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October 24, 1996 - Image 19

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-24

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18B - The Michii Daily - Fall OUtlook - Thumpy, October 24, 1996

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Around the World
Military experience goes a long way in the world

Going to Work






Class of '97 faces challenging jo

By Alice Robinson
Daily Staff Reporter
Active duty may be four years long,
but the skills learned in military train-
ing can give cadets a lifetime edge in
the job market, said students in the
University's Reserve Officer Training
In the corporate world's saturated
job market, military experience means
more than climbing ropes. Former
cadets are known for their strong work
ethic and willingness to take on a chal-
"They're looking for the back-
ground and challenges that junior mil-
itary officers face," said Robert
Lockett, senior recruiter for The Lucas
Group, a Dallas-based company that
provides training and contacts for mil-
itary officers entering the corporate
"They can handle responsibility -
getting the job done and making things
happen. They will add value to the com-
pany," he said.
Sophomores in the University's Air
Force ROTC program can be selected
for field training, which teaches them
the skills they will need to become sec-
ond lieutenants upon graduation.
The Air Force requires a four-year
commitment for ROTC graduates. After
that, it is up to individuals whether to
pursue a career in the military or enter
the civilian work force.
Non-ROTC students who decide to

"They can handle responsibility -
getting the job done and making
things happen
- Robert Lockett
Senior recruiter for The Lucas Group

One senior in the Army's ROTC pro-
gram agreed. "After talking to a lot of
employers ... (about my) ROTC back-
ground ... they're pretty impressed,"
said LSA student Leslie Wang, who
hopes to find a position in military
Wang said the military "helps you
develop leadership dimensions."
When asked if military experience
helps in the job hunt, Wang said "defi-
Other graduating ROTC students
agreed. "Being an officer gives me
leadership skills that should be an
advantage ... in the civilian work
force," said senior Mike Carroll.
Carroll said being in ROTC "was a
lot of fun. It's also nice to have a guar-

anteed job."
Army students select their active duty
placements by ranking their choices for
the branches they want. The Army
places cadets according to their needs in
various fields.
Col. Mike Allen, a detachment com-
mander for the Air Force ROTC, said
there is no lack of jobs for the militari-
"Many (companies) advertise in mil-
itary publications ... they are eager to
hire these people because they've got
proven skills."
Allen said military training provides
students with real-life skills that aren't
found in other classrooms. "We don't
sugar-coat it here - we call it as we see
it," he said.

enlist after graduation must visit a
recruiter and go through basic training,
said Maj. Tim Wieck, who has been an
ROTC instructor for three years.
Wieck said there is an important dis-
tinction between basic training and
field training. "The difference is
between working on the line (for
General Motors) or entering (into the)
junior executive level," he said.
The four-year active duty committ-
ment can be an important advantage,
Wieck said. The "responsibility is much
greater (in the Air Force) than you'd
find in corporate America," he said.
"Some of my colleagues went into busi-
ness and are with Fortune 500 compa-
Cadets in the Air Force program can
choose from job opportunities in fields
such as aviation, navigation, engineer-
ing and public affairs.
The University's Army ROTC unit
offers students placement in fields such
as combat arms, support, service and

"For the most part people get their
first choice as far as duty preference,"
said Capt. Cliff White, an instructor and
enrollment officer.
White said employers often prefer
graduates with military experience. "A
lot of civilian employers are actively
seeking military officers," he said.

By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
Mark your calendars. Pick out a suit.
Prepare for the worst, but expect the
With this in mind, seniors and gradu-
ate students are preparing for what
could be the toughest challenge and
race of their lives: the hunt to find a job.
The time is near for the class of 1997
to make the big leap out of the safe
haven of the University and into the real
world, but while some students will
continue to pursue a graduate degree, a
large group of the senior class will enter
the job market.
But what awaits graduating seniors?
So far, the news looks good.
According to a study conducted by the
career planning office at Michigan
State University, there's an increase of
4.7 percent in the number of jobs avail-
able from last year.
For students in the University's
Business School, the news looks even
brighter: Last year's BBA class had a
100-percent placement rate this year.
With the assistance of high rankings

from U.S. News and World Report, it is
safe to say business school students are
in high demand.
So why worry?
LSA senior Robert Hunt said he's
stressed about finding a job even
though it still seems a long way off.
"I'm sure I'll find a job, but I figure
if I can't find a job where I want to
work, then I'll find a job where I don't
want to work until something better
comes along," Hunt said.
Every decision made in the job
search seems crucial: whether to put
your name in bo'd type on your resume,
whether to wear a pants suit or a skirt,
or whether to crack that funny joke that
wins almost everyone over, but could
backfire during an interview.
The first step that graduating stu-
dents should take, said Bryan Kempton,
a counselor at the Career Planning &
Placement office, is a self-assessment
of their strengths and weaknesses,
"Many students think a good inter-
view and resume are key. Those are
important, but the main thing students
need to keep in mind is that they've
spent enough time at the University to
gain a good sense of their values and
interests;' Kempton said. "Then they
should connect these skills to what they
can do in the job market."
One of the main concerns of many
LSA students is how to effectively mar-
ket their liberal arts degree.
LSA senior Heather McAllister said
she doesn't think the type of undergrad-
uate degree really matters.
"I think what they're looking for are
intelligent, inquisitive individuals with
the ability to analyze information and
come up with their own independent
solutions," McAllister said. "And that's
not something you can teach in a class
But LSA senior and English concen-

trator Laura Bennett said having an
LSA degree will hinder her chances at
getting a job in market research.
"A lot of companies will only hire
through the Business School," Bennett
Contrary to popular belief, Jeanne
Wilt, director of the Office of Career
Development at the School of Business
Administration, said a number of com-
panies value a strong liberal arts educa-
-"You can have all sorts of back-
grounds, but if you market yourself as
intelligent, then you'll be fine," Wilt
Gary Boley, director of Stearns
Engineering Placement, said engineer-
ing degrees are regarded as the liberal
arts degree of the 21st century.
"There's a lot of attention given to
engineers as liberal arts majors in the
21st century because of their very good
analytical skills and technical abilities,"
Boley said.
The art of writing a resume is not a
talent that everyone can boast. In some
instances, it involves adding zest and
importance to jobs that may not have
seemed important at the time. Suddenly,
the title "receptionist" is elevated to
"administrative assistant," and the time
spent copying documents as a recep-
tionist is translated to "responsible for
publication of materials"
But in other instances, the art of
resume-writing lies in what is placed on
the resume and what is left out.
Wilt emphasized the importance of
placing work experience and responsi-
bility on a resume.
"(Employers) are looking for solid
work experience where there was
responsibility involved and where they
helped achieve something," Wilt said.
Both Kempton and Wilt recommend
taking resumes to a number of people to

LSA sophomore Digna Feliciano talks
week's CP&P Job Fair at the Michigar
get a variety of input.
"Practice, practice, practice - get
variety of perspectives on contents, ae
thetics and grammar," Kempton sai
"And check out for those typos."
Getting dressed for an interview, co
sider the options: checkered or flanne
grey or navy. But before reaching for
lime-green checkered suit or zebr
striped tie, think again. In fact, thin
conservative. Most companies aren
looking for the latest fashion tren
Instead, they opt for the traditional, co
servative look.
"You want that interviewer to foc
on your skills, you don't want to dra
any attention to anything outside
your person," Wilt said. "You want he
you're dressing to be a nice, neutr
backdrop that conveys professionalis
so that there is nothing that would ta
the recruiter's attention from you.
"No three-inch heels, green suits,

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