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October 22, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-22

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: Rain likely, low
round 550.
morrow: Chance of thunder-
torms, high around 62*.



One hundred six years of editorlaifreedom

October 22, 1996

....... .. ...



Jeff Eldridge
fily Staff Reporter
Berkeley Vice Chancellor Carol
'hrist envisions a large research uni-
'ersity that makes undergraduate edu-
ation its top priority.
o the Board of Regents and the
r University community, Christ
xpounded yesterday on this vision and
her goals she would pursue as
niversity president.
The first of four candidates to visit
ampus, Christ was the subject of a
o-hour question-and-answer session
ith the University Board of Regents,
rnd a two-hour town meeting with stu-
ients, faculty and staff later in the day.
The span of subjects ranged from
e Centered Management to the
ersity Medical Center. And Christ
ad ready answers for nearly every
ssue thrown her way.
"I love public research universities,
nd aspire to serve them in the best
ys that I can," Christ said. "I see the
resident as the person who articulates
he goals and vision of the University
o all of its many constituencies."
She talked about the connection
een higher education and social
"For me, the most important route to
he American dream is the state universi-
y Christ said. She said public universi-
ies need to always be accessible to in-
tate students, and be prepared to provide
he financial aid to make this a reality.
Christ also came out in favor of the
niversity's commitment to the public
"Public service needs to be reinvigo-
as a central part of the University
f Michigan," Christ said.
The University also has the potential
o advise the government more, Christ
id. "The kind of analytical help this
niversity can offer ... is invaluable to
he state,' Christ said. She said univer-
ities have the ability "to reflect upon,
o give advice upon social policy" to
ut central to Christ's message yes-
ay was the obligation the
niversity has to undergraduates.
"Undergraduate education ... I think
s not only principle but paramount,"
hrist said, adding that she would push
See CHRIST, Page 7



Theta. Chi
Kegs, underage drinking may
lead to jail time for president


Carol Christ, vice chancellor of the University of Califomia-Berkeley, explains the goals and visions she would pursue as
University president. Christ is the first of four presidential candidates scheduled to visit the campus this week.
InterVlews continue today;
Chodorow 1s next in lne

By Jodi S. Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
A scholar in medieval history may
lead the University into the 21st century.
Stanley Chodorow - one of four
current finalists for the University pres-
idency - will be the second candidate
to meet with regents and other members
of the University community in a public
interview and town meeting today.
Before beginning his position as
provost at the University of
Pennsylvania in 1994, Chodorow
served as a professor and administrator
at University of California-San Diego
for 26 years.
"I have dedicated my life to research
universities and Michigan is at the pin-
nacle - among the best," Chodorow
said last week.
While Chodorow said he "loves
Penn" and has enjoyed the past 2 1/2
years there, he couldn't pass up an
opportunity to lead the maize and
Penn students and administrators said
Chodorow is recognized for his dedica-

tion to undergraduate education and a
liberal arts education.
"He has been working to enrich the
experience (of) Penn undergraduates by
promoting interschool initiatives, reor-
ganizing student
services and,
exploring ways
to enrich the res-
idential living
said Robert
Rescorla, dean
of Penn's
College of Arts
and Sciences.
"Moreover, he
understands the Chodorow
special place that research universities
have in educating undergraduates."
Penn senior Ben Nelson, chair of the
student committee on undergraduate
education, described Chodorow as
"honest" - a quality that often surpris-
es students.
"What Stan Chodorow says is what
he feels. It takes a while to get used to

it. but it's to his credit," Nelson said.
"You expect administrators to sugar-
coat things. He will easily say, 'No, I
disagree with you."'
Nelson said, however, that it took
Chodorow some time to adjust to stu-
dent activism at Penn - a school
known for an involved student body.
"That was a big shock for him at
first. He was not used to students
marching into his office," Nelson said.
"Over the past two years, he has really
adapted to meet that."
Nelson said that Chodorow has come
a long way since he was quoted in the
college newspaper as saying students
were unorganized and "many of them
don't have much time." Last week,
Chodorow went to the Penn football"
game with Nelson and other student
Prof. Peter Kuriloff, chair of Penn's
faculty senate, agreed that it took
Chodorow a little while to adapt to an
Ivy League school, but said he is "a
good learner."
See CHODOROW, Page 7

By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
The local chapter of Theta Chi frater-
nity is under investigation for illegally
distributing alcohol at a party with
Alpha Phi sorority Saturday night. The
charge could hold a maximum penalty
of 90 days in jail for the fraternity's
In addition, allegations that members
of the fraternity served beer from kegs
and had a common source of hard
liquor may lead
to probation IC
from Greek Itys a
social events.
A slew of misdemea
officials are
looking into the crries a
incident that
began when an maximum
in toxic a ted
Alpha Phi
member - a Special aSSiSt
minor -
passed out on South University Avenue.
and had to be taken by ambulance to the
emergency room.
According to Ann Arbor Police
Department reports, four other Alpha
Phi members, who were with the
woman, said they had just come from a
party at Theta Chi where beer was
served from kegs and hard liquor was
distributed. Theta Chi's house is located
at 1351 Washtenaw Ave., on the corner
of South University Avenue.
Fraternities are not allowed to have
common sources of alcohol at any of
their functions, and are always prohibit-
ed from serving minors. Theta Chi may
be prosecuted under the host law, which
states that distributing alcohol to
minors is illegal.
Special Assistant Prosecutor Joe
Burke of the Washtenaw County
Prosecutor's Office said there is a pos-
sibility that the fraternity president
could spend time in jail as a result of


