STonight's show - the last at our own M ichigan Theater - is at 9
October 14,19
Paralyzed journalist Hockenberry to speak at Union
By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Arts Writer
When Mount St. Helens erupted in May 1980, it
blew John Hockenberry's life wide open.
After he watched colleagues from the
Washington public radio station at which he vol-
unteered trek up the mountain in ash-covered
boots and come back with incredible stories about
the powerful explosion, Hockenberry knew he
wanted to spend his life as a journalist.
Sixteen years and hundreds of television and
radio broadcasts later, Hockenberry told The
Michigan Daily about his experiences as a corre-
spondent for National Public Radio, ABC's "Day
One" and now "Dateline NBC;" noting how the
newscasts from his wheelchair differ from those of
the average standing-up reporter.
"For me, journalism is a very natural, wonderful
way to live one's curiosity," Hockenberry said.
"After my car accident in '76, I was a little bit con-
cerned that once I traveled outside the United
States I would not find friendly access (for dis-
abled people), that there wouldn't be ramps. In
general, I wondered what I
would do outside the cushy
confines of the United:P
A near-fatal car crash
when he was 19 left
Hockenberry paralyzedBallrooma
from the waist down - a
paraplegic resigned to a
wheelchair. Though he would not be able walk
again, he was young, strong and adventurous -
"As time went on, (journalism) became a way
for me to do things physically that I might never
have chosen to do otherwise," he said. "I didn't
want to fear traveling. I didn't want to feel as
though I had to live near a mall ... to be able to
ght at the Michigan Union
t 8 p.m. Tickets are $10.
just because each
set of contrasts."
function. While I might
never have tested myself on
a tourist trip, I was happy to
sign myself up for a foreign
correspondent job to see
what it's like. I'm probably
more widely traveled now
than I ever would have been
if I hadn't had my accident,
new place provides such a rich
memoir of his life, ranging from personal situa-
tions, such as once lying underneath an ex-girl-
friend's bed while she had sex with another man,
to professional situations he encountered as a for-
eign correspondent in war-torn Afghanistan and
the Middle East. He brings his tales and message
of perseverance to town tonight to kick off the
University's "Investing In Ability Week."
Hockenberry said his personal interest in the
disabled Israeli and Palestinian communities dur-
ing the intifada added a unique characteristic to his
reporting. "I instantly was tied into to a whole
other group of people who were very involved in
the conflict, but who were not press 'fronts' -
families who had been affected by things, families
who had opinions. Because I had sustained lasting
friendships in the Middle East from this other
See SPEECH, Page 9A
and determined to find his
own way of doing
Such contrasts are chronicled in Hockenberry's
book, "Moving Violations," the poignant, witty
Author John Hockenberry speaks today
at the Michigan Union Ballroom.
Orchestra gives soun
performance at Hill
Chris O'Donnell stars in the film adaptation of John Grisham's "The Chamber."
By Emily Lambert
Daily Arts Writer
A concert by the Cleveland
Orchestra is pretty much a money-back
guarantee of an evening: With a name
like Cleveland it's gotta be good.
And good it was. In the first concert
of a weekend residency, the musicians
and conductor
Christoph vonR
Donhnyi reaf- RE
firmed that the Th
reputed Cleve-
land Orchestra
can play, and play
well, whatever
piece is set before
The opening piece by Bernard Rands
was, in a way, the evening's overture -
albeit a long one at three movements. In
colorful texture and songlike style,
"Canzoni per Orchestre" forecasted the
pieces to come.
In the lyrical "Canzoni," instrumen-
tal timbres faded freely into others. As
muted trumpets blended with reeds and
then strings, the musicians created a
nearly seamless texture. Resonances of
harp, chimes and brass wound together
a calculated chorus.
The variety of tone colors hinted at
the masterpiece of the program's sec-
ond half, "La Mer." Several soloists
picked up Debussy-esque passages,
which included an extended, virtuosic
and beautifully played flute solo. The
vocalistic and conversational solos cre-
ated a nice transition from a symphonic
piece to songs by Schubert.
But "Canzoni," however technically
perfect, was artistically uninspired.
Despite an early energetic section of
clocklike interruptions, the piece
remained at a slow, unchanging pace.
Hints of the group's powerful, united
sound were brief. The performance was
lovely, well-played and somewhat con-
back and forth
ie Cleveland
Hill Auditorium
Oct. 11, 1996
to a rousing final
like a ship at.sea.
Coherence was
heightened in the
second iove-
ment, 'when
motives dart. d
artfully frotm sa
tion to section.
