LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 7, 1996 - 3A .t , P:.rof. Borders named Music -Associate dean "Prof. James Borders has been appointed associate dean for graduate s:dies at the University's School of usic. SBorders, who teaches musicology, succeeds Prof. Paul Lehman, who held Latino doctor ventures to South America to practice the position for 19 years. 'Borders received his historical musicology 4niversity of Chicago. includes medieval and ocal music and focuses opment of plainchant. doctorate in from the His research Renaissance on the devel- Besides chant, Borders has an abid- ing interest in rock and contemporary popular music. Borders has received a Fulbright award for study in northern Italy and major research grants from the National Endowment of the Arts, the National Endowment for the fumanities, the American Council of earned Societies and the University's Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Saturday physics lectures to return The University's department of physics has organized a second series of Saturday morning multi-media physics lectures for general audiences. *eginning this Saturday, the lectures will present physicists explaining their research and work in layman's terms that are easy to understand. "Our goal is to share the excitement and demonstrate the importance of contemporary research in physics with people who appreciate the thrill of dis- covery," said Timothy McKay, University assistant professor of Shysics and co-organizer of the series. The series is sponsored by the department and M. Lois Tiffany of Ann Arbor, who received her master's degree in physics in 1946 and a doctor- ate in biophysics in 1971, both from the University. The lectures will take place from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Saturdays in 170 Dennison and include the following tdpics: The Physical Cell - Oct. 12, 19 d 26 * Quarks: Pieces of Everything - Nov. 2, 9 and 16 EThe Laser- Dec. 7 and 14 'U' series to probe critical health issues Alcohol treatment options, success- I aging, and women and sex are among the topics to be discussed in the University's fourth annual Workshop Series on Critical Issues in Health Care Social Work. Co-sponsored by the University's School of Social Work and the Health System Department of Social Work, the series consists of six workshops that begin this week and run through arly November. All workshops will be held at the Medical Center's Ford Amphitheater, and include the following: 'U Abstinence vs. Moderation: New Treatment Options for Alcohol problems, Oct. 12, 9 a.m.-I p.m. M Couples Therapy: Current Trends no the Assessment Treatment of :ouples, Oct. 17, 1:30-4:30 p.m. ° Aging with Grace: A Positive pproach to Successful Aging, Oct. , 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The New Frontier: Social Work Practice in Primary Care, Oct. 31, 9 a.m-4:30 p.m. Women and Sex: Life Issues, Nov. 5, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. -.0 The Phoenix is Rising: Medicine in the New Millenium, A New Prescription for Body, Mind and Spirit, Nov. 7, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Compiled from staff reports By Ann Stewart Daily Staff Reporter Wilmer Perez was afraid of heights. Because of this fear, the University of Colorado professor decided to climb down the tallest waterfall in the world. Stretching the limits of one's abilities was the main theme of Perez's presenta- tion to students Friday night in the Michigan League. "Trying new things in nature - the way people go to God and books in the Bible - this is my religion. This gives me my sense of humanity," Perez said. Perez, a native Venezuelan, has been a physician for 24 years and now has a private practice in Trinidad, Colo., where he is "the only Dr. Perez in town." He also teaches internal medi- cine at the University of Colorado. He spoke Friday as part of the month-long Latino Heritage Celebration. "I would like to present how being Hispanic applies to being universal," Perez said. "I have no plans to be a role model. I just want to share my experi- ences." Perez has traveled various places around the world - including the Amazon - where he stayed for one year with a group of indigenous people. One slide he presented showed two Indian children with tiny bows and arrows used to hunt lizards. Perez said the children were his "companions:" "I was so noisy the adults wouldn't let me go with them to hunt so I stayed here with these two," Perez said. Perez emphasized the importance of learning about and sharing with other cultures. "My opinion is that you have got to be so knowledgeable about other soci- eties that you respect them," Perez said. Perez also presented slides showing a number of his daredevil adventures, including caving, expedition across the Takla Makan desert in China. Students gasped at one slide of Perez as a mere speck against the world's tallest waterfall, Angel Falls in Venezuela. Perez hang-gliding and an If peep read, they trouble" -Dr.1 Latino physician "A book is always the way to go. If people don't read, they are in trouble." Perez said. "The more you read, the more open-minded you are." Slides showed that Perez included his wife and three children in many of his adventures. He said family should be included in every part of life. "Sometimes people isolate complete- ly their family ... from life and I think life is only one," Perez said. Students attending the presentation said they found it inspiring. I adn 't"I thought he was breaking a are in lot of stereotypes about what it is to be Hispanic in Wilmer Perez i and speaker the U.S. and on an international level," said Public said it was vital that people not limit themselves to a one- dimensional life. "You would be astounded at the 'illit- eracy' of many physicians. So many physicians read only medicine. You've got to be cultivated," Perez said. Perez encouraged students to read more, saying that books are the path to independence. Policy senior Alberto Cano. "He linked us not by nation or identity but as human beings in a global sense." Students also said they were amazed by the slides and felt encouraged to explore themselves. "He has a really refreshing approach to life - not to go day by day mun- danely but to seek out other things you may not be familiar with," said LSA senior Dana McAllister. JULLY PARK/Daily Dr. Wilmer Perez gives a slide show on his travels and adventures, including slides from his climb up the world's largest