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October 02, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-02

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 2, 1996


High court to rule
on right to die case

. .. . . .


Supreme Court agreed -yesterday to
decide whether states may ban doctor-
assisted suicides, setting the stage for a
momentous ruling on the "right to die."
Six years after recognizing a con-
stitutional right to refuse lifesaving
treatment, the court said it will decide
by July whether doctors can be barred
from actually giving life-ending drugs
to mentally competent, terminally ill
patients who no longer want to live.
Most states have such laws, but lower
courts this year struck down assisted-
suicide bans imposed by New York and
Washington state. By reviewing those
two rulings, the justices are expected to
set national guidelines.
"This is one of those watershed legal
issues that will be out there until the
nation's highest court makes a deci-
sion," Washington Attorney General
Christine Gregoire said after learning
of the court's action.
Susan Dunshee, president of the
Seattle-based Compassion in Dying
group that successfully challenged the
Washington law, said the court now has
"an opportunity to benefit patients
throughout the country."
Assuming the right to die exists, the

justices said then that a terminally ill
person may refuse life-sustaining med-
ical treatment. Just last year, however,
the justices rejected a challenge by Dr.
Jack Kevorkian to Michigan's ban on
assisted suicide.
Kevorkian's lawyer and a prosecutor
who twice tried unsuccessfully to have
him convicted of helping someone
commit suicide said the lower court rul-
ings will be overturned.
"They took the two cases that sup-
ported Kevorkian's view so they could
overturn them," Kevorkian attorney
Geoffrey Fieger said.
"It is my prediction that the court will
reverse (the New York and Washington)
decisions and allow individual states to
make political decisions based on poli-
cy rather than the Constitution,"
Oakland County Prosecutor Richard
Thompson said.
The generally conservative high
court may choose to overturn the
appeals courts' rulings, said Howard
Simon of the American Civil Liberties
Union in Michigan.
"There is just as much danger that
they're going to do violence to the rights
of Americans as they are likely to protect
the rights of Americans," Simon said.

Clinton refuses congressional subpoena
WASHINGTON - Invoking principles of executive privi-
lege and confidentiality, President Clinton's lawyer refused
yesterday to provide a congressional panel with subpoenaed
documents that were expected to disclose embarrassing
aspects of Clinton's anti-drug and immigrant naturalization
Clinton's refusal to comply with the congressional subpoe-
naes was immediately criticized by a spokesperson for GOP
presidential candidate Bob Dole. "Bill Clinton should be
ashamed of hiding behind the shield of executive privilege,"
said Christina Martin. "It's wrong, it's secretive and it reeks Clinton
of guilt."
The documents were being sought by Republican members of the House
Government Reform and Oversight Committee, who for the past year have also
battled with the White House over documents related to White House supervision
of the travel office and FBI files.
Democrats called the subpoenaes politically motivated. Dole and other
Republicans have frequently criticized Clinton's policies toward immigration an
drug abuse.

Continued from Page 1
members, submit an application for
funding and then attend a hearing
before BPC's 10 committee members.
During the hearing, group leaders
are expected to outline what the
requested money will be used for and
to show they are seeking funding
from groups other than MSA.
"Our biggest problem is groups
don't look for money elsewhere,"
Morgan said. "We want to make sure
they are looking for other funding
outside of MSA."
Individual schools and colleges and
their governments are other potential
funding sources.
Last year BPC gave 30 student
groups more than $1,000 each. Ringing
in as the three highest-funded groups
were the Queer Unity Project, which
got $5,700, the Cycling Club at $3,500
and the Women's Law Students
Association at $3,000.
Cycling Club President Matt Curin
said the process for receiving funding
from BPC was relatively painless.
"You come in a maximum of three
times to get funding," Curin said. "I
think for the amount of money we
received, the process was pretty easy."
Curin said the Cycling Club used
BPC's allocated funds to pay for trav-
eling fees as well as uniform and
clothing costs.
"These funds helped us out a ton
and eased the burden on our mem-
bers" he said. "It made life easier and
increased participation in the club."
But not all student groups receive
the amount of funding they request.

