below several institutions currently holding lower academic ratings. But sour grapes are not motivating MSA. In fact, many schools like the University or Harvard, Stanford and MIT (ranked 3, 4 and 5, respectively) have attained some benefits from the rankings. Many schools, such as the University's No. 1 ranked undergraduate School of Business Administration, see the rankings as an asset and a way to attract the best applicants. However, admissions officers may use the rankings, which provide an incomplete por- trait of schools, to take actions that will reflect more positively on their universities. What is best for students and staff may not be the principal concern of a university. MSA's proposal, however, is off-base in its demand that the regents withhold infor- mation from U.S. News. Despite the skewed ranking system, the data is public informa- tion- the University is, after all, a public institution. If the regents do not relinquish material to U.S. News, the magazine could file a Freedom of Information Act request, and obtain the data it needs to complete the report. Also, MSA should not encourage the regents, a body that often has trouble keep- ing public information in the open, to hide anything. U.S. News' interpretative system is the culpable party, not the admissions data - which should remain a matter of public record. Drugging and driving Clinton's proposal would accomplish nil [f Bill Clinton could do it again, he'd inhale. Clinton's now-infamous statement that he would inhale marijuana if he could try it again, which was broadcasted on MTV dur- ing the 1992 campaign, has given Republicans yet another chance to attack the president for being "soft on drugs." The .message may not be resonating with the voters, but it is affecting the president. Just two weeks before the election, Clinton introduced legislation to crack down on underage drinking and drug use. 'The proposal would require every first-time driver to pass a drug test before receiving a license. While Clinton crafted the legisla- tion in the right spirit, the new law would do nothing to stop underage drug use; it is not worthwhile. In his weekly radio address last week, Clinton said he wants a "zero tolerance" policy. "No drugs - or no driver's license," Clinton said. "If you're under 21 and you drink, you can't drive - period." Due to the recent sharp increase in drug use among America's youth, Clinton believes that a lure of a driver's license is more compelling than drugs - he mistakenly believes the proposal would change a person's behavior. - Few will claim that cracking down on teen-agers who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a bad idea. This legisla- tion, however, would not serve that pur- pose. First, it is unfair to put thousands of teen-agers through drug testing. Clinton hopes the "90 percent (of teen-agers) who are drug-free" will participate willingly to help identify other teens who use drugs. However, such a requirement is unfair and would make the lives of the innocent teen- agers more difficult. Moreover, teen-agers would know not to less than random. Most teen-age drug users would wise up to the plan and cleanse their system before applying for a license. This would make it harder to catch teen-agers with drugs in their system. Drug testing has not proved to be 100 percent accurate; there are "wink-and-nod" ways to make a test result come out negative, even though an individual may be on drugs. Furthermore, the responsibility for enforcing the law would be passed onto the states. Clinton also has threatened states that do not comply with the legislation with a 10-percent reduction per year of their fed- eral highway construction funding. The states may have to set up additional bureau- cracy to enforce the law, which promises to yield few positive results. Plus, the law ignores all of the adults who use drugs; bet- ter legislation would have encompassed everyone. Clinton seems to have proposed the leg- islation in order to appear that he is con- fronting the country's drug problem. Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole has repeatedly attacked Clinton for not being "tough on drugs." In fact, this is one of the few issues to add spark to Dole's lackluster campaign. Clinton's proposal seems more like a flimsy attempt of to win over wary voters than it is an honest plan to help prevent teen-age drug use. Clinton does have part of the idea right - that teen-agers plus drugs plus a car could lead to trouble. But the legislation is misguided - it would do little, if anything, to cut down on teen-age substance abusers.. Instead, state governments should work with the federal government to develop tougher drunk-driving laws that would pun- ish people of all ages. If Clinton wants to be tough on drugs, he needs to create legisla- Editorial undermined candidates TO THE DAILY: After months of anticipa- tion. lawsuits and injunctions, the names of the finalists for the position of University president were announced last week. Not knowing much about any of the candidates, I looked for the Daily to help