Tonight: Cloudy and cool, low
around 45°.
Tomorrow: Chance of showers
high around 700.
One hundred six years of edi'toral freedom
October 1, 1996
e " , n
debate in
Mideast summit convenes today
Israeli, Palestinian, Jordanian leaders come to D.C. for emergency meeting
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
DETROIT -- Senate challengers
Carl Levin and Ronna Romney drew
their battle lines yesterday with the same
mud dished out at Sunday's debate.
Incumbent Levin and Republican
challenger Romney blamed each other
the woes of their respective parties
d institutions at a debate hosted by
the Economic Club of Detroit at Cobo
Hall. Levin painted Romney as a blind
follower of the Newt Gingrich revolu-
tion, while. Romney charged that
- ----- L e v i n ' s
Washington" is
responsible for
national economic
Romney said
her comments
were not personal
attacks, but com-
mentary on
Levin's political
Levin record. "That is
fair game for
everybody," she said.
Since Levin campaign workers can't
dig up voting records or old legislation
a her, they have connected her to
.minent Republicans, Romney said.
"I don't have a record, so you know
who he has to attack? Dole and
Gingrich," Romney said after the debate.
Voters didn't hear anything new at
the debate, Levin
campaign man-
ager Chuck
Wilbur said.
"People look at
Carl Levin's
record - they
look at what he's
done," Wilbur said
after the event.
Levin repeat-
Romney edly referred to
the Headstart
education program as a federal pro-
gram "critical to our future, crtitical to
the growth of income." Levin used the
rogram as a symbol for grassroots
ucation and reform opposed by
After Levin's numerous references
to the program, however, Romney pro-
posed a trade.
"1Il trade you a tax increase for
Headstart," Romney said.
Romney defended GOP proposals
Levin said would "reassert a failed eco-
nomic policy."
"Our tax relief is needed to promote
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - After brushing aside last-
minute Arab appeals for a delay, President Clinton
today convenes an emergency summit meeting of
Arab and Israeli leaders designed to break a new
cycle of violence that threatens to wreck five years
of tortuous Middle East peace negotiations.
The two-day meeting is expected to bring
together Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser
Arafat and Jordan's King Hussein, but there is no
guarantee of a successful outcome. Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak bowed out yesterday,
and sent his foreign minister to represent him,
because of what Egyptian officials termed "a lack
of adequate preparations."
Speaking with reporters en route to Washington,
Netanyahu offered to hold "continuous negotia-
tions" with the Palestinians on terms for with-
drawing Israeli troops from the West Bank town of
Hebron, a pullout originally scheduled to take
place last March. But Israeli officials continued to
flatly reject Arab demands that Israel close a
pedestrian tunnel near Muslim and Jewish holy
sites in East Jerusalem whose opening last week
sparked Palestinian street riots and an armed con-
frontation between Palestinian police and Israeli
soldiers in which more than 70 people died.
With Arab and Israeli leaders digging them-
selves into mutually exclusive diplomatic posi-
tions, Clinton administration spokesperson
attempted to lower expectations for the meeting
here. They said they would consider the summit a
success if it halted the drift toward further violence
and renewed the political dialogue between the
Israelis and the Palestinians.
"It's clear to me that the Middle East peace
process is in a state of crisis," said Secretary of
State Warren Christopher, who has spent more
time on the search for an Arab-Israeli peace settle-
ment than any other single foreign policy issue.
"You have to keep going forward."
State Department spokesperson Nicholas Burns
said that U.S. goals at the summit could be reduced
to five words: "Meet, stop fighting, begin talking."
King Hussein arrived here at 7:20 p.m. last
night, and went directly to the White House to see
Clinton. Netanyahu was expected to arrive later in
the evening, while Arafat was due to fly in around
5 a.m. this morning after meeting with European
foreign ministers in Luxemburg.
Arafat had earlier joined Mubarak in callng
for a postponement of the talks until the week-
end in order to bring international pressure to
bear on Israel to close the tunnel beneath the
edge of the sacred hill in Jerusalem known to
Jews as the Temple Mount and to Arabs as
Haram Sharif.
In contrast to most summit meetings, which are
See MIDEAST, Page 7
Military cuts concern
students, v
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
For a select group of voters, some campaign
issues aren't just partisan politics, they're matters of
life and death.
Veterans and military servicemen and women say
the results of the November election may determine
everything from the scope of their health care to
their safety in the battlefield.
LSA sophomore and U.S. Marine Sgt. Brian
Broderick said veterans will look closely at
defense budget proposals when casting their
"We want increases in the defense budget"
Broderick said. "Everyday
there's ships out there on
stand by, waiting to go ashore
if needed, and they're out
there with basically crappy
"There's no way the
defense budget should be
cut," he said.N
Joe Fitzsimmons.