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The Gentlemen, a men's a cappella
singing group, requested almost
$7,000 from BPC last year but only
received $1,320.
"The Gentlemen requested a lot of
money to buy tuxedos for all of their
members," Morgan said. "Because
they were a new group, we wanted
them to establish themselves on cam-
pus before we gave them money to
buy very expensive suits."
This year BPC has revised its hear-
ing system to benefit student groups
that apply early.
Groups that complete applications
before the Oct. 7 deadline will be guar-
anteed a funding hearing in the fall.
Groups that do not meet the deadline
will have to wait for funding
"Basically, we are rewarding
groups that do their homework,"
Lopez said. "If groups hand in the
application after the deadline they
may not be guaranteed a hearing and
they might not get as much money as
they want."
MSA President Fiona Rose said
providing funding for student groups
through BPC is important, but is not
the only service the assembly pro-
vides to students.
"I think it's fantastic more money is
going to student groups," she said.
"But BPC is just one of our many
committees - it is just one of the
ways the government works to serve
Morgan said that although $90,000
is the most money BPC has ever had
available for student groups, it will
not be enough.
"When it comes to funding student
groups, there will never be enough
money," Morgan said.
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all faiths welcome
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Oklahoma bombing
prosecutors gear up
DENVER - A year and a half after
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
were arrested in the Oklahoma City
bombing case, their chief nemesis -
Prosecutor Joseph Hartzler and his
band of government attorneys - will
appear in U.S. District Court here yes-
terday riding a wave of recent success-
The government team quietly scored
a series of victories this summer that
will greatly aid their cases against
McVeigh and Nichols.
Today, the most crucial pre-trial test
of all begins: prosecutors will ask the
court to order McVeigh and Nichols to
be tried together as co-conspirators, and
the defense, arguing that the evidence
against each defendant damages the
other, will ask to have the ex-Army pals
tried separately.
Hartzler, in his first interview since
becoming the lead prosecutor, said he is
keenly aware of the pressure on his
small team of lawyers.
"It is a very serious crime," he said,

speaking haltingly and carefully. "And
you can be sure that everyone involved
in law enforcement wants to make sure
that the case is investigated thoroughly
and prosecuted properly.
"I expect to present our evidence in
court, and for justice to prevail," he
said. "But I am not going to engage in
conversation about the consequences of
this for America."
Court rejects Perot
plea to block debate
WASHINGTON - A federal judge
yesterday rejected a request by Ross
Perot and another third-party candidate
to block Sunday's nationally televise
presidential debate unless they are
allowed to participate.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan,
after hearing more than two hours of
legal arguments, said attorneys for Perot
and Natural Law Party candidate John
Hagelin failed to show they would be
"irreparably harmed" by exclusion from
the debates between President Clinton
and Republican challenger Bob Dole.

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U.S. p ledges flood
relief to Cambodia
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -
Floods caused by seasonal monsoons
have killed more than 80 people in four
Southeast Asian countries, forced thou-
sands from their homes and devastated
rice crops.
In Cambodia, where 14 people died
and another 1.3 million people were
affected by flooding, the U.S. Embassy
donated $25,000 for emergency relief.
Rice, sandbags and oil were rushed to
northern provinces and the capital,
Phnom Penh.
More than 568,000 acres of flooded
rice crops may be destroyed, Uy Sam-
ath, director of the Cambodian Red
Cross disaster management depart-
ment, warned yesterday.
"If the water level is reduced within
the next week, we can expect to see 50
percent of the (flooded) rice crops
destroyed," he said. "But if water still
floods the land after 10 days, all the
crops will be totally destroyed:"
U.S. Ambassador Quinn said the
$25,000 in American aid was requested
by Cambodia's co-premiers.

"The American people have recently
experienced the terrible devastation of
floods, including in my home state of
Iowa. As a result, we understand the
importance of friends helping eac
other at such a time," he said.
Deadly mushrooms
kill 92 in Ukraine
KIEV, Ukraine - Poisonous mush-
*rooms have killed 92 people in Ukraine
and left more than 1,100 hospitalized in
the deadliest mushroom season in years.
Doctors blame the surge in poisoI~
ings on economic hardships, which a
forcing more and more Ukraines to
search for wild mushrooms to eat.
Poisonings frequently occur when
people mistake a deadly white mush-
room common in Ukraine for harmless
Of the 1,186 people sickened from
poisonous mushrooms this year, 298
were children. Last year 78 Ukrainians
died and 1,000 were hospitalized from
mushroom poisoning.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


