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October 14, 1996 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-14

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22B - The Michigan Daily - Faceoff '96 - Monday, October 14, 1996

4* -




Monday, Oc er 14, 1996

Contnue from Page 208
for the Hobey Baker Award. Co-captain
Mike Crowley, a Hobey Finalist last sea-
son, set single-season, Minnesota
records in 1995-96 for assists by a
defenseman (46) and total points by a
defenseman (63).
In goal, the loss of Moen is only a
half-blow to the Gophers, as Moen split
time in the net last season with now-
junior Steve Debus, who won 12 straight
games at one point last season.

four of last season's top-10 scorers.
Senior Erik Raygor, the top returning
scorer, finished fifth on the squad with
13 goals last season. Junior Joe Bianchi
leads four junior forwards that look to
replace the departed leadership.
Even more inexperienced is the
Badger defense, with freshmen and
sophomores accounting for six of the
nine defensemen.

'M' hockey no longer seconi
Fans give icers respect equal to that of other i

The Badgers are coming off a season """"''"
in which they did not make the NCAA,
tournament for the first time in nine
years.199596 Mich 7, WlnStn.3
Questions surround an inexperienced
Wisconsin team at virtually every posi- g
tion except one - goaltender.
Senior Kirk Daubenspeck was in net I4/G/t Oe A
for the majority of the past two seasons,
including a team record 55 consecutive
starts. Last season, Daubenspeck posted Kirk Eaubenspek $r4 GoaLender
a 4.01 goals-against average and an .885 Erik Rigo .. . For ward
save percentage. Joe Blanc.h.... Jr... F.rwrd.
On offense, the Badgers retain only

Brian Bonin, 1996 Hobey Baker Award winner, wheels around the net against Wisconsin. The Gophers must find a way to
make up for his loss due to graduation.

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Continued from Page 21B
Gaudet, who has led the Bears toward
the top since taking over in 1988. Four
seniors will vie for those positions,
while three junior forwards should
provide sufficient depth.
The defense will be smaller but
faster this season, as three of the
biggest players on the team graduated.
Senior co-captain Bill McKay, along
with three juniors, will play the
biggest roles on defense. One of those
juniors, Bob Quinnell, scored seven
goals and dished out seven assists last
season as a freshman. Junior Jimmy
Anderson will also contribute with
solid one-one-one defense.
In net, junior Jeff Holowaty and
senior Brian Audette will battle for the
starting role. Although the Bears lost
goaltender Mike Parsons to gradua-
tion, it was Holowaty that logged the
most minutes last season.
At one point, Holowaty went 3-0-6,


Continued from Page 21B
goals-against average and an .872 save
percentage. Caravaggio will likely bat-
tle for time with sophomore David
Weninger, who went an impressive 11-
7-2 in his rookie season.
At the blue line, first-year coach Tim
Watters will expect a lot from his team,
as he stresses defense. Senior Travis
VanTighem will be the defensive leader,
after finishing second among the
squad's defensemen with 18 points.
Additional leadership will come from a
less offensive-minded senior defender
- Eric Jensen.
The key to success for the Huskies
could be the emergence of an offensive
leader. Candidates include juniors
Andre Savage and Jimmy Roy, as well
as three senior forwards. Savage, who
scored four game-winning goals last
season, posted a team-leading 40
points on 13 goals and 27 assists. Roy
also topped all Huskies with 17 goals
and three short-handed conversions.
Senior Jeff Mikesch's speed, along with
senior Kyle Peterson's size, 6-foot-3,
215 pounds, will also help the
Michigan Tech offense.
- Dan Stillman

By Dan Stillman
Daily Sports Writer
Has the time come when Michigan hockey should be men-
tioned in the same breath as the football and basketball teams?
The Michigan Daily obviously thinks so, otherwise you
would not be reading this first-ever
edition of Faceoff, the hockey coun-
terpart to football's Kickoff and bas-
ketball's Tipoff.
But, more importantly, how do
Michigan fans view hockey? The sta-
tus of
Mi c h igan
hockey on a Agv
national level is
limited to that
. imtd othtof college hockey tit
hockey in gen-
eral. And despite its increasing popular- new sens
ity, it would be over-zealous to put col- respect, a
lege hockey in the same class as basket-
ball and football. The exposure and sup- won't be
port simply do not compare yet.
So the meaningful question is the them ugh
status of Michigan hockey in the eyes of
the fans of Michigan sports. Has hockey
hit the big-time for good, or is everyone M ichi
merely jumping on the bandwagon of a
national champion? To find the answer, one need only attend a
game at Yost Ice Arena, home of the Wolverines.
The high energy in the air at a Michigan hockey game
rivals, if not surpasses, that of a Michigan football game. And
as far as basketball is concerned, the intensity in Yost puts to
shame the often drab atmosphere in
Crisler Arena, even .when it is sold out.
A seemingly endless barrage of tra-
ditional, sometimes hostile, cheers,
together with a pep band that resonates
throughout the arena makes for a truly
exciting environment. People who have
not cared about hockey a day in their life
attend one game at Yost, and they
become addicted before they know it.
So many have done so, the arena is
virtually sold out for this season. _
If you're still not convinced of the
importance of hockey around these
parts, maybe the University will per-
suade you. It has spent $5.5 million on
the renovation of Yost, currently in its
final stages. The improvements have
reduced the arena's capacity but have
eliminated obstructed-view seats and
improved many areas of the 72-year-old

And by wat<
maybe, they wi
do not win the <
At least, it's

On othe pos
come to our &
Michigan coach
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But in 1984
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- Red Beren
gan hockey co

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posting a 1.90 goals-against average
and a .938 save percentage in the nine
game span. Audette has played more
of a clutch role in 12 games of action
over the past three years, as two of his
five victories have come against
Princeton in the ECAC playoffs.
- Dan Stillman

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Above: Goaltender Marty Turco hoists a Michigan flag in celebration of his team's
national title. Right: The Wolverines gather around their championship plaque.

I _ "

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