Republican candidate for
Congress in Michigan's 13th District, said
Republicans will not move to cut the defense bud-
"I'm very strong on defense," Fitzsimmons
said. "There's just got to be a lot of common
John Hanson, deputy assistant secretary of the
Department of Veterans Affairs, said the provision
and maintenance of benefits will be the most impor-
tant issue facing veterans and servicemen and
women in the coming election. He said such bene-
fits are part of the overriding national issue of access
to health care.
"Right now veterans have to jump through hoops
to get health care," Hanson said.
Jerry Newberry, Michigan chair of Veterans for
Clinton/Gore, said President Clinton has worked
hard to help veterans.
"Bill Clinton knows the benefits of health care
for veterans," he said. "He has done more for
veterans than any sitting president since
Major eligibilty rule reforms and the development
of outreach programs have been great Democratic
achievements, Newberry said. "They're doing more
with less dollars," he said.
Hanson said a number of people criticize the
maintenance of the VA because the number of vet-
erans is declining. Hanson said even though there
are fewer veterans, that doesn't mean the VA budget
should decrease as well. He said aging veterans and
younger veterans alike must continue to be provided
"Whoever is looking at
issues for veterans should be
looking at issues for
younger veterans," Hanson
More research into the
mysterious "Gulf War syn-
drome" plaguing many
Gulf War veterans must be
done, Hanson said. He said
No. 2 in a 12-part series. the government must con-
tinue to try to find out the cause of their problems
and compensate for their illnesses.
He said the quality of future U.S. military forces
depends on such research. "Any veteran who comes
out should know the country is going to do every-
thing it can do to take care of them," Hanson said.
"If we don't take care of our young veterans today;
their sons and daughters won't want to serve in the
Broderick said he knows many servicemen and
women who returned from the Gulf with mysterious
symptoms, ranging from "funky dreams to twitch-
ing." He said more research has to be done.
"We have to give it the attention it deserves,"
Broderick said. "You can't turn your shoulder on the
people who served for their country."
College Republicans President Nicholas Kirk, an
LSA junior, said President Clinton has not been a
See MILITARY, Page 7
Architecture first-year student Nicole McCall sketches on the steps of the William
Clements Library yesterday.
See DEBATE, Page 7
Vendors sell a
variety of 'dogs'
. ,
By Carly Blatt
For the Daily
Every day, hungry students are
tempted by yet another diversion
etween classes: hot dollar dogs avail-
le from vendors around campus.
Hot dog vendors selling a variety of
"dogs," such as beef dogs, turkey dogs,
.veggie dogs, bratwursts, and stadium
kielbasas provide a quick, inexpensive
"It's an in-between meal," said
Kwame McShan, a first-year graduate
student in Education. "I usually eat
them when I won't have a chance to eat
1til later."
University students make up much of
the vendors' business. "The majority of
people (who buy hot dogs) are stu-
dents," vendor Tim Ciersezwski said,
who works at Bierner's Hot Dog Stand
at the corner of North University
Aami a .sa Stret
they buy a dollar dog and they're
Some students said they like the con-
venience of the stands. "It's quick, and
it's convenient. I buy hot dogs about
once a week," said Rackham first-year
student Daniel Zarazva.
The stands are open to accommodate
students for lunch, as well as for snacks.
Most stands open around 11 a.m., and
stay open until 4 or 5 p.m.
Vendor Zzakyra Prince, who also
works at Dog Gone Dogs, said his
stand is "busiest between noon and I
p.m., and is usually quiet after 3
Periods between classes are busy as
well. "We have a lot of people at 11, 12
and 1, right on the hour' Ciersezwski
Vendors said they enjoy working at
the stands. "I like being outside, getting
sun" said Steve Goldsmith. who works
rush to be
By Ericka M. Smith
For the Daily
They've showered. They've cleaned
the bathrooms. But this week, only
men are invited.
Interfraternity Council Rush season
is upon us.
Officially, the season kicked off
Sunday, offering University men the
chance .to learn about the Greek
System here at Michigan.
Men wishing to rush are invited to
visit any of the 31 IFC fraternity open
houses, held each night until Oct. 3;
and Oct. 6-8.
"At open houses, fraternities will have
food and soda and will answer ques-
tions," said Terry Landes, the fraternity
adviser for the Office of Greek Life.
The open houses offer a chance for
rushees to decide which fraternity
would be best for them. They also offer
Tim Clersezwski hands Tom Slack a hot dog while Michelle Haynes waits to order. Barry Bierner's dogs are a popular, quick
snack for University students.