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September 26, 1996 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-26

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 26, 1996 - 7A



H scracks
down on
. .l
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House voted to crack down
Son illegal aliens yesterday, passing a bill that would nearly
.double the number of border patrol officers and speed up
deportation procedures.
"This bill secures America's borders, penalizes alien
smugglers, expedites the removal of criminal and illegal
aliens, prevents illegal aliens from taking American jobs
and ends non-citizens' abuse of the welfare system," said
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who introduced the legisla-
The House also was considering the fiery issue of whether
states should be allowed to close schoolhouse doors to immi-
*grant children who are in the country illegally.
Some Democrats bitterly opposed the huge immigration
bill, saying it was too hard on legal immigrants and not hard
;enough of unscrupulous employers who knowingly hire ille-
gal aliens. They have urged President Clinton to veto it, but
the White House has not said whether he will do so.
Yet the 229 Republicans - almost all the GOP members
in the House - were joined by 76 Democrats in approving
the bill and sending it to the Senate, which was expected to
vote on it later this week. Voting against the bill were 117
Democrats, five Republicans and one independent.
Republicans - who worked for two years to bring the
immigration bill to a final vote - said the bill was Congress'
first serious action against illegal immigration in years.
"Every three years enough illegal aliens enter the country
permanently to populate a city the size of Boston or Dallas or
San Francisco,' Smith said as the House voted on the mea-
sure that was a compromise of separate bills passed last
spring by the House and Senate.
But Democrats called the bill a ruse that does not attack
the true causes of illegal immigration. Some also suggested
that Republicans were using the issue to score points with
voters weeks before the election.
"The problem with this bill is that it cons the American
people into thinking major new steps are going to be done,"
;said Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif).
Under the bill, local police and other law enforcement offi-
cers would have new powers to detain and remove illegal
aliens and foreigners would have a tougher time winning U.S.
asylum by claiming persecution in their home countries.
Penalties for alien smuggling and document fraud would
be increased.

Yeltsin's surgery
postponed for
at least 6 weeks

Los Angeles Times
MOSCOW - The surgery for
Russian President Boris Yeltsin will be
postponed for at least six weeks because
his heart is damaged and he will proba-
bly need another two months after a
triple- or quadruple-bypass operation to
recuperate, his doctors said yesterday.
That announcement by Russian sur-
geons and Michael DeBakey, the
American heart-bypass pioneer who is
consulting here, was aimed at dis-
pelling fears that Yeltsin, 65, who has
been hospitalized for almost two weeks,
is too weak to undergo surgery.
But it threatened to leave Moscow
without an active leader for most of the
winter and prompted even more moves
by the president's potential successors
to draw attention to themselves.
The medical luminaries, who met for
three hours of consultations at the
Central Clinical Hospital, were deter-
minedly upbeat about the delay in the
president's planned surgical proce-
dures. They said Yeltsin's condition had
improved since a heart attack in late
June - a seizure unreported at the time
- and the delay was needed to ensure
"If we were to conduct the operation
today, we could expect a positive result.
The chances of the positive result
would be about 80 percent. But if we
give the patient another six weeks to
prepare for the operation, the chances
of success will be close to 100 percent,"
said Renat Akchurin, the surgeon who
is expected to operate on Yeltsin, with
DeBakey watching.
As well as heart muscle damage,
DeBakey admitted that Yeltsin had been
losing blood in recent months and said
the cause for this needed to be investi-
gated. "It is an easily correctable thing,
but we have to be sure,' he said, adding
that the Russian leader's kidneys and
liver are functioning normally.

