4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 24, 1996 Ule £diw iguggrll 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily :s editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY A fine NOTABLE QUOTABLE '(The University) seems to have a sense of community that's unusual. People care about sustaining that sense of community interest.' - University presidential candidate Stanley Chodorow, in an interview with the University Board offRegents on Tuesday YUKi KUNYUUKIGROUND ZERO sa# on a w~all h s alt.... LETTERS TO THE EDITOR City policy could deter discrimination fighting bias and ensuring equality for F all people in the workplace, housing and public accommodations is a problem that continues to plague the community. Despite numerous efforts to curb inequity due to race, gender or sexual orientation, there are still local cases where discrimina- tion occurs. At Monday night's City Council meeting, council members proposed amendments that would fine those who vio- late the city's human rights ordinance. The city ordinance would benefit greatly from the amendments. Their passage is integral to the fight against discrimination in Ann Arbor. Since the early 1970s, the city has had a human rights ordinance banning racial, gender and sexual orientation-based dis- crimination. In fact, Ann Arbor was the first city in the nation to enact such an ordi- nance. The problem with the present rule is that it lacks the ability to punish its viola- tors adequately - the worst castigation under the current ordinance is a one-time $500 fine. Beyond the fine, those who think they are victims of discrimination may sue on their own behalf. This option is not often pursued, however, because plaintiffs have no guarantee of winning and the cost of los- ing is prohibitive. The proposal would allow the city to impose fines of up to $500 a day for human rights ordinance infractions. In addition, it authorizes other solutions for discrimina- tion problems, such as ordering the rein- statement of jobs and allowing admission to places of public accommodation. A lack of power behind the promise of equality led a city committee to recommend the proposal last year to stiffen the current penalties. The committee's suggestion led Democratic mayoral candidate Christopher Kolb and other council members to propose the amendments. The council unanimously approved the changes after the first read. The amendments must make it through a second reading before taking effect. Toughening up the penalties would give the city the power it needs to fight discrim- ination. It is imperative that such laws exist - they defend the rights of minority groups to live life to the fullest and they help pro- mote the promise of diversity on which America is based. With the new legislation, the city's human rights staff has developed a proce- dure through which all complaints would pass. First, the city would investigate the complaints. Then, if necessary, the city would offer mediation before issuing a tick- et to the offender. With this procedure, the city can prevent the power of the ordinance from being abused or overused. "The question is not whether it's $500 or in some severe instance $50,000," Kolb told The Ann Arbor News. "It's still against the law in Ann Arbor, and if it's more than the $500, perhaps it'll be a stronger deterrent to discrimination.' Adopting the revisions to the ordinance may help prevent bias because of the increased potential for retal- iation. Discrimination in any form is a problem for the whole community. Everyone must be free to be an active, contributing member to society -regardless of background. City Council should pass the amendments to the present human rights ordinance - and show a willingness to fight discrimination. Early bird gets the vote States should offer early options or the past three decades, America has been plagued by a steadily decreasing voter turnout. To counteract the trend, Tennessee and five other states now offer an early voting option. These states offer sev- eral dates before election day when citizens may go to the polls. In light of woefully low voter participation, early voting makes democracy more accessible and should be available nationwide. The best way to get more people to the polls is to make voting easier. A number of factors affect voter turnout. For example, bad weather on election day often deters those who lack transportation from travel- ling to the polls. In today's economy, people are facing unparalleled constraints on their time. For instance, those with two jobs may be unwilling to take time off to vote. On election day, many precincts are notorious for long lines. Voting over sever- al days lessens the time commitment required at the polls. Additionally, many people going out of town do not go through the process of getting an absentee ballot. In modern society, more voting options are necessary to maintain a truly representative democracy. New early voting laws are one step in the right direction. Although some traditionalists may oppose changing constitutional voting laws, some creativity is needed to increase voter turnout. In Clark County, Nev., which includes Las Vegas, the locations of polling places are often modified. For example, cit- izens can vote early at places like shopping malls - an option that reaches out to peo- ple who normally would not consider vot- ing. 1--1- +amn.ti n" anrv ni1A vidiarv n would make politicians more accountable to their entire constituency. In 1994, a mere 39 percent of voting age Americans cast general election ballots. In this same year. Republicans took control of Congress - with Newt Gingrich announcing a bold plan to reinvent America. He claimed that Republicans were given