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October 07, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-07

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2A The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 7, 1996


Belarus govt. tries to shut down press

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'Ihe i ashington Post
iMINSK, Belarus - As Belarus'
Zuthoritarian president campaigns this
Sal to seize new political powers in this
.:--oviet country, his government is
oking to shut down the tiny indepen-
?.t press here.
, During two years in office, President
.lexander Lukashenko has taken con-
s of the state press and broadcasting,
'e main sources of information for the
rmillion Belarusans. But in the capi-
a few independent press organs
Wve survived, publishing frequently
ical reports about the government.
K Lukashenko is trying to force the leg-
-ature to grant him broad new powers
hKl diplomats and jurists here say
would make him a dictator. He sees
even a small, independent press in
>Ainsk as a threat, a Western diplomat
said, because it has helped inform and
energize his opposition.
Last month Lukashenko's adminis-
,.tration turned up the pressure against
;independent media. Within a few days,
authorities shut down the only indepen-
: ritlnued from Page 1A
-University chemical engineering
ztaduate student Jeroen Spitael, who
. been working with Engineering
Prof. John Bell on a chemical-reaction
program, said he believes that there are
several issues to explore.
"We hope to able to produce a better
understanding of where this technology
can be most effective," Spitael said at
the conference.
He said the program he is develop-
ing with Bell will be able to increase
prioductivity, minimizing time and
"Through this symposium, we are
trying to determine what educational
situations will benefit most from virtu-
al reality," Spitael said. "Hopefully it
will provide an alternative learning
stylc towards chemistry and other
Former University President James
Duderstadt helped bring the sympo-
sium to the University through the
Presidential Initiative Fund along with
other University departments.
Duderstadt said he hopes that this
will only be the beginning of more
technological advances that will be
brought to the Media Union.
"With this new building and new
technology that it will feature, I believe
that North Campus can now be called
the Renaissance Campus," Duderstadt

dent radio station, froze the bank
accounts of at least five weekly news-
papers for alleged tax evasion and
forced one paper out of its office.
"They are using financial pressures
to force us to close," said Vyacheslav
chief editor of
Belaruss kiTh$ 3
Rynok, a busi-
ness newspaper. fnancal
"They suddenly
declared that all to force j
these newspa- -
pers are violat- closes
ing tax laws and - Vyachesla
have frozen our cheda
(bank) account Chief edit


hearing their news from varied sources.
Many Belarusans interviewed this
year said they rely on the U.S.-backed
station Radio Liberty - or on Russian
radio and television, which are rebroad-
cast here - as well as the local inde-
pendent press.
B u t
re uSing Lukashenko
"clearly regards
'es Urepsi control of infor-
S mation as an
r$ iOessential part of
getting dictatori-
al power," a
Khodosovskiy Western diplo-
mat said. Within
r of Belarusski months of win-
Rynok ning election in
1994, he
replaced editors of several state-owned
newspapers with his appointees and
took control of state broadcasting.
In December 1994, his administration
barred reporting of a legislator's speech
that accused Lukashenko of corruption,
leaving newspapers to publish blank

spots where the articles were to have
Last year Lukashenko ordered state-
owned presses to stop printing several
papers, including the weekly
Belarusskaya Gazeta. Since then,
"we've had to take our paper to Vilnius
(the capital of neighboring Lithuania)
to be printed," said Editor Alexander
In the paper's small warren of
offices, young Belarusans bustled amid
paper-cluttered desks, bookshelves and
a few computers. Each week they lay
out the paper's pages and drive them
125 miles northwest to Vilnius, then
truck the papers back.
Newspaper distribution in Belarus is
a state monopoly, so the independent
papers hire unemployed people, often
elderly pensioners, as street vendors.
Recently police have been harassing
vendors, sometimes confiscating their
papers, Belarusan journalists said.
Lukashenko's pressure on the media
aims to silence not only opposition
groups, but also the legislature.

Perot: Debate did not address issues

WASHINGTON - Ross Perot said yesterday the presiden-
tial debate that he was excluded from.was "interesting to lis-
ten to," but neither President Clinton nor Republican rival Bob
Dole talked about the real problems the country faces.
"It was interesting to listen to," Perot said on CNN's "Larry
King Live." "My concern is that they never went to the core
problems. The core problem is that we have two parties that
control our government."
He also said neither candidate really addressed the country's
financial situation.
"We are on a financial precipice that we cannot let the coun- Perot
try fall off of," Perot said.
Perot appeared on the show shortly after the presidential debates between
Clinton and Dole in Hartford, Conn. It is a favorite forum for Perot, who declared
his candidacy on King's show in 1992 and debated Vice President Al Gore on the
NAFTA agreement in 1993.
Perot had predicted earlier yesterday that after going one-on-one with Clinton,
Dole would regret that Perot was kept from participating in the presidential



and are hitting
us with fines....
I don't know how much longer we will
survive. Maybe a few more months.'
Lukashenko is unlikely to control pub-
lic information absolutely. In the decade
since Mikhail Gorbachev introduced
openness in Soviet information policy,
urban Belarusans have become used to