me evaluate the caliber of these candidates. I opened up the editorial page, hoping to get an interesting, cogent analysis of these candidates. What was the first sentence describing these finalists? "Three white boys and one white girl," ("A deaf ear," 10/18/96). Four distinguished finalists chosen from a list of more than 300 names were ignominiously reduced to being judged solely on their lack of pigmentation on their skin. Is this what we've come to? Was this the goal of Martin Luther King? Every white candidate is dismissed as a "white boy" or a "white girl?" The Daily would not be happy unless white candi- dates, no matter how quali- fied or distinguished they are, are excluded. What's next? Let's fire all the white Daily editorial page writers! JON WINICK LSA SENIOR Capitalism needs limits TO THE DAILY: At first I thought I would let Nicholas Kirks letter, "The rich are the reason why America is great" (10/15/96), go by without responding to it. But then I recalled that I recently heard almost the same words from a middle- aged businesswoman, and so then I felt that, as a good lib- eral, maybe I have a respon- sibility to try to educate Kirk. Kirk, a very large per- centage of the wealth in this country is inherited. Oh. And there are Americans today who are so hard-working that they work two or three jobs, yet they barely make ends meet. Oh. You see, capitalism rewards hard work, but it also rewards employers who make their workers work as hard as possible for as little as possi- ble. It also rewards employers who force their employees to work overtime rather than training and hiring the unem- ployed. Oh. We also have a Federal Reserve Board that attempts to fine tune the economy so that unemploy- ment does not fall below 5 percent. Why? Because when that happens, wages rise system is moving increasing- ly in the direction of a win- ner-take-all system. No mat- ter how hard we all work, all of us are not going to be upper-level managers, major league ballplayers, TV news anchors or heart surgeons. Consider a corporation where the lowest-paid employee makes about $10,000 and the CEO has an annual income more than $2 million. Maybe the CEO works harder than the janitor or the mail clerk, but 200 times harder? Capitalism can lead to excess. We do not need to abolish it, but we must temper it with regula- tions (for example, laws for- bidding forced overtime) and redistribution mechanisms. By making our income tax much more progressive, we even could establish a floor and a ceiling for incomes. Those earning nothing or very little would receive a negative income tax, and those earning the most would pay at rates approaching 100 percent. One only has to look at most European countries to see that it is possible to tax the rich much more than we do, and to provide a better safety net for the poor, with- out destroying capitalism. Most Americans work very hard, and most of those unemployed and under- employed would like jobs. Yet real incomes for most people have been slipping for more than 20 years, while the top few percent have made tremendous gains. We must turn this trend around if America is to remain great. DAVID SIRKIN MEDICAL SCHOOL Greeks not responsible for incident TO THE DAILY: As a recent graduate of the University and a former member of the Greek com- munity, I am appalled by the article that you decided to print in Tuesday's edition titled "Police, IFC investigate Theta Chi" (10/2296). The slanderous story is complete- ly unsubstantiated, based merely on hearsay, and repre- sents yet another unwarranted attack on the Greek commu- nity. The author offers the reader mere speculation regarding the alleged distrib- ution of alcohol at the frater- nity and fails to address the real issue - personal accountability for one's actions. Should the alleged incident prove to be true, who really is at fault? The individual or the institution'? In today's rapidly changing social environment, it has heari- mac inn nvto ; r their own actions. The pub- lic's tendency to blame the institution in such a situation merely perpetuates this reck- less behavior amongst young adults as they are rarely held accountable for their own actions. The institution is punished while the individual walks away. Punishing the institution in this matter merely provides a short-term cure for the situation but fails to provide a long-term reso- lution to the issue of personal accountability. The author's reckless dis- regard for the facts jeopar- dizes not only a potentially innocent fraternity but more importantly, inaccurately directs blame toward the fra- ternity president. It is my sin- cere hope that this lack of journalistic integrity doesn't result in a misplaced punish- ment for an innocent individ- ual. Rather than searching to place blame, let us all be thankful that the young woman ended up safe and is out of danger. CRAIG L. MILIUS UNIVERSITY ALUM Writer unfair to Christ TO THE DAILY: I am writing to address inaccuracies in a letter you printed on Oct. 21 ("Leave Christ at Berkeley") about the vice chancellor and provost of the