a mandate by the voters. In reality, a minority of Americans gave Congress the power to attempt changes that would have altered govern- mental philosophy in America. Voter turnout in the United States is dwarfed by other Western-style democra- cies. In the 1980s, Belgium's voter-turnout rate was 94 percent, Austria's was 92 per- cent and France's was 70 percent. In Canada, Quebec's 1995 election turnout was 93.5 percent. Many of these nations have no single election day. Instead, eligible voters are given a series of days to vote. The federal government, along with state governments, should look to these countries as models to follow for increasing citizen participation. When a nationwide problem arises, the government must seek a resolution. Voter turnout has steadily decreased for 30 years, and only now are politicians beginning to address the situation. Currently, people are not voting because - for whatever reasons - they are unable to make it to the polls on election day. Early voting is an inexpensive and effec- tive way to reach out to citizens who have inflexible schedules, special needs that pre- vent them from getting to the polls, or just need more time to vote. If this program is not instituted nationwide, the U.S. govern- ment might hpemnm n oran uhose actions Apology for mistake in LGBPO ad TO THE DAILY: Thank you for running the ad on Oct. 11 acknowledging National Coming Out Day. I must admit to a mistake that I personally made - the ad text I submitted to you was the one from last year, although the names were cur- rent for 1996. The 1996 ad should have read: "WE ARE YOUR PEERS, COLLEAGUES, INSTRUCTORS, CO- WORKERS, and FRIENDS. We are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people or fami- lies and friends of LGBT people ..." Not everyone in our 1996 list is lesbian, gay bisexual or transgendery some are dear allies and friends. RONNI SANLO DIRECTOR, LGBPO Raimi missed Clinton's Medicare accounting TO THE DAILY: I would like to respond to Zachary Raimi's column "Democracy and Demagoguery" (10/21/96), which claimed that President Clinton lied when he called a 7-percent per year increase in Medicare funding a cut. A 7-percent per year increase in funding would result in a net decrease in real purchasing power if Medicare expenses increase by 10 per- cent per year as there are pre- dicted to do according to the National Academy on Aging. Some simple math can show that after seven years a 7-percent per year funding increase would result in the purchasing power of Medicare being 18-percent less than it is today. While this is not a cut in total dollar amount, it is most certainly a cut in services and coverage; i.e., it is a cut in what really matters. To answer Raimis ques- tion, a 7-percent increase is a cut if it fails to keep pace with inflation. I would hope that Raimi would get his facts straight before he claims that President Clinton "resorted to demagoguery." CHRIS FISCHER RACKHAM 'Mean spirits' and lack of almost the first time in histo- ry, people will be voting more often for someone because they don't like the alternatives, as opposed to liking the person who does get their vote. This is absurd. I hardly find it fair to blame either major party in this case for causing this mean spirit that prevails, but I do think it is necessary to point out some things that come to mind. For the majority of the past 40 years the Democratic Party maintained the majority in Congress. Two years ago that changed. The Republicans, never having been in a such a major power position, decided a bit hastily to try and institute major changes instantly. This caused serious friction in Congress as Democrats railed against this overthrow while Republicans sought to cram huge pieces of legislation down the congressional drain pipe in order to start boxing in the president. Both parties instantly became polarized. For this, no one is to blame. However, it is impor- tant to look at where our country stands today. The conventions were a shining example. This year, the Democratic Convention had a platform that lay in the mid- dle ground of the political spectrum and spelled out some of the things that the Democrats intend to do in the next four years should President Clinton be re-elect- ed. Clearly, their platform showed that they are willing to compromise in order to work with their counterparts and create meaningful legis- lation. The Republican Convention had the most extreme platform ever seen in the entire history of this country. It contained five proposals to amend the U.S. Constitution. More than that, a Russian journalist at the convention said he felt it was run stricter than anything the Communists of Russia had ever done. Clearly, the Republican message is one of unwillingness to compromise and work with Democrats. It would seem that the Republican Revolution of 1994, as it is sometimes referred to, has led to a huge divide in the two major polit- ical parties. For this, both parties are equally responsi- ble, and both parties should be working toward compro- mise. After all, compromise is absolutely essential to democracy, something that our great country should be all about. In this current election year, it is the Democrats who are recognizing and working to meet this call. Clearly, they know that is only throuh Printing prices unfair to students TO THE DAILY: Recently, while I was try- ing to print a program from a University computer, I received a window saying that I could no longer print because my funds had run out. This came as a surprise because it had never hap- pened to me last year. It was also a pain, because I had the program and some graphs due the next day and the pro- fessors wanted hard copies. From running around campus