waterfall, Angel Falls. U' doCs transplant 1st living liver Falling bridges Marilyn Quayle, wife of former Vice President Dan Quayle, Ann Arbor congressidonal candidate Joe Fitzsimmons, and local student Calvin Green (front) react Saturday to a toppling archway at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. Detroit Lieons ak the Bi 3 for $40M to buld new stadilum By Brian Campbell Daily Staff Reporter Brayden Bennet was born without a healthy liver. Last Tuesday, University transplant surgeons performed the first successful liver transplant from a living donor, giving Bennet a chance to grow up. Bennet, who is from Taylor, Mich:, suffered from biliary artesia, a rare liver disease, so was born without bile ducts, said Dr. Jeffrey Punch, assistant profes- sor of surgery. "Without a transplant, the boy likely would have died within six months to a year," Punch said at a press conference Friday. "Now he has an excellent chance at a long, healthy life." Punch, with Dr. John Bromberg, associate professor of surgery, removed the boy's failed liver in a seven-hour operation and replaced it with 20 per- cent of the liver of James Stone - Bennet's mother's fiance. Punch said the boy's new liver will grow as he grows and Stone's liver will grow back to its normal size within several months. Punch noted the advantages of a liv- ing-donor transplant. "We didn't have to bring him in on the spur of the moment whenever an organ just happened to be available from a cadaveric donor," he said. "And because the waiting list is so long, it probably would have been another year before Brayden's name came to the top of the list." Only about 200 living-donor liver transplants are performed each year worldwide, half of which occur in Japan where the concept of brain death isn't accepted and cadaveric-organ donations are culturally taboo. Dr. Jeremiah Turcotte, director of the University liver transplant program, said he anticipates more living-donor transplants in the future. "It's rapidly growing and with the great shortage of donors from cadavers, I think there will be more and more of these procedures performed, both in the United States as well as throughout the world," he said. Bromberg said the boy made it through surgery with flying colors and is now doing well in intensive care, where he is breathing on his own, play- ing with the tubes and wires, and watching cartoons. Stone, 23, returned home Saturday afternoon. "The medical staff here is great - the people are really treating us well," Stone said. "We haven't had a bad report yet and we feel everything is going to go well here." Before this latest surgery, Brayderi underwent a traditional bile-duct bypass surgery, in which his small intestine was joined to his liver directly for excretion of toxins. Punch said the bypass surgery allowed Bennet to live for his first two years, but that his liver had deteriorated in the past three months, and the transplant was neces- sary to save his life. "If he makes it through this first year, he has a good chance of making it to adulthood," Punch said. Punch said he was confident the boy would survive through his first year. The one-year survival rate for adult and child liver-transplant patients at University Hospitals is 81 percent. More than 650 liver transplants have been performed at University Hospitals since the program began in 1985. DETROIT (AP) - The Detroit Lions want to call the stadium they hope to build downtown the Motordome and are asking the Big Three automakers to contribute a com- bined $40 million to help build it, The Detroit News reported yesterday. "The plan was outlined to all three of the automakers," a senior Big Three executive briefed on the Motordome plan told the newspaper Saturday. "They want to name a stadium gate after each company." The Lions have proposed building a stadium near a new Detroit Tigers open- air stadium in a $485 million complex that would stretch over about 40 acres across from the Fox Theatre and restau- rant district. The Lions need to acquire the land and persuade private industry to kick in $50 million, all by Nov. 1. The Lions are contributing $70 million, Wayne County adds $20 million from the sale of surplus land, and $45 million comes from the Detroit Downtown Development Authority, which would sublease the stadiums to the teams. Wayne County voters on Nov. 5 will that Chairman Robert Eaton received a briefing on the stadium sponsorship plan. Chrysler sources told the newspa- per they were not sure how Eaton views the Lions' proposal. decide the fate of a proposal that asks for excise taxes of 1 percent on hotel rooms for stays less than 30 days and 2 percent on car rentals to raise $80 million over 30 years. They want to name a stadium gate after each company." The news- paper report- ed that GM executives are concerned that the com- pany not appear to be favoring Detroit over other south- east Michigan cities in which U -A senior Big Three executive The biggest question facing the Big Three funding proposal is whether Chrysler and GM can set aside competitive differences to finance a project closely tied to the Ford family. A senior Chrysler official confirmed Don't Panic.!r If you think you're pregnant... call us-we listen, we care. PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP 769-7283 Any time, any day, 24 hours. Fully confidential. Serving Students since 1970. it operates. The Detroit News said of particular concern is Pontiac, a key center for GM manufacturing and the home the Lions would abandon in a move down- town. ..... ....... : > ILIL C AILNL2 A WhtshpenntnAniro oa ...................................... A, GRouP MEETINGS M Pro Wrestling Appreciation Club, mass meeting, 764-6929, Alice Lloyd, Umoja Lounge, 9:15 p.m. r : Women's Book Group, 662-5189, Guild House, 802 Monroe, 12-1 p.m. EVENTS h-. An- - A.-..4 IZn I ..AI Kerrytown Concert House, 415 N. Fourth Ave., 8 p.m. Q "Oliver Wyman: Information Session," sponsored by CP&P, Michigan League, Hussey Room, 6-7:30 p.m. Q "Smoke-Free: A Stop Smoking Proram," sponsored by UHS, UH , third floor conference room, 12-1 p.m. 0 "Writers' Series," sponsored by Guild Wniin rom ..ic w a+,ct rv r;ti INFO, info@umich.edu, UM Events on GOpherBLUE, and http:// www.umich.edu/-info on the World Wide Web Q English Composition Board Peer Tutoring, need help with a paper?, Angell Hall, Room 444C, 7-11 p.m. O Northwalk, 764-WALK, Bursley Lobby, 8-11:30 p.m. D Psychology Peer Academic Advising .67-3711. nonsored I I m m r