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October 18, 1996 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-18

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4- The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 18, 1996 I

Zee 9 r ttn ttilg

420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Edited and managed by
students at the
University of-Michigan

Editor in Chief
Editorial Page Editors

'When I am president of the United States, I will
keep my word. My word is my bond.'
- Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, speak
Wednesday evening's debate in San

king at


Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily; editorial board. All IM LASSER
other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily.



A pub ic
Judge's wise ruling
he spotlight on the presidential search
will now shine brighter, as a result of a
;judge's ruling Tuesday that requires the
regents to conduct almost every aspect of
the search in public. A joint lawsuit - filed
by The Ann Arbor News, the Detroit Free
Press and The Detroit News last week -
temporarily postponed the search; the law-
suit argued that the regents' plans were in
violation of the state's Open Meetings Act.
Washtenaw County Judge Melinda Morris
agreed and ruled that most of the regents'
search plans violated the law. Morris' deci-
sion was justified and proper - the regents
hould conduct the search in public, not in
Yesterday, the regents signaled that they
will make an effort to comply with the rul-
ing. The Presidential Search Advisory
Committee released more than 300 names
of potential candidates and its top four rec-
ommendations at a public meeting. The
recommenced candidates will visit campus
beginning next week. Regents will inter-
view them in public.
Throughout the entire search process,
the regents claimed that a public search
would deter qualified candidates from pur-
suing the presidency. However, as the four
recommended names demonstrate, the
regents' argument was weak. The four are
top administrators at prestigious universi-
ties. Lee Bollinger, for example, is the
:provost at Dartmouth College and Carol
Christ is provost and vice chancellor at
Berkeley. Publicity did not frighten these
candidates - instead it affirmed that their
interest in the University presidency runs
deep. It is unfortunate that the regents did
not declare that all meetings would be open
from the start.
Final four do not fi