Donhnyi navigat-
ed the orchestra
Grihmsordinary 'Chamber' dies on arrival
If "Canzoni" seemed to be an exer-
cise in tone colors, "La Mer" wa t
textbook example. Christoph vm
Donhnyi and the orchestra stirred up a
storm in Debussy's programmatic mas-
terwork. Virtuosic passages were tossed
By Kelly Xintaris heroic lawyer caught in a web of villains. O'Donnell
Daily Arts Writer gets back to his North Shore roots early in the film -
In recent years, motion picture studios have trans- his character, Adam Hall, works at a downtown
formed John Grisham best- Chicago law firm. Hall, a
sellers into paint-by-number Michigan Law School alum,
guides to filmmaking. Just take REVI EW decides to defend his racist
a hot young actor, throw him in grandfather, Sam Cayhall (Gene
some fiery courtroom scenes, The Chamber Hackman).
and voila! a star and a block- ** Hall flies down to
buster are almost a sure thing. At Briarwood and Showcae Mississippi, where Grandpa
Almost. Sam is still on death row for the
suicide after his two sons die in the blast, but Cayhall's
own son later kills himself. Traumatized after seeing
his dead father at age 10, Hall vows to keep Grandpa
out of the gas chamber.
When his "Yank" grandson catches up to him in
1996, Cayhall shows no signs of remorse, and insists
that he did not kill intentionally. As Hall dredges up
the horrors of his family's past, he comes to terms with
the reality that his grandfather - hate personified -
destroyed the lives of his family and others. Cayhall is
so despised that his alcoholic daughter, Lee Hall
Bowen (Faye Dunaway) wishes Hall would just mosey
on back to the Windy City, and let evil rest in peace.
Yet Hall, a staunch opponent of the death penalty,
See CHAMBER, Page 9A
Rivaling "La Mer" for the title of
evening's highlight was baritone Olaf
Baer's performance of seven Schubert
songs. Comfortable and convincing on
stage, Baer brought the music to life
with his lush, operatic voice. Passionate
with subtlety, Baer was always engag
and followed the demands of the mus.
The accompaniment, orchestrated
from the original piano part, was never
overbearing. The orchestra's sound sup-
ported Baer, projecting his voice to the
back walls of the large hall.
Schubert songs beautifully blend
melody with meaning, and the orches-
tration gave references in the poetry
even more clarity. In "Serenade,"the
nightingale's song was approprialfJ
represented by a flute. To the sounds
harp and horn, "the light of the moon"
seemed to be shining right onto' the
stage. Nowhere did the orchestration
seem more appropriate then when, at
the end of"To Chronos the Coachman,"
the singer's calls for a horn ' were
answered quite literally from the brass
The Cleveland Orchestra gave a
sound performance Friday night. No
one would expect any less.
In "The Chamber;" 26-year-
old Chris O'Donnell follows the sure-footed steps of
Tom Cruise ("The Firm") and Matthew
McConaughey ("A Time to Kill"), playing another
1967 bombing of a law firm,
ironically enough. Cayhall, a Ku Klux Klan member,
targeted the building because a Jewish civil rights
lawyer worked there. Not only does the victim commit
Stay tuned for Fal Outlook,
a special career and graduate school section,
coming next week to the Daily.
The St. Paul Companies is one of the nation's
largest and most respected insurance and
financial services firms. We are seeking
graduates for Information Technology careers
from all degree programs. We will share more
information about the company and career op-
portunities at our Information Session.
Information Session
Monday, October 14th
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Michigan League Building
Kalamazoo Room
Refreshments served
If you are unable to attend, please see our
home page at or
contact Terry Gorham at e-mail address
Throughout our organization, we're
reengineering our systems and pursuing ex-
citing development projects as we move from
mainframe to an advanced client/server environ-
ment. Technologies in use include:
Intern and Study
in Washington, D.C.,
or Another
World Capital
Barenaked Ladies play tonight at EMU
Eastern Michigan University has ;been
having some pretty good shows lately.
Tonight's performers, Toronto's
Barenaked ladies, are no exception.
Without a doubt, this is one show you
shouldn't miss. Catch the crazy
f Canucks at 8 p.m. at EMU's Pease
Auditorium. Call (313) 4871221fo
more Information.
Visit Our Representative in the Michigan Union!
Michigan Room Crowfoot Room
1 to 5 p.m. 12 to 4 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 14 Tuesday, Oct. 15
INTERN with a government, business, organization, or
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