University of California at Berkeley, Carol Christ. William Donakowski, identified as a faculty mem- ber here, wrote about Christ's candidacy for the University of Michigan presidency. Donakowski is, in fact, a staff scientist employed by the Space Sciences Laboratory, a unit that is under the supervision of our Vice Chancellor for Research Joseph Cerny, and not under the supervision of Christ, as Donakowski asserted in his letter. The events he recount- ed in his letter with respect to Christ never took place. For example, Donakowski never contacted Christ's office as he claimed and she, there- fore, never turned down a request to meet with him and his colleagues. Cerny, howev- er, did hold a meeting with the staff. Although not stated, Donakowski's true motive in sending this letter may have stemmed from the fact that employees at the laboratory are currently involved in a very acrimonious protest against a decision to bring them into the campus parking system and charge them for parking, due to our institu- tion's financed improvements to their parking lot. Staff scientists also have SHAKMrG THE TREE Ladies and gents, position your tongue for better kissing While surfing the 'Net looking for column idea, I came across page created by Flirts International, a company appar- ently dedicated to increasing the quantity and qua- ity of flirting, around the world (Please, please don't ask me how I got to this page; I swear it was an accident. I was looking up the K ATIE word "internation- HUTCHINS al." Really.) Aside from telling you how to be attractive and who the famous flirts and non-flirts are (e.g. Lloyd Bentsen and Warren Christopher, respectively), it gives tips on kissing. I thought I might share the kissing tips with you, because - tragic as it is - bad kiss ing happens a lot on this campus. For example, a friend of mine was on her first date with a guy she met at a party. The relationship ended with the goodnight kiss. The poor guy didn't use his tongue. That's right - no tongue. Now this is something pretty basic that we all should have learned by now. People hook up the same way they live their lives: passively, aggressively, shyly, dominatrix-style - but, in thi culture, everybody uses their tongue. It's a given. Most of the Flirts International's tips seemed to be aimed at the high school population, but a few might be helpful to people of college age: "Kiss as though you have all the time in the world." I included this tip for the men on campus. You really do have all night, and,-all next week, and until you graduate t. get laid - so don't push it. Relax, enjoy kissing for what it is, and ddh't get so damn turned on that you forget that it's a person you're with. t "Open your eyes (IF you can stand the intimacy)." This one has potential, but - if done improperly - it can have unpleasant ramifications. When you are staring at your partner as you kiss, just make sure you let him or her know you're doing this. I was kissing a recent boyfriend for good half hour before I realized that his eyes were open the majority of the time. This made me feel uncomfort- able. I don't want people looking at me when I'm kissing, even if they're involved. Later, I tried opening my eyes to check to see if he was opening his, but when we made contact - and both hur- niedly looked away - it kind of too~' away the romantic feel of the moment. I would suggest not using this "tech- nique" until later in the relationship. Se"Kiss your partner's face in places other than the lips" Ooooh. This real- ly works for women. Lotsa points for creativity. But I'm not sure how guys react to it. When I was 13, I ordered two books from the back of some pre-teen maga- zine: "The Get Him System" and. "Secrets of Kissing." One told me hog I - no matter whatI looked like- could get any guy I wanted. Money back guarantee. (I still use the tech- niques to this day. I have an extra copy if anyone wants it.) And, of course, "Secrets of Kissing" told me what to do with him once I got him. These books were marvelous hand- books for the teen-age years - an(i both suggested the kissing on the fac thing. I tried it a few times, but some-I times guys get freaked out by this. Too aggressive, I guess. "Two or more little kisses are a nice way to warm up to big kisses" I don't know if this is all that necessary, but it's kind of cute. Either way, unless you're really sure of yourself, it's always best tobmake surefthe other party wants to be kissed before you go all out and smother him with tongu Yick. "Relax your lips, but don't let them mush up." Now that's an appeal- ing image. I'm not so sure what this one means, but I do know that mush- ing up is something to be avoided. "Add another 'little kiss' or two after the rbig one. Kissing doesn't begin and end abruptly." The "big one," huh? I like that. Like the little kiss before the bi' kiss, this isn't really necessary. There's something to be said for pulling away from a big long passionate one and gasping for air while giving your part- ner that sexy "ooh, you animal" look. This is a big ego-booster for him. Then