trying to figure out what to do, I discovered the following: Each month, students get $10 as a sort of printing allowance. This year, because the price per pane was raised by 100 percent, it costs eight cents to print each page. This means that every month you can only print 125 pages. This isn't really very much when you consider that, for example, the pro- gram I spoke of earlier (including all the junk that goes with it) is something like 20 to 30 pages, and that I have other classes with their own demands. Also, if you are like me and dial in to the University to do e-mail or Netscape, you lose $4.40 from that account (flat rate) even if you call just once! If you dial in for more than 20 hours per month, then you lose more. Say you only do occasional e-mail, such that you're far from that 20 hour limit. In that case, you now have only $5.60 in your account. I haven't done the math, but it probably works out to some- thing like 60 to 70 pages per month that you're down to after dial-in costs. In my case, I could only print two programs per month, and I'd have to get them right on the first print. Also, I'd have to explain to my other teachers that from now on I just can't give them hard copies of any papers or projects and hope that they don't mind if I e-mail it to them. Just from talking to other students in some of my class- es, I've found I'm not alone on this. The solution? You have to set up a self-funded account with the Information Technology Division. I learned this from one of the computer consultants on campus. What they didn't tell me was that the ITD office does not take cash, so I had to* once again borrow a pass- word from a friend so I could get my homework in on time POWERFUL MPAT War--whatis it goodfor? W hile the presidential candidates go back and forth arguing about domestic issues, it seems as if their discussions on foreign policy only go as far as what should be done about legal or illegal immigrants in the United States. Unfortunately, this is not the extent of our for- eign issues, and I would like to hear more about the truth behind America's mis- sions abroad. Specifically. I always wanted to know what was the purpose and MPATANISHI ultimate result of TAYARI Operation Hope in Somalia. Exactly what is our policy on inva- sion and intrusion? Why were we so quick to go into Somalia for "humani- tarian" efforts, while ignoring other fighting all over the world? Specifically, the Bosnia situation was ignored for many years by the interna- tional community. So, why this coun- try? As I remember it, an outgoing President Bush made known his deci- sion to deploy American troops for a humanitarian mission in Somalia, Africa, as he sat in a National Security Council meeting the day before Thanksgiving in 1992. His so-called objective was to "stop bloodshed and looting and get food to starving peo- ple." As troops left for Mogadishu dur- ing the Christmas holiday, he further imposed that they were doing "God's work." Not surprisingly, incoming President Clinton was both cautious and sup- portive of being dragged into this uncertain political territory, and for good reason. Although several differ- ent issues came to account for Bush's decision to send troops to Somalia, this United Nations intervention by an American-led coalition was really not surprising at all. It all but screamed the advancement of Western imperialism - a much easier task following the fact that the world is no longer bi- polar. Deeming Bush's agenda as selfish is greatly supported by both historical and contemporary evidence. Historically the selfish reasons for foreign intervention and foreign aid to these Third World countries was typi- cally based upon Western states trying to keep communism from expanding, as shown through the great decrease in foreign aid following the end of the Cold War. Presently, I find it hard to believe that Bush, widely known for his attack on welfare and the poor within his own nation, would OK the U.S. occupation of Somalia for purely humanitarian reasons. There are several other states needing someone to intervene and do "God's work." Why not send troops to Cambodia or why not send troops to stop the massacres in Bosnia at the time? These situations just mentioned were much worse than the situation that was going on with Operation Restore Hope. The name of the mission itself indicates the rampant images of Third World countries - usually those of color - as being downtrodden and not being able to function without European or other Western interven- tion. In addition, it is not surprising to me that when the last of the American troops pulled out of Mogadishu five months after they went in, little change had been implemented beyond pre- scribing newfound international fame to the local warlords. Although some may argue that cog- nitive limits, rather than ethnic biases, affect state policy decisions, I would disagree. This would imply that limits of which states are cognizant - usual- ly through the media - have a strong bearing on policy-making decisions. It indicates that states are so wary of their appearance, and the level of approval in the eyes of their citizens and prominent persons in other coun- tries, they make policy decisions that will fare well within these groups. Well, I find it hard to believe that most states make important decisions based on peer pressure -- especially nations with as much national and international power as the United States. Although the media has great influ- ence over the American people, the executive government has an underly- ing and unseen role in the control of the media. They essentially feed American media what it wants them to know and broadcast, thus quietly lim- 0 01 I 7 0 0 r h p 01 I i