Alternate Modernities
OOCTOBER 6 01996


Assembly Hall
Rackham Building,
4th Floor
915 E. Washington
12:30 p.m.
Welcoming Speeches
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Opening Talk:
William Connolly (John Hopkins
University): Suffering, Justice,
and the Politics of Becoming
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Founders Room
Alumni Center
200 Fletcher Street
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Kenneth Baynes (SUNY at Stony
Brook): Substance and Procedure
in Habermas' Democratic Theory
Wendy Brown (University of
California, Santa Cruz): Power
Without Logic Without Marx
1:00 - 3:00p.m.
Anson Rabinbach (Princeton
University): Outwitting the Historical
Dynamic: The Role of Mimesis in
the Dialectic of Enlightenment
Nirhlac n .irkj (I lnorci, of Wihin)m

9:00 -11:00 a.m.
of Germany
Wolfgang Emmerich (University of
Bremen): Geist und Macht: Images and
Self-Perceptions of Literary Intellectuals
in Germany since 1945
Antonia Grunenberg (University of Bremen):
"Wer vom Faschismus reden will, darf vom.
Kapitalismus nicht schweigen" (Max
Horkheimer). Intellectual Anti-Liberalism
before 1933 and after 1945
Konrad Jarausch (University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill): German Intellectuls
and the Double Burden of Memory

Pendleton Room
Michigan Union
530 State Street

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub-
scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated collegiate Press.
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NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell, Megan Schimpf, Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Brian Campbell, Anita Chik, Jodi S. Cohen, Jeff Cox, Jeff Eldridge, Jennifer Harvey, Heather Kamins, Marc Lightdale
Laurie Mayk, Heather Miller, Stephanie Powell, Anupama Reddy, Alice Robinson, Matthew Smart, Ann Stewart, Christopher Wan, Katie
Wang, Will Weissert Jenni Yachnin.
EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Raimi, Editors
STAFF: Niraj R. Ganatra, Samuel Goodstein, Katie Hutchins, Yuki Kuniyuki, Jim Lasser, James Miller, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Steven Musto
Jack Schillaci, Paul Serilla, Ron Steiger, Jason Stoffer, Mpatanishi Tayari, Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, John Leroi, Danielle Rumore, Barry Sollenberger.
STAFF: Nancy Berger, Chris Farah, John Friedberg, James Goldstein, Kim Hart. Kevin Kasiborski, Andy Knudsen, Will McCahill,,Sharat Raju,
Pranay Reddy, Jim Rose, Richard Shin. Mark Snyder, Dan Stillman, Jacob Wheeler, Ryan White.
ARTS Brian A. Gnatt, Joshua Rich, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Greg Parker, Elan A. Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Dean Bakopoulos (Fine Arts), Lise Harwin (Music), Tyler Patterson (Theater), Jen Petlinski (Film).
STAFF: Colin Bartos, Eugene Bowen, Neal C. Carruth, Melanie Cohen, Kar Jones, Stephanie Jo Klein, Emily Lambert, Bryan Lark, Kristin
Long Elizaeth Lucas, James Miller, Heather Phares, Ryan Posly, Aaron Rennie, Dave Snyder, Prashant Tamaskar, Ted Watts, Kelly Xintaris,
Michael Zilberman.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Editor
STAFF: Josh Biggs, Jennifer Bradley-Swift, Bohdan Damian Cap. Margaret Myers, Jully Park, Damian Petrescu, Kristen Schaefer, Jonathan
Summer, Joe Westrate. Warren Zinn.
COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Edit
STAFF: Jill Litwin, Heather Miller, Matt Spewak.
ONLINE Scott Wilcox, Editor
STAFF: Dana Goldberg, Jeffrey Greenstein, Charles Harrison, Anuj Hasija, Adam Pollack, Vamshi Thandra, Anthony Zak.
GRAPHICS Melanie Sherman, Editor

Peter U. Hohendahl (Cornell
University): From the Eclipse of
Reason to Communicative Rationality
Gyan Prakash (Princeton University):
Reason and Its Post-Colonial Doubling

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