scolding 'CAUESF I SAT
opens pres. search Mou,, ATto ooOLD
yOt) STArND FogK 2 4
The new public sessions are in stark con- /O\SANiO.
trast to the regents' original - and illegal^
- plan. Initially, the regents were going to
review applications in secret and allow"
PSAC Chair Jeffrey Lehman and search °
consultant Malcolm MacKay to answer
their questions. However, such an event is
part of the deliberating process and, as Z 5uPffZ
OMA says, should be conducted in the ( A F-
open. Cd
Morris' ruling will ensure that these dis- -
cussions are open to the public, so that the 4 " Y l *
University community will discover infor-
mation about the candidates at the same LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
time as the regents. Such openness will SAPAC must all cases a proRepublican cal future for themselves.
keep the search committee accountable to comment was added to a
the public by preventing them from making focus on ham s al statemen, not an ANDREWP SEROWIK
preliminary decisions in private re tto open attack on the QJM L S POMORE
e igina l s n pals w d orientationFurthermore, Hutchins is
The original plan also would have guilty of stereotyping herself
allowed regents to meet one-on-one with O THE DAILY: by stating that the College Christians
candidates who requested such a session. I would like to second the responsibility for their
However, Morris ruled this illegal. In court, Daily's call for the new head views' Several members should
Peter Ellsworth, the regents' attorney, of the Sexual Assault within our group may dis- respect Jews
argued that "individual regents are not a Prevention and Awareness agree with the homosexual
public body." Center to come from outside agenda; however, this is not
the organization ("Looking the view of the average group TO THE DAILY:
Ellsworth should have known better - for a leader," 10/9/96), My member. This letter is both an apol-
the OMA specifically states that such inter- reasoning, though, is proba- This stereotypical behav- ogy and a position statement.
views cannot occur in secret. The state bly somewhat different from ior has been common on this First, I would like to apolo-
Supreme Court's 1993 decision that that of the Daily. campus over the last few gize to the Jewish communi-
The new head of SAPAC years. I personally have been ties of Ann Arbor for not
declared the University's 1987-88 search needs to look carefully at the working with the leadership having written this letter ear.
illegal states that one elected regent "must whole scope of the organiza- of the College Democrats, tier. I should have done so
be deemed 'public bodies' within the scope tion. The goals of SAPAC are and they have come to under4 two weeks ago when the anti-
of the OMA." Secret meetings could lead laudable, and its work is an stand that our group is not Jewish pamphlets on the high
obvious (and unfortunate) made up of right-wing holy days occurred. Members
the regents to make conclusions about can- necessity in today's society, i extremists, but a spirited of my own congregation, who
didates and attain information to which the would, however, question group of students concerned have Jewish family members,
public will not have access - undermining some of the ways that with restoring the American brought the issue to my atten-
the purpose of the law, public deliberations SAPAC claims to be working Dream. tion. I waited to see how the
towards those goals. I commend the Daily for local University Association
and citizens' trust in government. Namely, I am concerned your concern regarding the of Religious Counselors
Morris' ruling protected the purpose of with the University's orients- plight of the Queer Unity would respond. I know that
the law - now the University must prove tion program and the role of Project and the homosexual many feel the way I do, but
its ability to comply. SAPAC in that program. community. In the future, we have failed to respond to
As do all incoming stu- please check your facts it publicly.
dents, I had the unfortunate before launching attacks at Secondly, I must deplore
opportunity to sit through freedom-loving Republicans the actions of certain groups
SAPAC's Orientation who, despite what the far-left in the Ann Arbor community
Indoctrination, In the 15 claims, oppose all discrimi- who passed out anti-Jewish
months since, I have yet to nation, whether it be based tracts to those attending ser-
t com m unity specs meet someone who felt that on race, gender, religion, vices on those evenings. The
the presentation was of value. national origin and yes, sexu- "Christian" group that did so
ask frank enough questions about the Rather, I have heard descrip- al orientation, on the evenings of Rosh
University in light of the open nature of the tions ranging from pointless PETE RINATO Hashanah and Yom Kippur,
Search. to plain-and-simplemalLSA SENIOR only denigrated the sacred
But if a candidate cannot withstand a lit- SAPAC should focus on aspect of these celebrations
and proved the callous insen-
tle scrutiny from the University beforehand, working to inform students sitivity that still exists in our
how could that candidate withstand a tenure on ways to avoid dangerous MSA needs society. Part of the American
as University president? situations, improving safety ideal is that all people in the
on campus, and advising St- improvement United States of America are
Lee Bollinger, provost and professor of dents of the necessary proce-free to worship in peace. Had
government at Dartmouth College, is the dures if one is victimized (to such an incident occurred
only candidate who worked at the ensure that the bastard goes TO THE DAILY: outside of our church on one
University. From 1987 to 1994 he was the to Jail for a long time). Congratulations are in of our high holy days, we
If the new head of order to The Michigan Daily wolhaebnourgd
dean of the Law School, Because of his SAPAC will ensure this for raising awareness of stu- Suh have been outraged.
8 . Suchan offense should not
inside track, Bollinger has a better chance focus, SAPAC can do much dent fees with Will Weissert's be tolerated. All people are
of landing the position -- however, the to protect students on this three-part series of atides entitled to their views, but all
other three candidate are no less qualified. campus. If not, SAPAC risks regarding the Michigan people should not go beyond
rendering itself irrelevant Student Assembly budget and phebolesou ld oleyn
Stanley Chodorow is a provost and pro- and, thereby, endangering the Daily's Oct. 8 editorial, t ouns o civil n pole
fessor of history at the University of students more than if it had "Dubious dollars." When discourse to condemn people
Pennsylvania, Larry Faulkner is a provost, never existed. held up against the student fortable or perhaps even per-
vice chancellor for academic affairs and JIM RISKE ge ceted on any day, especial-
public universities. is quite se-te___ anyd,_ especia_ -

