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October 15, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-15

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One hundred six years of editori dfeedom

October 15, 1996


4th sexua,.l asault reported inA

have its
city cout
Regents to confront
legal action today at
11 a.m.
By Jeff Eldridge
Dly Staff Reporter
ile students prepare for midterms,
the administration is preparing for court.
The University Board of Regents will
confront a legal action today at 11 a.m.
before circuit court Judge Melinda
Morris. The board is currently under a
temporary restraining order for alleged-
ly violating state open meetings laws in
its presidential search plans.
Administration attornies will seek to
have the injunction removed.
e suit was brought collectively by
The Ann Arbor News, the Detroit Free
Press and The Detroit News. It argues
that the University is in violation of both
a permanent injunction and the state's
Open Meetings Act.
University officials hope to prove
their case.
"We're going to go to court and ask
the judge to lift the temporary restrain-
in order," said Wlter Harrison, vice
sident for University relations. "We
hope we will succeed in that.'
Harrison would not speculate how
long it will take for the lawsuit to go
through court or what the University's
next action will be if its request is
Joan Lowenstein, an Ann Arbor attor-
ney who specializes in media law, said
today's hearing could be the start of a
larger round of legal activity. Lowenstein
i the plaintiffs will likely request a
liminary injunction to indefinitely
halt the University's search plans.
Currently, the University faces a tem-
porary injunction that will expire after
Tuesday's hearing.
But if Morris denies the preliminary
injunction, all participants will face a
full-blown trial to determine whether the
search will be put under a permanent
f If (Morris) grants the injunction ..
t en the University would be really silly
to pursue it," Lowenstein said, citing the
Michigan Supreme Court's 1993 deci-
sion against the board of regents for
conducting the previous search in secret.
Jonathan Rowe, attorney for the
newspapers, said he would not rule out
the possibility of an out-of-court settle-
"We are always amenable to discuss
compromise and resolution with the
-iversity," Rowe said. "I wouldn't
want to speculate otherwise."
Until a legal conclusion is reached,
the current presidential search has been
Regents met in a closed session yes-
terday to discuss legal strategy with their
Harrison would not comment on what
University attorneys intend to say in
art this morning. He said some partic-
ts may be asked to testify.
"In these things, most of the action is
between attornies, but there certainly is
the possibility of testimony," Harrison
See COURT, Page 5

By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
A fourth sexual assault in 10 days
was reported to local authorities after a
woman was raped and robbed at gun-
point early Sunday morning on West
Stadium Boulevard.
Ann Arbor Police Department Sgt.
Phillip Scheel said he did not yet know
if this recent incident was related to last
Tuesday's assault at the Nob Hill apart-
ment complex.
"It's too early to tell at this point,"
Scheel said.
Scheel said AAPD and Southfield
Police Department detectives met last
Thursday and Friday, but did not find
any similarities between the Nob Hill

Officials claim there is no trend

case and a sexual assault that occurred
last week in Southfield.
"They'll keep in touch," Scheel said.
"I don't think that you could consider it
a joint investigation at this time."
In the latest incident, the woman,
manager of the Subway store at 2410
W Stadium Blvd., had opened the back
door of the store at 3:21 a.m. Sunday,
when she was confronted by a man with
a handgun.
According to AAPD reports, the man
asked her for money from the store's
safe. She was unable to open the safe,

so the suspect allegedly took the vic-
tim's money, wallet and credit cards.
Then, the man forced her under gun-
point up a nearby hill, and raped her,
according to AAPD reports.
The suspect is described as 5-foot-8
and in his mid-20s. The medium-built
man has a dark complexion and was
last seen wearing dark sweatpants, a
hooded sweatshirt and a bandana,
according to AAPD reports.
Joyce Wright, prevention and educa-
tion coordinator for the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center, said

last week that there are different rea-
sons why more sexual assaults are
reported, including an increased aware-
ness of where to report the assaults.
"It's very hard to tell," Wright said.
"People come forward for a variety of
LSA sophomore Iris Chien said she
agrees that the actual number of
assaults may not be increasing, but that
people may be reporting them more.
"I think it's always been occurring,"
Chien said. "I don't know if people are
reporting it more now."

Engineering sophomore Kirsten
Kresnac said she thinks sexual assaults
are part of campus life, and the recent
assaults are not connected.
"I know it's a problem with campus-
es," Kresnac said. "I don't think (it's a
LSA sophomore Byron Kaufman
said he thinks the recent assaults may
be related.
"Four times - of course it's a trend,
especially with robbery involved,"
Kaufinan said. "Maybe robbery was the
focus, but it changed its nature."
Police are still searching for the suspect
in the assault at Nob Hill Apartments that
occurred last Tuesday afternoon.
Final pres.
deate to

The great pumpkin
Five-year-old Bernadette Milotevens picks out a perfect pumpkin at Wiard's Orchards pumpkin patch, located off Carpenter Road. With the upcoming
Halloween season, local kids and parents have been flocking to the orchard for apples, pumpkins and a haunted house.
Parties split on pans for hgher ed.