the fraternity's actions.
"Host laws make it illegal to know-
ingly permit minors to drink alcohol on
their premises or to provide alcohol for
them," Burke said. "It is a misdemeanor
and carries a 90-day maximum in jail."
Burke said he has not yet received the
AAPD report, but said his office
expects to review it within a few days.
Theta Chi President Bruce Stewart
said he could not confirm or deny the
allegations because the incident is
under investiga-
"I don't know
all the informa-
nor and tion at this time,
Stewart said.
?f lJay "We're certainly
looking into it
in jail. " right now."
According to
- Joe Burke AAPD reports,
ant prosecutor the fraternity was
holding a sched-
uled closed pa'ty with Alpha Phi on
Saturday evening. The fraternity
allegedly served "kegs of beer, bottles
of beer, shots of liquor and a mixed-
drink solution of vodka and lemonade
in a large dispensing cooler," according
to AAPD reports.
A drunk Alpha Phi member was
found unconscious outside a residence
at 1619 South University Ave. at 1:53
a.m. Sunday, AAPD reports stated.
The woman had thrown up several
times, according to statements from
four other sorority sisters who had
attended Theta Chi's party. The student
was taken to the University Medical
Center and was checked by a physician.
according to AAPD reports.
The student was released at 7:49 a.m.
Sunday, according to Medical Center
AAPD reports indicate that after
police officers talked to the four sorori-
See PARTY, Page 3

THE Bos AR. Bc_ TowN

Abortion rights divide
party lines and loyalties

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
While the issue of abortion may be dividing the
country, the often well-defined party lines have
become a bit blurred this campaign season.
The traditional pro-life torch is still carried by
GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole and U.S.
Senate contender Ronna Romney, but local
Republican candidates such as House challenger
Joe Fitzsimmons and Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid
Sheldon quietly retain their
pro-choice stances. Gen.
Colin Powell, a pro-choice
advocate, recently joined
the Republican ranks, say-
ing he feels confident the
party accepts his views.
There was little division
in the Democratic ranks
when a bill banning the use
of partial-birth abortions
made its way through
Congress. Incumbent House and Senate members
were forced to officially cast a vote on the divisive
moral issue last month. Opposed by both Rep.
Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) and Sen. Carl Levin
(D-Mich.), the legislation was vetoed in the Oval
Levin and Romney squared off on the issue at a
debate earlier this month, at which Romney called
the procedure "infanticide" and advocated the use
of congressional power to prevent this "murder."
Levin stressed the bill would have set a prece-
dent in regulating medical decisions and patient
procedures had it passed.

Richards noted that the Republican platform
"makes it a constitutional amendment that would
make it a federal crime for a woman to terminate
a pregnancy." Richards said Congress should not
have such powers.
Rivers' challenger, Fitzsimmons, is also pro-
choice, though he generally doesn't campaign on
the issue.
"My bottom line is I support a woman's right to
choose," Fitzsimmons said.
Fitzsimmons said no
Republicans have pres-
sured him to change his
pro-choice stance.
"It's my position and it's
been that way from the
beginning," he said.
"They've accepted me. In
fact, there's a lot of pro-
choice Republicans."
The issue of abortion
No. 8 in a 12-part series has divided the Republican
party in Michigan this year, however. Controversy
arose at the state party convention over the nomina-
tion of candidates for the University Board of
Regents. Pro-choice candidate Judy Frey, who was
opposed by a large faction of convention delegates
because of her abortion stance, lost the party's
regent nomination.
State Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.)
called the use of that issue an "inappropriate deter-
mination" in nominating a candidate.
"To have her nomination rise and fall on that
matter that she is pro-choice ... is ridiculous,
Smith said.

Both President Clinton and former Sen. Bob Dole made campaign stops through Michigan yesterday. Both candidates claimed credit for boosting
the state's economy.
Clnton, oe stumpthrough Michigan

By Laurie Mayk
* Staff Reporter
'-ETROIT - When Air Force One arrived
at Detroit Metropolitan Airport yesterday, the
Dole/Kemp '96 airliner was already waiting
just a few fields away.
During simultaneous visits to the state yes-
terday, presidential candidates Bill Clinton and
n0 %% TNI n lm ,1ra,-24 fr- hnnc+nc

economics policies similar to the Dole/Kemp
economic plan.
"We've done these things at the state level
- we know they work," Engler said.
Clinton's arrival event in Michigan yesterday
was not a campaign stop. Wayne County,
Executive Ed McNamara, however, had to
remind voters Clinton was at Detroit
Mi-rnnil mn A iort for the jronndhreakini

Clinton, Secretary of Transportation
Federico Pena and city officials touted the part-
nership between federal government, city plan-
ning strategists and Northwest Airlines as a
success that will create more than 20,000 jobs
in Michigan.
"It will not only change the face of Wayne
County and Michigan in creating more jobs, it
will create better iohs" Clinton said. The oro-



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