professor of chemistry at the University of ENGINEERING SOPHOMORE clear that MSA doesn't na- t
Illinois.suresp.dand special.
Illinois. sure up. To the credit of The
Carol Christ is a vice chancellor, provost The issue of the fee T herit of he
and professor of english at the University of Hutchins is increaseinot the additional Assitn of Ricigan
is $3 per year, almost insignifi- Association of Religious
California at Berkeley. Her background is 'eXtrem ist' cant when put in the perspec- Counselors, the group which
appropriate for an administrator, but the tive of total tuition. The issue officially represents campus
regents would never rest their gazes on . here is the principle that is ministries and foundations,
volved. Some may to those who perpetrated this
Christ. As the token woman, she specializes am writing to defend the downplay the increase, but it most uncivil act are not
in a subjective field; her publications are College Republicans against still remains that two organi- members. Thus, we have no
largely about Victorian women's literature, Katie Hutchins' extremist zations stand to benefit far true possibility or internal
Chances are the search committee included claims in last Friday's more than any others. With process by which we might
Michigan Daily ('Hetero- funding received from the denounce their actions.
her as a stooge intended to deflect charges sexual must deal with other additional fee, Project Serve Let me make it quite
of a good old boys club - insulting her people's homosexuality," would see its budget doubled clear. As a Catholic priest, I
accomplishments as well as the University 10/11/96). I personally made from last year's figures. have a very strong convic-
community's intelligence, an apology to the Queer This does not mean am tionsabout what I believe
Unity Project on WOLV opposed to additional fund- adaotwa hs h
The advisory committee did not do Student Television, which ing for student organizations, adhere to the Catholic faith
enough to meet the requests of the commu- aired Wednesday night. but a fee increase with such should be about. We make
nity. Despite what the gay com- restrictions as this would the decision to belong to
Now the regents must - in full view - mtunity and the campus left- seem to be unfair when a Catholicism through freedom
Now he rgens mut - - i ful viw - wtng may think, Nicholas large number of other equally of choice and conscience, not
examine the list in terms of what kind of Kirk did not, in any way, pro- worthy organizations receive through imitation or fear.
leader will be good for the University-at- mote the defacing of the little or no funding. Members of the Jewish
large QUP's chalk. Additionally, we should communities, who I pro-
He stated to the group ensure that the money MSA foundly respect, should be
before chalking that we need- is receiving is being used in allowed the same freedom to
ed to stay positive because the most efficient way possi- make their own choices about
Clinton supporters were bad- ble - which I believe it is faith, without fear or intimi-
gering him for the negative , not. Approving a fee increase dation. The secular
rhetoric of prior nights. such as the one on the ballot University campus should
' Although one or two chalk this November sets a danger- allow all people to make such
rUALLY messages by our members ous precedent. decisions of faith.
were in poor taste, they did But perhaps congratula- I thank you for your con-
;Y g not contain the hate-filled tions are in order to one other sideration, and to my Jewish
M4ING SURE- bigotry that you claim. The group as well - the mem- colleagues, I say "Shalom.'
r TPZY ALL altered chalkings were impo- bers of MSA who secured a REV. WIWAM F. WEGHER
(TAY DAD lite and an apology was put place for the proposal on the
forth. However the campus ballot, who have most cer- ASSOC. PASTOR
a should note that in virtually tainly bought a bright politi- ST. MARY STUDENT PARISH

hree white boys and one white girl.'
: The University community asked the
:search committee for more women and
minorities, and the final four hardly qualify.
The new president should be from the
outside to breathe some fresh air into this
campus - and three of the four are com-
pletely from other universities. The regents
could go back to the list of 300 names if
they are dissatisfied with the four choices.
However, the lopsided list included 249
men and 53 women,
So much for diversity and recruitment of
women. While the upper echelons of uni-
versity administration's are filled by men, it
is not completely dominated by them. The
committee should have worked harder to
include more women in the list of possible
When the University Board of Regents
appointed interim President Homer Neal,
this page cautioned the regents not to make
'that move their only step toward diversity.
Neal, who has stated that he does not want
the presidency permanently, would be a
great candidate - and he was a stable
choice to lead the University in a time of
However, choosing a black man as the
interim does not excuse the University from
turning over every stone for more minority
and women candidates.
More diverse candidates could have
brought to light many issues that an all-
white group may overlook. While finding
qualified candidates for the position is no
simple task, the search committee would
have benefitted the community to include
mor candidates with diverse backgrounds.
One mystery candidate turned down
consideration - claiming to feel unable to