air tonight
Mr. Nice Guy Jim Lehrer tossing those
respectful let-us-reason-together ques-
At tomorrow's second and final pres-
idential debate, the questioners will be
ordinary San Diego residents, screened
by the Gallup organization to represent
everyone but hard-core supporters of
President Clinton or Bob Dole,
PBS newscaster Lehrer has taken
some heat from commentators for
being bland and, as one critic wrote,
"fair minded to a fault" while moderat-
ing the first presidential debate and the
vice presidential forum.
A town-hall-style debate four years
ago between President Bush and
Clinton, his Democratic challenger,
showed the dangers to the candidates of
letting citizens
take charge.
While the ques-
tions can reflect
what is on the pub-
lic's mind, they
also can come
from far afield or
be downright mys-
In the 1992
evening's third Dole
question consisted of a citizen's lecture
that disarmed Bush, who had been
intent on portraying Clinton as ethical-
ly unfit for the presidency.
The questioner deplored "the
amount of time the candidates have
spent in this campaign trashing their
opponents' character and their pro-
Bush was left floundering a second
time by a question in which the candi-
dates were asked how "the national
debt personally affected each of your
The president wound up saying one
didn't need to have cancer to discuss the
impact of cancer. Clinton turned the
question into a more general inquiry
about the economy and talked about
"people that have lost their jobs, lost
their livelihood, lost their health insur-
The questioner, Marisa Hall, com-
mented later that
Bush was wishy
washy" while
Clinton did "a
pretty good job.
That debate -
like Wednesday's
- was character-
ized as the
Republican can-
didate's last best
chance to catch Clinton
up with his
Democratic rival.
If Dole intends to raise character
questions, as advertised, he'd better
hope the audience gives him the open-
ing, said Wayne Fields, a Washington
University professor who has written a
book on presidential speechmaking.
Dole would look obvious twisting a
question on another topic into a discus-
sion of Clinton's flaws, he said.
"If the audience asks hard questions
of Clinton, that's fine," Fields said.
"Dole has to hope that's what happens.
If he raises the hard questions, it's just
not likely to work in this format'

By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
When it comes to their plans for edu-
cation, Republicans and Democrats
point one finger of blame at their oppo-
nents and one of credit at their own
Both parties say they want high-qual-
ity, low-cost higher education for as
many Americans as possible. They just
don't agree about how to get it.
Many Democrats say President
Clinton is the strongest education pres-
ident ever and warn that Republican
presidential nominee Bob Dole will
reverse many of Clinton's strides.
"Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich have,
over the past two years, led what many

consider to be the
most anti-educa-
tion Congress in
history," said Sen.
Christopher Doddw
(D-Conn.), chair
of the Democratic
N a t i o n a l
But Republicans
say Democrats'
attacks on their'
education record are unfounded.
"It's a phony charge and a red herring
for Democrats to say that Republicans
are a threat to education:' said Rusty
Hills, director of public relations for
Gov. John Engler, a Republican.

tell younger
voters that
Dole, if elect-
ed, will attack
student loans
and other
They say the
BS Republican

for programs that, in turn, fund Pell
grants, work-study programs, student
loans and the AmenCorps program.
Clinton's veto pen, Dodd said, is the
only thing that kept education programs
intact during the last two years, with a
Republican majority in both the House
and Senate.
Republicans flatly deny hoisting an
attack on student loans.
"Republicans are increasing student
loans but not at the rate Democrats
want them to:" said Nicholas Kirk,
president of the campus College
Republicans and an *LSA junior.
"Republicans are not taking away stu-
dent loans?'

a. 6 In a 12-part serh

record shows a history of attacks on
Dodd said Republicans have pro-
posed more than $10 billion in higher
education cuts in the last two years. He
said Republicans intend to cut funding


Pieces of sculpture put
together in U' museum

By Bram Elias
Daily Staff Reporter
Talk about a pain in the neck.
The reunited head and torso of a sculpture of a
Roman soldier are on display, along with other
artifacts, in an exhibition at the Kelsey Museum of
Archaeology titled "Images of Empire: Flavian
agments in Rome and Ann Arbor Rejoined."
The exhibition, which opened Oct. 5 and will
run until Feb. 17, brings together 15 fragments of
Roman relief sculpture that have been dispersed
between the collections of the Kelsey Museum
and the Museo Nazional Romano in Rome, Italy.
"This is one of the more exciting shows we've

ology at the University, and Paul Hartwig, a
German scholar, acquired a number of sculpture
fragments, now identified as "Flavian fragments?'
which had just been found in a construction site in
Rome. Kelsey purchased six pieces for University
museums, and Hartwig bought nine pieces and
donated them to Museo Nazional Romano.
Kelsey and Hartwig were entirely unaware of
each other's actions.
Seventy-seven years later, in 1978, an archaeolo-
gist at the University of North Carolina realized that
the head of a Roman soldier in Rome seemed to
match the body of a Roman soldier in Ann Arbor.
"We weren't sure until Rome sent us a cast of


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