School suspensions spark concern

Suspended: A 13-year-old honor stu-
dent in Ohio for having Midol at
school. A first-grader in North Carolina
for a kiddie smooch.
Two co-eds at a Roman Catholic high
school in Florida refused to remove
"pro-choice" stickers from their cars
and were suspended, as was an
Anderson, S.C., boy who wore a jacket
to school with a Confederate battle flag
on back.
Buffeted by lawsuits and lesser crit-
icisms, many school administrators
have begun following to the letter
school rules on weapons, clothing,
drugs and potentially offensive behav-
ior. Many want to ensure their students

respect differences among classmates.
Others are trying hard - too hard,
some say - for "political correct-
"They're going and getting all strict
now because there's all this crime," said
Robert Evans, a senior at Archbishop
Carroll High School in Washington.
Many educators agree with the
Washington 17-year-old. They say
removing students from school is not
the first choice for discipline, but offi-
cials have become quick to suspend in
response to public anxiety over school
"You may see that we are cracking
down more to be sensitive to what the
public wants," said Carole Kennedy,

principal at New Haven Elementary
School in Columbia, Mo., and president
of the National Association of
Elementary School Principals.
Some educators also fear lawsuits
filed by parents alleging their child's
right to free speech or expression has
been violated or the school did too little
to protect their child's safety, said
Gwendolyn Gregory, deputy general
counsel of the National School Boards
They read about the jury in San
Francisco that awarded $500,000 to a
student on finding that school officials
ignored her complaints about a sixth-
grade boy's almost daily barrage of vul-
garities, lewd insults and threats.

Thousands walk for
AIDS fund raiser
WASHINGTON - Infants in
strollers, couples hand-in-hand and
dogs wearing red ribbons made their
way around the streets of the nation's
capital yesterday in an annual trek to
raise money for the care of AIDS
Organizers estimated that more than
15,000 people participated in the 10th
annual AIDS Walk Washington, which
began and ended at the Ellipse between
the White House and the Washington
Monument. The walk is the largest
fundraising event in the District of
Columbia, but similar events are held in
major cities across the country.
Tipper Gore, the vice president's
wife and the walk's honorary chairper-
son, sent the walkers on their way with
an appeal to keep up the search for a
cure to the disease that has killed
300,000 people in the United States.
"The fight is not over until all our
loved ones are safe" she said.
Those who traveled the walking tour's

full 6.2 miles raised more than $2 mil-
lion for AIDS programs at the Whitmap-
Walker Clinic, which provides housing,
medical and other forms of care.fpt
Washington-area AIDS patients.
Or ation tools *
may binder order
CONCORD, Mass. - The same
technology that has provided seeminglj
limitless ways to get organized has
paradoxically made life seem more out
of control as workers, students and parr-
ents face greater demands on their time.
That is part of the rationale behind,
National Get Organized Week, whic
starts today.
Instead of enjoying the growing
wealth of information, people are
besieged by it, said Stephanie Denton,
chair of the National Get Organized
Week Committee.
The average American gets 49,060
pieces of mail in a lifetime, one-third of
it junk mail, according to the National
Association of Professional Organizers,
which organizes Get Organized Week

Continued from Page IA
they will not divulge anything, not even
the number of interview letters they
sent out.
Although lips have been sealed at the
Fleming Administration Building and
members of PSAC are not releasing any
information, travel records obtained
through the Freedom of Information
Act show that PSAC Chair and Law
School Dean Jeffrey Lehman made a
three-day trip last spring to Boston and
New York City.
The records also include a $22 cab

receipt from Cambridge, Mass.
Cambridge is home to Harvard
University and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
At least one high-profile figure
rumored to be in the hunt - Stanford
University Provost Condoleezza Rice
- said she is not interested in the job.
"I have not been interviewed about
the presidency at Michigan and have no
plans to leave Stanford," Rice said.
Letters signed by Lehman provide a
rough framework of how the search has
progressed so far. Names and dates
were deleted from the copies obtained.
In the letters, Lehman assures


prospective candidates that "there will
be no need to reveal (their) willingness
to be considered for the Presidency"
until their names are announced to the
board, at which time interviews with
candidates will be open to the public.
"Indeed, we are doing everything we
can to prevent it from being known
that we are even meeting with poten-
tial candidates," Lehman told the can-
One letter invites prospective candi-
dates "to meet with the full committee
at a hotel in the vicinity of the Detroit
Metro Airport" in order to conduct
face-to-face interviews.
Minutes recorded from PSAC meet-
ings give only bare-bones accounts of
the group's proceedings. Machen, for-
mer .University President James
Duderstadt and interim President
Homer Neal gave presentations "con-
cerning the future of the University and
the attributes to be desired in our next
President," according to the minutes.
Machen and Duderstadt spoke at the
June 23 meeting; Neal spoke on June
Tired of
by poor
& high
We'l keep the buzzards
at bay
0 18" 420 htself-seve

1 { , .} ,. r .