The drawn-out timetable announced
yesterday would schedule the operation
between early November and December
- and DeBakey left open the possibili-
ty of more postponements by saying the
timing depended on what the medical
team observed in the next six weeks.
Kremlin officials have no political
option now but to continue to insist that
Yeltsin will soon be fit enough to
undergo surgery. Any suggestion that
he is too ill to operate upon would
intensify a struggle between his would-
be successors? it would threaten
Russia's post-election stability.
Other presidential hopefuls have
used growing public anxiety about
Yeltsin's future - and the prospect of
Russia drifting back into the chaos of
its recent past - to seek the spotlight
for themselves with demands for
Yeltsin's resignation or apocalyptic
warnings about disasters facing Russia.
Communist Gennady Zyuganov,
beaten in the July election, has claimed
that Yeltsin deceived voters about his
health and was reelected under false
pretense. On Tuesday, he demanded
Yeltsin's resignation - an action
echoed yesterday by former Soviet
leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
Yesterday, Russian Security Council
chief Alexander Lebed also took his
turn, asserting that Russia's underpaid
armed forces were on the verge of
revolt. The outspoken former general,
who is not in the government but
answers directly to Yeltsin, also criti-
cized U.S. missile attacks on Iraq.
The Clinton administration responded
quickly, accusing Lebed of undermining
U.S.-Russian relations. "Frankly, we are
puzzled with the comments of Mr.
Lebed because they are so inconsistent
with the generally good cooperation we
have had with the Russian government,"
said State Department spokesperson
Nicholas Burns.

A German Tragedy
Johann Astner and his wife Christina cry in each other's arms during the funeral of their daughter
Natalie in Epfach, Germany, yesterday. Seven-year-old Natalie had been kidnapped on her way to
school and left to drown.

France, U.S. cross signals over Bosnia

Los Angeles Times
UNITED NATIONS - A top French official said
yesterday that the United States has accepted a two-
year plan for consolidating the peace in Bosnia-
Herzegovinia that would include a continued presence
of Western ground forces.
But this assertion - made by French. Foreign
Minister Herve de Charette - was quickly denied by
State Department spokesperson Nicholas Burns.
He said Secretary of State Warren Christopher had
been informed in general about the plans by Charette
in a meeting in early September "but he (Christopher)
did not agree to anything."
In Bergen, Norway, there were news service reports
- that senior U.S. officials - meeting with their NATO
counterparts - supported a proposal by European
defense ministers for the alliance to start planning a
new military mission that could replace the NATO-led
peace force, known as IFOR, by the end of the year.
This seemed to be a change in the U.S. position.
When Secretary of Defense William Perry arrived in
Bergen on Tuesday, he told reporters that talk about a
new peacekeeping force in Bosnia was "premature."
The conflicting accounts of the Paris meeting by

French and U.S. officials and the confusing signals
from Bergen reflected just how politically delicate the
issue of international involvement in Bosnia is for
President Clinton. He has pledged that U.S. peace-
keeping troops will start leaving Bosnia by the end of
this year.
Pressure for an extended military mission also came
from Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic. who told
the U.N. General Assembly yesterday that "the pres-
ence of the international military forces will be indis-
pensable for a certain and limited period of time and
economic assistance is necessary for a longer period."
Some comments from European officials seemed to
indicate a possible way for Clinton to fulfill his pledge
and still take part in a new military mission to Bosnia.
In a breakfast meeting at the United Nations, British
Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind predicted to
reporters that, as Clinton has promised, the present
NATO-led mission will leave Bosnia as scheduled.
But the British minister said he did not look on its
departure as the end of international military
patrolling Bosnia.
"The odds are pointing to some sort of follow-on
military deployment," he said, adding that a decision

would probably be made at a conference in London at
the end of November or early December.
Asked if British troops would take part in that kind
of military mission in Bosnia if Clinton refused to
send U.S. troops, Rifkind replied with a stark "Nope.
Charette, replying to a similar question in a more
elliptical way, said that "the presence of a French force
would depend on the measures approved"' by the
But in the past, French President Jacques Chirac has
made it clear that he would not keep French troops in
Bosnia if the United States refused to allow any of its
troops there.
Trying to explain the difference in the French and
American assessments of the September Christopher-
Charette meeting, a French spokesperson said the
minister was clearly talking about general principles,
not details, when he told reporters at breakfast, "'The
(French) proposal was accepted by the United States
at a meeting I had with Warren Christopher in Paris."
Charette said that, even when the Dayton, Ohio,
peace accords were negotiated a year ago, "we all real-
ized that one year was too short" a period for a peace-
keeping mission.

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