4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 30, 1996 iIue gAhdl' rag1 420 Maynard Street RONNIE GLASSBERG Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and managed by *" ADRIENNE JANNEY students at the ZACHARY M. RAIMI University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Paying for papyrus ITD saps students to make up funding he University's Information accounts. The overhead cost of printing a Technology Division recently page could hardly increase twofold in a announced a change in the cost structure of year. The administration should not force campus computing: The price of printing at students to subsidize underfunded areas of University computing sites has increased the ITD budget. 100 percent. Meanwhile, ITD decreased Most college students need to find ways the monthly computing allocation for both to cut costs. With a decreased allocation and faculty and students. The new fees are larger printing fees, all of a student's com- unreasonable. puting funds might have to be used for The monthly allocation for computing is printing. Since printing is essential, stu- now $10 per month. Compared to last year, dents will have less room to prioritize. For this is a decline of $3:50 per month for fac- instance, many will not have the funds to ulty and doctoral candidates, and $1.50 per pay ITD for the additional memory neces- month for students and staff. The allocation sary to set up an Internet homepage. Others will significantly affect the number of free will no longer check e-mail from their computing services students can use. homes. Through increasing costs, ITD is Without paying out-of-pocket, students will making campus computing a luxury rather not be able to add as much memory to their than a service to students. IFS accounts, which allocate personal space The University takes pride in its superi- on University accounts servers. Moreover, or technology. At every campus tour for those dialing into the University computing prospective students, guides announce that system with a modem will need to be espe- the University has the second largest collec- cially careful about the use of their funds. tion of Macintosh computers in the nation With costs ranging as high as $0.44 per - second only to Macintosh itself. Never hour to access the system, many students do the tour guides mention that full use of who subscribe to several ITD services this technology is only available because might need to pay to check e-mail from students pay a fee in addition to their hefty their home. Throughout the year, students tuition bill. In today's workforce, knowl- will feel the pinch from the increased cost edge of the Internet and other computer resulting from the new allocation. resources is becoming a prerequisite for any The cost of University printers has risen job. The University has the responsibility to from four to eight cents per page. Many stu- give all students the chance to acquire these dents and faculty members do a significant skills - whether or not the students have a amount of written work each month. tight budget. English and political science majors, or stu- ITD's new cost structure raises questions dents writing dissertations or honors theses about the University's commitment to pro- - all of whom produce many papers - viding comprehensive technological may print several hundred pages per month. resources. Charging more to print while Coupled with the decreased monthly alloca- giving students less money to spend on tion, the increase in printing fees will force computing is counterintuitive. The many students to add cash to their ITD University needs to change its priorities. Unjust a mpizng DNA bill would infringe on citizens' rights NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'I don't think it's Washington's job to go out and help average Americans.' - Lyn Nofzinger, former presidential adviser to Ronald Reagan, referring to welfare policy JIM LASSER SHARP AS TOAST t /. 4., j .4. 'SHE MEDIAL. I EXPECTED TO $RINC HoIE .. \ L L Q ti . ' LErFERS TO THE EDITOR L ast Wednesday, the Michigan Legislature approved a bill that would allow the police to draw DNA samples from convicted murderers, rapists and kidnap- pers. Under the bill, law enforcement agents would keep the samples in order to identify repeat offenders. The measures also would allow law enforcement officials to take similar action with juveniles con- victed of certain crimes - an extension of current law, which only allows DNA sam- pling of juveniles convicted as adults. The bill is objectionable on seteral fronts. First, it violates the right to privacy by allowing the government potential access to a great deal of personal informa- tion that is irrelevant to suspect identifica- tion. Unlike fingerprints, private medical histories could become public knowledge. Second, one of the bill's assumptions is that criminals will commit crimes again - which makes rehabilitation obsolete. In that climate, convicted criminals would become pariahs in society, and the effect would be cyclical. While proposing the legislation, state Rep. Gerald Law (R-Plymouth) said, "... someday they are going to get out and com- mit other crimes." A lack of rehabilitation efforts would have more serious ramifica- tions for juveniles, making it more difficult to correct youthful wrong turns on the way to becoming productive members of soci- ety. Furthermore, the information will have no significant effect on the pace or success rate of criminal investigations. Crimes in which DNA information is critical