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October 04, 1996 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-04

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tlinton retreats to

The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 4, 1996 --7


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e Wshington Post -
CHAUTAUQUA, N.Y. - President
Clinton and a host of high-level aides
descended on this historic lakeside
retreat yesterday afternoon to begin a
three-day cram session for the first
presidential debate, with Clinton said to
be filled with "apprehension" because
his preparations are behind schedule.
White House aides only partly suc-
ceeded at keeping straight faces as
ey carried out the ritual of trying to
wer pre-debate' expectations for
their candidate. Clinton has been so
busy searching for peace in the
Middle East, they said, that he has
scarcely had time to study for Sunday
night's nationally televised encounter
with Republican Bob Dole.
Clinton-Gore campaign
spokesman Joe Lockhart said Clinton
s worried because Dole, who
gturned to Florida yesterday to
resume debate preparations after
campaigning in Tennessee and criti-
cizing Clinton's conduct of foreign
policy, has been "working at this for
about nine days." White House Chief
of Staff Leon Panetta told reporters
on Air Force One "it would be silly
for us to underestimate" Dole's
forensic talents.
While some of the low-balling is
ne with tongue in cheek, Clinton's
e is genuinely worried. Dole's rep-
utation for clipped speech and some-
times hard-to-follow sentences, com-
bined with Clinton's reputation as a
politician with a gift for gab, has
skewed the expectations of how each
side will perform, aides said. With
Clinton far ahead in the polls, so the

for first debate



of the


President Clinton is embraced by Connie Eve at the Greater Buffalo International

University of Michigan
CLOTPHING STORE (14,000 sq. feet)

Airport in Cheektowga, N.Y., yesterday
logic goes, he has little to gain from
the occasion.
White House political director DouI
Sosnik said earlier this week that in most
recent presidential elections, the candi-
date who was behind in the polls prior to
the debate narrowed the margin after it.
White House senior adviser George
Stephanopoulos, arguing that Dole is
better in debate than most people real-
ize, offered a revisionist version of his-

tory about the first time Dole took a
national stage to debate when running
for vice president in 1976. The common
story is that Dole lost badly to
Democrat Walter Mondale with an
impolitic remark about this century's
military conflicts being "Democrat
wars' But Stephanopoulos said he was
recently reviewing video tapes and
found Dole performing very well until
that one off-key comment.

ontnued from Page 1
MSA Vice President Probir Mehta
said a student fee increase enlarging
MSA's budget would ultimately come
back to the students.
"A fee increase will directly benefit
students themselves," Mehta said. "We
want to add to our funds, which will
then go back to students and recycle
intothe campus."
ehta said the amount of money in
thi assembly's budget has been declin-
ing steadily. "In the past, we were get-
tin more money in real terms," he said.
Tis year's $2.69 is down from last
year's $2.94 student fee.
Around the Big Ten, students at
Michigan State University, the
University of Wisconsin and
Northwestern University pay more than
- dents at the University of Michigan.
At Michigan State, students automati-
catty pay $10 per term to the student gov-
eriment, but that money is refundable.
'An interesting facet of our fee is that
it -is refundable," said Frank Aiello,
chair of Associated Students of
Michigan State. "If students don't like
what we are doing, they can get their
money back."
Only student governments at
Pennsylvania State University and
rdue University do not collect any sort
student fee. Both governments raise

their own internal funds and receive
some indirect university funding.
But at a time when MSA would like
to see its fee increased, student govern-
ment fees at other conference schools
have gone down.
At the University of Illinois, the stu-
dent government receives S] per term
from all students on campus. said
Student Body President Michael Siska.
That fee is down from the S2 fee the
government collected until this year.
"Some people think the student gov-
ernment doesn't have enough money to
operate properly now that our fee has
been decreased," Siska said. "But I
think we're fine."
Rose said MSA deserved a larger
student fee regardless of what other Big
Ten schools pay.
"I'm not into comparing apples and
oranges,' she said. "The fact is, we have
a lot of needs on campus and our cur-
rent budget is not providing adequate
funds for those needs."
Some students said funding increas-
es to support both MSA and Project
Serve and the Black Volunteer Network
is a good idea.
"I think they both need the money,"
said Jen Trudell, an LSA first-year stu-
dent. "I would support any increase as
long as it's not an inordinate amount."
Others said $2.69 was just not a big
deal. "$2.69 doesn't sound like too
high a fee," said Tara Koster, an LSA

first-year student. "An increase
sounds like it would be OK."
Rose acknowledged that asking stu-
dents to increase their own fee by $1.50
this year will make it tougher to ask for
another fee increase on behalf of the
assembly's budget.
"We are talking about two fee
increases which may seem like a lot of
money, but we are talking about two
distinctly different causes." Rose said.
"I hope students will not just see these
as fee increases, but see these as two
worthy causes.
Even if students do pass fee increas-
es this November, the extra charges will
have to be approved by the University's
Board of Regents.
"I have no idea whether I would sup-
port such a resolution or not," said
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor). "I
would have to know all of the facts
involved before I could make a decision."
Last March, students voted to create a
separate student fee of $1.84 for Student
Legal Services, and in past years they
have voted to increase the student fee to
increase funding for the Ann Arbor
Tenants' Union and other groups.
"We've had quite a few (ballot ques-
tions) in the past few years and it has to do
with the difficulty in increasing the fee,"
Rose said. "We have to jump through so
many hoops that it is something that
always seems to come up again and

ntinental $159 or $239. Bring your Con-
ental voucher '& AMEX card. Doris at
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VOTING SEASON is about to begin. A
very important National and City election
will be held-once again. Are you ready to
vote? Have you registered yet? Is your cur-
rent registration listed at your current
address? Have you moved since last year?
There is no need to fear. Just call the City of
Ann Arbor, City Clerks' office at: 994-2725.
I am sure you will hear: "yes, of course, you
can register, make changes, and ask
questions, here." This office can tell you
"where," "when," and "times" to vote. As
well, you can make arrangements for an
"absentee" ballot vote. Please do not wait.
Please do not hesitate. October 7th is the
latest registration date. On November 5th. ---
Be ready ---Be prepared---Vote for your
favorite candidates!
Contact: The City of Ann Arbor, City Clerk
office (994-2725) or the Clerk of the
township where you live. If you will be away
on November 5th, make sure you contact the
clerks' office and request an 'absentee"
ballot, right away.

ADOPT Loving mom & dad w/3 yr. old little
girl wish to share their hearts & home w/
newbom. Lots of love, happiness & security.
Expenses pd. Call Debby & Larry 1-800/989-
ADOPTION-U of M alum & her husband
would like to welcome a newbom into their
loving home. Please call Kitty & Alan at 800/
787-9050 or call Jan collect at 810/548-1588.
Young couple seeking to adopt newbom
baby. Lots of love from us and grandparents
is waiting for your baby. Expenses paid. If
you or a friend are choosing adoption, please
contact Mary & Michelle at 800/253-0072.




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back to school a-


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