Campaign '96
is about weak
bridges and
tired slogans
G uess what, guys? We are crossin
a bridge into the future. Into t
21st century. And we need a president
to help us do that.
And if we make
the wrong deci-
sion, there will be
no 21st century.
Whatever. If we ?t
believed that, it
would be nice. If
we could still be
so easily deceived
by catchy, say-
nothing campaign KATIE
slogans, perhaps HUTCHINS
that would mean
that we werea more naive, but more
secure, America.
If only we had the right leader ai the
top, we'd all have jobs - whenI we
graduate. We'll be able to get through
graduate school without having to pay
loans until we're 38 years old. We w'
finally meet our soul mates, we'll have
a house and a family and a career and
peace and money.
Unless, of course, we're gay - then
we don't deserve to have families. But
that's not the point. We're building that
bridge for the other 90 percent of vot-
I think that's the No. 1 safest cam-
paign promise. No matter how maby
people starve or how many pre-teen
start smoking or get pregnant, we'W
still going to make it to the 21st centu-
ry and that's the best we can promise
to do.
But that's not what we want to hear.
I don't think there's anything the can-
didates can say at this point that will
Bill Clinton and Bob
Dole are not dis-
cussing issues that
affect students
make a difference in how we feel
about them. Because we simply don't
believe them.
Both are guilty of false advertising,
with Bob Dole claiming his proposed
cuts in Medicare weren't really cuts
and with Bill Clinton saying he hd
100,000 more cops on the street. 9
The candidates seem to know this. In
the past few weeks, they couldn't even
come up with any new material. How
many times have we heard Dole tell us
about the trial lawyer calling him on
his cell phone before he hit the ground
in Chico, Calif., saying, "I think we
have a case here?" How many times
have we heard about that damn bridge?
How many times have we heard aboj
poor Joe Normal, who can't get
welfare (and fortunate Jane Normal,
who could)?
The only new thing we've seen isn't
really new - the character attacks
from Dole, which are about eight
months late. Perhaps his childish snip-
ing could've helped him win the cam-
paign earlier this year, when 'it
appeared as though anybody could
beat the president. But - for whatev-
er reason - America has already f '
given the Clinton for his little "burea
cratic snafu(s)?'
Let's face it - the biggest changes

we want in our lives are not what the
president (alone) could produce. 'It's
the economy, the social structures, the
law and the world. It's not that simple
to - with a stroke of the presidential
pen - end racism, poverty and crime
in this country.
It would be nice if we could belie
in somebody. Because it is pretty sa
to head into the 21st century with a
first-rate education but without a job.
Other than the engineering studehts,
many of us will probably be waiting
tables for a while. For those going into
graduate school, we're freaked as hell
about how we'll pay for it.
And we're the lucky ones 'the
ones who actually made it to college.
And there's really little the preside
can do about it; we're not pretendi
there is. That's why the "bridge to the
21st century" won't get anyone elect-
ed. That's why Bill Clinton was right
with Wednesday's strategy and 'Bob
Dole was wrong. Bob Dole is goi g to
lose and Bill Clinton's not pressured to
comeup with anything new - he sim-
ply has to avoid a another fuck-up.'
What exactly do we want out of our
leaders? Of course, hones
Transcending beyond the bull. We dim
n't get it in either presidential deat
and certainly not in the campaign
and we're not going to.
We demand details. We demand t4t
they talk issues and not abstract-
but that's not going to win an elction.
We want to know that there is a leader
who can control the economy. That
there is some hope that everyone"in
this country will get adequate medical
care and education. That there tru
someone who can walk with us acr
that bridge to the 21st century, and
guarantee that things will turn outdOK.
But that takes overcoming our cy-
cism to give us unqualified hope.
That's something Bob Dole can't pro-
duce, and it's something Bill Clinrop
doesn't have to.
We've made up our minds, and
apparently, so have they.
- Katie Hutchins can be read
over e-mail at katieh@umich.ea u.

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