to iden- the samples' integrity would be expensive. The legislaiion is irresponsible on a cost- benefit analysis alone. Moreover, these measures could dis- courage thorough crime investigations, par- ticularly in highly publicized cases, where police departments experience significant pressure to make an arrest. Many remem- ber the fiasco with the Ann Arbor rapist case - the man convicted was not among the 190 people rounded up to match their DNA to the police sample. The legislation could make it easier for the authorities to find a fall guy instead of completing an effective police investigation. Also, the law could open a Pandora's box of attacks on personal privacy. It is not difficult to imagine someone making the argument that all citizens should have DNA files on record to speed identification should they one day commit a criminal act. Finally, in the court of public opinion, the jury is still out on DNA "fingerprint- ing." The public has yet to be educated con- cerning the specific value of DNA testing. Recent court cases have demonstrated that, at a basic level, many do not understand the premise behind DNA identification - and these same people sit on juries. Before law enforcement officials become dependent on the new identification form, the public needs time to make educated decisions on the issue. As technology advances, DNA finger- printing should become as widely under- stood and accepted as traditional finger- printing. Until then, the Legislature should halt the nrocess of the legislation - and, at Writer misses benefits of environment TO THE DAILY: Just a couple of quick comments regarding state- ments made by Nicholas Kirk and quoted in the Daily ("Environment concerns key to Great Lakes campaigns' 9/26/96). Kirk maintains that "Bill Clinton would rather save the environment than save American jobs." If we don't save the envi- ronment, there will be no America in which to save jobs, or no Americans to give jobs to. And as for his stipu- lation that Republicans are pro-environment and pro- business ... businesses are some of the most prominent in theicountry in regards to polluting the environment. Unless support only goes to, shall we say, "environment- friendly" businesses, I hardly see a way to support both at the same time. Jobs can even be created to help solve the problems of environmental degradation, helping to offset any jobs that might be lost due to environmental legisla- tion. Sounds to me like Kirk and his supporters are more concerned with their own pocketbooks than with pollu- tion. JEAN ADAMS LSA SENIOR Do not offer praise to lTD TO THE DAILY: I find it difficult to believe that anyone would praise the Information Technology Division's waste- ful administration ("Get in line," 9/20/96). Only TD could make CAEN look like a computing panacea. JOEL PARRIOTT RACKHAM Kirk's letter does not tell whole truth TO THE DAILY: I am getting very tired of the half-truths that students, such as Nicholas Kirk, are spreading through the University community. In his letter to the Daily regarding Clinton's tax increases ("Reagan years helped grow the economy," 9/17/96), Kirk says, "The United States was slapped with the largest tax increase in history." of all wealth increases between 1983 and 1989 went to the wealthiest 20 percent of Americans. More, 62 per- cent of wealth increases went to the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans. If this does not bother anyone, rest assured they are probably among that top 20 percent. Be clear on the facts: The only people that benefited under Reagan were thevwealthy. Kirk says, "(Income inequalities are) not the fault of Republicans." Of course they are. But don't forget that it took a Democrat-controlled' Congress to pass the tax cuts that enabled the economy to "grow." Make no mistake, those who supported Reagan's tax cuts knew they would benefit the rich and subsequently hurt the poor. In every budget plan Congress passes, Congress chooses how much it redistributes income. It's important to note the effects of Reagan's tax cuts when looking at Dole's new proposal. Dle claims that an across-the-board tax cut will stimulate the economy and relieve the burden off over- taxed families. More likely, it will decrease servicessprovided to the poor, increase the wealth of the already wealthy, and increase the budget deficit. If Bob Dole wants to help working people, he should lower taxes on the poor and middle classes and raise them on the wealthy. NOAH ROBINSON RC JUNIOR A balanced budget? TO THE DAILY: I'd like to respond to Juliette Cox's letter to the editor ("Rivers is inept: Vote Fitzsimmons," 9/25/96) about Republican congressional candidate Joe Fitzsimmons. Cox referred to three specific policies in her support of Fitzsimmons, which, when taken together, are ridiculous, if not contradictory. Cox indicated that Fitzsimmons "emphasizes passing the balanced-budget amendment and cutting more taxes to help revitalize our economy." Additionally, Fitzsimmons is interested in promoting or "protecting educational funding, making 'student loans more afford-' able." It seems to me that these three policies, taken together, would be nearly impossible to accomplish, not to mention dangerous. Initially, a balanced bud- get would be a terrific thing, but legislation to limit dence is absent, we shouldn't tie their hands with economic sanctions, but rather vote-in competent individuals in the first place. Balancing a deficit budget requires cut- ting expenses and/or increas- ing revenues. Notice, howev- er, that