Mexc XC elections
opena peaceflly
Elections testing the ruling party's grip
on local power went peacefully yester-
day in the southwestern state of
Guerrero, after thousands of soldiers
hunting rebels retreated to their bar-
Troops in olive drab, who have virtu-
ally occupied some isolated communi-
ties, were to remain in their camps until
after polls closed last night. For the first
time in months, no armored vehicles
patrolled state highways.
The temporary retreat, which began
Saturday evening, eased worries about
possible election-day violence in
Guerrero, where the Popular
Revolutionary Army, or EPR, first
emerged June 28.
The threat of guerrilla war has driven
the campaigns to elect 76 mayors and
an all-new 28-member state congress.
Disenchantment with the govern-
ment has run high in this impoverished
state since police massacred 17 local
men in June 1995 in the mountains

above Acapulco. Th
appeared in Guerrerot
sary of the killing.
State officials said
peacefully at the state'

ne EPR first
on the anniver-
I voting wen
s 3,479 pol n

Woman loses eight
babies, Wants more
LONDON - Sitting beside the
corpses of eight babies wrapped in lu
and pink shawls, the woman who insist-
ed on trying to carry them to term sai
she wants more children, a tabloi*
reported yesterday.
Mandy Allwood, who sold her story
to News of the World for an undis v
closed sum, wept continuously as ri;e
described her loss, the tabloid said.
"Just looking at them tells me I made
the right-decision. They are so beautiful,'
Allwood said.
Allwood, 32, became pregnant after.
taking fertility drugs and disregarded
doctors' advice to abort some of th4
fetuses to give the others a better chance,
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editbr
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell, Megan Schimpf, Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Brian Campbell. Anita Chik, Jodi S. Cohen, Jeff Cox, Jeff Eldridge, Jennifer Harvey, Heather Kamins, Marc Lightdae,~
Laurie MaykHeather'MillerStephanie Powell, Anupama Reddy, Alice Robinson, David Rossman. Matthew Smart. Ann Stewart, AlitIK.
Thavarajah, Christopher Wan, Katie Wang, Will Weissert, Jenni Yachnin.
EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Raimi, Edit
STAFF Niraj R.Ganatra, Samuel Goodstein, Katie Hutchins, Yuki Kuniyuki, Jim Lasser James Miller, Partha Mukhopadhyay. Steven Muwa.
Jack Schillaci, Paul Serilla, Ron Steiger, Jason Stoffer, Mpatanishi Tayari, Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, John Leroi. Danielle Rumore. Barry Sollenberger.
STAFF: Nancy Berger, T.J. Berka. Chris Farah John Friedberg, James Goldstein, Kim Hart, Kevin Kasiborski, Andy Knudsen, Will McCahill,
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ARTS Brian A. Onatt, Joshua Rich, Edltor
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Greg Parker, Elan A. Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Dean Bakopoulos (Fine Arts). Lise Harwin (Music), Tyler Patterson (Theater), Jen Petlinski (Film).
STAFF: Coin Bartos, Eugene Bowen. Neal C. Carruth, Melanie Cohen, Kari Jones, Stephanie Jo Klein, Emily Lambert, Bryan Lark, Kristin
Long, Elizabeth Lucas, James Miller, Heather Phares. Ryan Posly, Aaron Rennie. Dave Snyder, Prashant Tamaskar, Ted Watts, Kelly Xintaris,
Michael Zilberman.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Editor
STAFF: Josh Biggs, Jennifer Bradley-Swift, Bohdan Damian Cap, Margaret Myers, Jully Park. Damian Petresco, Kristen Schaefer. JonatB n
Summef, Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn."
COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Editor
STAFF: Jill Litwin, Heather Miller, Matt Spewak.
ONLINE Scott Wilcox, Editor
STAFF: Dana Goldberg, Jeffrey Greenstein. Charles Harrison, Anuj Hasija, Adam Pollack, Vamshi Thandra, Anthony Zak.
GRAPHICS Melanie Sherman, Editor

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