Fitzsimmons' other platforms are cutting taxes and increasing spending, or reducing interest revenues on educational funding. Perhaps Fitzsimmons is confused - maybe he is lying - or pos- sibly he plans to cut funds from other areas and increase revenues from citizens in another way that he is not telling us about. In any case, is this who you suggest replacing U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) with? Tax cuts will revitalize our economy, Cox and Fitzsimmons maintain. How? What is the multiplier effect of consumer (or busi- ness) spending on the econo- my? It seems to me that the 1980s proved supply-side economics are not a practical long-term solution to an ail- ing economy. Also, since when is the economy in need of revitalization? We have moderate, sustained econom- ic growth now, and interest rates are incredibly static. Once Fitzsimmons is done cutting taxes and bal- ancing the budget, where is the money going to come from to subsidize education? I know that crazy Democrats, like myself, don't know a thing about economic policy, but I think that cutting rev- enue and increasing expenses doesn't balance a deficit bud- get. If you can explain it to me, I'd be glad to listen: fnn@umich.edu. JASON FINN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Signing is not universal TO THE DAILY: In the article "Louder than Words," (9/25/96) a stu- dent was quoted saying sign language is universal. That is far from the truth. Every country around the world has its own sign language. In the past year, I had the privilege of volunteering my services as an interpreter at the World Deaf Magician's Festival. There were some deaf gentlemen from Japan, and another deaf man from the island of Cyprus. The sign languages they use are very different from American Sign Language. It is true that deaf people tend to be able to communicate with deaf peo- ple from other countries. Indeed, American Sign COMl VTCHEST At the antique store:Ater a hundred years, it gains value "Recognizing that the University was away behind the times in a most important feature of college life, and that the develop- ment ofjournal- ism was all in the way of specializa- tion, the staff of tihe DAILY pro- posed to set the ball rolling by establishing a paper which should attempt to do but one thing ADRIENNE -give the news JANNEY - promptly and accurately. The DAILY pretends to do nothing else." - The Michigan Daily, Oct. 2, 1890 D a-dada-da. Da-da. Recognize it? Guess not. It's easy to be tone deaf on paper. Da-dada-da. Da-da. OK, I'll try another route. One hundred six. No, I'm not talking about a pack of first-years on the way to fall rush. And I don't mean the number of 12- ounce glasses of beer in a keg. Yesterday we celebrated The Michigan Daily's 106th year of editor- ial freedom. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! (Oh, that's what she was trying to sing.) I know. I'm a regular musical genius. That's why the arts department won't let me write music reviews. But some idiot told me I could write this column. I'm getting old and senile. It's true. In less than two weeks I will be 22 years old. I'm over the hill. Washed up. Past my prime. I hit adulthood while I was still in high school. I'll be a fifth-year senior at age 23 - tell me THAT isn't depressing. After all, after you pass your 21st, it's just not as much fun. Those of you who are 22 understand me. The rest of you will figure it out eventually. One hundred and six isn't all that exciting in the scheme of things. The Daily has already passed her centenni- al. Halfway to 200 she might get a lit tle rowdy. But 106? So we took a break from our work- day to pause for a moment to eat cake. (But there was no champagne con- sumption. Not in a University build- ing. That would be against the rules and if we broke the rules, they might come after us with the Code.) We ate marble cake, in fact. And I reflected - something I've only taken to now that old age is approaching and I will not have my faculties much longer. TheDaily has a history that I did not help form. But now I am irrevocably a part of it, linked to all my predeces- sors. The editorial positions they chose for the Daily, the impressions - good and bad - that they left on campus are now part of me. Maybe five years from now, the editorial page editor will wonder how they did business in the 106th year. Or not. But it's all part of a chain. Consider that the Michigan Union used to be men-only. The League was built to accommodate women. Dorms used to enforce curfews. Former University President James Duderstadt's Agenda for Women can- not be evaluated without its historical context. Nor could the fight against the a code of non-academic conduct. Poring through old bound volumes of the Daily, I found then-Law student Eric Schnaufer's opinion on the former University President Robben Fleming's (that's right, Fleming) pro- posed code. Schnaufer had helped to organize a 1984 "No Code" movement and said, "This is the vaguest, nastiest, most obnoxious code proposed to date. Fleming's statement on discrimination is the boldest and loudest fuck you' to students in years." Schnaufer so eloquently brought. together a past and future context for the code. It's a context that's much bigger than, you or me. Once a Daily staffer who shall remain nameless - caught me wear ing my Daily T-shirt on campus. "You wear that thing in public? Are you crazy?" And proudly. But in his mind it made me a sitting duck. And in mine, it displayed my link to - more than a hundred years of tradition